Israeli president warns Lebanon to rein in Hezbollah or face a war neither side wants


RivlinIsraeli President Reuven Rivlin on Thursday warned  the Lebanese government that if it doesn’t stop Hezbollah’s aggression against Israel, the militant  group will drag both countries into war.

“Lebanon bears sovereign responsibility for all Hezbollah action,” Rivlin told the incoming French ambassador to Israel, Eric Danon, during a ceremony upon receiving diplomatic credentials from several new ambassadors, his office said in a statement.

“We say clearly to the Lebanese government and its allies around the world: Hezbollah’s aggression must be stopped before we find ourselves dragged into a conflict that neither Lebanon nor Israel want,” Rivlin said.

France maintains strong ties with Lebanon

Tensions with Hezbollah and its patron Iran have soared in recent weeks.

Rivlin told  the french envoy  that “in recent weeks we have seen evidence of growing Iranian activity in Syria and Lebanon.”

“Israel will not tolerate threats to the safety of its citizens,” Rivlin said. “With the Iranians, Hezbollah is building factories to produce missiles to fire on Israel and that is something that Israel cannot tolerate. The government of Lebanon cannot make excuses that it is not its responsibility. Hezbollah is part of Lebanon, part of the government of Lebanon, part of the people of Lebanon”, Rivlin warned





8 responses to “Israeli president warns Lebanon to rein in Hezbollah or face a war neither side wants”

  1. hezbo lesbo nabi chit
    canaan kmo bereshit
    veulai yoter mukdam
    esh kofim ein bnei adam

  2. Ezekiel Okeke Avatar
    Ezekiel Okeke

    It is not Lebanon war, it is not Hezbollah war. It is war between Southern Countries Union- SCU and vanquished fallen Anglo-America in this 21st century world of Multipolar international order in which Israel of insane Netanyahu are agents of vanquished fallen Anglo-America against Southern Countries Union- SCU. Israel of insane Netanyahu which violated Southern Countries Union- SCU member states territorial borders, must pay the price to the full with whatever it takes. It is Southern Defence Force- SDF job to finish. This is 21st century world of Multipolar international order. 20th century world international order of the fallen Anglo-America is dead and gone forever. Anglo-America has fallen and gone forever. God Is With Us!!!

    1. h schmettlapp Avatar
      h schmettlapp

      Two things are certain:
      1. You are not authorized to speak for “Us”, whoever all might be included in that grouping
      2. Your god may be partisan enough to follow your wishes, but the one true G_d is not known to you
      and thus:
      * you speak falsely,
      * you represent evil,
      * you should first get your own house order before presuming to either instruct or lead others in their own affairs

      Goodnight, goodbye, and good riddance

      1. Ezekiel Okeke Avatar
        Ezekiel Okeke

        Reality is inevitable. You’re in 21st century world of Multipolar international order. You can’t do anything about it. Israel can’t do anything about it. it is either present Israel respect this 21st century world of Multipolar international order or go down in it. Palestinians has come to stay- it is irreversible. Existence securities and freedom of Palestinians are Non-Negotiable in this 21st century world of Multipolar international order. The only thing which is Non-Negotiable indivisible Jerusalem.

        1. Are You crazy? So called by Soviet KGB in 1967 follytically corrected FaLIEstinians are usual Orabians and not West Bankers etc.

    2. Mental Masturbation Is With You!!!

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