Venezuela’s Guaido sets May 1st as the day for ‘largest march in history’ to oust Maduro


Juan GuaidoVenezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido on Friday called on supporters to take to the streets on May 1 for what he called “the largest march in the history” of the South American country to keep the pressure on President Nicolas Maduro to leave power.

Guaido, the head of the opposition-controlled National Assembly who in January invoked the constitution to assume an interim presidency on the basis that Maduro’s 2018 re-election was illegitimate, reiterated his call for the country’s armed forces to take his side in the three-month power struggle.

“They will need to listen to the people saying: enough,” Guaido told a crowd gathered at a plaza in eastern Caracas, setting the date for the march for May 1, International Workers’ Day.

“We call on all the people to join in the largest march in the history of Venezuela to demand the end to the usurpation so this tragedy can end.”

Guaido has been recognized by the United States and most Western nations as the South American country’s rightful leader. The oil-rich country is in a sixth year of recession, marked by hyperinflation and shortages of basic goods that have prompted more than three million to emigrate.

Maduro calls Guaido a U.S. puppet seeking to oust him in a coup and blames the country’s economic woes on a U.S.-led “economic war.” His ruling socialist party has frequently responded to Guaido’s calls for protests over the past few months with simultaneous marches of their own.

Guaido did not specify the final destination of the May 1 demonstration. But some in attendance on Friday called out suggestions that they march on the Miraflores presidential palace.

“He is not alone,” said Ileidi Vargas, a 58-year-old retired teacher who attended the opposition rally on Friday. “Each day we are moving forward, and there is no turning back. It might not happen tomorrow, but it will be soon.”

Despite Guaido’s offers of amnesty to members of the military who facilitate a transition, Maduro remains in control of the armed forces and the day-to-day functions of government.




49 responses to “Venezuela’s Guaido sets May 1st as the day for ‘largest march in history’ to oust Maduro”

  1. Kris Welter Avatar
    Kris Welter

    WHY is anyone…anyone at all…even listening to this U.S. paid buffoon and his foolish rhetoric? Maduro is the LEGITIMATELY elected President. Guaido is now not even an elected official, since he was stripped of his office. Without the U.S. backing him, and the Zio-centric press giving him favorable coverage, Guaido would have faded away long ago. Trump and America are the probnlejm here, not Maduro or even the socialist styled government of Venezuela. Remove the economic sanctions and Venezuela would flourish…sanctions that have been in place for over 20 years.

    If you want to see the true criminal responsible for the suffering of the Venezuelan people, look in the White House.

    1. Are you Dr. Dumbyad’s (slightly) less illiterate step-brother, pal?

      1. Kris Welter Avatar
        Kris Welter

        Your question proves both your ignorance and your illegitimacy. Go back to the sandbox, leave the heavy thinking to us adults.

        1. “the heavy thinking”
          “Heavy thinkers” like yourself should exercise their brain muscles on intellectual forums provided by Russia Today, Sputnik, Press TV and David Duke. Don’t waste your talent here, my genius friend! 🙂

          1. Niemals Avatar

            Heavy thinking adults….
            Jewish effigy hanged and burned in ‘disturbing’ Easter ritual in Poland
            World Jewish Congress voices ‘disgust and outrage’ after sculpture made to look like stereotypical Jew hanged and burned in Polish town of Pruchnik on Good Friday

          2. Kris Welter Avatar
            Kris Welter

            The fact that you opened this gambit by insulting me shows much of what you do NOT have in the way of erudition or sophisticated thought processes. However, I will give you a single chance to prove the worthiness of further repartee with you. Answer three questions, answer them correctly, and I will accept your further communications. Each needs to be answered with a single sentence of not more than 100 characters length.
            1) How do you achieve Peace in the Middle East?
            2) How much does it cost to make this happen?
            3) What form of Government is best suited to the Region, and why?

            Answer those, prove you are worth talking to, and forget the silly forums on PressTV, Sputnik or the others, or teachings and bigoted blatherings of anyone with a connection to any type of political movement. I’ve seen them all. I am unimpressed.

            The ball is in your court.

          3. “I will give you a single chance to prove the worthiness of further repartee with you.”

            “The ball is in your court.”

            Your idiocy is borderline cute, pal. Enjoy your quality time with Dr. Dumbyad, who is the Matron-of-all-morons here. 🙂

          4. Kris Welter Avatar
            Kris Welter

            You see…all you know is the game of insult and degradation. YOU have nothing intelligent to say.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          6. Y K is very smart intelligent commentator. Seems you are fake, please check better yourself

          7. Kris Welter Avatar
            Kris Welter

            If YK was as intelligent as you say, he’d never stoop to insults. Intelligent people don’t NEED to insults others. Which is why I’m not insulting you, even though you are clearly in over your head.

          8. Respect for not insulting, Kris. Also not the problem we are wrong sometimes. Problem if we are corrupted (when hatred and lie). No problem to fight corruption i think. May be Y K want help you, his intention is good, please don’t concentrate yourself on someone’s words, if you are not insult for yourself by yourself, no one can insult you

          9. Kris Welter Avatar
            Kris Welter

            Perhaps YK is just full of himself, and needs to be taken to task for his poor attitude.

          10. No one is above critics, also Y K, also me, also you

          11. “needs to be taken to task for his poor attitude”

            I actually like to be spanked, Krissy boy! Not sure you’re my type, though. 🙁

          12. Niemals Avatar

            Is Kris on of Putin’s kita?

          13. Kris Welter Avatar
            Kris Welter

            In lieu of spanking consider yourself ignored.

          14. “I ran three miles just to make my indifference known to you.” (c)

          15. Niemals Avatar

            Today I learned this from an Arab;
            Bayt al maqdis (Jerusalem), from hebrew, Beit hamikdash, or house of the temple.
            That was interesting, remains to be heard if Putins kita can’t run away from the 3500 years of Jewish history in israel and Jerusalem.

          16. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Jewish history is not Zionist history.

          17. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            A rapist and murderer could take the Bible to court and argue that it
            says in the Bible that the non-virgins should be killed and the virgins
            kept as sex slaves. If the Judge told him we don’t use the Bible as laws
            he could always argue “Why not? It works for Israel?

          18. I took your clinical idiocy and your Nazi malevolence to court and the verdict is “guilty”.

            Capisce, sista?

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            morons Dumbyad pal Russia Today, Sputnik, Press TV David Duke.
            Your people are soo refined

          20. 1) Stop follytically correct calling part of (Soviet KGB) Orabistinians FaLIEstinians (use correct names) 2)Perform antimullahs revolution in Iran 3) Stop cultivate failed “states”. One Tribe – One Emirate is OK. What is good for feudalism, leave to feudalism. What is good for neo-feudalism, leave for neo-feudalism

          21. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            What’s “follytically correct calling part of (Soviet KGB) Orabistinians FaLIEstinians
            (use correct names)

            2)Perform antimullahs revolution in Iran

            3) Stop cultivate failed “states”.

            One Tribe – One Emirate is OK.

            What is good for feudalism, leave to feudalism.

            What is good for neo-feudalism, leave for neo-feudalism”


          22. Easy:)

          23. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          24. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Ancient Man and His First Civilizations Canaan- Modern Palestine-Israel-Lebanon Philistia

        2. Niemals Avatar

          We will leave the heavy thinking to you adults

        3. how old are you, genius?

          1. Kris Welter Avatar
            Kris Welter

            I’m over 60, going on 29. My mind doesn’t believe that my body is actually aging. They’ll get that argument sorted out someday, I suppose.

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        A rapist and murderer could take the Bible to court and argue that it
        says in the Bible that the non-virgins should be killed and the virgins
        kept as sex slaves. If the Judge told him we don’t use the Bible as laws
        he could always argue “Why not? It works for Israel?

    2. Liberal fundamentalist BS

      1. Kris Welter Avatar
        Kris Welter

        America is a LIBERAL Nation. It’s founding documents are haled as the Hallmark of liberal repudiation of classic European monarchical or feudal societies. To be a ”Conservative’ today is to follow those documents, ie. the Constitution and Bill of Rights. That’s not TRUE Conservatism, but is actually a very Liberal way of thinking, espousing equality, opportunity, and fundamental Rights for ALL people, and NATIONS.

        American foreign policy is hypocritical. It denies freedom of determination of other Nations, and seeks to make them Vassal states akin to King George in the 1770’s. This is neofeudalism with American economic demands, supported by it’s privileged class of politicoes and industrialists and financiers, playing the part of the barons prior to the Revolution.

        The World is revolting against American Imperialism, and the privileged classes don’t like it. Thus we get this Guaido person, a shill for Trump, and the political boondoggle of American sanctions and political pressure against Venezuela for the last 20+ years. This has nothing to do with Liberalism vs Conservatism. This is purely an exercise in Imperialism vs Anti-Imperialism. America is the aggressor and invader. America is wrong.

        Simple as that.

        1. You are just proving i am not wrong. Simple as that. LF (liberal fundamentalism) – key word is fundamentalism

          1. Kris Welter Avatar
            Kris Welter

            I am not proving, or disproving, anything. I am stating the facts and letting others make conclusions. But your accusation about liberal fundamentalism BS is just that…BS, because it is an accusation without any supporting argument or evidence. Explain what you actually mean, don’t just blather, please.

          2. Please, Kris, you have no monopoly on blathering. Please, educate yourself about liberal fundamentalism, try make conclusion, just google translate

          3. Kris Welter Avatar
            Kris Welter

            you really have issues. Nothing you say makes sense.

          4. Great. I owe you nothing. You owe me nothing. I just guess you are far from to be wise, and even far from to be smart. Wish you not to be sly and sneaky in love with himself primitive chauvinist. Only makes sense for you your private mental masturbating you are calling “thinking”

          5. Kris Welter Avatar
            Kris Welter

            Since I owe you nothing, nothing is what I will now hear from you….blocked.

          6. lol Abyad 2, block you primitive brain

          7. Niemals Avatar

            Abyad is terrified to be blocked as Alex Jones, Louis Farrakhan, Paul Nehlen, Milo Yiannopoulos and other ‘dangerous’ voices banned by Facebook and Instagram.

        2. Forget about America and forget about Guaido. Do you honestly believe Maduro is what Venezuela needs right now or a real free election that allows the Venezuelan people to decide who should be their real leader ?

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