Lebanon today: Thursday April 18th Top news


Here are the top stories for Lebanon today:

bassil in moscowFM Bassil reportedly meets  a senior Israeli official in Moscow

Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil has reportedly met with a senior  Israeli official in Moscow and  discussed  issues of mutual interest, including the, Borders,  Syria , the Assad regime and the issue of Iranian weapons factories in Lebanon, The Jerusalem Post reported based on a report by the London based Saudi Arabian website  Elaph . Bassil reportedly asked the Israeli senior officials to mediate with the Americans about sanctions imposed on Lebanon because of Hezbollah . The source told Elaph that the meeting lasted about two hours under the auspices of Russia. The Israeli official reportedly handed  Bassil  a letter to president Michel Aoun which reportedly claims that Israel does not consider Lebanon an enemy, but will not hesitate to target Iran and Hezbollah’s interests in Lebanon.

Bassil denies, sues Elaph

Bassil denied the report and  filed a lawsuit Thursday against the  London-based Saudi news website, accusing it of slander and defamation, An Nahar newspaper reported  . Bassil reportedly filed the lawsuit with the Mount Lebanon Public Prosecutor after Elaph claimed that he met with a senior Israeli official during a recent visit to Moscow.  The Lebanese Foreign Ministry also denied the report . Bassil is the son-in-law of president  Aoun  and both are allied with  Hezbollah. Several business people with links to Hezbollah have been sanctioned by the US treasury.



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