Lebanon today : Wednesday March 27 Top news


Here are the top stories for Lebanon today:

Gebran-Bassil- NYC

Lebanon sees eastern EU refugee hardline as model to follow

Alain Ata

Man Facing Deportation to Lebanon Will Get Pardon Hearing

A New Hampshire auto shop owner facing deportation to Lebanon will get a chance to seek a pardon for crimes he committed as a teenager 14 years ago.

Thirty-four-year-old Alain Ata came to the U.S. at age 10. He spent several years in prison for burglary, conspiracy and receiving stolen property incidents when he was 18, and is seeking a pardon that will allow him to remain in the country.

lebanon map chebaa kfar chuba, Golan
Lebanese judicial decision to survey occupied territories adjacent to Syrian Golan

Lebanese real estate judge, Ahmad Mezher, has requested a survey of the Lebanese territories occupied by Israel in the outlying areas of Kfarchouba and Chebaa adjacent to the occupied Syrian Golan.




5 responses to “Lebanon today : Wednesday March 27 Top news”

  1. MaryTPresumptuous Avatar

    So long as the surveyors stay on the Lebanon side of the ridge where the border runs, no one will care .. that is unless Hezbollah .. err/uum “the government” .. has decided to actually invest in building-up those communities so to improve the quality of life for actual Lebanese citizens (as opposed to foreigners taken-in by Hezbollah in their role as lapdog-of-the-autocrats), in which case everyone on both sides of the border should cheer ..

  2. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    ‘Golan residents unhappy, yet unsurprised by US decision’

    “When the Israeli prime minister met with the US
    president earlier this week, each had a gift for the other. Benjamin
    Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister fighting for his political life
    amid charges of corruption and bribery, gave Donald Trump wine made by illegal Jewish settlers
    in the Golan Heights. Many people around the world and even in Israel
    itself boycott Golan wine because it is produced on stolen lands.

    In return, Trump had prepared a much nicer gift.
    The US president, reportedly without the knowledge of some of his own
    senior staff, decided to unilaterally recognize Israel’s 1981 annexation of the Golan Heights — a decision that the entire world community has rejected and issued Security Council resolutions to that effect.(..)”


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