Omarosa’s ‘Unhinged’ bombshells: Trump racist, mentally ‘in decline,’ ‘physically’ unwell

Omarosa Manigault Newman has hit all of the morning talk shows, released scandalous tapes, and made some serious accusations against the United States president she worked for over an 11-month period and has known for 15 years.
Omarosa Manigault Newman has hit all of the morning talk shows, released scandalous tapes, and made some serious accusations against the United States president she worked for over an 11-month period and has known for 15 years.


Omarosa Manigault Newman says she has “escaped from the cult of Trumpworld.” In her new book, the former White House aide and reality TV star is unleashing fire and fury on her onetime boss and mentor, Donald Trump.

Gallery Books, publisher of “Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House,” promised an “explosive, jaw-dropping account.” We’ve read the book (on sale Aug. 14),  which no doubt will provoke a tweet-storm of pushback from the White House.

(On Friday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders dismissed the book as “riddled with lies and false accusations. It’s sad that a disgruntled former White House employee is trying to profit off these false attacks, and even worse that the media would now give her a platform, after not taking her seriously when she had only positive things to say about the president during her time in the administration.”)

Here are the main takeaways from Omarosa – who, despite her villainous reputation from NBC’s “The Apprentice,” where she first met Trump in 2003, portrays herself as a voice of reason and sanity in chaotic Trumpworld:

► She now believes the president to whom she was loyal for 14 years is “a racist, a bigot and a misogynist.” His biggest personality flaw is a complete lack of empathy for others, she writes.

► She believes the president is in “mental decline” and physically unwell.

► She believes Vice President Mike Pence (a “Stepford Veep”) and his team “are simply biding their time until Trump is impeached or resigns.”

► She believes a deeply unhappy first lady Melania Trump “is counting every minute until (her husband) is out of office and she can divorce him.”

She didn’t leave the White House “kicking and screaming”

Omarosa, whose job was outreach to black colleges and universities and working on racial disparities in the military justice system, disputes reports that she had a noisy meltdown when she was booted from the administration by Chief of Staff John Kelly, without Trump’s knowledge.

Her theory on why she was summoned on Dec. 12, 2017, by the retired general (depicted as a control freak who isolated Trump by locking out the president’s friends and confidantes): She was trying to verify the existence of purported “Apprentice” tapes that producer Bill Pruitt claimed captured Trump using the N-word and other slurs. (On the first season, she wondered if Trump had used the word to defame her at the time. She says multiple sources confirmed the tapes to her, but in the book, she never says she has heard them herself. On Friday, she told NPR she has heard them, contradicting her book.)

Omarosa said she already had “one foot” out the White House door because of the “mishandling” of the riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, and other Trump acts she considered racist, such as his “insensitive” condolence call to the widow of a soldier killed in Niger. She also thinks Trump “hated” President Barack Obama “because Obama was black” and says that one day, when she was making a case for abolitionist Harriet Tubman, Trump said: “You want me to put that face on the $20 bill?”

She says Kelly told her she had to leave because of “serious integrity violations,” which she denies. He said he wanted it to be a “friendly departure.” Had she been in the military, he said, she would have warranted a “court-martial.”

Concerns about Trump’s mental state

Trump, Omarosa says, has changed. “The Donald Trump of 2003 was as smart and as shrewd as he claimed to be,” she writes.

Donald Trump the president rambles, repeats himself and often speaks “gibberish.” He is given to “rages” when something upsets him. “I seriously began to suspect the president was delusional or had a mental condition, that made him forget from one day to the next,” she writes.

She cites one example of what she describes as Trump “rambling incoherently, speaking in random fragments (and) veering from thought to thought,” and says it’s a “snippet” based on the “best of my recollection.”

“Hey, I’m going to meet about, you know what? This guy’s a good guy. China, the people, look. China is getting us. These guys are no good. But the wall, the wall.”

She claims the “street-smart” president is “just this side of functionally literate,” says he is “spoon-fed” talking points about legislation he doesn’t read and “has only a surface-level understanding of the content he’s signing into law.”

She believes Trump’s “terrible health habits have caught up with him” (she calls him “obese” and says he has a junk-food-only diet, which is no secret) and wonders if it’s possible his “Diet Coke habit” could have led to a “stroke” or “dementia.” She says she tried to express her concerns about Trump to family members and medical staff, only to be brushed off.

Trump’s obsession with his daughter

Several of the most cringe-inducing passages in “Unhinged” depict Trump’s seemingly sexualized relationship with his daughter, Ivanka. “As long as I’d known Trump, I’d observed the way he hugs, touches, and kisses Ivanka; the way she calls him Daddy. … I believe he covets his daughter.” And as for Ivanka, “I believe she exploits his fixation with her to get her way.”

Omarosa recounts an occasion during the campaign when she was at a meeting with Trump and a “few other (unnamed) people” and writes:

“Ivanka came into the room wearing a fitted skirt. The entire meeting had to stop so (Trump) could gush about her body. ‘You look great! I like the way that skirt fits. Doesn’t Ivanka look great?’ He insisted we all agree that his daughter’s tight skirt was very flattering. I thought, Why don’t the two of you just cut it out? It appeared to me that Ivanka had gotten so used to his touching her in ways that made others cringe and either didn’t notice it anymore or purposefully allowed it to happen … “

On the other hand, Omarosa observed Trump belittling eldest son Don Jr. and writes that “Don Jr. was clearly terrified of his father.”

Melania exacts some revenge

What does the enigmatic first lady really think of her husband?

Omarosa recalls events over the years where Melania Trump stayed behind and Trump “behaved like a dog off a leash. … Only Melania knows the bargain she made in her own mind to tolerate her husband’s behavior.”

Melania Trump did want her husband to win the presidency, according to Omarosa. “He had all the power, and she had none. That would change when she became First Lady.”

At the White House, Trump and his wife often aren’t on speaking terms, she writes. And she believes the first lady’s “style rebellions” – including the Zara jacket that screamed “I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?” and set off intense speculation – are directed at Trump.

“One person who knows better than anyone just how broken and flawed Donald Trump is? Melania. She’s been trying to tell the world all this time. … I believe Melania uses style to punish her husband.”

Offers of a new job, for silence

Omarosa says that the day after she left the White House, Trump called her and claimed he did not know Kelly was sending her packing. She also got supportive calls, she says, from Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, and Trump’s son Eric and his wife, Lara. Lara offered her a job on Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign, with a caveat.

“Within twenty-four hours, Lara sent me a contract to work on the 2020 campaign for $15,000 per month. …The (non-disclosure agreement) attached to the email was as harsh and restrictive as any I’d seen in all my years of television. It said that I was forbidden from ever talking about the entire Trump family or the entire Pence family, to anyone in the universe, for all of eternity.”

She declined. “I was done with Trumpworld.” And free to write “Unhinged.”




13 responses to “Omarosa’s ‘Unhinged’ bombshells: Trump racist, mentally ‘in decline,’ ‘physically’ unwell”

  1. Niemals Avatar

    Twitter suspends conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for one week.
    It should be one year.

    Facebook, YouTube and Apple are removing InfoWars content.

    The news was first shared by an InfoWars personality, who tweeted a screenshot of Jones’ Twitter account — indicating the company limited some of Jones’ account features temporarily.

    A Twitter spokesperson confirmed the authenticity of the screenshot. The spokesperson said the content which prompted Twitter to suspend Jones was a video published Tuesday in which he said, “Now is time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag.” ????

    1. Hindler retweets idiotic post about Alex Jones but nothing about the end of InfoWars and Alex Jones – Twitter permanently bans Alex Jones and InfoWars Jones’s show InfoWars is known for its inflammatory far-right conspiracy theories that Hindler is contributing with.

      It was ‘Abusive behavior’ that led to shutdown.

      1. The same Paul Craig Roberts that tweeted; The way authoritarians control people is by controlling the explanations, and this is enabled by #Facebook’s censorship of non-official explanations.
        Tweets about InfoWars (with video) despite the fact that Twitter permanently bans Alex Jones and InfoWars and needless to say Hindler provides him with „Gefällt mir“ ????…..

  2. Niemals Avatar

    The Arabs usually in such cases when such a legend goes away does not waste time without trying to exploit her death to spread hatred against Israel. She deserves some respect, Aretha Frankin never weigh in on the Arab-Israeli conflict.

  3. Experts says: Kremlin-linked Twitter accounts utilized car fires to influence US opinion Kremlin-linked Twitter accounts utilized car fires in Gothenburg to influence the opinion of migration in the US, experts assess. The days after the events in mid-August noted a sharp increase in immigrant-related tweets linked to Sweden.

  4. More strange notes about Sweden environmental party’s group leader Ali Khalil;
    Ali Khalil offered the Moderators 3,000 votes to receive mosque plot……
    The environmental party’s group leader Ali Khalil invited the Moderates to a meeting in a mosque, where Moderates
    have been offered votes from members of the congregation in exchange for building permission for a new mosque.

  5. What a jerk this Julian Assange is, he inflicted this on himself with his own decision.
    Now Julian Assange sues Ecuador for better asylum terms….

    Assange has filed a lawsuit against the new asylum terms imposed by the government of Ecuador.
    His lawyer said that Assange has been “held in inhuman conditions for more than six years.”, Baltasar Garzon should be quiet with his “inhuman conditions”.
    Assange is not held in the embassy, he sought refuge in the embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden over alleged sexual assault crimes.
    Sweden has since dropped the rape charge against Assange, but he has remained in the embassy over concerns he could be extradited to the United States…..

  6. The never ending story about Julian Assange….

    Ecuador’s Foreign Minister: “We are not Assassin’s lawyers” The relationship between Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and Ecuador is getting frostier. The country will now stop negotiating with the British government’s representative on his way.
    “We are not Mr Assange’s lawyers, nor are we representatives of the British government. This is an issue to be resolved between Assange and Britain, “said Foreign Minister José Valencia.

    Julian Assange has been living for six years at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he sought political asylum after being charged with rape in Sweden.
    He says he is afraid of being handed over to the United States where he is in danger of being prosecuted for leaking military secrets.
    “No obligation to pay for his laundry”
    José Valencia says that Ecuador’s sole responsibility is to look after Assange’s well-being. He states that he is “frustrated” that Wikileaks founder last week sued the country because of changing conditions at the London embassy. The new conditions mean, among other things, that Assange himself has to pay for healthcare and phone calls, and to clean himself up after his cat.
    “Ecuador has no obligation under international agreements to pay for things like Mr Assange’s laundry,” said the Foreign Minister. Charged with rape in Sweden – Assange showed himself on a balcony at Ecuador’s Embassy in London in spring 2017.
    Greg Barns, an Australian lawyer who acts as adviser to Assange, notes, according to the Foreign Minister’s statement, that the Australian government must now start acting to help the Wikileaks founder.
    “One of their citizens is in a really dangerous situation,” he said. Assange start as criminal as a teenager, he became known as hacker under the name Mendax and managed to break into Pentagon and Nasa’s computer system along with several others.

  7. Is it the ending story about Julian Assange?
    QUITO: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange said Monday that Ecuador is seeking to end his asylum in its London embassy and hand him over to the United States.

    He spoke from the London embassy via teleconference as part of a trial in Quito initiated by his legal team that challenges recently created rules governing the terms of his asylum. (Reuters)

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