Algeria abandons over 13,000 migrants in the Sahara



MIGRANTS expelled from algeriaASSAMAKA, Niger (AP) — From this isolated frontier post deep in the sands of the Sahara, the expelled migrants can be seen coming over the horizon by the hundreds. They look like specks in the distance, trudging miserably across some of the world’s most unforgiving terrain in the blistering sun.

They are the ones who made it out alive.

Here in the desert, Algeria has abandoned more than 13,000 people in the past 14 months, including pregnant women and children, stranding them without food or water and forcing them to walk, sometimes at gunpoint, under temperatures of up to 48 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit).

In Niger, where the majority head, the lucky ones limp across a desolate 15-kilometer (9-mile) no-man’s-land to Assamaka, less a town than a collection of unsteady buildings sinking into drifts of sand. Others, disoriented and dehydrated, wander for days before a U.N. rescue squad can find them. Untold numbers perish along the way; nearly all the more than two dozen survivors interviewed by The Associated Press told of people in their groups who simply could not go on and vanished into the Sahara.

“Women were lying dead, men….. Other people got missing in the desert because they didn’t know the way,” said Janet Kamara, who was pregnant at the time. “Everybody was just on their own.”

Her body still aches from the dead baby she gave birth to during the trek and left behind in the Sahara, buried in a shallow grave in the molten sand. Blood streaked her legs for days afterward, and weeks later, her ankles are still swollen. Now in Arlit, Niger, she is reeling from the time she spent in what she calls “the wilderness,” sleeping in the sand.

Quietly, in a voice almost devoid of feeling, she recalled at least two nights in the open before her group was finally rescued, but said she lost track of time.

“I lost my son, my child,” said Kamara, a Liberian who ran her own home business selling drinks and food in Algeria and was expelled in May.

Another woman in her early twenties, who was expelled at the same time, also went into labor, she said. That baby didn’t make it either.

Map depicts the paths that migrants take after they’ve been expelled from Algeria. (AP Animation/Peter Hamlin)
Most migrants travel north from Niger and then eventually head west to Morocco or east to Libya using these routes

Algeria’s mass expulsions have picked up since October 2017, as the European Union renewed pressure on North African countries to head off migrants going north to Europe via the Mediterranean Sea or the barrier fences with Spain. These migrants from across sub-Saharan Africa — Mali, the Gambia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Niger and more — are part of the mass migration toward Europe, some fleeing violence, others just hoping to make a living.

A European Union spokesperson said the EU was aware of what Algeria was doing, but that “sovereign countries” can expel migrants as long as they comply with international law. Unlike Niger, Algeria takes none of the EU money intended to help with the migration crisis, although it did receive $111.3 million in aid from Europe between 2014 and 2017.

Algeria provides no figures for the expulsions. But the number of people crossing on foot to Niger has been increasing steadily since the International Organization for Migration started counting in May 2017, when 135 people were dropped at the crossing, to as high as 2,888 in April 2018. In all, according to the IOM, a total of 11,276 men, women and children survived the march.

At least another 2,500 were forced on a similar trek this year through the Sahara into neighboring Mali, with an unknown number succumbing along the way.

The migrants the AP talked to described being rounded up hundreds at a time, crammed into open trucks headed southward for six to eight hours to what is known as Point Zero, then dropped in the desert and pointed in the direction of Niger. They are told to walk, sometimes at gunpoint. In early June, 217 men, women and children were dropped well before reaching Point Zero, fully 30 kilometers (18 miles) from the nearest source of water, according to the IOM.

Within seconds of setting foot on the sand, the heat pierces even the thickest shoes. Sweat dries upon the first touch of air, providing little relief from the beating sun overhead. Each inhalation is like breathing in an oven.

But there is no turning back.

“There were people who couldn’t take it. They sat down and we left them. They were suffering too much,” said Aliou Kande, an 18-year-old from Senegal.

Kande said nearly a dozen people simply gave up, collapsing in the sand. His group of 1,000 got lost and wandered from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m., he said. He never saw the missing people again. The word he returned to, over and over, was “suffering.”

Kande said the Algerian police stole everything he had earned when he was first detained — 40,000 dinars ($340) and a Samsung cell phone.

“They tossed us into the desert, without our telephones, without money. I couldn’t even describe it to you,” he said, still livid at the memory.

The migrants’ accounts are confirmed by multiple videos collected by the AP over months, which show hundreds of people stumbling away from lines of trucks and buses, spreading wider and wider through the desert. Two migrants told the AP gendarmes fired on the groups to force them to walk, and multiple videos seen by the AP showed armed, uniformed men standing guard near the trucks.

A look at the dangers that migrants face as they trek across the Sahara Desert. (AP Video/Nat Castaneda)
A look at the dangers that migrants face as they trek across the Sahara Desert. (AP Video/Nat Castaneda)

“They bring you to the end of Algeria, to the end in the middle of the desert, and they show you that this is Niger,” said Tamba Dennis, another Liberian who was in Algeria on an expired work visa. “If you can’t bring water, some people die on the road.” He said not everyone in his group made it, but couldn’t say how many fell behind.

Ju Dennis, another Liberian who is not related to Tamba, filmed his deportation with a cell phone he kept hidden on his body. It shows people crammed on the floor of an open truck, vainly trying to shade their bodies from the sun and hide from the gendarmes. He narrated every step of the way in a hushed voice.

Even as he filmed, Ju Dennis knew what he wanted to tell the world what was happening.

“You’re facing deportation in Algeria — there is no mercy,” he said. “I want to expose them now…We are here, and we saw what they did. And we got proof.”

Algerian authorities refused to comment on the allegations raised by the AP. Algeria has denied criticism from the IOM and other organizations that it is committing human rights abuses by abandoning migrants in the desert, calling the allegations a “malicious campaign” intended to inflame neighboring countries.

Along with the migrants who make their way from Algeria to Niger on foot, thousands more Nigerien migrants are expelled directly home in convoys of trucks and buses. That’s because of a 2015 agreement between Niger and Algeria to deal with Nigeriens living illegally in their neighbor to the north.

Even then, there are reports of deaths, including one mother whose body was found inside the jammed bus at the end of the 450-kilometer (280-mile) journey from the border. Her two children, both sick with tuberculosis, were taken into custody, according to both the IOM and Ibrahim Diallo, a local journalist and activist.

The number of migrants sent home in convoys — nearly all of them Nigerien — has also shot up, to at least 14,446 since August 2017, compared with 9,290 for all of 2016.

The journey from Algeria to Niger is essentially the reverse of the path many in Africa took north — expecting work in Algeria or Libya or hoping to make it to Europe. They bumped across the desert in Toyota Hilux pickups, 15 to 20 in the flatbed, grasping gnarled sticks for balance and praying the jugs of water they sat upon would last the trip.

The number of migrants going to Algeria is increasing as an unintended side effect of Europe’s successful blocking of the Libyan crossing, said Camille Le Coz, an analyst at the Migration Policy Institute in Brussels.

But people die going both ways; the Sahara is a swift killer that leaves little evidence behind. The arid heat shrivels bodies, and blowing sand envelops the remains. The IOM has estimated that for every migrant known to have died crossing the Mediterranean, as many as two are lost in the desert — potentially upwards of 30,000 people since 2014.

The vast flow of migrants puts an enormous strain on all the points along the route. The first stop south is Assamaka, the only official border post in the 950-kilometer (590 mile) border Algeria shares with Niger.

Even in Assamaka, there are just two water wells — one that pumps only at night and the other, dating to French colonial times, that gives rusty water. The needs of each wave of expelled migrants overwhelm the village — food, water, medicine.

“They come by the thousands….I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Alhoussan Adouwal, an IOM official who has taken up residence in the village to send out the alert when a new group arrives. He then tries to arrange rescue for those still in the desert. “It’s a catastrophe.”

In Assamaka, the migrants settle into a depression in the dunes behind the border post until the IOM can get enough buses to fetch them. The IOM offers them a choice: Register with IOM to return eventually to their home countries or fend for themselves at the border.

Some decide to take their chances on another trip north, moving to The Dune, an otherworldly open-air market a few kilometers away, where macaroni and gasoline from Algeria are sold out of the back of pickups and donkey carts. From there, they will try again to return to Algeria, in hopes of regaining the lives and jobs they left behind. Trucks are leaving all the time, and they take their fare in Algerian dinars.

The rest will leave by bus for the town of Arlit, about 6 hours to the south through soft sand.

In Arlit, a sweltering transit center designed for a few hundred people lately has held upwards of 1,000 at a time for weeks on end.

“Our geographical position is such that today, we are directly in the path of all the expulsions of migrants,” said Arlit Mayor Abdourahman Mawli. Mawli said he had heard of deaths along the way from the migrants and also from the IOM. Others, he said, simply turned right round and tried to return to Algeria.

“So it becomes an endless cycle,” he said wearily.

One man at the center with scars on his hands and arms was so traumatized that he never spoke and didn’t leave. The other migrants assumed he had endured the unspeakable in Algeria, a place where many said they had been robbed and beaten by authorities. Despite knowing nothing about him, they washed and dressed him tenderly in clean clothes, and laid out food so he could eat. He embarked on an endless loop of the yard in the midday sun.

With no name, no confirmed nationality and no one to claim him, the man had been in Arlit for more than a month. Nearly all of the rest would continue south mostly off-road to Agadez, the Nigerien city that has been a crossroads for African trade and migration for generations. Ultimately, they will return to their home countries on IOM-sponsored flights.

In Agadez, the IOM camps are also filling up with those expelled from Algeria. Both they and the mayor of Agadez are growing increasingly impatient with their fate.

“We want to keep our little bit of tranquility,” said the mayor, Rhissa Feltou. “Our hospitality is a threat to us.”

Even as these migrants move south, they cross paths with some who are making the trip north through Agadez.

Every Monday evening, dozens of pickup trucks filled with the hopeful pass through a military checkpoint at the edge of the city. They are fully loaded with water and people gripping sticks, their eyes firmly fixed on the future.




56 responses to “Algeria abandons over 13,000 migrants in the Sahara”

  1. I thought Algeria had a bigger heart, but it seems everyone is imitating Trump these days

    1. Niemals Avatar

      No one is imitating Trump.

      Front National existed before Trump’s presidentelsy.
      The entire European anti immigration (of Muslims) movement existed before Trump’s presidentelsy.

      The threat that Erdogan is targeting Europe says it all.

      The decision among ‘German’ Turks was never so deep.

      Did you become aware that extreme right wing groups and governments are on the rise in the European Union?

      CSU and CDU union existed a long time, now the uncontrolled immigration (of Muslims) is splitting the union, as well as the European Union.

      1. What is wrong with you ?
        You never seem to get it .
        Front National has nothing to do with my comment .
        Sharpen up Niemals !!
        You seem to get it wrong every time

        1. Niemals Avatar

          How come that you consider yourself to be the one that is never wrong?

          What is so special with the Algerians?
          Albania does not want EU refugee camps in its own country.
          Lifeline migrant rescue ship still ‘not allowed’ to dock in Malta.
          Are you working for the Amnesty International that claims that we (Europe) doesn’t have migration problem?

          Did you realize that the Migrant crisis created bad relations between France-Italy and its ‘getting worse rather than better’?

          It is better if measure your words before you involving Trump with the Algerians.
          The Algerians have a history with Christian slaves, so why should they have a bigger heart today?

          We have to many migrants from Maghreb (especially France…)

          Finally all that happens in EU, ME and USA leaves its traces allover the world.
          It’s easy to avoid answering questions that can expose your genuine ‘color’, your comments are often narrow-minded.

          You will not see the threat that Erdoğan is targeting Europe, but you will see the threat that Erdoğan is targeting Israel….
          Turkey hade an alliance with Israel, including military alliance, but when it suites the Islamic Erdoğan, he calls Israel premier ‘occupier’ and ‘terrorist’ – after all Erdoğan dream of becoming the beacon of the Muslims.

          1. God forbid !!!
            I never ever claimed that I am always right . I am human after all and all humans make mistakes .
            On the other hand you continue to go off at a tangent

          2. Niemals Avatar

            Humans can make mistakes, I do them too.

            However you see things in the ME perspectives, while I see things from the European perspective.

            The European conflicts are not reflected in the ME at the same way that the ME conflicts affect the EU.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad
          4. Wow, thank You for this video

          5. Have lived all over the world and never saw things in the ME perspective only or any other perspective . I am completely independent and base all my comments on what I believe is right or wrong .How long have you been living in Sweden ?

          6. Niemals Avatar

            It takes time to live all over the world, are you over 80…

            No ME perspective or any other perspective, indicating that you lack roots of your origin – very sad.

            I am divided between my birthplace (Berlin) and my place of residence (Hamburg), and that is sometimes creating a giant contest between Berlin and Hamburg.

            Being completely independent and basing all your comments on what you think is right or wrong is logical, but I have difficulty believing that your origin does not affect at all your comments.

            Are you claiming that patriotism or national pride is not the ideology of love and devotion to your homeland?
            Don’t you have a sense of alliance with compatriots who share the same values?

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You came here from – Malmö Sweden -.

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Whats “presidentelsy” ..hhhh .

    2. Barry Avatar

      really? you compare mass murder of blacks with the detention of Mexicans? you are insane or trolling.

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Says the Zionist who’s artificial state deported Blacks back to certain death

        1. Barry Avatar

          says the Arab who lives on the West’s dole and dreams of genocide while eating biscuits.

          1. Barry Avatar

            even the marginalized in Israel are more accepted and have better lives than 99% of Arabs. fact.
            which is why you sponge off Canada.

          2. Niemals Avatar

            Check this Hind Abyad @AbyadHind 3 Std.Vor 3 Stunden Tweet thread about Zionists and antisemitism…..
            “The filthy Zionist rag will make you anti-Semite.”

          3. Niemals Avatar

            What does it mean i don’t speak American. ???? ???? ????
            This tweet will not disappear
            nor this answer from QOOZEENDREAM2.0 @qoozeendream an @AbyadHind @ynet
            Arab are semitic and not all Jews are pro israel
            23:08 – 6. Juli 2018

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Another Niemals IQ. Funny how YaLibnan died…yawnn..

          5. Niemals Avatar

            Due to Detected as spam Thanks, we’ll work on getting this corrected., I will chop this comment so it will be readable – [Niemals Barry • a day ago]
            Check this Hind Abyad @AbyadHind 3 Std.Vor 3 Stunden Tweet thread about Zionists and antisemitism…..
            end part 1….

          6. Niemals Avatar

            part 2
            When I presenting Hiindlers tweeter post with the text “The filthy Zionist rag will make you anti-Semite.” she turns her tweeter account off – copy the following (ht tps: / / twitter DOT com / Abyad Hind /status / 1015476364919570432), and you will get Sorry, aber du bist nicht autorisiert, diesen Status zu sehen!

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I can publish them myself here.

          8. Niemals Avatar

            part 3 – did it again

            It must be extremely frustrating for this anti-Semitic Arab to not be able to accuse an atheist of being a Zionist. ????

          9. Niemals Avatar

            and (Detected as spam Thanks, we’ll work on getting this corrected) ends with
            Lets hope that Hiindler see this exempel of a devout Muslim….

          10. Barry Avatar

            good thing they also respect the cultures of the nations they migrate to…

          11. Niemals Avatar

            You must be joking that Arabs respect the cultures of the nations they migrate to;
            This happened some weeks ago, several shots and violations of the traffic rules, the police stop the Arab wedding convoy in Bonn.

            Here you see further disrespectful arab!

          12. uh, i was being sarcastic.

          13. Niemals Avatar

            Have this Arab condemed the Russians that killed 150 Syrian civilians after air strikes during 15 hours?

          14. Rascal Avatar

            She is a first class hypocrite that only obsesses over jews.

          15. Niemals Avatar

            The problem is that she is confused in her definition of the Jews –, as well as her tweet “the Israeli contribution. For it is a truth universally acknowledged that whenever the world comes together to save people who aren’t Palestinian, the Israeli emergency teams are right there in masks and scrubs and wet suits.” from July 6th.

          16. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            2 guest 2 niemals

      2. Niemals Avatar

        Arzna have lived all over the world, so he must know it better than others – Arzna told me “I am completely independent and base all my comments on what I believe is right or wrong .. ”
        Sometimes I’m tempted to believe him.

    1. twitter is not free of fake twits

        1. she is spiritual masturbating on Jews, yes kind of l????ve

        2. Niemals Avatar

          Link between antisemitism and migration unproven, analyst tells Euronews
          In fact, the rise in antisemitic violence across Europe started in 2000, with the second intifada.
          Just before that, antisemitic acts were at a residual level.

          That is the ARAB antisemitism in Europe!

        3. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Yes that’s how i see Zionists ;-)))) Niemals Guest

          1. Rascal Avatar

            This is the kind of crime you should champion. Crimes against women in Iran. Support woman’s rights. Or does this not constitute wrong doing in your books? Sorry it doesn’t involve jews in anyway so you might not be interested or even care.

            Woman gets 20-year sentence for protesting compulsory hijab

            Iran arrests teenage girl over Instagram video of her dancing in bedroom without hijab

    2. Barry Avatar

      I see how this story has to do with Israel….not.

      1. Niemals Avatar

        Any story this Arab commenting is associated with Israel.
        She stresses also Jews outside of Israel – the Jews have to be the evil Zionists.

        Strange that Christian Zionists are not mentioned as often as the evil Israeli Zionist.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Christian Zionist waiting for the rapture, same crazy.
          Have you other interests in life than Hind Abyad?

      2. Niemals Avatar

        Try to avoid confusion because of all the descriptions (definitions) I find of(about) Jews.
        Furthermore the accusations against Jews.

        Jew-haters are normally categorized as Antisemits, the same Jew-haters does not stay with their own thesis – about Antisemitism.
        Science… “DNA Science Proves: Ashkenazi Khazar Jews (90+% of Modern Jewry) Are NOT Semitic People, Not The Descendents of the 12 Tribes of Israel”

        Why do they feel insulted when they are categorized as antisemits? at the same time that you see a definition of a Jew done by antisemits, they complain about blond Jews….
        The real semits supposed to be the population of ancient Palestine, how come that the Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi is blond as the blond jews?

        “DNA Science Proves: Ashkenazi Khazar Jews (90+% of Modern Jewry) Are NOT Semitic… “, what about the Maghreb Jews or the Arab Jews?
        Not a single notice about them being descendents of the 12 Tribes of Israel… those antisemitic Arab aren’t better then the neonazis we have.

        I can go on, but I learn to lose the thread because of all the theories and conspiracy around the Jews.

  2. Barry Avatar

    wonder why no one protests? oh yeah, no Jews involved.

    1. Niemals Avatar

      This case of a new attack was on a Syrian wearing a Star of David pendant attacked in Berlin.

      The unidentified victim told police that he had asked the group for a light for a cigarette in the park in Berlin’s central Mitte district on Saturday night.

      The 25-year-old said that when one member of the group discovered he was wearing a Star of David emblem, they started to shout “anti-Semitic insults,” grabbed the cigarette from his mouth and punched him.

      He ran away but was chased and beaten to the ground.

      The attackers fled when passersby came to the man’s aid.

      The assault comes less than two weeks after a 19-year-old Syrian was found guilty of serious bodily harm and verbal abuse after attacking two people in April who were wearing kippot, traditional male Jewish head coverings.

      1. Niemals Avatar

        Have you seen with reference to with Video credit: Ruptly (not to WELT or other DE press and her comment…. ?

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