US vetoes UN resolution that calls for “international protection” of Gaza civilians


NIKKI HALEYCompeting U.N. Security Council proposals to respond to the escalation of violence in Gaza both failed Friday, starkly baring divisions that have paralyzed the U.N.’s most powerful body.

After months of urgent council discussions about the violence, the U.S. vetoed an Arab-backed resolution that sought to explore ways to ensure “international protection” for Palestinian civilians, and there wasn’t enough support to pass a U.S. resolution to condemn Hamas, the militant group that rules Gaza.

Ten of the council’s 15 members voted for the Arab-backed resolution, drafted by Kuwait; four abstained. The U.S. was the sole yes vote for its resolution, though a majority didn’t take any position; 11 abstained.

So far, the council hasn’t been able to agree on so much as a press statement about what the U.N.’s Mideast envoy has called the most serious increase in violence in Gaza since a 2014 war between Israel and Hamas.

 “This heavy silence is disastrous – for the world that is watching us, for the credibility of the council, for multilateralism,” French Ambassador Francois Delattre said after voting for the Kuwaiti measure.

In two months of mass protests at the Gaza border, over 115 Palestinians have been killed and thousands wounded by Israeli military fire.

Israel says its troops were defending its border and accused Hamas of trying to attack under the cover of the protest.

Hamas and other militants bombarded southern Israel with rockets and mortars Tuesday, and Israel responded by striking targets throughout Gaza. Hamas said Wednesday it had agreed to a cease-fire with Israel.

The Kuwaiti measure asked U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to report on ways to ensure Palestinian civilians’ “safety, protection and well-being,” including recommendations about “an international protection mechanism.” The proposal also emphasized the need for accountability and independent investigations into the events in Gaza.

It “deplored” the recent rocket barrage, without specifying who was behind it, though Hamas and a smaller Islamic militant group have claimed responsibility.

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley called it “grossly one-sided” for deploring the use of “any excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate force by the Israeli forces” while not mentioning Hamas.

“The resolution places all blame on Israel” and “is wildly inaccurate,” she said. Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon called the proposal unworthy of consideration.

“It is true the residents of Gaza need protection – they need protection from Hamas,” he said. Israel and Hamas have fought three wars since the Islamic group seized control of Gaza in 2007.

The Palestinian envoy rejected Israeli and U.S. claims that the measure was biased: “If anything, the draft did not go far enough in addressing the nightmare the Palestinian people are living,” Ambassador Riyad Mansour said. Neither Israel nor the Palestinians had a vote on the measures.

Kuwaiti Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi said the council’s lack of action “will increase the sentiments of despair among the Palestinians.”

The U.S. proposal, meanwhile, said nothing about Israeli force or protecting Palestinian civilians, while casting blame on Hamas for violence, endangering civilians, and deteriorating conditions in Gaza.

It demanded that Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups stop “all violent activity and provocative actions” in Gaza and called for a report on the recent actions of “terrorist organizations such as Hamas” in the coastal strip.

“This resolution rightly places responsibility where it belongs,” Haley said. But some other council members, including Russia, said the U.S. measure wasn’t evenhanded.

A few countries abstained from voting on either proposal.

“Today’s resolutions contain elements that are either imbalanced or too vague to be viable,” said British Ambassador Karen Pierce.




42 responses to “US vetoes UN resolution that calls for “international protection” of Gaza civilians”

  1. Kuwait, the shithole sheikhdom whose golden toilet bowls American soldiers actually died for liberating represents Arab chutzpah at its worst.

    1. man-o-war Avatar

      – Butthurt

      1. Yeah, sure, pal. It’s the Zio-cons who are butthurt about Kuwait (and the Arabs in general), not the other way round. 🙂

          1. Actually checked out this “Anissa Naouai”. Unsurprisingly, she’s a Putinoid shill from Russia Today. And she’s married to yet another RT “journalist” (maybe she just bangs him regularly, but who cares). These people evidently like to keep it in the family – I guess it’s a more efficient way of controlling the money flow. 🙂

            P.S. Besides “not” being butthurt about the Jooz (hehe!) she’s also a fan of Stalin. One more reason for Bumbyad to love her. 🙂

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Actually this is nothing new ignoring the subject for gossiping.
            Aipac Hasbara booklet; if you can’t answer change the subject
            Zionist chill i don’t speak Brooklyn street slang.
            I love Russia.

          3. Gossiping? It’s on Wikipedia, moron, based on what this creature has been saying to the Russian “media”. But then, of course, Wikipedia and AIPAC are one and same, so you might have a point here. 🙂

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      ‘chutzpah’ not Arabic.

      1. “Idiocy” is. 🙂

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          “Idiocy” is French :-/

          1. Yeah, numbskull. And Arabs invented the zero. You ever wondered why? 🙂

          2. Niemals Avatar

            The Arabs invented the zero, that was a real achievement.

            Today wherever the Arabs and Muslims appear, a conflict is created immediately – that is the only achievement they contribute with.
            It includes this Arab too
            Unfortunately we have to many of those “Lebanese Christian ARAB.”

          1. antisemitic mondoweiss crap

        2. Niemals Avatar

          As if it wasn’t enough with the first “Idiocy” Hind Abyad hat retweetet one more;
          However the cartoon don’t show any UAVs that were quickly adapted to enable them to hunt kites – Latuff have obviously extinguished the fire on the ‘The Aggressor’ kite…

    3. Niemals Avatar

      “I find it unacceptable that people who have been living in Germany for decades cannot hold a conversation in German, do not attend parent-teacher conferences or keep their children from going to classes or sports,” Joachim Gauck told the Bild newspaper.

      Chuzpah is when migrants living in Germany form a parallel societies in the name of human rights….
      Israel is not different, I have learned that the Tel Aviv city councilman distributed a letter in south Tel Aviv asking African migrants to “respect the Jewish religion and Israeli customs”.

      Than we have one Abdel Aziz Aluwaisheg ( with his “Syrian refugees and European chutzpah” ???? telling us that Sweden took drastic actions against them, starting with closing its borders with Denmark to prevent or slow down refugee flows, effectively suspending Schengen Agreement.
      The one that was effectively suspending Schengen Agreement was Kanzlerin Merkel!
      Now it is planning to deport some 80,000 refugees already in Sweden, roughly 50 percent of all asylum seekers residing in Sweden.
      Kanzlerin Merkel, die Schweden wissen, wie man damit umgeht.

      However, wherever Muslim appear, a shithole is created immediately!

      1. “wherever Muslim[s] appear, a shithole is created immediately”

        Sad but true.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Aid is stolen by Israel

          2. silly fake cow

        1. Niemals Avatar

          The so called Iraqi refugee, had been a suspect in several other offenses in the area, including a robbery at knifepoint, according to police.
          Summary; “wherever Muslim[s] appear, a shithole is created immediately”
          Good news, Austria’s government on Friday said it would potentially expel dozens of imams and close several mosques in a move to tackle political Islam and stem the foreign financing of mosques.

          Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said the government was shutting down a hardline Turkish nationalist mosque in the capital, Vienna, and dissolving a group called the Arab Religious Community, which runs an additional six mosques.

      2. Rascal Avatar

        Why does Germany put up with, and even deny there is a problem with mass muslim immigration?

        Bring back the concentration camps. Would be a great start.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Because she won the Coudenhove Kalergi Prize

        2. Niemals Avatar

          Germany don’t deny there is a problem with mass muslim immigration, the police is confronted with this scum on daily bases. Violence against police and insult incorporated during documents control as well as in custody.

          In contrast to Kanzlerin Angela Merkel, the Austrian Kanzler Sebastian Kurz has said his country will force several of foreign-funded imams to leave the country in a crackdown on political Islam. Several mosques are also in line to be closed.

        3. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Read more troll.

        1. Niemals Avatar

          You surprised me with your “WATCH THIS” a Black pigeon speaks ‘production’
          I dislike the category of Felix Lace.

          By the way Innenminister Horst Seehofer said that the Iraqi refugee suspected of involvement in the killing of a 14-year-old girl wanted for questioning in the murder of a 14-year-old girl in Mainz has been taken into custody by the Kurdish security forces in northern Iraq. Police released this photo of the suspect, Ali Bashar (20), as part of their manhunt.

  2. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    Nabih Berri
    “As for Hezbollah, it is in its own country, because if it had not been for Hezbollah there [in Syria], Daesh would have been here [in Lebanon],” Berri said.

    The parliament speaker noted that Lebanon and Syria were “like twins,” as nearly 1.5 million Syrians reside in Lebanon.

    “We do not consider them outsiders… Everything that happens in Syria affects Lebanon,” Berri stressed.

    1. Arzna Avatar

      What about sending Berri to Syria . He should take with him the 1.5 million Syrians and will feel right at home with his lost brother Bashar

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Wish you luck with Islamic Sharia State Lebanon neighbors.
        Make your wishes known to Lebanese Army to hold a Democratic referendum.

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Squatters love you

  3. Hannibal Avatar

    Nikki Haley should quit her barbarian stance. She is dead set to make a career for herself by piling the skeletons of humans as stepping stones.

    1. kissassofhamass

      1. Niemals Avatar

        Gaza turned violent while the uniformed man (police?) just scratches his head and goes away without protecting the women…..

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