Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro exposes PM Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionist Movement , says Netanyahu does not speak for all the Jews :
Jerusalem is not the capital of the Jewish people, prominent Rabbi tells Trump- video
273 responses to “Jerusalem is not the capital of the Jewish people, prominent Rabbi tells Trump- video”
It is extremely dangerous to mix religion with politics – one gets a theocracy, not democracy.
How is it that in the Middle East people quickly forget what a theocracy causes?Does the Arabs prefer a theocratic Israel or a modern state that is not tied to the Orthodox Jewish position (religion) as this Rabbi Shapiro represent?
This Rabbi Shapiro is the rabbi of a congregation in Queens, New York.
He has a very obvious position to defend the historical Orthodox Jewish position rejecting the concept of Jewish nationalism, thus opposing Zionism and not recognizing Israel as the Jewish state.It depends on if it is a Rabbi of a Hasidic yeshiva or Sephardi yeshiva or the Conservative movement yeshiva, you will get always different position rejecting the concept of the other yeshiva interpretation.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f7aa55b8fbd498bb902613df4ae5bca82195d62306c460b758115955a4d32275.jpg A typical beth midrash in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, BaltimoreTraditionally, every town rabbi had the right to maintain a number of full-time or part-time pupils in the town’s beth midrash (study hall, usually adjacent to the synagogue).
Their cost of living was covered by community taxation. After a number of years, these young people would either take up a vacant rabbinical position elsewhere (after obtaining semicha, rabbinical ordination) or join the workforce.We witnessing a growing antisemitism from (muslim) arabs against Jews living among us as well as on the american continent.
Jews who are not resident in Israel but in EU or american continent are attacked by (muslim) arabs, they demand police protection. That is unacceptable.Note that I have not raised the antisemitic wave on social media that is often reflected on this forum.
But everyone mixes religion with politics and many of the recent political decisions are based on religious beliefs.
I thing Rabbi Shapiro makes a lot of sense-
Exactly that is the problem, mixing politics with religion.
Yes many of the recent political decisions are based on religious beliefs, and we see the results.From his point of view it is a lot of sense, it is equal to the movement that preaches for a world without borders.
All nations/kingdoms have always strived for expanding borders and it resulted in cration of empire that replaced another empire – new borderline that everyone is fighting/twisting about even today https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d8726dc56c043689c63aff3384c57461d7a2f40501636a5fbb1b2b8640469aab.png and it’s often in the name of religion – many Muslim states and empires have been involved in warfare.
Cyprus, Crimea, border conflicts between india and pakistan, etc, etc, etc…..
From the mouth of a Jewish man. Part 1, watch part 2 and 3.
https://twitter.com/RebelPioneers/status/949359887355494401 -
Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro can very well be at the helm of any service and I will be honored to pray with him. Thank you Rabbi.
Its coming time and again, the confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli security forces. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea01dd90da590489c7e39caf967345da7a0afb402e335dafaa0ee10b49fefd37.jpg
Its not surprising since Benjamin Netanyahu shares US criticism of the UN Refugee Agency for the Palestinians.
He argues that Palestinian refugees will in future be looked after by the UNHCR.During a Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said he joined in the critical remarks made by US President Donald Trump.
The United Nations Palestine Relief Organization (UNRWA) is an organization that perpetuates the problem of Palestinian refugees. “It also perpetuates the idea of a right to return with the aim of destroying the state of Israel,” said Netanyahu. Therefore, the UNWRA must disappear.How much more you can destroy the state of Israel?
Monkeystinians are just “upgraded” Soviet KGB Orabians
Guest ‘Matrix- Oh Yaeh’ is back https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3035b98b0c9bc2e956e88b0f148bfb2f76ed440f5d6affee11825241b7a3ff2.jpg
At least publish your source..
“They’r cost of living was covered by community taxation. After a number of years, these young people would either take up a vacant rabbinical position…”
Important facts..
Uru Shalim was founded by the Canaanites. It was named after the Canaanite God Shalim.
Today’s Judaism was created by the Babylonian Elite to destroy the Canaanite cult. It’s the reason why the history of the Canaanites Phoenicians has been suppressed. Judaism also corrupted the Gospels and the Hebraic teachings.
After which Uru Shalim was under Jewish rule for few years before the Romans invaded.
+Canaanite cult+ Rita, what is wrong with support Canaanite Script? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????
I think you misunderstood. 🙂
Judaism was created by the Ruling Class of Babylon as a synthetic cult to attack and destroy the beliefs of the Canaanites Phoenicians. It was meant to divide them. The synthetic cult of judaism was promulgated by a Persian priesthood called the Pharisees. It’s the reason why Judaism today was first known as Pharisaism.
Are You also mental masturbating on Jews?
I think you misunderstood
I’m Jew can help You restore Canaanite Script (Basics of Canaanite and Lebanon Culture) Are You see Canaanite Letters? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????Has your Operating System support?
One need to Google about the Phoenician language,
In Phoenician writing, unlike that of abjads such as those of Aramaic, Biblical Hebrew and Arabic, even long vowels remained generally unexpressed, and that regardless of their origin (i.e. even if they originated from diphthongs, as in bt /beːt/ ‘house’ for earlier *bayt where Hebrew spelling has byt). Eventually Punic writers did begin to implement systems of marking of vowels by means of matres lectionis: first, beginning in the third century BCE, there appeared the practice of using final ‘ālep [Wikiwand]
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1d6defefb9f3b95c6afcd1b8f356217185a0739bd06007815152c3fc32bba2cf.jpg and still I suspect that the source Wikiwand will be questioned by many participants in this forum. -
The origin of Old Hebrew script is Canaanite. Old Hebrew was a Canaanite dialect.
The first Hebrew and Samaritan texts [Qeiyafa Ostracon, Gezer Calendar, Tel Zayit Abecedary and Izbet Zayit Abecedary] were written in Canaanite script.
Keep in mind that Canaanite, Phoenician and Punic and Carthaginians were the same people.
Lol what about geography? Canaanite script followed Proto Sinaitic and not omitted Proto Hebrew first, alphabet seems was invented in Sinai (known as of now). I guess Israelites used alphabet even before Canaanites
What about it? Contrary to Jewish stories, the land of Canaan was never invaded and its inhabitants never killed. The Exodus from Egypt also never happened.
Proto-Hebrew is Canaanite. Photo-Sinaitic is the precursor of Canaanite and also known as Old Canaanite. It was the Canaanites who invented the 22 letter alphabet.
The Israelites were Canaanites. IsraEl means El Lives. El was the pantheon God of the Canaanites later conflated with Yahweh. Yahwehism derives from it.
You’re really confused.
You’re really confused i’m confused. Are you shy to tell me if you have Canaanite (Proto Hebrew) fonts support or no? You pretend to know all and play with empty or hateful words like fools Hind and Omega f.e. but you are not capable write even a bit Phoenician like me?
Sorry, never claimed to know it all. Only put some facts on the table that seem to bother you for whatever reason.
The people of the land wrote and spoke Canaanite which was later replaced by Aramaic and then Arabic. The Jews of the land were no exception.
Hebrew wasn’t spoken for nearly 2000 years until it was revived and partly invented in the mid 1900s to suit the newly created national identity associated with Israel. You for example came from Ukraine, leaned Hebrew and pretend to be from the land. Lebanese people didn’t need a language to support their identity and their roots to the land. Hopefully this other fact doesn’t bother you too. -
reply cenzored
More like reply not liked. 🙂
If you so “smart”, why you can not write Canaanite even a bit? Like most of Jews can write Hebrew
It’s because Canaanite was replaced by Aramaic and then Arabic thousands of years ago.
We Lebanese didn’t need to revive the Canaanite script and language to pretend to be from the land. We are! 🙂 -
…and created the Alphabet.
Oops, Aramaic, where is Your Aramaic, can You write it? ????????????????????
ܐܬ ܝܘܕܥܬ ܠܟܬܘܒ ???????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????
? -
OMG! Priceless!
This is interesting for those interested in the subject, but I do not belong to them.
“Prominent” rabbi may be interested in his cash flow
Rita and You are interested to be Canaanite illiterate, but no, You are posted beautiful picture with script, thank You -
I have no reason to know these old languages, have no connection to the region.
The policy’s political outlook, on the other hand, also affects us outside the region. -
“Cheers”…? ????
It’s a common expression often used at the end of a conversation. 🙂
You always learn something new….
So stop giving your personal stupid interpretations on a region you don’t belong to.
Thank goodness you largely refrain from commenting on the country you’ve been leeching off for the better part of your meaningful life. 🙂
Why are You lazy install font support (all) https://www.google.com/get/noto/
Canaanite https://www.google.com/get/noto/#sans-phnx ? -
I’m not lazy, I don’t need this font.
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Could you specify why “Wikiwand will be questioned by many participants in this forum” Mister Google?
This isn’t about the Canaanite origin of the Hebrew script and language but about the Babylonian Persian origin of Judaism as a synthetic cult. Peace
It appears that Christianity and Islamic quran also copied the same stories from the Torah, making all of the above a series of colorful and violent fairy tales based on cultural morals at the time. Or, you can call them all a cult of some sort.
Some stories in the Torah are also told in the Vedas like the deluge.
Pharisaism and other Jewish sects in Canaan were a Persian construct [Zoroastrianism]. Christianity derives from the Jewish sect, the Essenes whos view diverged from the Pharisees. The Pharisees were ultra conservative and rejected anyone who wasn’t Pharisaic [the purity ideology also comes from Persian]. The Essenes were open to others. Islam rewrote older stories. I agree all are cults. -
WE and WE ALONE are the sole surviving Canaanites. Hebrew is Canaanitic language. Our religion emerged within Canaan. Archeology supports this.
You don’t mean the Zionists do you?
‘More specifically, it is part of the Northwest Semitic group, which also includes the Canaanite languages such as Hebrew and Phoenician. The Aramaic alphabet was widely adopted for other languages and is ancestral to the Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic alphabets.’
Classical Arabic, meanwhile, derives from earlier Old Arabic languages such as Safaitic, which in turn derive from the same Central Semitic language as Aramaic and Hebrew. These languages, however, are not called Arabic, as they were not a single unifying Arabian language (though they were spoken in Arabia).”
‘Living Descendants of Biblical Canaanites Identified Via DNA
https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/07/canaanite-bible-ancient-dna-lebanon-genetics-archaeology/ -
Who exactly is the WE and WE ALONE? 🙂
Today’s Judaism didn’t emerge within Canaan. It comes from Babylon.
Archeology and science show the land of Canaan wasn’t invaded, the Canaanites were not killed and today’s Lebanese are descendants of those Canaanites with rather unaltered dna. -
Adam you are funny… Majority of you are white skin blue eyed arians. You are Europeans. The real canaanites are now in modern Lebanon.
Hebrew is a Semitic Chaldean language. The white Semite Eber from whence comes Eberew (Hebrew) was Abram’s (Abraham’s) forefather and they resided in Ur of the Chaldees before Abram and his family later migrated to Canaan.
And Uru Shalim most likely comes from Shelah the Canaanite Jews original forefather, the third son of Bathshuah – Genesis 38.
Uru stands for founded and Shalim for the Canaanite Phoenician god of dusk. Meaning they were pagan, not Jewish. With time Judaism was introduced to Canaan and people converted. The original Jerusalem was on a hill.
Sorry I don’t go with the Bible to understand history. 🙂
You said: “Sorry I don’t go with the Bible to understand history.”
And therein lies your problem – keeping you ignorant.
Historiography, archeology, genetics contradict the Bible.
There is no such thing as a racial Jew. The people who were first converted to Persian Pharisaism [which is called today Judaism] were pagan Canaanites, Judeans to be precise, while they were in captivity in Babylon. Wherever the Persian empire spread, people were converted to Persian Pharisaism. That’s why there were Jews in Phoenicia, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Armenian, Greece, India, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, etc.. Most of them later reconverted to other dominant religions. -
“Historiography, archeology, genetics contradict the Bible.”
You’re either a liar, brainwashed or both – you’re also a blatherer.
You say that to everyone. Lame.
Sick minds cannot be reasoned with.
You’re the one who believes in religious fables not me. 🙂
God has no religion and I am not religious. Oh and all the fables are yours – conjured up by quack intellectuals.
Your not religious but all you do is quote the Bible? You’re more confused than I thought. 🙂
What makes you think the Bible is religious?
Wow lol ok!! 🙂
I am being serious – who told you the Bible was a religious book? for I will tell you straight you didn’t make up your own mind that it was a religious book!
You may not value time but I do. I don’t have time for stupid trolls.
Bye. 🙂 -
I skimmed through quickly. Those look like excellent articles, thank you for sharing! 🙂
Omega & myself have recently read these articles by Michael David Magee. They are a little lengthy but well worth the time required to read & absorb. Another good article by Magee :
I finished reading the 2nd link of your 1st comment, truly enlightening! Thank you again. 🙂 Looking forward to read the rest.
I found the three articles both enlightening & liberating. Enjoy the reading.
Thank you again. 🙂
Oh I see you and YaLibnan dug up the one crazy rabbi who thinks this, compared with
the vast majority who do not. Typical of Stalinist bigot Antisemites to abuse the fact that our people are FAR more politically pluralist than the Arab world and the Islamic world. Even the most wacko sects believe that we are the people of Israel and that there should ultimately be an Israeli state.-
Wrong again… I am no bigot. It is against my religion to be. I hate Stalin and all dictators. And I cannot be antisemite because as a follower of Jesus, a semite, it does not make sense. I stand my ground that Israel is an Apartheid state which is in the wrong for turning a religion into a race. Becoming Jewish is open to all races. Are you saying that if I were to convert to Judaism I will become an Israeli? Grow up already!
Are you saying that The Jews are not a race or ethnic group?
Never said that… Being a jew is like being a christian. However, a Lebanese jew is Lebanese. A jew from Poland is Polish. The Middle Eastern Jews are semites like the Arabs. I think it is simple enough.
I like your avatar 😉 -
You should as they are not. What’s the link between a Yemeni, Russian and South American Jew to be either a race or ethnic group? 🙂
I did say it in a different way… A black jew is an African 😉
Jews are olive skinned Canaanites, Chinese and Mongols are yellow slit eyed Canaanites and Africans are black Canaanites, that is, serpent seed hu-mankind, not Adamic mankind.
The only serpent in here is Zion. 😉
‘Hu’ from the Hebrew/Gaelic and Old English tongues means ‘serpent’ so a hu-man is a serpent man, NOT a man.
Z a letter shaped like a serpent
ion an atom size molecule with a net charge of zero
Zion: a tiny snake that slithers and gets everywhere like a cancer -
Oh I see what you mean. Actually it’s just a word that The Jews have misappropriated and put to negative use.
As you probably know Mount Zion or Sion or Syon is a hill in Jerusalem to which the Jews have no lawful or racial claim to.
Jews are Jews and remain Jews wherever they reside:
“There are no English, French, German or American Jews, but only Jews living in England, France, Germany or America.”
— The Jew, Chaim Weizmann
Jews are not Semites, they’re Hamitic Canaanites, which I explain in detail here:
White Caucasians are the True Israelites – Anglo-Saxons = Isaac’s Sons – the ancient Saacae or Saaka.
Glad you like the avatar.
Jews are neither a race or an ethnic group. What is the link between a Yemeni, Russian and South American Jew?
Jews are Hamitic Canaanites, not Semitic Israelites and this is made very clear in The Holy Scriptures in Genesis 38. Jews therefore are DEFINITELY AN ETHNIC GROUP but not the ethnic group that they claim to be.
Here are the details of their origins:
Charles, the Jews are sex maniacs.. Just checkout Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen.. Lol
Hence they run the porn industry.
“In 1955, 20th Century Fox awarded Marlyn Monroe the richest per-film contract of any actress.
“It means,” remarked Monroe, “I’ll never have to suck another Jewish cock again!””
— The Jew Henry Makow Phd, “Marilyn and the Jews”
Yeah, so pluralist that typically dissenters among the Jews get shunned, ridiculed, called “crazy” (that’s a popular one!) and receive death threats by telephone at 3 o clock in the morning.
In contrast, antisemites tolerate far more diversity of opinion; for example, there can be found antisemites who argue in support of Israel, as well as those who believe it should be destroyed. I won’t claim to speak for antisemites in the same way you claim to speak for Jews, but certainly I wouldn’t call those antisemites who believe in a Jewish national project “crazy,” even though I don’t share their opinion.
Another Child Molester for Palestine! Enjoy him…just keep the kids away…
“Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro” is a “prominent rabbi”. Hind Bumbyad is a prominent Lebanese commenter and twitterer from “Institut Philippe-Penel” aka “Forensic Psychiatric Hospital” of Montreal. “Hannibal” is a prominent CEO of a prominent start-up specializing in janitor services. And our (sadly defunct) friend “Omega” is Lyndon Larouche’s prominent right-hand man. 🙂
Hind loves rabbis, first the “prominent rabbi” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/619dd42cb002eb01ccfdc5e7188775e12261654c8f05bb4d72d576ac2baa6b79.jpg
today it is an “Orthodox rabbi relates his personal experiences ….”Abyss must be very religious when the words come from Rabbis, Priests, or other religious functionaries weighs so heavily.
Can’t understand why Abyss has re-tweeted the following; https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d1e53383d43fe998fff18c6906f7eeb64c471cdc626d7aac18effa07bf44c2d.jpg
So why you think you have the RIGHT to spy on my Twitter in order to publish it here if you don’t Understaaand? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ec8a816933f6255107c8f4ca26c1b6b38a5de893a46a054ff52ce4db7098dcc7.jpg
Googled “Philippe Penel” y’aka “Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Charité University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany.” PS.”Phillipe Pinel” Îdiut. https://twitter.com/walid970721/status/951467209523630080
Dumbyad is right (probably for the first time in her life) – it is indeed “Pinel”. Hope she’ll forgive me for misprinting the name of the nuthouse she’s kept in. 🙂
Happy Birthday
“Jan 11, 2018 Zionism was born this week, 135 years ago
in a provincial town in Romania.”
https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.834303 -
Omega is a friend of the lying disso Larouche eh? That comes as no surprise – birds of feather…..!
Don’t you see the bogey men Rothschild everywhere? 🙂
Crap and shit, ad hominem doctorat..
Bogey men?? What a strange name for the wealthiest and most powerful family on earth. Sounds like an ignorant puerile gross understatement.
He used to quote some of LaRouche’s crap a while ago as a serious source. I guess I’ve shamed him out of it lately. 🙂
Crap is all that he quotes – his head is full of it!
I see..YuK friend come to gives a helping hand, praise Saudi Sheikh Abdallah Muhausni Al Qaeda Terrorist, for downing a Russian pilot.
Killing an ejected Pilot is a war crime. Furthermore, the insurgents have MANPADS because the US gave it to them, and yes including under Trump
I fail to see what your comment has to do with the topic being discussed.
Hind Dumbyad is a mental patient widely known in some closed circles. Her only two hobbies are hating Jooz and collecting Canadian welfare checks. 🙂
Hind Dumbyad is only brainwashed while Charles “White” Cosby is the real mental patient who refuses medication.
‘the real mental patient who refuses medication’ is you, giving yourself uppies, imbecil
Is there a topic being “dizcuzted” here?
Important news to compensate for the YK the Niemals barking trolls -
Is YK a Jew or a shabbos goy?
Zionist anti-Putin pro-Stepan Bandera ..and i’m dumbyad
These people are so confused. Putin is pro-Jew and imprisons people for Holocaust denial. Many a picture is out there with Putin surrounded by Rabbis!
So how can YK be a Zionist and anti-Putin?
The Russian central bank is Rothschild controlled and Kissinger is a frequent visitor to the Kremlin. How much proof and evidence do these morons need? Unless as you say he’s a hired troll.
I see that Stepan Bandera was a Nationalist, not a Zionist.
Stepan Bandera was a Nazi collaborator.
“Thousands march to honor Nazi collaborator in Kiev
Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists encouraged locals to ‘destroy’ Jews and Poles in the 1940s”“His group also was involved in the ethnic cleansing that killed tens of thousands of Poles in 1942-44. The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists portrayed Russians, Poles, Hungarians and Jews — most of the minorities in western Ukraine — as aliens and encouraged locals to “destroy” Poles and Jews.”
https://www.timesofisrael.com/thousands-march-to-honor-nazi-collaborator-in-kiev/ -
Well the Nazis did not destroy Jews. So where did Bandera get his ideas from? What sources are you using for your information? Beware of Jew propaganda – it’s everywhere.
IT’S history..i don’t understand Zionism it’s a mental disease they come here to insult Lebanon.
“Thirty members of the Israeli Knesset condemned the party in a signed letter addressed to the President of the European Parliament. In the letter the Israeli politicians accused Svoboda of “openly glorifying Nazi murder” and “Nazi war criminals”.[137] In May 2013 the World Jewish Congress labelled the party as “neo-Nazi” and called for European governments to ban them.[138] Wikipedia
“Openly glorifying Nazi murder” and “Nazi war criminals”??? = lying Jews and their lying propaganda.
Most Neo-Nazi groups are controlled opposition and are used by the Cultural Jew Marxists to give genuine Nationalists a bad name.
It’s not a subject i know..rather what WW1 did to the Middle East.
Re the Middle East in WW1 was Jew Rothschild’s controlled Britain betraying the Arab people – especially the Palestinians
Hence British agents assassinated Lawrence of Arabia – a friend of the Arab peoples.
Maybe because he’s Fascist
What’s wrong with being a Fascist as opposed to a corrupt Jew pawn democrat?
I’m not an expert in these subjects..
AH!! OK. Then stick around and you will learn The Truth!
“Dealing with The Jews requires a Jewish Primer on how the Jews talk and how they use certain words:
1) “Fascist.” Jews call someone a fascist when that person prevents the Jews from taking control of the politics of a particular nation.
2) “Fascism.” The political status of a particular nation that keeps the Jews in their place and out of power.
“There is not a single instance when the Jews have not fully deserved the bitter fruit of the fury of their persecutors….We come to the nations pretending to escape persecution, we [Jews] are the most deadly persecutors in all the wretched annals of men.”
— Samuel Roth, Jewish writer, Jews Must Live (NY,NY: The Golden Hind Press Inc., 1934) pp. 64-65
I Know a Zionist from a good Jew. Golden Hind.. hahh..!
When are all these ‘good Jews’ going to overthrow Satanyahu? Hahh!
Young American Jews are distancing themselves from Israel…
Oh very brave and ‘honourable’ of them. Are homeless and injured Syrian and Palestinian women and children supposed to celebrate?
The so called Ashkenazi aka Kazhars had no ancestors who ever put a toe in the holy land using bible to steal, kill, torture, what’s the difference with ISL what’s the use talking about? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eb3aeb91d018880b16d0da9fa2882158f27480d41da0a3499110175fdb58e228.jpg They hate Christians. They want Lebanon it’s the plan since 100 yrs
They are Hamitic Canaanites – The Serpent Seed from The Garden – The Tares – Synagogue of Satan. Of course they hate Christians – their Pharisee forefathers killed Yashua Messiah (Jesus Christ).
Don’t get bogged down in all this Ashkenazi Khazar stuff for it’s all a distraction from the Truth.
There is no such thing as an Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenaz was a son of Japheth and Japheth was the Patriarch of ALL oriental slit eyed yellow skinned people so Ashkenaz was an oriental not a Middle Eastern swarthy or brown skinned creature.
The Khazars were Edomite Canaanite Turks who converted to Judaism = religious Jews not racial Jews. The Edomites were from Esau.
Well, they can do whatever they want, they chose evil and malevolence it’s not my business.
Einstein warned about the Irgun Zionists et al: ‘If one day a catastrophe shall befall on us in Palestine the first responsable will be the British the second will come from our own rank, i don’t wish for this to anyone.’
I have nothing to do with this!
They didn’t choose evil, they’re born evil – they’re serpents in hu-man form.
Yashua Messiah (Jesus Christ) and John the Baptist told us:
John the Baptist:
Matthew 3:7 (KJV) But when he (John) saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation (offspring or race) of vipers (snakes or reptiles), who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? (Brackets mine)
Yashua Messiah:
Matthew 12:34 (KJV) O generation (offspring or race) of vipers (snakes or reptiles), how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. (Brackets mine)
Matthew 23:33 (KJV) Ye SERPENTS, ye generation (offspring or race) of vipers (snakes or reptiles), how can ye escape the damnation of hell? (Brackets and emphasis mine)
John 8:44 (KJV) Ye are of your father The Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in The Truth, because there is no Truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Matthew 27:25 (KJV) Then answered all the people (the Jews), and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
Khazars were Canaanites?
Khazars were Edomite Turks who in turn were Canaanites. Esau/Edom took Canaanite wives.
When you face palm in future do it nice and hard – you might then knock some sense into that block of wood that sits on top of your shoulders.
Sounds like the revisionism of a religious fanatic. 🙂 Khazars were not Semitic. Jews from the Middle East did move north to Khazaria but it was mostly to convert the people.
Jews are not Semites and Khazars were not Semites – both wretched tribes were Hamitic Canaanites – er that means they were from Ham NOT Shem! DOH!!
Wow lol!!
To quote what you said to Omega..
“due to relations with the Khazars, a Semitic tribe of traders of the Silk Road”
You’re not well mentally!! 🙂
These pages don’t have 100% truth. Only I have 100% Truth. It’s not difficult once you are a seeker of Truth which you are not. Like the Omega jerk you love lies.
Go away pest!! 🙂
Oh no, I am here to torment lovers of lies like you. So I think it best if YOU go away.
Insecure troll!! 🙂
You are the lying troll, so you must be the one who is insecure. I am 100% confident in what I say, you cannot be because you rely on liars for your perverted information.
Wow and orirignal!! 🙂 You repeat what I say.
Looks like the meds are wearing off – up the dosage quick!
I don’t contradict myself every other minute like you. 🙂
Will someone please call the men in white coats for this wretched creature – thanking you in advance..
Historically, Jews or Khazar, hate Christians
“and i’m dumbyad”
Glad we agree on something, sista. 🙂
Yes – the ignorant jerk Omega and his association with the lying disso La Rouche
Just for the record: nobody gives a f@rt about Saudi sheikhs. I suppose this particular one is a piece of sh*t, since (almost) all sheikhs are, be they Shi’a or Sunni. For some reason, though, you’re only concerned with turds of the second kind. I bet the Shi’a ones don’t smell. 🙂
If a piece of shit called Omega turns up here please let me know.
Do we know you merdouille?
Is knowing me a requirement of yours? And I do not speak French.
French is to pass by moderator, he only likes Y K…
so all of a sudden you’re on Lebanese Christian site.. humm.. as a Christians hater? Or maybe lending a helping hand to your twin brother.Guest uppies are Niemals..;-))
What does the word mean in moderator avoiding terms?
I am a Christian, but not the fake RELIGIOUS kind = Roman Catholics – Eastern Orthodox – Anglican – Episcopalian – Methodists – assorted other Protestants – Pentecostals – Baptists or RELIGIOUS cults like JWs, Mormons, SDAs etc. etc. etc.
I group them ALL under the umbrella title of The CAINITE-JUDEO-CHRISTIAN RELIGION!!
Details here:
Thanks.. i will read it
“he only likes Y K”
What’s not to like? 🙂
Have the honor to join the https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b03e7b05cc1d90aae3168f22c0321a78c257110699d852531b43ffdf1d64eadb.jpg HanniMegaHin exclusive club
I don’t join clubs.
You just have done it.
Not me.
Alzheimer needs exclusive attention. .he will try anything.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ab0077dfada7fcadfb2e6b2d8e926c976c2ce35236b0cfac57f4de3b10e968e1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d56add09744ac82e338c7d811cd20ff5b8d69c23dc7d5c36f164e3cba4669e8c.jpg Insufferable, Renee Descartes, Matrix, O’Matrix, OhYeah Niemals.. -
That’s you doing it, not me.
Who has the right for Jerusalem has been on the wall for a long time without ever changing anything.
Politically, no one has agreed on the status of Jerusalem, and there are more than two parties involved.
In the real world there is only one who rules over Jerusalem, and this with the support of the US state.
That’s probably the reason why the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s highest decision-making body has set up a committee to consider disengaging with Israel.
The Palestinian Liberation Organization and its head, Mahmoud Abbas, have threatened to no longer recognize Israel.
Abbas cursed Trump in his speech, “Yekhreb beitak!” literally means “May your house be demolished.”
A possible withdrawal by Palestinian leaders from the US-brokered Oslo Accords, which were established in the 1990s and led to the creation of the PA, could mean the collapse of the PA and the end of Mahmoud Abbas’ career.
Revoking the PLO’s recognition of Israel could also mean an end to a two-state solution for the region.
Trump’s decision to move the US embassy to the divided city has upended decades of US policy and prompted Abbas to reject any US-led peace efforts.
Washington has also withheld millions in aid for Palestinian refugees, with Trump saying the PLO needs to return to the negotiating table.
Several Western countries have been urging Palestinian officials against suspending recognition of Israel, according to several diplomats.
The panel in this forum does not have better solutions despite so many counter-thrust….
On topic: “Japan to recognise Palestine state, increase aid
Speaking to media, senior aide to Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas, Nabil Shaath, said Japan had pledged to support the Palestinian right to create an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital during the latest talks between the two countries.
Japan, according to Shaath, rejected US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.”
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