Lebanese, Palestinians protest in Beirut against Trump’s Jerusalem move

Lebanese and Palestinian students burn a picture of President Trump as they protest in the port city of Sidon, Lebanon, on Dec. 7, 2017. (Mohammed Zaatari / Associate Press)
Lebanese and Palestinian students burn a picture of President Trump as they protest in the port city of Sidon, Lebanon, on Dec. 7, 2017. (Mohammed Zaatari / Associate Press)

Thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians marched in the streets of Beirut in protest against U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

More than 5,000 people took to the streets near the Palestinian refugee camp of Shatila after Friday prayers and marched toward a cemetery where hundreds of Palestinians, including commanders, are buried.

The Shatila refugee camp was the site of a massacre that left hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinians dead in 1982 during Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. The massacre in Shatila and the nearby camp of Sabra was carried out by Lebanese Christian militiamen allied with Israel.

Carrying Palestinian flags, the group marched from the Imam Ali mosque in Beirut’s western neighborhood of Tariq al-Jedideh to the cemetery before they dispersed peacefully.

Lebanese MPs  slam Trump’s move

Lebanon’s parliament held a special session on Friday over  Trump’s controversial decision

At the end of the session,  Speaker Nabih Berri addressed a recommendation, in the name of the Lebanese people, to the U.S. administration.

The recommendation supports “the right of the Palestinian people to resort to legitimate resistance and struggle to get rid of the Israeli occupation.”

Berri also called for “unifying all Arab efforts to employ the capabilities in supporting the Palestinians as they seek their rights,” urging “the avoidance of all other conflicts.”

“Parliament considers that the U.S. decision on Jerusalem would lead to wars, jeopardize regional and international peace, and represent a cover for the Israeli occupation,” the parliament’s recommendation says.

At the opening of the session, Berri had warned that “those who dare to aggress against Jerusalem would dare to aggress against al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Resurrection, and therefore against Lebanon.”

Speaking at the session, the head of Hezbollah’s  bloc MP Mohammed Raad described Trump’s move as a “new aggression by the highest U.S. authority that is aimed at achieving common U.S.-Israeli interests at the expense of Palestine and the Arab and Islamic countries.”

Raad also called for “endorsing  the confrontation plan that Hezbollah chief  Hassan Nasrallah suggested” on Thursday, which called for a Palestinian intifada( uprising)

Kataeb bloc MP Fadi al-Habre warned that “recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel would undermine the peace process.” He  described Jerusalem as “a city for all religions.”

MP Ghazi Aridi of the Progressive Socialist Party said politicians in the region should not have been “surprised” by Trump’s decision, seeing as “it was taken some time ago and is not new.”

“It is part of a U.S.-Israeli strategy that Trump is implementing after having announced it during his electoral campaign,” Aridi added.

Lebanese Forces deputy chief MP George Adwan meanwhile slammed Trump’s decision as “an insult to the sentiments of Muslims and Christians.”

“We reject and condemn this illegal decision and we call on our government to inform the U.S. administration of our rejection and condemnation of Trump’s decision,” Adwan added.

Jamaa Islamiya MP Imad al-Hout meanwhile called for summoning U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Elizabeth Richard to the Foreign Ministry and for “boycotting her” until the U.S. administration “reverses its decision.”

MP Sethrida Geagea of the LF for her part called for “avoiding violence” in responding to Trump’s move.

“What is needed is a Christian-Muslim humanitarian uprising transcending borders and continents, which would be able to block this decision and seriously push for peace on the basis of the two-state solution,” Geagea added.



95 responses to “Lebanese, Palestinians protest in Beirut against Trump’s Jerusalem move”

  1. Sure Lebanese don’t give a Shit about the Palestinians, that’s why after 70 years.
    They don’t have any rights, nor citizenship, nor ID and no basic civil rights.
    The Palestinians will stay forever in Lebanon, if they like it or not……and if the Lebanese like it or not

    1. Danny Farah Avatar
      Danny Farah

      Jack whether we love or hate the Palestinians we all know that this move is a disaster one. It’s a recipe for more turmoil in the middle east. The Palestinians have been looking for East Jerusalem as their Capital. The Israelis keep taking more Land from them and turning them into Settlements. so Yah I admit i do not like the Palestinians what they have done to Lebanon but also they were kicked out of Palestine and forced on Lebanon and Jordan. so we are technically carrying the burden of the Israeli plot. So the bottom line this will make the peace process less achievable especially if the US is the moderator here which seems to be biased on what Mr. Trump did. He did it to distract Mueller and please the Conservative Christians so he can be protected from any impeachments. there is more I want to say about that but I know it’s to come up later. So to answer your question Israel is the one who kicked the Palestinians and shoved on Jordan and lebanon. we don’t like even the SYrian who have invaded our country despite their plights. Even the SUnnis in Lebanon don’t want them either. so your points is baseless in trying to sidetrack from the main issue and trying to achieve some kind of harmony and peace between the two sides.

      1. “Jack whether we love or hate the Palestinians we all know that this move is a disaster one.”

        To put it bluntly – the Lebanese have been taking such great care of their own country that their advice on international matters is, well, of little value. This applies even to “normal” Lebanese like you, not to speak of the “Resister” degenerates. And I’m saying this with full sympathy to your plight.

        P.S. The people who really hate the Palestinians are, first, their own “leadership”, and second, their Arab “brothers”.

        1. Danny Farah Avatar
          Danny Farah

          It’s not of your damned business what we do in our country. We will never have peace between lebanon and Israel as long as the Palestinians do not go to their homeland plain and simple. Israel will not have peace as long as they are building settlements and keep humiliating Palestinians women and children to say the least.

          1. Perhaps the Palestinians should not have listened to their Arab brethren and get out of the way in 48. Perhaps Lebanon should not be a doormat for any poor soul. Perhaps Lebanon should stop being a doormat.

          2. I wouldn’t be surprise if you will regard this tweet as a perfect example describing Hind Abyad‏ state of mind @AbyadHind 3 Std. Vor 3 Stunden Mehr
            Hind Abyad hat Eitan Arvats retweetet
            ???????????????? https://twitter.com/AbyadHind/status/939922624553082880
            …and she is talking about mental disease and “Kill them all.”
            That is the real Hind Abyad ????

          3. My goodness. Nothing is too low for this creature… I can’t even pretend it’s funny anymore…

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar

            My goodness..”Zionism is a mental disease Jewish
            genocide God’s name Yahwé, means the army
            commander. Kill them all. Kill them all!
            “Mainstream Western media, have failed to condemn Israeli incitement against Palestinians, a practice that is surprisingly common considering the little to no attention it receives.
            Often these anti-Palestinian posts, pictures, and rallies are rife with calls for genocide, with cries of “Death to the whole Arab nation” and “Kill them all” surprisingly common. Even the Times of Israel ran an op-ed article about “When Genocide is permissible”
            Sick Zionists

          5. “”Mainstream Western media, have failed to condemn Israeli incitement against Palestinians, a practice that is surprisingly common considering the little to no attention it receives.”

            This is because no one gives a shiit. Most Arab countries see the divided Palestinian leaders as ineffective and they can’t even get along with themselves. They are certainly not capable of controlling their own country. Making them a puppet state for certain Arab or Persian dictators.

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar

            No one here gives a sh’it about you other than your associates.

          7. In many of your previous comments, do you mentioned orabians…, now you have a confirmation from an unexpected source – Hind….
            Mahmoud Abbas:
            “The US is not a peace mediator, and we do not accept it as Arabs and Muslims. It is a dishonest and biased mediator”
            The Anti-Zionist Israeli Parliament member Azmi Bishara says it too there is no “Palestinian People”.


          8. Hind Abyad Avatar

            You don’t speak or read Arabic Niekhanzir. So shut up

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Poor liar childish faker i’m not SashaMostar.

            Eitan Arvats @EitanArvats
            Replying to @SashaMostar and 3 others
            Police decide on the arrangements- not the Media – he asked for her
            to move a few times she declined, I would have hit her with a stick.
            Eitan Arvats – Hind Abyad
            Are these ur followers @walid970721 ? Nice people, enlightened; surely u want to liberate Palestine from the River to the Sea with this lot.

            Hind Abyad – Eitan Arvats
            Zionism is a mental disease Jewish genocide God’s name Yahwe means the army commander. Kill them all.
            10:32 PM – Dec 9, 2017

          10. It’s none of your damn business to decide for me what is and what is not my business. Capisce? 🙂

            “We will never have peace between lebanon and Israel as long as….”

            The Lebanese are free to be at war with Israel – or with Mars, for that matter – as long as they wish so. And as long as they are prepared to live with the consequences of their actions (or inaction). The same applies to having an army of murderous thugs run their country. It is, after all, their country and their business.

          11. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Lebanon is none of you’re damn business go to The Hill.
            You own Mars the Planet of War your choosiness.. after
            your ilk destroys this Planet.

  2. My opinion is that Trump’s Jerusalem’s move should not get that much attention. It is not a big deal and here is why:
    Beirut hosts 84 embassies = Beirut is the capital of Lebanon and the mother of the Law.
    Jerusalem hosts 0 embassies = Jerusalem is NOT the capital of Israel.
    All this fanfare and anger will bring us nothing. Israel has no capital because until they make peace with their neighbors Israel is an illegitimate whore of a country.
    So go back home because this outrage is legitimizing what Trump said.
    Trump! You’re fired!

    1. Demonstrations by Palestinians in Israel, Israelis, Jordanians, Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian and Turkish. Yeah, the Muslims are upset.

    2. Setting aside your landmark, subliterate and hateful stupidity, this is one more surprisingly less-than-totally-insane comment from you. What’s going on? You seeing a new shrink? Trying some experimental drugs?

      1. I have ZERO hate in me. Hate is a very powerful feeling and a powerful word. Do not tread it lightly. Hate is what Palestinians and Israelis practice against one another. I never hurt anyone in my entire life. Jesus teaches me to turn the other cheek and love. But here is a hateful specimen for you “pal” 😉 The settler dude with the yarmulke carrying a machine gun shooting Palestinian kids because G_D told him the land is his.

        1. “I have ZERO hate in me”

          I’ll grant you this one: you are like 90% different kinds of sh*t. The substance holding it all together – one can argue about that.

          1. When you write those words do you first stand in front of a mirror and describe what you see? No wonder…

  3. Hind Abyad Avatar

    Then they told the soldiers they are filmed.

  4. ‘At the opening of the session, Berri had warned that “those who dare to
    aggress against Jerusalem would dare to aggress against al-Aqsa Mosque
    and the Church of the Resurrection [!!???], and therefore against Lebanon.”’

    This particular Nasrallah’s butthole-licker is finally off his rocker (not that he was actually siting on one before) :-).

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar

      He’s right “those who dare to aggress against Jerusalem would dare to aggress against al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Resurrection and therefore against Lebanon.”
      Lebanon is not a Sect.

      Sect Saudi Arabia House of Saoud
      Sect Israel House of Jacobs sect.
      Both hate Christians.

      1. “Both hate Christians”. Even if they did, what’s that to you? You’re to Christianity what pubic lice are to spirituality.

        P.S. Nobody “hates” a mental patient, sista. But yes, they have to be treated – even against heir will – lest they become a danger to themselves and/or to others.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          The only danger to themselves and to others is the House of Jacob, Israel.

  5. YaLibnan, true to its pathetic “Arabism”, is giving a rosy picture of a “dignified” protest in Beirut. The reality looks rather different, as reported by the Lying Zionist Media(tm):


  6. “Lebanon’s parliament held a special session on Friday over Trump’s controversial decision”

    Members of Lebanon’s useless “Parliament”, well into the ninth (!) year of its 4-year term, busy doing what they do best: trying to outdo each other in insanity – and hot-air-blowing expertise. 🙂

    1. Agreed! They can shake hands with corrupt Nutanyahoo and feel the brotherly vibes. 😛

      1. “They can shake hands with corrupt Nutanyahoo”

        They can’t. It’s prohibited by a law their no-less-moronic predecessors legislated (at a time when legislation was something they still engaged in occasionally).

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          Did you pay for this Palestnian villa?
          Hey @WorldPressPhoto check this picture. It is extraordinary. Israeli forces arrest a 16y-o kid in Hebron yesterday. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9302af277c2bb4e00c5d744927b694ced8163089cd9724d4c4443fded823b097.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/99173f51762dfaa802fbcc621cb43bfd0f53bb522d392db401177ad112371044.jpg

          1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            That’s a villa? Looks cheap.

          2. The villa (“Harun al-Rashid”) is indeed very beautiful. No wonder Dumbyad has been obsessing about it (its pictures keep popping in her posts every few months). Sorry, Dumbyad, no mental institution here, go back to your room, it’s lights out soon! 🙂

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Can you say it was not stolen? How about the Knesset owned
            by a Palestinian family.. the grandson still has the deeds.

            e.g. “Facts about The New York Times’ acquisition of this property (Palestinian house) are revealed for the first time in this article. Bronner was concerned, but not only about Palestinians being made homeless in Israel’s relentless drive to Judaïse their city; he was also worried about properties in his West Jerusalem neighbourhood, including the building he lives in, partially owned by The New York Times, that was the home of Palestinians made refugees in 1948.”

          4. You think that guy in the picture is me? Believe me, I’m much, much uglier. 🙂

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Did the Zionist thieves pay or took for free?

          6. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            Sweetie, for someone living on the dole that’s pretty rich coming from you. Leeching at least $514 a week from the Canadian taxpayer… xoxo

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Sweetie, 514, Lesbian aunts, xoxo..Hi Mamequer0?

          8. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            Why don’t you do something fun for Christmas, go to Havana.

          9. “I’m much, much uglier. :-)”

            I always blame god for making me good looking instead of rich.

          10. God should be ashamed of himself! 🙂

          11. Where did Hind find your picture?

  7. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
    Rainbow Sponge

    JPost: “missile launched at Israel, lands within Gaza”


    1. VICTORY!!! te he.

      1. The Zionist Entity is about to fall any day now. 🙂

        1. I heard a tremor…..oh, that was another tunnel.

  8. Hind Abyad Avatar

    All the Zionist trolls took over YaLibnan as if it was their homeland.
    You can’t make this stuff up!
    Fish eyes Israeli defence minister ex bouncer who came to Israel from Moldova in 1978 and lives in illegal settlement of Nokdim (occupied Palestinian territory) calls for boycott of indigenous Arab citizens because they ‘They don’t belong here’….

      1. Wow, you found Hinds dirty laundry.

        I bet she is still have comments that contain personal attacks and inappropriate language.

        It is amusing to read Hind Abyad‏ @AbyadHind……
        Hind have retwitterd her own tweet as well as giving an ???? for the same twitt…

        Angela Merkel condemns anti-Semitic incidents in Berlin http://p.dw.com/p/2p9p0

        1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
          Rainbow Sponge

          Dyou live in a nice part of Germany?

          1. I live in Schleswig-Holstein (born in Berlin).

            A Münchner will claim that Bayern is a nice Bundesland to live in as well as one from Leipzig will claim the same…

            Right now it is a big mess because of the snow storm.

          2. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            Looks wonderful, just Googled it. You know every time I look at a map of Germany, what always strikes me is how Germany’s borders have shrunk when you look at what it was pre-WW1 when Prussia was part of the country. Kinda sucks but… that’s what war does. Something that fellow palestinians will never learn.

          3. That was the price we paid for peace.

          4. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            The biggest price of that war was the carpet bombing of German cities. And I’m not talking apartment buildings but 1,000-year old cathedrals and landmarks. Disgusting if you ask me.

          5. Due to copyright (outside of Germany) I do not know if you managed to open the video.
            The wetter.com reports our whether on SAT.1HD (privet station).

        2. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
          Rainbow Sponge

          And yes Dumbyad is wasting her life away posting crap which no one reads.

  9. As a former child soldier, Ziad says he feels the pain of the children being politicized in Dahiya, and compares them to the Hitler Youth of World War II. “If God gave me one wish, I would ask for my childhood, my teenage years back,” Ziad said.
    He now gives lectures about his experiences and sense of loss, in the hope that the next generation might learn something from them.

    Judging by 21st century Dahiya, it is a forlorn hope. A new generation of Zaids, Alis and Abbases are being taught that childhood is a time to prepare for the next war. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a7b0ed259e475cb586705e0ae1b33e7e9f89267f91f8eb35dfa972d0320f7be5.jpg Ali is 6, and yet already he fiercely chants “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” at a rally alongside his family. It is a typical Beirut rally, organized by the Shia militia Hezbollah, to protest US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

    “At 6, he is too old to not be here,” his mother Fatima said as she pushed the stroller carrying Ali’s baby brother, justifying her decision to bring her children to a political rally. She seemed unconcerned that his words were hate speech.

    Fatima is a follower of Shia Islam and a Hezbollah supporter, like most of the thousands of people who had gathered in south Beirut’s Dahiya district, Hezbollah’s Shia-majority heartland.

    There were as many if not more women and children as men at the rally. Women like Fatima brought their kids along not because of a lack of nannies or day care centers, but to purposely to acquaint them with the Hezbollah’s self-proclaimed cause – resistance to Israel.

    “This is the right age to learn about how the Jews took our land,” Fatima said. She spoke heatedly about the events of 1948, when the state of Israel was formed on Palestinian land. “America helps Israel regularly and imposes war on us and now the Satan wants to give our mosque to the Jews,” Fatima said.

    Ali and children like him repeat their parents’ slogans as they follow the voice emanating from the speakers installed on the rally’s route. All demand the death of Americans, Jews and Israelis that they have never spoken to or met.

    Stopping for snacks and clicking selfies, the afternoon doubles as a picnic, a day out dedicated to normalizing hatred for “the other.” The impact on children is ignored, or is, in fact, the point. They are being initiated into the ways of Hezbollah, the Party of God, and for a 6-year-old it is a ritual as much as anything else. “Jews and Americans are my enemy,” he said, when asked why he spoke as he did. He looked up at his mother for confirmation. [DW] https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f78c9c85c404802a765267dac80f698ecd7a49c44d1fd0247c672df3e21a7131.jpg A Lebanese mother hands protest material to her toddler at a Hezbollah rally in Beirut following Trump’s Jerusalem announcement

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