American Jewish Studies scholars sign petition against Trump’s Jerusalem declaration

Protests have broken out across the Middle East as the international community has denounced President Donald Trump's decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capitol. (Photo: @ajplus/Twitter)
Protests have broken out across the Middle East as the international community has denounced President Donald Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol. (Photo: @ajplus/Twitter)

More than 100 Jewish studies scholars have signed a petition condemning President Trump‘s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

In a petition released Thursday — just days after Trump’s declaration — more than 110 signatories from universities and colleges around the country called on Trump to rescind the declaration.

“We write as Jewish Studies scholars to express our dismay at the Trump administration’s decision to reverse decades of bipartisan U.S. policy by declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and authorizing the relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv,” the petition reads.

An American Jewish scholar holds a Palestinian flag during a protest against Israel's air strikes on Gaza.
An American Jewish scholar holds a Palestinian flag during a protest against Israel’s air strikes on Gaza.

“A declaration from the United States government that appears to endorse sole Jewish proprietorship over Jerusalem adds insult to ongoing injury and is practically guaranteed to fan the flames of violence.”

The petition, which links to the Israeli human rights advocacy group  B’Tselem, accuses the Israeli government of perpetrating “systematic inequalities” against the Palestinian people.

“Palestinian residents of Jerusalem endure systematic inequalities, including an inequitable distribution of the city’s budget and municipal services, routine denial of building permits that are granted to Jewish residents, home demolitions, and legal confiscation of property for Jewish settlement,” the petition argues.

“In addition, Palestinians in the West Bank, unlike Jewish Israelis resident in that territory, require a special permit to visit Jerusalem’s holy sites,” it adds.

In an event at the White House on Wednesday, Trump said that declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s recognized capital was “the right thing to do.”

“This is nothing more or less than a recognition of reality. It’s also the right thing to do. It’s something that has to be done,” Trump said.

Trump also announced a plan to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Avis to Jerusalem.

The decisions have sparked criticism from Arab leaders and violence in Gaza.

The Hill




5 responses to “American Jewish Studies scholars sign petition against Trump’s Jerusalem declaration”

  1. If Jewish scholars are condemning the Jerusalem decision then Trump should reverse it right away. They know what is better for Israel than anyone else

    1. If Trump reverse the decision right away, will attacks against Jews in Europe come to an end?

      “Just last night, protesters shouted ‘we’re going to shoot the Jews’ in Malmo, Sweden’s third-largest city… I cannot imagine what it feels like to be a Swedish Jew today,” tweeted Jewish Agency for Israel spokesperson Avi Mayer.

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar

      ‘Egyptian Christians reject meeting with Pence in protest of Trump’s
      Jerusalem decision’

      ‘Trump’s top Middle East adviser Dina Powell quits the White House
      amid Jerusalem crisis’

      ‘The Trump Effect: Japanese and Chinese High-Tech delegations cancel
      visits to Israel’

      ‘As Netanyahu heads to Europe, thousands of Israelis take to the streets
      to protest against him in ‘March of Shame’ following concern regarding widespread unrest due to Trump’s Jerusalem declaration’

    3. I guess you were being ironic. I’m afraid it’s way too subtle for most here, though. 🙂

  2. “An American Jewish scholar holds a Palestinian flag during a protest against Israel’s air strikes on Gaza.”

    The picture shows a nutbag from Naturei Karta.

    YaLibnan either have an exceptional tongue-in-cheek sense of humor – which I doubt – or have outsourced their editing to interns with brains the size of Gebran Bassil’s. 🙂

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