Palestinians, Muslims worldwide hold ‘Day of Rage’ over Jerusalem

Worshippers chant as they wave Palestinian flags after Friday prayers on the compound known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary   in Jerusalem's Old City, as Palestinians call for a "day of rage" in response to U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital December 8, 2017. REUTERS/Ammar Awad
Worshippers chant as they wave Palestinian flags after Friday prayers on the compound known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary in Jerusalem’s Old City, as Palestinians call for a “day of rage” in response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital December 8, 2017. REUTERS/Ammar Awad

JERUSALEM  – Thousands of Palestinians protested in a “day of rage” on Friday in the occupied West Bank, Gaza and in East Jerusalem against U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of the ancient city as Israel’s capital.

Across the Arab and Muslim worlds, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets on Friday, the Muslim holy day, expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and outrage at the U.S. move.

As Friday prayers ended at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, worshippers made their way towards the walled Old City gates, chanting “Jerusalem is ours, Jerusalem is our capital,” and “We don’t need empty words, we need stones and Kalashnikovs”. Some scuffles broke out between protesters and police.

Trump’s decision to reverse decades of U.S. policy and recognise Jerusalem has been met by days of protests, although violence so far has largely been contained.

By midday Friday there had been no reports of deaths in two days of demonstrations in the Palestinian territories. Thirty-one Palestinians were wounded on Thursday.

Clashes began in some spots of the West Bank after Friday prayers, though the unrest appeared less intense than the previous day. In Hebron and Bethlehem dozens of Palestinians threw stones at Israeli soldiers who fired back with tear gas.

In Gaza, calls for worshippers to protest sounded over mosque loudspeakers and dozens of youths burnt tyres on the main streets of the enclave, controlled by the Islamist Hamas group, and hundreds rallied towards the border with Israel.

Hamas has called for a new Palestinian uprising like the “intifadas” of 1987-1993 and 2000-2005 that together saw thousands of Palestinians and more than 1,000 Israelis killed.

“Whoever moves his embassy to occupied Jerusalem will become an enemy of the Palestinians and a target of Palestinian factions,” said Hamas leader Fathy Hammad as protesters in Gaza burnt posters of Trump. “We declare an intifada until the liberation of Jerusalem and all of Palestine.”


Palestinian protesters take cover during clashes with Israeli troops as Palestinians call for a “day of rage” in response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, near the Jewish settlement of Beit El, near the West Bank city of Ramallah December 8, 2017. REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman

Trump’s announcement on Wednesday has infuriated the Arab world and upset Western allies. The status of Jerusalem has been one of the biggest obstacles to a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians for generations.

Israel considers all of Jerusalem to be its capital. Palestinians want the eastern part of the city as the capital of a future independent state of their own. Most countries consider East Jerusalem, which Israel captured in a 1967 war and annexed, to be occupied territory, including the Old City, home to sites considered holy to Muslims, Jews and Christians alike.

For decades, Washington, like most of the rest of the international community, held back from recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, arguing that its status should be determined as part of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process. No other country has its embassy there.

The Trump administration argues that the peace process has become moribund, and outdated policies need to be jettisoned for the sides in the conflict to make progress.

In Ramallah, the seat of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority, the leader’s religious affairs adviser said Trump’s stance was an affront to Islam and Christianity alike.

“America has chosen to elect a President that has put it in enmity with all Muslims and Christians,” said the advisor, Mahmoud al-Habbash.

Israeli police increased their presence in Jerusalem but set no extra restrictions on access for worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque, saying they had no indication of unrest there, a sign they anticipated confrontation to be limited. Police regularly impose age restrictions at the site, known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as the Temple Mount, when they anticipate major unrest.

In Iran, which has never recognised Israel and supports anti-Israel militants, demonstrators burned pictures of Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while chanting “Death to the Devil”. Opposition to the U.S. move has united Iran’s pragmatist faction, which supports greater openness to the outside world, behind hardliners that oppose it.

In Cairo, capital of Egypt, a U.S. ally which has a peace treaty with Israel, hundreds of protesters who had gathered in Al-Azhar mosque and outside in its courtyard chanted “Jerusalem is Arab! O Trump, you madman, the Arab people are everywhere!”

The imam leading Friday prayer at Al-Azhar said the U.S. plan to move its embassy to Jerusalem was a “terrorist decision” that would add another settlement to those of Israel.

Thousands also took to the streets in Muslim-majority Malaysia and Indonesia, where authorities tightened security around U.S. embassies.




6 responses to “Palestinians, Muslims worldwide hold ‘Day of Rage’ over Jerusalem”

  1. How many times it have been promised that they (Hamas) will with the help of an intifada will liberate all of Palestine? According to reports on Press TV;
    Israeli forces kill 2 Palestinian protesters in Gaza ???? ?!?! Palestinian medics wheel a man into the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on December 8, 2017, after he was wounded in a protest against US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as the capital of Israel. (Photo by AFP)

  2. Is the call for intifada including all places in the world where Jews live?
    How come that the Jews in Europe have to be attacked because of Trumps decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?
    “Masked attackers firebomb Swedish synagogue with Molotov cocktails”
    A group of masked youths have attacked a synagogue in Gothenburg, Sweden, with Molotov cocktails, amid a global backlash against the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.(RT)
    “Just last night, protesters shouted ‘we’re going to shoot the Jews’ in Malmo, Sweden’s third-largest city… I cannot imagine what it feels like to be a Swedish Jew today,” tweeted Jewish Agency for Israel spokesperson Avi Mayer.
    CNN Breaking News @cnnbrk
    Several people threw burning objects at a synagogue in Gothenburg, Sweden, late Saturday, police said. The incident is under investigation.
    00:59 – 10 dec. 2017

  3. Muslims worldwide hold a day of rage because of Trump Jerusalem decision.
    The Jews in this forum are shining with their silent absence after the synagogue in Gothenburg has suffered a failed fire brigade.

    Why are you barking at the Arabs on this forum, do you enjoy it or you don’t dare to protest against the violence of anti-Semitism in Europe?

    The Palestinian arabs have more guts then you do.
    One can only pity you since you can’t stand up against antisemitism.

    There was criticism against the Swedish Prime Minister (Löfven) from Jewish Organization in the United States.
    A Jewish organization in the United States responding to the incident believes that Sweden’s prime minister and foreign minister have been warned of increased anti-Semitism and been “unaware”. The Swedish Interior Minister Morgan Johansson;
    “Unique to the Jews is that they can suffer violence from all three groups. The autonomous left can give up on Jewish interests because you can be very pro-Palestinian and take a clear stand against Israel. And then you also take a stand against the Jews.
    NMR and high-extremist leftist groups take care of them, and religious extremism from Muslims also takes aim for Jews.

    The Justice Minister Morgan calls the deceit “an abominable crime” and says he assumes that the police act strongly and resolutely”.
    What did you think when you heard what happened?
    “The thoughts go to the persecution in the 30’s and 40’s. It is always when such events occur, aimed at Jews, that they get the images for the eyes. And we can not accept that this is happening in Sweden. If that happens, the judiciary must act forcefully against these individuals, says Morgan Johansson” (SVT News).

  4. Berlin police have detained at least 20 people during anti-Israel and anti-American protesters at the Brandenburg Gate, near the US Embassy, that demonstrated against US President Donald Trump’s controversial decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
    German politicians have condemned the burning of Israeli symbols during protests against the US decision on Jerusalem.

    “We don’t accept when Jews or the state of Israel are disgraced in this way,” Thomas de Maziere told the Monday edition of mass daily Bild. Germany is “bound in a special way to the state of Israel and people of Jewish belief,” he said.

    He added that freedom of speech and protest is respected, but those rights must be carried out peacefully. The Berliner Zeitung reported that the people are being investigated for disturbing the peace and violating laws prohibiting the desecration of the flags of foreign states.

    Sigmar Gabriel (Foreign Minister) told Bild that despite understandable criticism of the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, “there is no right and also no justification to burn Israeli flags, incite hatred against Jews or question the right of Israel to exist.”

    1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
      Rainbow Sponge

      Not one of them looks native German. And I bet they’re all on welfare as well 🙂

  5. It never ends The everyday life of Jews in Germany. „Al­la­hu Akbar“-Rufen zer­tre­ten diese Demonstranten eine Is­ra­el-Flag­ge in Düs­sel­dorf
    Foto: twitter/Dennis Pesch
    Once more the muslims who received shelter in Germany are violating our laws that prohibiting the desecration of the flags of foreign states.

    In the spring, it was discussed in Germany about an Israel visit by Sigmar Gabriel: Was it really happy to meet activists investigating injustices by Israeli soldiers during their trip to Israel? A meeting just in the week in which not only the Holocaust victim was remembered in Israel, but also all the fallen Israeli soldiers.

    The “Spiegel” stated:
    “The historically conditioned special treatment of Israel reaches its limits with the Netanyahu government.”

    When Israelis or Jews in Germany hear “special treatment,” they think of Germany’s worst times when “special treatment” was the Nazi term for murder. And they remember that in everyday life they are still treated “especially”.

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