Palestinians seethe at Trump’s ‘insane’ Jerusalem move


Protesters braved rainy conditions in Gaza to denounce the US plan to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel [Mohammed Salem/Reuters]
Protesters braved rainy conditions in Gaza to denounce the US plan to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel [Mohammed Salem/Reuters]
Palestinians seethed with anger and a sense of betrayal over U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize the disputed city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Many heard the death knell for the long-moribund U.S.-sponsored talks aimed at ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel. They also said more violence could erupt.

“Trump wants to help Israel take over the entire city. Some people may do nothing, but others are ready to fight for Jerusalem,” said Hamad Abu Sbeih, 28, an unemployed resident of the walled Old City.

Many heard the death knell for the long-moribund U.S.-sponsored talks aimed at ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel. They also said more violence could erupt.

“Trump wants to help Israel take over the entire city. Some people may do nothing, but others are ready to fight for Jerusalem,” said Hamad Abu Sbeih, 28, an unemployed resident of the walled Old City.

“This decision will ignite a fire in the region. Pressure leads to explosions,” he said.

Jerusalem — specifically its eastern Old City, home to important shrines of Judaism, Christianity and Islam — is at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israeli captured Arab East Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 Middle East War then later annexed it in a move not recognized internationally. Palestinians want it to be the capital of a future independent state and resolution of its status is fundamental to any peace-making.

Trump is due to announce later on Wednesday that the United States recognizes the city as Israel’s capital and will move its embassy there from Tel Aviv, breaking with longtime policy..

“This is insane. You are speaking about something fateful. Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Palestine and neither the world nor our people will accept it,” said Samir Al-Asmar, 58, a merchant from the Old City who was a child when it fell to Israel.

“It will not change what Jerusalem is. Jerusalem will remain Arab. Such a decision will sabotage things and people will not accept it.”

Palestinian newspapers also decried the move.

“Trump Defies the World,” thundered Al-Ayyam. Another, Al-Hayat, roared “Jerusalem is the Symbol of Palestinian Endurance” in a red-letter headline over an image of the city’s mosque compound flanked by Palestinian flags.

Palestinian leaders have also warned the move could have dangerous consequences. Although winter rains dampened protests called for East Jerusalem, the occupied West Bank and Hamas-dominated Gaza Strip, few doubted fresh bloodshed now loomed.

Israeli security forces braced for possible unrest but police said the situation in Jerusalem was calm for now.

That could quickly change, given the religious passions that swirl around the Old City, where Al Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third-holiest shrine, abuts the Western Wall prayer plaza, a vestige of two ancient Jewish temples.

Palestinians mounted two uprisings, or intifadas, against Israeli occupation from 1987 to 1993 then from 2000 to 2005, the latter ignited by a visit by then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to the shrine area, known to Jews as Temple Mount.

Violent confrontations also took place in July this year after Israel installed metal detectors at the entrance to the

A member of the Palestinian Fatah faction holds a gun inside the Ain el-Hilweh refugee camp near Sidon, southern Lebanon, December 6, 2017. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho

Al Aqsa compound. Four Palestinians and three Israelis were killed, as well as two policemen shot dead by gunmen.


In the Palestinian coastal enclave of Gaza, demonstrators chanted “Death to America”, “Death to Israel” and “Down with Trump”. They also burned posters depicting the U.S., British and Israeli flags.

Youssef Mohammad, a 70-year-old resident of a refugee camp, said Trump’s move would be a test for Arab leadership at a time of regional chaos and shifting alliances.

“Let him do it. Let’s see what Arab rulers and kings will do. They will do nothing because they are cowards,” the father of eight said.

The Jerusalem uproar could affect Egyptian-brokered efforts to bring Gaza, which has been under Islamist Hamas control for a decade, back under the authority of U.S.-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who favors negotiation with Israel.

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said Trump’s planned moved showed the United States was biased.

“The United States was never a neutral mediator in any cause of our people. It has always stood with the occupation (Israel),” he said.

He said Abbas’ administration should “rid itself of the illusion that rights can be achieved through an American-backed deal”.




66 responses to “Palestinians seethe at Trump’s ‘insane’ Jerusalem move”

  1. Representatives of the President of the Philippines Robert Duterte appealed to the
    close associates of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the
    initiative to transfer the embassy of the Philippines to Jerusalem.
    This was reported by the radio station “Kan Bet”. According to the published
    information, one Eastern European state applied to Jerusalem with a
    similar request.
    “Kan Bet” informs referring to official sources in Jerusalem in the near future the circulation of additional states

    1. (1043 Comments as of now) It’s catastrophic lol to Islam and Leftism

  2. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    “Prince Hassan of Jordan: Donald Trump’s Jerusalem Move Plays Politics With International Law – and Our Lives
    There will be serious repercussions to the U.S. president’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, an explicit violation of international law. He is expropriating the issue of the Holy City, and escalating an already dangerous conflict, for his own political purposes”

  3. Looks like Dumbyad can’t sleep because of Trump’s announcement, even with pills. I say it’s an added bonus. 🙂

    1. Hind can not sleep because she is too busy with the tweeting of all Haaretz articles

      Xi Jinping contributes to the subject and calls East Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state.

      1. Doesn’t Dumbyad want all of Israel destroyed? With or without Jerusalem? 🙂

        1. Can’t say what she want, however she hates the Jews, Zionists regardless if they are Christian or Jewish.
          Visit her Twitter account so you will understand what I mean.

          Just some 30 minutes ago she twittered about Erdogan; [Hind Abyad @AbyadHind]
          “Trump’s Jerusalem move may prove blessing for Erdogan”.

          Trying to hang on my comments about this new dictator.

          As I said earlier Erdoğan dose it again, turning himself to be the beacon of the muslim world – spokesman for all muslims…

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Now troll give himself upies as Guest..stupid forever

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Why don’t you use your own twitter? euhhh…disgusting they’re not white Jews

      3. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Tweet that Nieanimals.
        “United Nations slap Israel in the face declaring it has “no right to Jerusalem”DAMASCUS, SYRIA (6:10 A.M)- The United Nations general assembly has just passed a resolution, declaring that Israel is an “occupying power… with no right to Jerusalem”.

        This resolution was passed 151-6, as a strong statement in opposition to the decision by the United States to declare Jerusalem the Capital of the Israeli entity.

        International leaders from every continent have made statements in opposition to the decision made by the Trump government.”

      4. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Manipulating your Zionists colleagues equally liars manipulators.

        “I can’t read Hind”/ make believe i’m blocked..? Hahah..
        If i can see you you can see me..I don’t see blocked vs Jack Ruddy.
        You can’t live without me Cretin unless using your stupid old Twitter
        :-(( spy&publish on YaLibnan for attention.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          Niemals – Rudy1947 • 13 days ago
          I don’t intend to comment about Hinds need of attention or not on this forum, simply because I can’t see her comments on Yalibnan.

          Judging from all comments directed to Hind, you do not need Einstein’s IQ level to figure out what her comments are about

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Stupidity is your forte ..i don’ give a damn about Trumbmess.

    3. Hind Abyad Avatar

      Can you sleep better now blaming Erdoganistinians and YaLibnan?
      Lame IQ brain?

  4. “Palestinians seethe at…”

    For the Balastinians, seething at something is a permanent state. And it’s good so. 🙂

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Cut the crap..lets talk about your Jewish bible.

      “It should be noted that in the biblical text, Isaac (like Jesus) is repeatedly called “the only son” of Abraham (Genesis 22.2., 12., 16.) even though Abraham actually has another, older son, Ishmael.

      Moses orders Levite fanatics to murder 3000 golden-calf enthusiasts.
      (Exodus 32.27,29)

      “‘Today,’ Moses said, ‘you have consecrated yourself to Yahweh, at the cost
      of your sons and brothers. And so he bestows a blessing on you today.’”

      When the Lord says kill everyone He means EVERYONE!
      Saul loses out:

      “You didn’t kill enough,” says the Lord. “You can’t be king!”

      1. The mental patient claims to be Lebanese. Yet, strangely, she’s only really interested in two things: the welfare of the Baathist dictatorship in Syria and the demise of the Jewish state (and of as many Jooz as possible in general). She’s truly an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in crap. 🙂

        1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
          Rainbow Sponge

          Her lesbian aunts are from Haifa though, and people pick up certain mannerisms from family members. It would explain Dumbyad’s obsession with zionism and bearded oysters 😛

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar

            You called 3 times today, calls were retraced Dany Nohra, humm and your long list of of Jersey Pump fitness in spam box.

          2. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            The savory corn pudding looks good, could you send me the recipe on here? Xoxo

        2. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Don’t evade:
          ‘Egyptian Christians Reject Meeting With Pence in Protest of Trump’s Jerusalem Decision. Coptic Church criticized Trump’s move, saying it was made ‘without consideration for the feelings of millions of people’

          ‘Japanese and Chinese High-tech Delegations Cancel Visits
          to Israel. Singulato and Toyota CEOs cancel their trips amid Trump’s Jerusalem decision’

          ‘Trump’s Jerusalem Backlash Continues: Over 100 Jewish Studies Scholars Issue Condemnation’

          1. There’s no evading your mental illness, sista. Not sure that even electroshock treatments can help in your case.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Stop addressing stupidities making things worst.

            “And Saul defeated the Amalekites … and devoted to destruction all the people … But Saul spared Agag and … all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them. All that was despised and worthless they devoted to destruction.
            And Samuel said, “What then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears and the lowing of the oxen that I hear?” … Then Samuel said, “Bring here to me Agag the king of the Amalekites.” And Agag came to him cheerfully … And Samuel hacked Agag to pieces before the LORD in Gilgal. And the LORD regretted that he had made Saul king over Israel.”
            – 1 Samuel 15

          3. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

          4. Wake up and see which ridiculous tweet Hind Abyad hat retweetet;
            “#Israel-i colonists try to pull #palestenian teenager apart”

            In the original article with this foto on “” you will not find the ridiculous “colonists try to pull Palestinian teenager apart”.

            A group of settlers attacked a number of farmers and foreign solidarity activists as they were heading to their land near the settlement of Susiya, south of Hebron, on Monday, injuring three citizens and a foreign solidarity worker. Ismail al-Adra, one of the owners of the land, said that 10 settlers attacked them while they were on their way to their land and assaulted them and beaten them, wounding him with bruises and bruises. Saber al-Adra was wounded in the nose by a bullet to his face. Musa al-Aida and a foreign solidarity activist were also photographed. Different. He added that the citizens were forced to defend themselves when they found settlers attacking them with sharp tools, which led to a quarrel between the two sides, in which the four citizens and some settlers were wounded. The occupation authorities tried to accuse the farmers, claiming that they attacked the settlers, while the residents of the area south of Hebron to the attacks of settlers, who are prevented from access to their land and flattened. The Israeli occupation forces detained a number of farmers, while Israeli sources said that the settlers were wounded in the face and head and taken to the Hadassah Ein Karem hospital in Jerusalem for treatment.

            …and Hind was on location taking this foto claiming “No true crazy settlers left and right”.

          5. This is some one who claims to have knowledge and talent in the art world. That photo is so fake. Even for Hind it’s a new low.

          6. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            She keeps mentioning phone calls. Today she was like, “You call everyday, or 2 days, sometimes 2-3 times a day (such efforts changing numbers is useless)”. I’m starting to suspect paranoid schizophrenia. Who do these symptoms remind you of:

            “Some people with schizophrenia may invent new words (neologisms), repeat a single word or phrase out of context (verbal stereotypy), or use ordinary words to which they attribute a different, special meaning (metonyms).”

            “Delusions: These are false beliefs that a person has and most people from the same culture would agree that they are wrong. Even when the wrongness of the belief is explained, a person with schizophrenia is convinced that they are true.”

          7. She is traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!

            Her concern over multiple nics, that email spam box and the copy/paste of past comments, sometimes over a year ago. I’m thinking she does need a tweak or two from a shrink.

          8. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            Lol even intelligence agencies would have a hard time contacting her if she keeps on changing her phone number. And yet Dany Nohra easily manages to call her 2-3 a day. And I love how she calls WebMD articles “dany nohra jersey pump fitness”.

          9. Do you think that Hind (the expert in this subject) can give us a clue about the “In what language did God write the Ten Commandments” or she need the other expert – the Besserwisser Omega?

            She must be at least a thousand years old if she could identify the language……

          10. An Egyptian dialect of Philicanaanese.

          11. ???? ???????? ???????? ???????? ????

          12. Merry Christmas to all of you!


          13. Something like your child stretching?

          14. Anti-Semitism is gained through knowledge.

            Hind don’t have this knowledge!

          15. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            More like what she’s doing to the Canadian taxpayer.

          16. “I’m thinking she does need a tweak or two from a shrink.”

            Just a tweak or two? 🙂

          17. After I decided to stop commenting on her YaLibnan comments, I realized that someone had to make sure she did not go unpunished when she spreads hatred propaganda and lies – it proved necessary.

            Her own twitter reveals she’s dumber than I thought.

            She chose to continue writing comments to “Niemals” fully aware that I do not see her comments in my email box.

            It is more than clear that she does not understand the meaning of being This user is blocked..
            Hind is pitiful.

          18. Unfortunately this is NOT FAKE!
            This ‘soldier’ is not a ‘peacekeeper’, this ‘brave soldier’ have to be punished and dismissed without honor from the lawless IDF.

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Fortunately it’s not fake..clown

          20. And today a Palestinian dressed as a journalist stabbed a soldier and was wearing what appeared to be a suicide belt. The Palestinian was shot. Not fake either.

          21. Hind Abyad Avatar

            No, no fake.

          22. What kind of “s***hole” president you have?

            Donald Trump has denied asking why the US allows immigration from “s***hole countries,” but admitted the language he used was “tough.”….

            If Trump can ask “Why are we having all these people from s***hole countries come here?”

            Than I too can ask why are we having all these s***hole Palestinian Arabs like Ahmad A., the assassin from Hamburg, that was proud of what he had done.
   A foto of the assassin: Privat
            An innocent man stabbed, six other passers-by, severely injured.
            He wanted to kill Christians and adolescents, according to the Palestinian in his police operation, and really regret not having killed even more people.


          23. To stop “addressing stupidities” would require to stop addressing you. But we all love you too much for that. 🙂

            By the way, aren’t you supposed to be a “Christian” or something?

          24. Hind Abyad Avatar

            YES I’m Christian, stop addressing me YaKhara.

            I don’t care about “we” Zionists disease.

          25. I never, ever address you, you moronic creature. I address your malevolent stupidity. There’s a slight difference here. Capisce?

          26. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Don’t try to justify and ridicule yourself useless malevolent thug.

          27. Hind Abyad Avatar

            “Quite apart from the celestial superman’s own killing, he animates his favourites into wiping out whole cities and nations. Jericho, Sodom, Gomorrah, Ai, Makkedah, Libnah etc., etc., are ‘smote and consumed’ – men, women, young, old, ox, sheep and ass!

            ‘You shall annihilate them – Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites – as Yahweh your God commanded you.’
            – Deuteronomy 20.11,18.

            In the largest single god-inspired massacre in the Bible, one million (1,000,000) Ethiopians are slaughtered!
            (2 Chronicles 14).

    1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
      Rainbow Sponge

      Nice, I like that. Did you photoshop it yourself?

        1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
          Rainbow Sponge

          Sweetie who are you more angry at these days, Dany Nohra or Trump? Xx

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Malmequer0, after 6 years you soon hear from the authorithies

          2. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            I’m not Malmequer0, liar. Did you know that misleading the authorities is a criminal offence? I am officially putting you on notice as of today, and you might end up in prison for your illegal activities on the internet.

            I will translate this into French in case you’re too illiterate to understand:

            Je ne suis pas Malmequer0, menteur. Saviez-vous que tromper les autorités est une infraction criminelle? Je vous préviens officiellement aujourd’hui, et vous pourriez vous retrouver en prison pour vos activités illégales sur Internet.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            “menteur is masculin doesn’t have 514 code to “his private parts”.

            Name the “illegal activities” – different opinions on Zionists?
            What about stealing the real Malmequer10 ID on ALJ?
            What about giving private information in public on the Internet?
            What about creating accounts misrepresenting me? Legal?
            There were witnesses
            I won’t put up with this anymore!!!


          4. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            My position is very clear. Stop the hate speech, and stop saying I’m Malmequer0 or blaming his actions on me. I only joined this website in June 2017. Trying to deceive others about my identity is a criminal offence.

            Ma position est très claire. Arrêtez le discours de haine et arrêtez de dire que je suis Malmequer0 ou blâmez-moi de ses actions. Je n’ai rejoint ce site qu’en juin 2017. Essayer de tromper les autres sur mon identité est une infraction pénale.

          5. The only place I can see Hindenburgs hate speeches is on her twitter account simply because This user is blocked by me.

            I have noticed and appreciated your ???? for

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar

            “MaImequer0 – Tee Cho • 3 years ago
            Oh my, you’re obviously an acquaintance of hind… lol… Q: do you know what ‘cho’ means in Vietnamese?
            •Reply•Share ›

            “Tee Cho – MaImequer0 • 3 years ago
            It means your asz, douche. What’s your issue? You’re a nauseating moron. Can’t you find another hobby besides stalking and tormenting women. Oh, I forgot, the pride of Jewry men is raping defenseless boys and girls, “Sweetie”!
            •Reply•Share ›

            “MaImequer0 – Tee Cho • 3 years ago
            Case and point… ‘cho’ means DOG in Vietnamese… you sound a little like ishmena, some old bag that used to spew similar crap on AJ… she’s mellowed out recently, maybe you will too….”
            •Reply•Share ›

            “Hind Abyad – MaImequer0 • 3 years ago
            You’re admitting you knew ishmena.. (ishmea)
            from whom you stole Malmequer10 ID and it was on
            AJ just as I said? Thank you…
            ” she mellowed out recently” is as Nazi as can be
            you mean she died.”

  5. Since its founding, Israel has systematically erased hundreds of Palestinian villages from the map. But Palestinians were never the only victims of Israeli expansion. The Kadoori, Hamias, and Ashram families sit near an improvised dinner table near their demolished houses in Givat Amal neighborhood, Tel Aviv, Israel, September 19, 2014.

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