Israel Threatens to Destroy Iranian Base in Syria


Israel’s Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned on Sunday that Israel will respond to any provocation or violation of its sovereignty, and called on Bashar Assad to hold back all players active in its territories.

“We will not allow the Shi‘ite axis to establish Syria as its forefront base,” the Defense Minister said.

The comments came one day after the BBC published satellite images of what “Western intelligence officials” said was an Iranian military base under construction on the outskirts of Damascus.

In his statement, the Defense minister threatened Syria to destroy the military base.

According to political sources in Tel Aviv, “Israel believes that the Iranians have no intention to leave Syria or withdraw their loyal militias from the country.”

The Israelis also say they have fears that Iran could strengthen its permanent military presence in Syria in light of the civil war.

An intelligence source in Tel Aviv said that the Iranian regime benefits from its extensive support to the Assad regime in order to build a military base at a distance of 50 kilometers away from the Israeli border.

The Israeli official offered new details and said: “The Iranian base, currently under construction, is built inside a Syrian military base outside El-Kiswah, 14 km south of Damascus.”

At the political level, Press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov called on Sunday to stop interpreting the statement on Syria, which Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump approved last Saturday.

When asked whether the statement suggests pro-Iranian forces leave Syria and Russia has certain obligations related to it, the spokesperson told reporters the statement does not require comments, as it does not allow double interpretations.

“The statement does not require comments, as its text is available,” the press secretary said. “It is available for reading, and any double interpretations are inappropriate.”



120 responses to “Israel Threatens to Destroy Iranian Base in Syria”

  1. If Iran wishes to play games with Israel, Israel is more than willing to play as well. Iran is not building bases in Syria to help Syria, but to help their expansion.

    1. amoorikan bases everywhere.. y not iran..

      1. “amoorikan bases everywhere.. y not iran..” (sic)

        Taking into account the size of your brain, let me put it succinctly: because Amrika is good while the Mullahs are crap that must disappear from the face of the earth. Hope it’s clearer now. 🙂

        1. ibn ziozbele yehud sharmoot.. howz amoorika good when they kill millionz.. iran is not in amoorika.. amoorika is in mid east.. stoopid ziogarbage kisseemak..

          1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            An American base in Lebanon would be ideal.

          2. not good idea ziozbele yehud turd.. the zio maniaks will blow it again like in 80z..

          3. “when they kill millionz”

            The more they whack of your ilk, the better. 🙂

          4. ibn ziozbele yehud sharmoot.. u see.. we do noting to u.. u do to us.. y u lie we r bad?.. even zio princess charles say ziozbele yehud garbage is problem.. next time ziogetto goes boom..

          5. By the way, it’s great having you around, pal. The insights you’re giving into the thought process of your ilk are precious – if not unexpected. 🙂

    2. I would definitely understand your argument if Iran wanted to build a base in Israel. But in Syria? That is up to the Syrians last I checked. 😛

      1. The idea of an Iranian base in Israel is an amusing example, also quite impossible. Whether it’s up to the Syrians or not, Iran has continued to threaten Israel and Israel will defend against a well announced threat.

  2. “Israel Threatens to Destroy Iranian Base in Syria”

    I have my popcorn ready. I fully expect this to happen. And in fact, it was Iran that didn’t react to the last 100 times Israel has hit Hezb/Iran in Syria. They just don’t learn.

    1. this time iran hit ziostate..

      1. Please do, using proxies to do all Iran’s fighting only makes them look weak and pathetic. Oh btw, Iran doesn’t have an airforce so good luck with your attacks. I wish many martyrs for you.

        1. ibn ziobele yehud stoopid sharmoot.. ziogetto Air Force cant do khara against Hizballah the great.. u think they can on iran.. ya ibn stoopid kisseemak..

          1. Hey its their funeral, and I bet the shiites in Lebanon are soon getting tired of body bags for their sons and fighting Iran’s wars..

          2. ibn ziozbele yehud.. u sound scared..

  3. the ibn ziozbele khazarkhara are scared.. amoorikanz have bases everywhere.. other can also..

    1. Can’t you use Google translate or something? Your English is terrible.
      Isn’t your avatar a picture of that finger wagging rat that hides in a sewer in Lebanon? There must be a shortage of good roll-models in the middle east. You need to set your standards higher than that bearded wonder prostitute for Iran.
      May I suggest you go to that base in Syria and watch the fireworks first hand.

      1. hendabyad Avatar

        He’s doing it as a parody..

      2. ibn ziozbele yehud sharmoot.. my avatar is ur nitemare.. my engleesh ur musik.. iran base ur fantazy..

  4. I say: bomb the f*ckers to smithereens! 🙂

      1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
        Rainbow Sponge

        Ew, the spamarazzi is back.

          1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            MaImequer0 Hind Abyad • 2 years ago

            your drugs are the best aren’t they sweetie??? The problem is that you should take them on a regular basis…. if you go a day without.. it is immediately detectable by your posts.. them go from bizarre to insane…. lol sweeite.. and, of you skip a few days, taking them all at once is not normally a good idea.. but for you.. OK.☻

          2. hendabyad Avatar

            Say hello to Arik Bolleli Tank Gunner..hhh..
            He must be sick of you parasitisme since 5 years and stop addressing me.

            “See any secret number codes today sweetie… or just 514??? LOL!! Since you insist on supporting terrorism, are you really surprised that you have no friends… just imaginary internet ‘friends’ that might share some of your demented ideas???? Guess everything has a pricetag eh sweetie???…LOL!!!!☻”

          3. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            This is what a crazy lady looks like, if you ever met one in real life. I wonder if it took its pills today.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Since you appeared it’s all about Hind,now wants sympathy
            “Hind is spamming mee”. Do you deny this is your wife?

          5. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            Since your mother gave birth to you, you’ve been nothing but a burden on the Canadian taxpayer.

          6. LOL Priceless….

          7. Simple minds think alike.

          8. Who is talking to you?

          9. I am talking to you and Hind. Have a nice day.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Have a nice day.

          11. Are you deaf, blind, or both. GO AWAY!

          12. NO.

      1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
        Rainbow Sponge

        palestinians celebrated 9/11

  5. Hind market the controversial religious writings of an American professional golfer, he offered the provocative interpretation that Jesus’ expected second coming (is that the future messiah that the Jews are waiting for?) will occur during the early part of the third millennium following his departure, between the years 2070 and 2250……
    Kermit Zarley’s Palestine is positioned correctly, as under the UN partition plan.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar


  6. Hind Abyad Avatar

    ‘First-ever bill on Palestinian human rights introduced in Congress’
    Draft legislation was introduced in Congress yesterday that would prohibit US military and financial aid to Israel from being used to detain Palestinian children in the West Bank.

    Initiated by Minnesota Democrat Representative Betty McCollum, with co-sponsorship by nine other Democrats, it is the first-ever bill on Palestinian human rights introduced in Congress.

    The Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act would prevent US “tax dollars from supporting the Israeli military’s ongoing detention and mistreatment of Palestinian children” (the full text of the bill can be found here).

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