Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed on Saturday that “if the March 8 alliance really and truly” wants PM Saad Hariri to return to Lebanon they would “withdraw from the regional conflicts .”
“To all those of March 8 group shedding tears over Hariri’s absence…If you really and truly want his return to Lebanon it only takes a simple decision of withdrawing from the regional conflicts ,” said Geagea in a tweet.
Geagea’s tweet was in reference to Hezbollah’s involvement, without naming the party, in the crisis in Syria and other Arab countries as a power struggle intensified between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which backs Lebanon’s Hezbollah .
A political crisis has gripped Lebanon and shattered the relative peace maintained by its coalition government since Hariri’s surprise announcement on Nov. 4 from Riyadh that he was resigning.
Lebanese officials have insisted on the return home of Hariri from Saudi Arabia amid rumors he is being held against his will.
In other words Geagea is telling Hezbollah to abide by the Baabda Declaration
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