Thousands of Israeli and Palestinian women march to Jerusalem to demand peace


Israeli and Palestinian activists of the Women Wage Peace movement march in Jerusalem on October 8, 2017, as they end a two-week peace march.
Israeli and Palestinian activists of the Women Wage Peace movement march in Jerusalem on October 8, 2017, as they end a two-week peace march.
Thousands of Israeli and Palestinian women arrived in Jerusalem Sunday at the end of a two-week march through Israel and the West Bank to demand a peace deal.

The Women Wage Peace movement organised the march, which began on September 24 and included participants who have themselves been affected by violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Several thousand activists joined the march over the two weeks.

Several thousand women, mostly Israelis, arrived in Jerusalem late on Sunday, mostly dressed in white and carrying placards calling for peace.

One of the organisers, Marie-Lyne Smadja, said the march was meant to “give voice to those tens of thousands of Israeli Jewish and Arab women of the left, centre and right, and their Palestinian partners, who hand in hand together took this road towards peace.”

“Israeli women want to prevent the next war if possible and try as soon as possible to reach an agreement between Israelis and Palestinians,” she said.

Huda Abuarquob, another organiser and a Palestinian from Hebron in the occupied West Bank, said: “This march is not just another protest, but a way of saying that we want peace, and together we can obtain it.”

The march comes at a time when many analysts see little hope for an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas is 82 and unpopular, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads what is seen as the most right-wing government in his country’s history.

In 2015, Women Wage Peace members fasted in relays over 50 days, the length of the 2014 war between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.

“The men who have power believe only in war, but with the strength of women we can bring something else, something new,” said Amira Zidan, an Arab Israeli mother of one of the organisation’s founders.

Sunday’s arrival in Jerusalem coincides with the week-long Jewish holiday of Sukkot, which commemorates the Jews’ journey through the Sinai after their exodus from Egypt.

Earlier Sunday, thousands of Jews gathered at Jerusalem’s Western Wall for a priestly blessing held during the holiday each year.




5 responses to “Thousands of Israeli and Palestinian women march to Jerusalem to demand peace”

  1. Real Good Peace can not be established with Fake Wrong Bad Names
    FaLIEstinians are just Soviet KGB Orabians

    1. Niemals Avatar

      …or such fake Israelis the same Morgan Freeman that many Twitter criticized him to contributing to a “Russia hysteria”….
      When Morgan Freeman is warning that Russia is waging war on the U.S. is HARAM, but when filming ‘The Story of God’ for the National Geographic, Morgan Freeman has said that the Muslim call to prayer (athan) is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world.

      It is kashér to use the Hollywood star’s comments when it is being made in order to criticize Israel efforts to ban the athan, because it is a noise pollution in a non-muslim country.
      The issue, is not Israel’s alone -it is a common concern around the globe.
      As the world continues to adjust to the 21st century, the subject evokes emotion wherever and whenever it arises – be it in a predominantly Muslim nation such as Egypt, a predominantly Christian country like Germany, or a predominantly Jewish country like Israel.

  2. Sex & Chocolate Avatar
    Sex & Chocolate

    I love women…I love peace, beautiful people!!

  3. EU should end investing in West Bank. Until now EU invested in West Bank despite risks.

    The Belgian government announced yesterday that it had suspended educational aid for the Palestinian Authority.

    It have been discovering that a school it had financed in 2013 was renamed after a woman who led a deadly attack against Israeli civilians in the 1970s.
    In a statement, Brussels said that the school’s name had been changed without its knowledge, and that the new name was “unacceptable.” Logo of the Beit Awwa elementary school (Facebook)

    Suspending the educational aid ties with the Palestinian Authority, resulted with the put on hold of the construction of two further schools, as part of an aid project totaling around 3.3 million euros.

    Sabri Saydam, the Palestinian education minister, said in a statement that he regretted the Belgian government’s decision but invited the Belgian Consul General “to meet and discuss the matter.”….

    The renaming of the Beit Awwa elementary school was first highlighted in a report published on September 27 by the Israeli NGO Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).
    According to PMW, there are five PA schools that are currently named after Mughrabi, and over 30 that are named after terrorists.

    In May, Norway demanded funds for a Palestinian Women’s centre in the West Bank be returned after the institution renamed itself after Dalal Mughrabi.

    Oslo also demands the removal of country’s logo from facility honoring Dalal Mughrabi, says it won’t back future projects under current conditions.

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