Arab summit: Yemen’s president denounces Iran and its expansionist policies

21 kings, presidents and top officials from the Arab League summit pose for a group photo, at a gathering near the Dead Sea in Jordan on Wednesday, March 29, 2017. (AP Photo/ Raad Adayleh)
21 kings, presidents and top officials from the Arab League summit pose for a group photo, at a gathering near the Dead Sea in Jordan on Wednesday, March 29, 2017. (AP Photo/ Raad Adayleh)

HERE IS the latest on the Arab summit being held in Jordan (all times local):

5 p.m.

Yemen’s embattled president has launched a scathing verbal attack on Iran, saying the non-Arab and mostly Shiite nation is pursuing expansionist policies to destroy the Arab identity.

Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi told an Arab summit in Jordan on Wednesday that Iran “is the true sponsor of terrorism.”

Civil war has raged in Yemen for two years. The fighting pits Hadi’s troops, backed by a Saudi-led international military coalition of mostly Arab states, against Shiite Houthi rebels, led by Abdul-Malek al-Houthi and backed by former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his forces. Iran supports fellow Shiite Houthis.

Hadi, who heads the internationally recognized government based in the southern Yemeni port city of Aden, lavishly praised Saudi Arabia for its role in the war.

The conflict has killed more than 10,000 civilians, displaced over three million people and pushed the impoverished country to the brink of famine.

4:15 p.m.

The head of Libya’s U.N.-backed government has called for a dialogue between all political rivals in the North African country to reach a political settlement to the country’s crisis.

Fayez Serraj told an Arab summit in Jordan on Wednesday that “everyone knows that no party can achieve a military solution.”

Libya descended into chaos with its 2011 civil war. In recent months, rival power centers have been sliding closer to open conflict, with breakaway militias backed by western Libyan factions seizing oil terminals from the east’s strongman general, whose forces have vowed to take them back.

In his summit speech, Serraj renewed a call to the Arab League to oversee a unified force tasked with the protection of oil terminals.

2:10 p.m.

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and Saudi Arabia’s King Salman slipped out of an Arab summit session for face-to-face talks, signaling an attempt at possible reconciliation.

A photo handout by the Egyptian delegation showed the two leaders sitting next to each other in white overstuffed chairs.

Relations between the two countries have been tense in recent months.

Saudi Arabia is a leading supporter of the Syrian opposition, while Egypt, fearful of Islamic militants among the rebels’ ranks, has pushed for a political solution that might keep Syrian President Bashar Assad in power.

In October, the Saudis abruptly suspended oil aid to Egypt just days after Cairo backed a U.N. Security Council resolution on Syria drafted by Assad’s ally Russia. The shipments resumed several days ago.

12:20 p.m.

The U.N. secretary-general has warned Arab leaders that their internal divisions have opened the door to foreign intervention and have helped breed sectarianism and terrorism.

Antonio Guterres told an Arab summit Wednesday that while fighting terrorism is essential, “any success will prove ephemeral” without a political solution to Syria’s 6-year-old civil war that allows Syrians to decide their own fate.

He said efforts to end conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Libya must “not distract us from seeking to heal the longest open wound in the region, the plight of the Palestinian people.”

Guterres said setting up a Palestinian state alongside Israel is the only solution to the conflict. He says Israeli settlements on war-won land are illegal, and called on Israel to halt construction.

12:15 p.m.

Jordan’s king has told the opening session of an Arab summit that there can be no peace or stability in the region without setting up a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

King Abdullah II, who is hosting Wednesday’s gathering of 21 Arab leaders, said the Palestinian quest for statehood remains the central issue in the Middle East.

Jordan has a large Palestinian population and also serves as custodian of a major Muslim-run shrine in Jerusalem that is also Judaism’s holiest site.

The Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, known to Jews as the Temple Mount, has been a scene of frequent Israeli-Palestinian tensions, including clashes. Palestinians fear Israel wants to divide it, a charge Israel denies.

Jordan’s monarch says “we will continue to fight any attempts to change the status quo” at the site.

10:15 a.m.

Arab leaders are gathering for an annual summit where the call for Palestinian statehood is to take center stage.

The summit on Wednesday is expected to endorse key Palestinian positions, signaling to President Donald Trump ahead of White House meetings with the leaders of Egypt and Jordan that a deal on Palestinian statehood must precede any Israeli-Arab normalization.

The Palestinian issue also serves as a showcase for Arab unity in a fractured region, where leaders often find themselves on opposite sides of long-running conflicts.

From their venue on the shores of Jordan’s Dead Sea, leaders from 21 Arab countries have a view of the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

President Bashar Assad is absent. He hasn’t been invited since Syria’s suspension from the Arab League following the 2011 uprising.

© 2017 The Associated Press.



131 responses to “Arab summit: Yemen’s president denounces Iran and its expansionist policies”

  1. On Wednesday,
    March 29, Israeli head of government and foreign minister Binyamin Netanyahu
    ordered the reduction of Israel’s contribution to the UN budget by $ 2
    million in response to a series of anti-Israeli resolutions that were
    adopted at the last meeting of the Human Rights Council

    1. This reduction will bankrupt the UN !!!!
      The reduction represents 0.025 % of UN budget .
      I think Bibi will be sorry for his action because more anti-Israeli resolutions will now be adopted by the Human Rights Council

      1. Niemals Avatar

        How big is the Lebanese contribution to the UN budget?

        1. Danny Farah Avatar
          Danny Farah

          We took over 500K palestinians off your back and they caused us wars and destruction all because of you. That’s more than money can buy..We donated our lives so shove it where the sun don’t shine.

          1. Niemals Avatar

            Danny, you didn’t take any 500K palestinians off our back.

            We aren’t located in the Middle East, we are ???????? a part of the ????????.
            Have a nice day, be happy.????

            By the way who are We?

          2. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            We are the Lebanese and we have suffered a lot.. if Europe would have not helped Israel with the Belfour agreement and made it more agreeable to them and armed them. Then maybe majority of the Palestinians would have remained there. We did take take them off everyone’s back. The agreement was forced upon Lebanon to force them to accept Palestinians without even seeing it. They signed it whether they liked it or not. or to help Israel then. Even the Arab forced as well. Every European country had it’s dirty hand in the Middle East. France, England in particular.. There are much more i can say unfortunately i have to go for now.. Good day to you too.
            Note: Read HebAlba below and she is right..

          3. Niemals Avatar

            Europe didn’t armed them, the arms provider was Czechoslovakia.
            By the way: I can’t read HebAlb, have no access to her comments. 😉

          4. yes, she is mostly fake like OmegaHell

          5. HebAlba Avatar


          6. read again
            Alligator tears, Your Leaders told the Palestinians to move away to let them finish the work and through the Jews into the sea and then they will be able to go back and take ALL the land.
            Your powerful Lebanon took part in this war and as all other 5 arab army’s lost.
            But for 70 years and until today:
            *The Palestinians do not have Lebanese citizenship
            * No identity cards,
            * Are legally barred from owning property
            * Legally barred form entering a list of desirable occupations.
            * Are not granted much access to the social services .

            That’s the way Arabs treat their Arabs like sh*t , and blame someone else
            that’s the arab culture.

            You are Pathetic !

          7. if Europe would have not helped Israel with the Belfour agreement

            Israel did not exit when the Balfour Declaration was handed. Did you mean the partition of the ME with the secretly concocted Sykes-Picot plan?

          8. Israel took 1.4 million Orabs (According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics,
            Israel’s population at the end of 2012 stands at nearly 8 million, of
            whom 5.9 million are Jews and 1.4 million are Orabs)
            The PCBS said 2.7 million Falestinians live in the Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem, and 1.7 million live in the Gaza Strip (2012) Also Lebanon with Orabian states started 1948 war against Israel so +We took over 500K falestinians+ is your problem, not Israel

          9. HebAlba Avatar

            Israel took? “(According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics)? ‘The Orabs they took were Palestinian refugees in their own land’..Hahah..!
            In 1948, 9,200 fled to Gaza and thousands in West Bank refugee camps.

            “Mr Ben Gurion was lying through his teeth, to put it plainly.

            It should be observed that the Jewish agency in Palestine declared itself a state on May 14, 1948. It was the next day, May 15 that the first of five Arab armies or contingents of armies entered Palestine. Thus, approximately half of the 1948 refugees fled or were extirpated before the first foreign Arab soldier set foot in Palestine.
            The time line is important: the Deir Yassin Massacre occurred on April 9, the expulsion of Arabs from the cities of Jaffe, Haifa, Tiberias, and Safid occurred at the end of April and in the first days of May. The flight of the Palestinian refugees, thus, was not set in motion by the entrance of the Arab armies as is often claimed.

            The report cites “surprise, protracted mortar barrages, and the use of loudspeakers broadcasting threatening messages, factors which had a strong influence in precipitation flight”. “An attack on one village or town often affected its neighbors. The evacuation of a certain village because of an attack by us prompted in its wake many neighboring villages to flee”, the report states. “The fall of Tiberias, Safad, Samakh, Jaffa, and Acre engendered in their wake many waves of emigrants.”

          10. you are abandoning reasons fool

          11. HebAlba Avatar

            haida hmar ma’tT roud alaihu.
            He’s in Europe but he squatters on YaLiban to defend Israel

          12. lol you are in Canada but squatter on yalibnan to fight Israel

          13. HebAlba Avatar

            I’m born Lebanese.


            ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????

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            ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ????????????

            ???????????????? ???????????? ???????? ????????????????????

            ???????? You must be pride to be Lebanese but please support Canaanite, Phoenician script (upgrade your windowz at least)

          15. Niemals Avatar

            Correction, fighting Jews and the admirer of Jews.

          16. HebAlba Avatar

            Not Jews, Zionist cretino

          17. please don’t be like Toty

          18. Alligator tears, Your Leaders told the Palestinians to move away to let them finish the work and through the Jews into the sea and then they will be able to go back and take ALL the land.
            Your powerful Lebanon took part in this war and as all other 5 arab army’s lost.
            But for 70 years and until today:
            *The Palestinians do not have Lebanese citizenship
            * No identity cards,
            * Are legally barred from owning property
            * Legally barred form entering a list of desirable occupations.
            * Are not granted much access to the social services .

            That’s the way Arabs treat their Arabs like sh*t , and blame someone else
            that’s the arab culture.

            You are Pathetic !

          19. HebAlba Avatar

            Lying Aipak talking points..pathetic

            Israel archives;
            “The Intelligence Service then gives a detailed breakdown and explanation of these factors, stressing that “without doubt, hostile [Haganah/IDF] operations were the main cause of the movement of the population”. The wave of emigration in each district, explains the report, “followed hard upon the increase and expansion of our [Haganah/IDF] operations in that district.
            The departure of the British of course, helped the Arab evacuation, but it appears that the British withdrawal freed our hands for action more than it influenced the Arab immigration directly.”

            The report cites “surprise, protracted mortar barrages, and the use of loudspeakers broadcasting threatening messages, factors which had a strong influence in precipitation flight”. “An attack on one village or town often affected its neighbors. The evacuation of a certain village because of an attack by us prompted in its wake many neighboring villages to flee”, the report states. “The fall of Tiberias, Safad, Samakh, Jaffa, and Acre engendered in their wake many waves of emigrants.”“More than once”, the report states, “[Haganah/IDF units were forced] to expel inhabitants [after they had returned to their homes]”.

            “Thus in sum, this document, which is only one of many to have surfaced in consequence of the historical research of the last 20 years completely refutes Ben Gurion’s claim and reveals it to have no basis in fact.”

          20. orabs and iran are topic. also off topic: Not less than
            850 British citizens went to Syria to fight in the ranks of the
            terrorist group IS, more than half of them returned to the United
            Kingdom, but only 90 people were brought to court and found guilty. What you want to say under your words?

          21. You are Pathetic, tell me if you want some more Ignorant !

            Here’s some more about why Arabs left:

            1. Research reported by the Arab-sponsored Institute for Palestine Studies in Beirut. . . .“the majority” of the Arab refugees in 1948 “were not expelled,” and “68%” left
            without seeing an Israeli soldier.”

            2. Report in Jaffa newspaper Ash Sha’ab, January 30, 1948.“The first of our fifth column consists of those who abandon their houses and businesses and go to live elsewhere….At the first signs of trouble they take to their heels to escape sharing the burden of struggle.”

            3. Jamal Husseini, Acting Chairman of the Palestine Arab Higher Committee, speaking to the United Nations Security Council. Quoted in the UNSC Official Records (N. 62), April 23, 1948, p. 14.”The Arabs did not want to submit to a truce they rather preferred to abandon their homes, their belongings and everything they
            possessed in the world and leave the town. This is in fact what they did.”

            4. From a memorandum by The Arab National Committee in Haifa to the Arab League Governments. 27 April 1948.”… when the delegation entered the conference room it proudly refused to sign the truce and asked that the evacuation of the Arab population and their transfer to neighboring Arab countries be facilitated.”

            5. Emile Ghoury, secretary of the Palestinian Arab Higher Committee, in an interview
            with the Beirut Telegraph, Sept. 6, 1948.”The fact that there are these
            refugees is the direct consequence of the act of the Arab states in opposing
            partition and the Jewish state. The Arab states agree upon this policy
            unanimously and they must share in the solution of the problem.”

            6. Jordanian daily newspaper Falistin, Feb 19, 1949.”The Arab states which had encouraged the Palestinian Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies, have failed to keep their promise to help
            these refugees.”

            7. Radio broadcast by the Near East Arabic Broadcasting Station, Cyprus. April 3 1949.”It must notbe forgotten that the Arab Higher Committee encouraged the refugees’ flight from their homes in Jaffa, Haifa,and Jerusalem.”

            8. Statement by the Arab National Committee of Haifa in memorandum to the Arab States, April 27, 1950. Cited by Peter Dodd and Halim Barakat, “River Without Bridges. – A Study of the Exodus of the 1967Arab Palestinian Refugees”. Beirut 1969. p. 43.”The removal of the Arab inhabitants … was voluntary and was carried out at our request … The Arab delegation proudly asked for the evacuation of the Arabs and their removal to the neighboring Arab countries…. We are very glad to state that the Arabs guarded their honour and traditions with pride and greatness.”

            9. Report by Habib Issa in Lebanese newspaper, Al Hoda, June 8, 1951.”The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha, assured the Arab peoples that the occupation of Palestine and Tel Aviv would be as simple as a military promenade. He pointed out that they were already on the frontiers and that all the millions the Jews had spent on land and economic development would be easy booty, for it would be a simple matter to throw Jews into the Mediterranean.“Brotherly advice was given to the Arabs of Palestine to leave their land, homes and property and to stay temporarily in neighboring fraternal states, lest the guns of the invading Arab armies mow them down.”

            10. The Beirut Muslim weekly Kul-Shay, Aug. 19, 1951.”Who brought the Palestinians to Lebanon as refugees, suffering now from the malign attitude of newspapers and communal leaders, who have neither honor nor conscience? Who brought them over in dire straits and penniless, after they lost their honor? The Arab states, and Lebanon amongst them, did it.”

            11. Nimr el Hawari, the Commander of the Palestine Arab Youth Organization, in his book Sir Am Nakbah (The Secret Behind the Disaster, published in Nazareth in 1955),
            quoted the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Said as saying”We will smash the country
            with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in. The Arabs
            should conduct their wives and children to safe areas until the fighting has
            died down.”

            12. The Egyptian daily Akhbar El Yom, Oct 12, 1963.”The 15th May, 1948 arrived… on that day the Mufti of Jerusalem appealed to the Arabs of Palestine to leave the country, because the Arab countries were about to enter and fight in their stead.”

            13. Nuri Said, Iraqi Prime Minister, cited by Myron Kaufman, “The Coming Destruction of Israel” The American Library Inc., 1970 pp. 26-27.”We will smash the country with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in. The Arabs
            should conduct their wives and children to safe areas until the fighting has
            died down.”

            14. Khaled al-`Azm, who served as Prime Minister of Syria in 1948 and 1949, wrote in his memoirs, Beirut 1973 that among the reasons for the Arab failure in 1948 was
            “the call by the Arab Governments to the inhabitants of Palestine to evacuate
            it and to leave for the bordering Arab countries, after having sown terror
            among them…Since 1948 we have been demanding the return of the refugees to
            their homes. But we ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave…We have brought destruction upon a million Arab refugees, by calling upon them and
            pleading with them to leave their land, their homes, their work and business…”
            (Part 1, pp. 386-387).

            15. Fuad Abu Higla, columnist, writing in PA daily Al Hayat Al Jadida, March 19, 2001. He quotes a prisoner from the 1948 generation. (Per Palestinian Media Watch)“To the [Arab and Muslim] Kings and Presidents, Poverty is killing us, the symptoms are exhausting us and the souls are leaving our body, yet you are still
            searching for the way to provide aid, like one who is looking for a needle in a
            haystack or like the armies of your predecessors in the year of 1948, who
            forced us to leave [Israel], on the pretext of clearing the battlefields of
            civilians… So what will your summit do now?”

            16. Journalist Mahmud Al-Habbash, in the official PA paper, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, in his column “The Pulse of Life” December 13, 2006.”The leaders and the elites promised us at the beginning of the “Catastrophe” [the establishment of Israel and the creation of refugee problem] in 1948, that the duration of the exile will not
            be long, and that it will not last more than a few days or months, and
            afterwards the refugees will return to their homes, which most of them did not
            leave only until they put their trust in those “Arkuvian” promises made by the
            leaders and the political elites. Afterwards, days passed, months, years and
            decades, and the promises were lost with the strain of the succession of

            17. From Asmaa Jabir Balasimah Um Hasan, who fled Israel in 1948. Quoted from
            Al-Ayyam May 16, 2006 per Palestinian Media Watch.

          22. HebAlba Avatar

            From Zionist propaganda sites littering Google
            “Meet Israeli Pioneers
            Meet Christian Zionists
            Settlement Map
            Articles of Interest
            Visit Judea and Samaria
            Interesting Presentations
            Recommended Links
            Research reported by the Arab-sponsored Institute for Palestine Studies in Beirut. . . .“the majority” of the Arab refugees in 1948 were not expelled,” and “68%” left without seeing an Israeli soldier.”
            It’s not ponsored!

        2. HebAlba Avatar

          UN Article 19 states:

          “The partitioning of Palestine in 1947 and the establishment of Israel is fundamentally null and void, because it is contrary to the wish of the people of Palestine and its natural right to a homeland, and contradicts the principles embodied in the Charter of the UN, the first of which is the right of self-determination.”
          Palestine was taken by massacres and expulsions.

          1. Corrupted UN obsessed and biased (most countries are muslim orabian) with Israel. Falestine is East Mediterranian Shore, not only Judea, Samaria, Gaza
            Massacres and expulsions are at wars, please pay attention on Syria, Iraq, don’t divert reality

      2. i think also will be Tramp US reduction

  2. On Wednesday, the National Security Council of Turkey, after a meeting in
    which President Tayyip Erdogan participated, announced that Operation
    Euphrates’ Shield in northern Syria was recognized as successful and

  3. Niemals Avatar

    Is it because Donald Trump had rattled leaders when he said he was open to a one-state solution, that Arab leaders on Wednesday said they would renew a historic reconciliation offer with Israel in return for its withdrawal from land it has occupied since the 1967 war?

    1. “borders” +since the 1967 war+ are really armistice line of 1949

    1. HebAlba Avatar

      Blocked’re out of your mind

      1. you can block yourself

        1. Niemals Avatar

          It is the first time I have the opportunity to read this famous telegram from Heinrich Himmler to the Großmufti Haj Amin al-Husseini.

          I wasn’t aware that this rare 1943 document was in the hands of the National Library (in the archives), with the clear text from Himmler wishing the Mufti: “Warm wishes for your continued struggle against the Jewish invaders until the great victory.”

          1. HebAlba Avatar

            Normal, Palestinians intellectuals read Theodore Herzl
            they knew Zionist motto: “From the Nile to the Euphrate”.

          2. are you blind can not see muslim caliphate from Indonesia to West Sahara? Want you caliphate also in Canada and Israel? also Falsetinians are usual Orabians, fool

          3. Greater Syrian nation “Syria” referred to a region much larger than the Syrian Arab Republic of today, a region that stretched from the borders of Anatolia to those of Egypt, from the edge of Iraq to the Mediterranean Sea. In terms of today’s states, the Syria of old comprised Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan, plus the Gaza Strip and Alexandretta. This larger land,

            The government of Hafiz al-Asad adopted Pan-Syrian ideas and made them Syrian state policy.

            This is not an Essay by one loony Reporter.

            This is The government of Hafiz al-Asad adopted Pan-Syrian ideas and made them Syrian state policy.

            You are part of the Plan…. there is NO Lebanon, Syria is going to eat you alive if they survive……

          4. Niemals – Translate the document to that Idiot Hebalba, so she will understand that this is a Telegram from the Nazi’s to Haj Amin el Husseini praising him for his war against the Jews.

          5. Niemals Avatar

            This Luder can do it by herself, but she will not do it simply because of the content of the massage.
            This famous telegram is addressed to the Mohammedans of the world, not only to Haj Amin el Husseini.

            You should know by now that I can’t read Hind, have no access to her comments, and don’t intend to have any correspondence with this brainwashed ‘Christian Lebanese’ ;-).

          6. Al Husseini was supported by the Brits. So were the Nazis. You should be able to do what math. Emphasis on the should.

            Besides, what is the link between communication between Al Husseini and the Nazis and the Palestinians?

          7. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Let’s see, Al-Husseini was the grand mufti and he was sent a letter by the nazis. That’s a good start. Or perhaps they were just pen pals or lovers.

          8. Let’s see what and a good start for what? Both Hitler and the Mufti were supported by Britain.

    1. anno dazumal Avatar
      anno dazumal

      Additional German news;

      “German politician wants ‘Islam law’ and mosque registry”

      A leading member of Chancellor Merkel’s CDU party, Jens Spahn, wants more rules governing the practice of Islam in Germany.
      Among other things, he has called for German-language sermons in mosques.

      Germany needs an “Islam law” to regulate Muslim religious communities and ensure that what is being preached in mosques around the country is “transparent,” according to leading conservative politician Jens Spahn.

      Furthermore, he called for German tests for imams, saying that many of the preachers who delivered sermons in German mosques came from abroad, could not speak German and were paid by other countries.

      “Do we really know if their sermons are being made in accordance with our laws? And it’s about more than that. Is it enough, just to ask that they don’t break the law? Should they not encourage cooperation and integration?” Spahn said to DW.

      1. Very smart move by Germany
        Transparency is the key here .
        No country wants surprises within its own borders . Germany has the right to know what the preachers are telling their followers in all religious institutions

  4. Arab countries demand to deprive Israel of control over all of Jerusalem

  5. The UN Refugee
    Agency (UNHCR) reports that the number of Syrian refugees who have
    sought asylum in the Middle East countries – Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan,
    Iraq and Egypt – exceeded 5 million

  6. Helen4Yemen Avatar

    Long live Iran!
    Long live Hebollah!
    Long live Hamas!
    Have I left out any good guys?

    1. helen is terrorists supporter

    2. Niemals Avatar

      Long live Iran!
      Long live Hebollah!
      Long live Hamas!
      you left Helen4Yemen, belonging to the same criminal bands……

  7. Helen4Yemen Avatar
    Amazing video: Palestinians were asked what would happen to “Israelis” (Lithuanians, Russians, Hungarians, Germans, Americans, Canadians …) and the Palestinians replied with a very simple and the most logical answer: the go home!

    1. Falsetinians free to go to Egypt and Saudia, but why it is not happen?

    2. Niemals Avatar

      I am resorting to this kind of secret communication @ Helen4Yemen @ speak4yemen……

      1. It wasn’t so secretive after all. (laughing)

        1. HebAlba Avatar

          The New World Order; empty the Middle East.

          1. The muslims have turned europe into EURAPE, and this folks blame the jews for this?

          2. Israel is not Jewish, it’s Zionist. That being said, an Israeli organization welcoming refugees outside Israel and in countries that is not theirs is odd (to put it lightly). Someone is financing, encouraging and supporting the migration of refugees on a mass-scale.

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Unlike Lebanon, who had little choice, Israel does have the option of choice. A far better way to run a country I would think. Better to be hated by some and maintain the country’s integrity than a doormat with doors that seldom work.

          4. Imposing your way and disregarding the laws is not having the option of choice – at least not in the sane world. Take for instance the 800,000 inhabitants of Palestine the Zionists displaced in 1948 after going on a killing spree, destroying Palestinian towns/villages and looting/stealing of private properties. Lebanon and other countries accepted the refugees temporarily. I am not sure what you’re talking about by integrity when Israel has none.

          5. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Which laws and please explain how ME countries abided by them. Please explain how some arabs got out of the way to unsuccessfully remove the Jews from Israel. Please explain the multiple takeovers of Lebanon by Arab countries and insurgents.

          6. this troll can explain all only with Israel and West “warmongers” conspiracy

          7. The troll calling others troll. Comical.

            History shows that the West’s meddling in the ME is anything but conspiracy.

          8. you are fake, OmegaHell, your words worth nothing for me

          9. The truth and fact are worth nothing to you, not my words.

          10. OmegaHell truth and facts are truth and facts for OmegaHell and HebBlahblah and Toty and Helen

          11. Which laws and please explain how ME countries abided by them.

            Israel is in question here. The laws are UN resolutions and international laws that it has repeatedly infringed/broken since inception in 1948. Other ME countries did/do not break them.

            Please explain how some arabs got out of the way to unsuccessfully remove the Jews from Israel.

            I have no recollection of Arabs trying to remove Jews out of Israel. If you do, please share.

            Please explain the multiple takeovers of Lebanon by Arab countries and insurgents.

            The French National Pact of 1943 which divided the governmental power of Lebanon among five groups (Christians, Shias, Sunni, Orthodox and Druze).

          12. Rudy1947 Avatar

            No no, which laws Al-Deflecto.

          13. Here are some.

            Part 1 of 2.

            Israeli violations of its Charter obligations and international law

            Res. 57 (Sep. 18, 1948) – Expresses deep shock at the assassination of the U.N. Mediator in Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, by Zionist terrorists.

            Res. 89 (Nov. 17, 1950) – Requests that attention be given to the expulsion of “thousands of Palestine Arabs” and calls upon concerned governments to take no further action “involving the transfer of persons across international frontiers or armistice lines”, and notes that Israel announced that it would withdraw to the armistice lines.

            Res. 93 (May 18, 1951) – Finds that Israeli airstrikes on Syria on April 5, 1951 constitutes “a violation of the cease-fire”, and decides that Arab civilians expelled from the demilitarized zone by Israel should be allowed to return.

            Res. 100 (Oct. 27, 1953) – Notes that Israel had said it would stop work it started in the demilitarized zone on September 2, 1953.

            Res. 101 (Nov. 24, 1953) – Finds Israel’s attack on Qibya, Jordan on October 14-15, 1953 to be a violation of the cease-fire and “Expresses the strongest censure of that action”.

            Res. 106 (Mar. 29, 1955) – Condemns Israel’s attack on Egyptian forces in the Gaza Strip on February 28, 1955.

            Res. 111 (Jan. 19, 1956) – Condemns Israel’s attack on Syria on December 11, 1955 as “a flagrant violation of the cease-fire” and armistice agreement.

            Res. 119 (Oct. 31, 1956) – Considers that “a grave situation has been created” by the attack against Egypt by the forces of Britain, France, and Israel.

            Res. 171 (Apr. 9, 1962) – Reaffirms resolution 111 and determines that Israel’s attack on Syria on March 16-17, 1962 “constitutes a flagrant violation of that resolution”.

            Res. 228 (Nov. 25, 1966) – “Deplores the loss of life and heavy damage to property resulting from the action” by Israel in the southern Hebron area on November 13, 1966, and “Censures Israel for this large-scale military action in violation of the United Nations Charter” and the armistice agreement between Israel and Jordan.

            Res. 237 (Jun. 14, 1967) – Calls on Israel “to ensure the safety, welfare and security of the inhabitants where military operations have taken place” during the war launched by Israel on June 5, 1967 “and to facilitate the return of those inhabitants who have fled the areas since the outbreak of hostilities”.

            Res. 242 (Nov. 22, 1967) – Emphasizes “the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war”, emphasizes that member states have a commitment to abide by the U.N. Charter, and calls for the “Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied” during the June 1967 war.

            Res. 248 (Mar. 24, 1968) – Observes that the Israeli attack on Jordan “was of a large-scale and carefully planned nature”, “Deplores the loss of life and heavy damage to property”, “Condemns the military action launched by Israel in flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter and the cease-fire resolutions”, and “Calls upon Israel to desist from” further violations of resolution 237.

            Res. 250 (Apr. 27, 1968) – Considers “that the holding of a military parade in Jerusalem will aggravate tensions in the area and have an adverse effect on a peaceful settlement of the problems in the area” and “Calls upon Israel to refrain from holding the military parade in Jerusalem which is contemplated” for May 2, 1968.

            Res. 251 (May 2, 1968) – Recalls resolution 250 and “Deeply deplores the holding by Israel of the military parade in Jerusalem” on May 2, 1968 “in disregard of” resolution 250.

            Res. 252 (May 21, 1968) – “Deplores the failure of Israel to comply with” General Assembly resolutions 2253 and 2254, considers Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem “invalid”, and calls upon Israel “to rescind all such measures already taken and to desist forthwith from taking any further action which tends to change the status of Jerusalem”.

            Res. 256 (Aug. 16, 1968) – Recalls Israel’s “flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter” condemned in resolution 248, observes that further Israeli air attacks on Jordan “were of a large scale and carefully planned nature in violation of resolution 248”, “Deplores the loss of life and heavy damage to property”, and condemns Israel’s attacks.

            Res. 259 (Sep. 27, 1968) – Expresses concern for “the safety, welfare and security” of the Palestinians “under military occupation by Israel”, deplores “the delay in the implementation of resolution 237 (1967) because of the conditions still being set by Israel for receiving a Special Representative of the Secretary-General”, and requests Israel to receive the Special Representative and facilitate his work.

            Res. 262 (Dec. 31, 1968) – Observes “that the military action by the armed forces of Israel against the civil International Airport of Beirut was premeditated and of a large scale and carefully planned nature”, and condemns Israel for the attack.

            Res.265 (Apr. 1, 1969) – Expresses “deep concern that the recent attacks on Jordanian villages and other populated areas were of a pre-planned nature, in violation of resolutions” 248 and 256, “Deplores the loss of civilian life and damage to property”, and “Condemns the recent premeditated air attacks launched by Israel on Jordanian villages and populated areas in flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter and the cease-fire resolutions”.

            Res. 267 (Jul. 3, 1969) – Recalls resolution 252 and General Assembly resolutions 2253 and 2254, notes that “since the adoption of the above-mentioned resolutions Israel has taken further measures tending to change the status of the City of Jerusalem”, reaffirms “the established principle that acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible”, “Deplores the failure of Israel to show any regard for the resolutions”, “Censures in the strongest terms all measures taken to change the status of the City of Jerusalem”, “Confirms that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel which purport to alter the status of Jerusalem, including expropriation of land and properties thereon, are invalid and cannot change that status”, and urgently calls on Israel to rescind the measures taken to annex Jerusalem.

            Res. 270 (Aug. 26, 1969) – “Condemns the premeditated air attack by Israel on villages in southern Lebanon in violation of its obligations under the Charter and Security Council resolutions”.

            Res. 271 (Sep. 15, 1969) – Expresses grief “at the extensive damage caused by arson to the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem” on August 21, 1969 “under the military occupation of Israel”, reaffirms “the established principle that acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible”, “Determines that the execrable act of desecration and profanation of the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque emphasizes the immediate necessity of Israel’s desisting from acting in violation” previous resolutions and rescinding measures to annex Jerusalem, calls on Israel “to observe the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and international law governing military occupation”, and condemns Israel’s failure to comply with previous resolutions.

            Res. 279 (May 12, 1970) – “Demands the immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory.”

            Res. 280 (May 19, 1970) – Expresses conviction that “that the Israeli military attack against Lebanon was premeditated and of a large scale and carefully planned in nature”, recalls resolution 279 “demanding the immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory”, deplores Israel’s violation of resolutions 262 and 270, “Condemns Israel for its premeditated military action in violation of its obligations under the Charter of the United Nations”, and “Deplores the loss of life and damage to property inflicted as a result” of Israeli violations of Security Council resolutions.

            Res. 285 (Sep. 5, 1970) – “Demands the complete and immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory.”

            Res. 298 (Sep. 25, 1971) – Recalls resolutions 252 and 267 and General Assembly resolutions 2253 and 2254 concerning Israel’s measures to annex Jerusalem, reaffirms “the principle that acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible”, notes “the non-compliance by Israel” of the recalled resolutions, deplores Israel’s failure to respect the resolutions, confirms that Israel’s actions “are totally invalid”, and urgently calls on Israel to rescind its measures and take “no further steps in the occupied section of Jerusalem” to change the status of the city.

            Res. 313 (Feb. 28, 1972) – “Demands that Israel immediately desist and refrain from any ground and air military action against Lebanon and forthwith withdraw all its military forces from Lebanese territory.”

            Res. 316 (Jun. 26, 1972) – Deplores “the tragic loss of life resulting from all acts of violence”, expresses grave concern “at Israel’s failure to comply with Security Council resolutions” 262, 270, 280, 285, and 313 “calling on Israel to desist forthwith from any violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon”, calls on Israel to abide by the resolutions, and condemns “the repeated attacks of Israeli forces on Lebanese territory and population in violation of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and Israel’s obligations thereunder”.

            Res. 317 (Jul. 21, 1972) – Notes resolution 316, deplores the fact that Israel had not yet released “Syrian and Lebanese military and security personnel abducted by Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory” on June 21, 1972, and calls on Israel to release the prisoners.

            Res. 332 (Apr. 21, 1972) – “Condemns the repeated military attacks conducted by Israel against Lebanon and Israel’s violation of Lebanon’s territorial integrity and sovereignty” in violation of the U.N. Charter, the armistice agreement, and cease-fire resolutions.

            Res. 337 (Aug. 15, 1973) – Notes “the violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity” by Israel “and the hijacking, by the Israeli air force, of a Lebanese civilian airliner on lease to Iraqi Airways”, expresses grave concern “that such an act carried out by Israel, a Member of the United Nations, constitutes a serious interference with international civil aviation and a violation of the Charter of the United Nations”, recognizes “that such an act could jeopardize the lives and safety of passengers and crew and violates the provisions of international conventions safeguarding civil aviation”, condemns Israel “for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and for the forcible diversion and seizure by the Israeli air force of a Lebanese airliner from Lebanon’s air space”, and considers that Israel’s actions constitute a violation of the armistice agreement, cease-fire resolutions, the U.N. Charter, “the international conventions on civil aviation and the principles of international law and morality”.

          14. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Still waiting for the laws, UN Resolutions by UN definition are recommendations. Well Al-Deflecto, where are the laws?

          15. To name a few …

            Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention: “forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.”

            Article 147 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV: “unlawful deportation or transfer … of a protected person”

            Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention: “No persons may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited … Reprisals against persons and their property are prohibited.”

          16. UN Resolution are recommendations. UN Charter are Laws.

            To name a other laws Israel has infringed …

            Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention: “forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.”

            Article 147 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV: “unlawful deportation or transfer … of a protected person”

            Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention: “No persons may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited … Reprisals against persons and their property are prohibited.”

          17. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I’ll wait until disqus finished with you comments.

          18. I don’t think it’s Disqus, internet has been slow on my end tonight. Should have just posted the link to the UN Resolutions and UN Charter instead of copy-pasting everything. Edited/deleted accordingly.

          19. Rudy1947 Avatar

            No no, you comments are being deleted….good night.

          20. Who exactly would delete my comments when there is no moderation on YaLibnan? Even if there was, why would they be deleted? I only posted the long list of UN Resolutions made about Israel and the UN Charter it infringes. Besides, how was I able to post them under 4 separates comment (afterwards) if they were deleted as you state?

          21. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Ask Disqus.

          22. I don’t need to since I am the one who deleted my own comments to edit/repost.

          23. Rudy1947 Avatar

            “I have no recollection of Arabs trying to remove Jews out of Israel. If you do, please share.”

            Rip Van Winkle just woke up.

          24. I kid you not: I don’t. If you do, please share. The events of the 1920s and 1930s in Palestine were not instances of Arabs trying to remove Jews from Palestine and neither was 1948, an attempt by the Arabs to remove Jews from Palestine.

          25. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I see, you may have been awake in the 20’s then fell asleep until this AM. Got it.

          26. So, you don’t have a recollection either. Glad we agree.

          27. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Nice try Al-Delecto, but a very lame come back.

          28. What have I deflected from exactly? I stated there were no instances where Arabs tried to remove Jews from Israel and you cannot show otherwise.

          29. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Still waiting for the laws Al-Deflecto. Do you have a costume?

          30. I gave you the UN Charter violation and Geneva Conventions infringements.

            Sorry reality doesn’t please you.

          31. +Israel is not Jewish, it’s Zionist+ 21% Orabians are Israeli citizens, also illegal migrants from Sudan, Eritrea in Israel supported by whom? Refugees by the way (respectful or not?) humans, can be received by Canada f.e. why only by Europe and Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and… Israel? Problem there are wild (muslim?) people, barbarians, but some %, not all. Good if everyone can choose place to live but not good there are countries (muslim?) where wars and escaping people.

          32. You comment does not contradict the fact that Israel is not Jewish but Zionist.

          33. You are trying to paint reality to suitable corrupted for you, chauvinist. Israel is diversity, – Canaanist, pacifist, capitalist, socialist, beautiful, Jewish, MEastern, any you want, also Zionist (no bad connotation here for some people) but why only Zionist for you?

          34. You and Jack take the cake when it comes to copy-pasting words used by others. I guess it’s a good way to compliment your ESL.

            The Zionist state was created by racist Zionists for racist Zionists. As long as you don’t open your mouth, you’re fine.

          35. пнх

          36. Omega – I have seen that your puppet PM Hariri visits Saudi Arabia….. he wants some $$$$ !!!! licking the ass of the Wahhabi…… typical Arab culture.

            BTW- Tell your Puppet PM, that I have good connections with the Bankers….. you know those you say rule the world,,,,, I can arrange something for him,…. but you know it has a cost, as you know that’s what we do, don’t you.
            Any Idea what should I tell them to charge the Lebanese…… maybe to become Hezbalebanon……. or Iranbanon…… or just tell your your PM to make god forbid peace with Israel……..

          37. I cannot tell you why Hariri is visiting KSA but the monetary aspect sure is on the agenda – it’s nothing really new. KSA is indeed Wahhabi but also official ally with Britain/USA and secret ally with Israel. You have nothing to fear.

            You having ties to the kleptocratic banking oligarchies is laughable. You are only an online serf desperately trying to shield the fallacious narrative of their Zionist state.

          38. I cannot tell you why Hariri is visiting KSA but the monetary aspect sure is on the agenda – it’s nothing really new. KSA is indeed Wahhabi but also official ally with Britain/USA and secret ally with Israel. You have nothing to fear.

            You having ties to the kleptocratic banking oligarchies is laughable. You are only an online serf desperately trying to shield the fallacious narrative of their Zionist state.

            Israel is not interested in peace as it (the Likud) thrives on conflicts and wars.

          39. Omega – if you didn’t get the message …. you are just a typical Jew Hater, with the most moronic old traditional Jew hate Agenda of the elder of Zion…..
            Seen your pathetic racist Jew Hate drivel in other places with your racist Nazi friends, that supports and share the same moronic views.
            Those Jew sitting somewhere with plans to destroy the world…..
            as you mentioned the solution is to kill them all….
            Jew hater scum !

          40. Niemals Avatar

            It is not surprising at all that Omega claiming “Israel is not Jewish, it’s Zionist”.

            Jew as religion and people is unable to be divided or separated.

            Judaism can only be practiced by Jews and Jews can only practice Judaism.

            Conversion to Judaism is not possible without adoption into the body ethnic as it is patterned on Ruth’s statement to Naomi “Your God is my God and your people my people”

            The Palestinians have clearly and repeatedly recognized the State of Israel as a “Jewish State” in the 1993 Oslo Accords.

            Omega don’t like it, is he a Palestinian arab – no….

          41. Rudy1947 Avatar

            ROFL ROFL ROFL.

    3. Islamists are at odds with just about everybody today- pitting Muslim Shiites against Sunnis in Pakistan, the Shiite/Sunni divide in Bahrain and Yemen, Muslims against Hindus in India, Muslims against Christians in Nigeria, Muslims against Buddhists in Southern Thailand, Muslims against Copts in Egypt, Muslims against Jews in Israel, Muslims against Christians in the Philippines, Aceh (Indonesia), Kosovo (Serbia), Muslims against Maronites in Lebanon, Muslims against Hindus in Bangladesh, Muslims against Russian Orthodox, Muslims against Greek Cypriots, Muslims against non-Arab minorities and Dinkas in the Sudan, Muslims against Zoroastrians and Bahai in Iran and Egypt, the Muslim/Buddhist divide in Myanmar, Muslim sectarian conflict in Syria, the Central African Republic……

      1. Where did you copied that from Jacko? You should use quotation marks when words aren’t yours, you know. Pay attention in ESL and learn about respecting intellectual property.

        1. OmegaHell sorry i’m using your “intellectual property” Hell

        2. It was provided from the site of Helen4yemen the double agent.
          So you will see that the Muslims you are fighting for are the threat to the world.

          BTW-Lets see you reject it senile

          1. Provided? You copied the comment of another hasbara troll (peepsqueek) and pasted it here.

          2. sharing is good, copying is act of love, thank you added peepsqueek attribution, he is not troll like mostly you

          3. Omega – 100% of your and Helen4yemen comments are duplicated 1000 times al over….
            once you and you recruiter appear, the comment nonsense is already known.

            BTW – lets see you and you comrade HebAlba reject it……
            bet you will find one of your nonsense remark, regarding quotes….. to escape from the answer.

          4. Notice how when confronted, you lie automatically.

          5. Omega

            How predictable…..again BTW – lets see you reject it……
            as usual you find one of your nonsense remark, ….. to escape from the answer.
            As you don’t have one !

            Guess you need to read it again as a senile. you don’t remember what happened a moment ago

            Islamists are at odds with just about everybody today- pitting Muslim Shiites against Sunnis in Pakistan, the Shiite/Sunni divide in Bahrain and Yemen, Muslims against Hindus in India, Muslims against Christians in Nigeria, Muslims against Buddhists in Southern Thailand, Muslims against Copts in Egypt, Muslims against Jews in Israel, Muslims against Christians in the Philippines, Aceh (Indonesia), Kosovo (Serbia), Muslims against Maronites in Lebanon, Muslims against Hindus in Bangladesh, Muslims against Russian Orthodox, Muslims against Greek Cypriots, Muslims against non-Arab minorities and Dinkas in the Sudan, Muslims against Zoroastrians and Bahai in Iran and Egypt, the Muslim/Buddhist divide in Myanmar, Muslim sectarian conflict in Syria, the Central African Republic……

          6. Well yes, when you make up lies about me, I ought to reject them. Not one of my comment resembles any one of Helen’s.

            I find it interesting that you write ‘escaping the answer’ when that’s precisely what I told Helen about you yesterday on MEMO. There again, you don’t have the necessary IQ to come up with anything on your own.

            What exactly do I need to read again? peepsqueek‘s comment that you keep copy-pasting?

          7. Omega – Again with your nonsense stories…….. your affair with Helen is none of my concerns.
            You continue to escape from the answer.
            and I enjoy to see how low you can get…. BTW It was not invented by peepsqueek’s, he just summarized the locations were Murderous arabs are killing innocent civilians children and women.
            Do arab kill arab in yemen ?
            Do arab kill arab in syria ?
            Do arab kill arab in Iraq ?.

          8. For someone who claims it’s not of his concern, you sure do talk an awful lot about it. (laughing)

            Not sure what I am escaping when I answered.

            Never said it was invented by peepsqueek, I said you copy pasted his comment while claiming it yours. Pay attention.

            The chaos in Iraq started after the illegal US invasion, same in Libya. The chaos in Syria started after the West decided to topple Assad. The chaos in Yemen also has Western fingerprints on it – don’t forget how the US sold $500M worth of weapons to Yemen when Saleh was in power. I say don’t forget but what I am doing is educating you.

            The rest as we say: is history. Uneducated, poor Arabs are given a salary, weapons, instructions to obey and objectives to reach. Anything they do in between (rape, murder, etc) is ignored.

          9. Do arab kill arab in yemen ?
            Do arab kill arab in syria ?
            Do arab kill arab in Iraq ?.

            Your pathetic explanations are nonsense.
            The arab kill and find excuses……

          10. In Yemen, Yemenis fight Saudis.
            In Syria, Syrians fight Syrians and outsiders.
            In Iraq, all sorts of Iraqis fight all sorts of Iraqis and outsiders.

            Get your facts in order.

          11. HebAlba Avatar

            senile senile senile senile senile senile senile senile senile broken record

  8. US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley said at a meeting
    with a small group of journalists that Washington’s priorities in Syria
    changed with the arrival of the new administration.
    According to her, the US no longer considers the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar Assad as its top priority. And the main goal will be to find ways to end the civil war in Syria. In this regard, the US is ready to cooperate with all parties to the conflict and interested countries, including Turkey.
    the same time, the Permanent Representative noted that in Washington continue to believe that Assad does not contribute to the
    achievement of peace in Syria

  9. Rudy1947 Avatar

    Iran would be orgasmic having some control in Yemen. The Ayatoilet would be orgasmic.

  10. Helen4Yemen • 2 days ago
    Long live Iran!
    Long live Hebollah!
    Long live Hamas!
    Have I left out any good guys?

    Typical Arab, the scum lady is Yemenite, supporting the Houthi Yemen Killers that slaughter thousands of Innocent civilians, children and Women, supported by Iran.
    She admires Iran that support the slaughter of her own people.
    that’s the Arab Culture.
    Arab supports dictators that kill their own people.
    As long as they find someone to blame.

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