Lebanese TV reporter Maria Maalouf being sued over Hezbollah murder incitement


Maria MaaloufA number of Lebanese lawyers filed lawsuits Monday against television reporter Maria Maalouf accusing her of inciting murder against Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah by Israel via airstrike.

In an initial tweet, Maalouf said that if Israel really wanted to see peace in the region, it ought to arrive at some sort of agreement with Hezbollah. “If Israel really wants peace, then it should prove it and sign on agreements with Hezbollah. Because, to this day we have not gotten rid of Hassan Nasrallah, who is deluding us in his fight against Israel,” the tweet read.


Shortly after, Maalouf tweeted again; this time with a plea to Israel to take out Nasrallah with an airstrike. “If Israel sees Hassan Nasrallah as its enemy, why doesn’t it carry out an airstrike that would rid us of him, thus gaining our faith and protecting itself?”

Lebanese lawyer, Hasan Adel Bazzi, posted on his Facebook page his procedural paperwork for suing Maalouf for the offense of incitement to murder and calling on an enemy of the state to bomb Lebanon.

“The lawsuit I filed was a personal initiative since the plea made by Maalouf is one that targets Lebanon and risks the lives of its people,” Bazzi told Annahar, adding that the reporter has a history of controversial tweets and accusations prior to this one.

Maria Maalouf was not available for comment, due to her phone line being closed.





92 responses to “Lebanese TV reporter Maria Maalouf being sued over Hezbollah murder incitement”

  1. u go girl

    1. I thought I had seen that image somewhere …


      How is the head chopping going?

      1. HebAlba Avatar

        Going well..West invented Syrian revolution so every head shopper will get 77 virgins.

        1. man-o-war Avatar

          I’m pretty sure it’s 72 Virginians

  2. Rudy1947 Avatar

    There’s no one in Lebanon that will perform this operation. Besides, there are replacements for Nasrallrat waiting patiently.

    1. Niemals Avatar

      Does it really needs be so many of Lebanese lawyers to file a suit against TV reporter Maria Maalouf?

      Are they seriously worried that the Israelis will comply with hers inciting to liquidate Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah?

      1. Rudy1947 Avatar

        Lining up for the honor and glory and the prestige.

        As the story goes, the Israelis had Arafat in their crosshairs but chose not to liquidate him and I don’t believe Nasrallrat will fall either (for the present).

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        In the US as in many other countries if you threaten ANYONE you’d be jailed. So stop your biased BS. Really?

        1. Niemals Avatar

          How is it that the United States popping up in all your replays – are you living there?
          US is not the navel of the world, in addition, some states apply the death penalty.

          I’m not american citizen, nor I have ever been in this part of the world.

          Read again! “Does it really needs be SO MANY of Lebanese lawyers to file a suit”….

          We have the law § 241 StGB – Bedrohung (Threat) paragraf. § 241 StGB ist wie folgt:

          Wer einen Menschen mit der Begehung eines gegen ihn oder eine ihm nahe stehende Person gerichteten Verbrechens bedroht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu einem Jahr oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.
          Ebenso wird bestraft, wer wider besseres Wissen einem Menschen vortäuscht, dass die Verwirklichung eines gegen ihn oder eine ihm nahe stehende Person gerichteten Verbrechens bevorstehe.

          Stop your immature comments.

          1. Yes, he lives in the US.

            How is that German law of any relevance?

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            I have no idea chou jeeb toz 3a mar7aba 😉 This Niemals dude is disoriented… He is a Nazi in denial lol

        2. Niemals Avatar

          Du Großmaul – Unlike the US, we now deporting Islamists to their countries of origin, even if those was born here.
          You probably heard about the two men who die Polizei believe planned an attack in the city of Göttingen they have failed in their bid to avoid deportation – both (Algerian and Nigerian) will be repatriated to Africa despite being born in Germany.
          https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3434f417cb248cb411d6381b4aa9ca044e35890fb6bbcd6c50fcdcc799e6bfb2.jpg Furthermore Germany will deport alleged ‘IS’ militant to Tunisia over 2015 Bardo museum attack.
          Thomas de Maiziere (Interior Minister) has confirmed that an asylum seeker (a Tunisian national) wanted in connection to a deadly attack in Tunis would be deport back to his homeland over his suspected involvement in the deadly Tunis Museum attack in 2015.

          The man was arrested on suspicion of planning an attack in Germany.

          Am I enough biased now?

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Sieg Heil ya ayre 😉

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            The US fuc|ed Germany in the ass during WWII and now they control you like the Biaches you are. so stop talking. Merkel was pissing her pants at the white house a couple days ago kissing Trump’s ass. he he

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            You must have been watching the Looney Tunes version because Merkel was not at all happy with Trump. Also, I seem to remember the US helping Germany rebuild after WW2.

          4. Niemals Avatar

            You need to study again history simply because you forgot the sovjetunions role in defeating the dictator from Austria.

            The only one that controlled a part of Germany (DDR) was the Sowjetunion.

            Have you ever heard about the Marshall-plan?
            Merkel gave this idiot (Twitter Trump) a lesson in behavior.

        3. The most threatening people in Lebanon are Hezbollah thugs, moron. And contrary to that woman, they are armed to the teeth.

          1. Threatening according to who? England and her two whores, the US and IsraHell? And of course, vermin like you? 🙂

          2. “England and her two whores…”

            The LaRouchite (should be LaRouche-shite) and his idiocies again….

          3. Pulling a Conway-like diversion with LaRouche?

            England controls the USA’s economy and created Israel thus yes, the USA and Israel are England’s whores. Now, go kiss the British flag.

          4. Diversion? I’ve never been anything but 100% forthright with you, pal.
            Parroting moronic LaRouchite memes is nothing but the shitty icing on the crappy cake of your general idiocy.

          5. It’s rather paradoxical of your to write about paranoia when I did not quote/cite LaRouche in this discussion. I let you enjoy your cake.

          6. You are so one-dimensionally dumb, it must hurt, pal. On the other hand, when you possess no brains, you’re also devoid of self-reflection… 🙂

          7. Did you high-5 yourself after posting this?

          8. Hannibal Avatar

            The raison d’etre of Hezbollah is the illegal entity South of Lebanon… ‘nough said 😛

          9. Seems like it’s yours, too, moron. You go to the same shrink? 🙂

          10. Niemals Avatar

            What “illegal entity” is he referring to?
            He must be referring to the border less Palestinian stat.

          11. Hannibal Avatar

            Oh you know which one… Let me remind you a little: It is the one that was created by the sons of Abe (those YOUR likes barbecued in the ovens)… You should talk… YOUR country’s invention of the “superior” race is what created the illegal entity of God’s chosen ones (yeah right).

          12. Niemals Avatar

            Oh here you go again with your nonsens “It is the one that was created by the sons of Abe”….?

            There is no such thing as “superior” race or God’s chosen ones.

            The “superior” race ideology was practiced then by Nationalsozialismus and is still practiced today by Neonazis and Co..

            We have diplomatic relation with this “entity”, the state of Israel, furthermore we cherish the relation with Israel.
            Six million Jews were killed in a genocide during the Nazi regime.
            Now, more than 70 years after the end of World War II, Germany and Israel have a close and friendly relationship – a small miracle?
            Israel’s security as part of Germany’s raison d’etat

            We condemn the settlements on the occupied territory.

            Hundreds of people in Germany took to the streets to demonstrate against Israeli military action in the Gaza Strip.

            Some of the protesters shouted “Jews into the gas” or other anti-Semitic slogans.

            Anti-Israel sentiment grew in Germany during the 2014 Gaza conflict
            Making anti-Semitic statements or denying the Holocaust is a criminal offense in Germany and can lead to charges of sedition.

            Offenders face up to five years in jail and can also be heavily fined.
            According to experts, criticism of Israel can be deemed as anti-Semitic if it is considered to be an attempt to discredit the Jewish state – for example;
            if Israel’s actions are measured with standards differing from other international players or the “Zionist lobby” is blamed for any kind of negative happenings in the world.

          13. Hannibal Avatar

            Do us all a favor and go to war with Iran and annihilate each other so we all live in peace… 😉

          14. Sure, pal. Everything will just be coming your way. 🙂

          15. HebAlba Avatar

            Yo don’t make Lebanon Laws Zionist squater

          16. You don’t make laws anywhere. Insane asylum inmates don’t vote.

          17. HebAlba Avatar

            You don’t make laws anywhere, moron. Insane asylum inmates don’t vote.

      3. HebAlba Avatar

        “TO THE EDITORS OF NEW YORK TIMES (Dec. 2, 1948):

        Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party”, a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties [emphasis added]. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.

        …It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to [Freedom Party leader Menachim] Begin’s political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents.

        Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin’s behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel [emphasis added], the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement.

        The public avowals of Begin’s party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state [emphasis added]. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.”

        – signed by Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt and 26 other prominent American Jews”

  3. Why should Israel touch this puppet.
    Nasrala is the best thing Israel can hope for.

    1) For then years the North of Israel is peaceful and blooming as ever.
    2) Nasrala went into Syria and sends back coffins every day with Hezbollah suckers that die for Assad killer.
    3) He made the Ammonia tanker be closed for the benefit of the inhabitants of Haifa.

  4. That was to be expected. Any opposition to Nasrallah (and to his senile sock-puppet in the Baabda palace) has to be crushed lest the normal Lebanese get all sorts of ideas about actually getting their country back.

    1. The country was never taken in order to get it back.

  5. Where are the Arab Nazis “Omega” and Heblabla? Their voice is sorely needed on this thread. 🙂

    1. I am here vermin. 🙂

      Not to address this reporter who should know better (as in remain professional) but to call out your Arab Nazi non-sense again. Arabs never sympathized with Nazis. Zionists did: they worshiped Fascists in Italy and Nazis in Germany. Proposed to raise 40,000 soldiers to form a fascist army in Palestine. Zionists fomented Jewish pogroms in Eastern Europe, sank a ship full of Jews (the Patria) to gain sympathy, killed Jews who opposed Zionism, etc. Do I need to remind you how Nazi propaganda was based on Zionist doctrine (http://bit.ly/1xrnuMV)? What about the Palestinians who sided with Britain to fight the Ottomans while most Jews sided with Germany who sided with Ottomans?

      1. “The Arabs never sympathised with Nazis”.

        The retard and history lectures. Tell that bullshit to the Mufti, Rashid Ali al-Gaylani, Hassan Salameh, Fawzi al-Qawuqji, Antoun Saadeh and Zaki al-Arsuzi, not to mention Nasser and Sadat.

        As I already told you a few times, the main difference between German and Arab Nazis is the latter’s bottomless stupidity.

        1. They’re not history lectures, they are facts. Zionists were hand in hand with Nazis. It’s an uncomfortable truth you do not want to hear/read. Instead, you keep on referring to Arabs as Nazis to divert and legitimize the Zionist crimes. Considering that Nazism was heavily influenced by Zionists, should we also conclude that Arabs are Zionists? What about Britain’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood and its leaders? Some within the Ba’athist party said they were influenced by Nazism and others have criticized it. What’s your point? Actions speak louder than words: Arabs did not kill Jews on a mass-scale, Zionists did. Those you listed (some of which were supported by Britain) have either no relation to Nazism or fought foreign imperialism. Washing the whole thing off Arabs were/are Nazis while omitting the clandestine roles Britain and France played in the ME is bigotry.

          1. Your senseless logorrheic drivel differs from what is spouted by 90% of Arabs posting online in that yours is in decent English. I guess you can take this as a compliment. 🙂

          2. I don’t know what 90% of Arabs post online but I base my comment on facts (British, French and Middle Eastern archives). Most of which are depicted here: https://books.google.com/books?id=vk-cBQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=the+secret+anglo-french+war+in+the&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiPzoyT7-rSAhWF64MKHXqNA2UQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=the%20secret%20anglo-french%20war%20in%20the&f=false

          3. You’ve never set foot in an archive, let alone a “Middle Eastern” one.

          4. How does one step foot in an archive?

          5. In a previous comment, I (half-heartedly) complimented you on your passable English. Guess I gotta take it back now. Stupid writes as stupid is, after all.

          6. Considering that to set foot is to enter or step on, I still don’t know what you mean. Had you written: You’ve never set foot in an archive room – then yes I would have understood. An archive is a document after all, isn’t it?

          7. HebAlba Avatar

            Like this..
            excerpt of Livia Rokash book ‘Sacred Terrorism’….
            “The 1982 “operation,” as well as its predecessor,
            the “Litani Operation” of 1978, were part of the long-standing Zionist strategy for Lebanon and Palestine,
            which this transition of the Sharett diary illuminates.
            (In fact,that strategy, formulated and applied during
            the 1950s :-), had been envisaged at least four decades earlier, and attempts to implement it are still being carried out three decades later.
            On November 6, 1918, a committee of British mandate
            officials and Zionist leaders put forth a suggested northern boundary for a Jewish Palestine “from the North Litani River up to Banias.” In the following year, at the Paris peace conference, the Zionist movement proposed boundaries that would have included the Lebanese district of Bint Jubayl and all the territories up to the Litani River.
            (The proposal emphasized the “vital importance of controlling all water resources up to their sources :-)”

          8. Rudy1947 Avatar

            1918??? 1978??? How about 4500 BC.

          9. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Boooooooooooooring!!! Worthless garbage as usual.

          10. As the saying goes: The more you know, the stupider you sound to dumb people.

            I don’t need to clarify that you are the dumb. That being said, you can prove me wrong and contradict British, French and Middle Eastern archives attesting of the British/French clandestine involvement in the Middle East to reach specific imperialistic/colonialist objectives: https://books.google.com/books?id=vk-cBQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=the+secret+anglo-french+war+in+the&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiPzoyT7-rSAhWF64MKHXqNA2UQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=the%20secret%20anglo-french%20war%20in%20the&f=false

            I am waiting …

          11. Rudy1947 Avatar


          12. Thanks for confirming to be the dumb.

          13. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Thanx for the boooooring BS again.

          14. Anything that requires a slightest stimulus from your brain is ‘boring’. So you know; you don’t have to thank me – you’re surrounded with it.

          15. Rudy1947 Avatar

            In a low baritone voice….booooooooring.

          16. Something tells me your brain can’t handle the continuous stimuli and is about to shut down.

          17. Rudy1947 Avatar

            In a high alto voice boooooooooring.

          18. You know what follows a high alto, right? Silence. T minus ? for your ‘ZZZ’?

          19. Rudy1947 Avatar

            In a tenor voice with an occasional falsetto boooooooring.

          20. Another lonely hump day?

          21. Rudy1947 Avatar

            In a hospital version, boring, boring boring…code blue.

          22. You seem well verse with hospitals. Do tell.

          23. Rudy1947 Avatar

            In the retail version, it won’t sell, it won’t sell,boring, boring boring.

          24. HebAlba Avatar

            Écoute ..c’est à dormir debout, lâche-le;)

          25. HebAlba Avatar

            Oh please stop spammingzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

          26. HebAlba Avatar

            Can’t believe this, i come back after 2 weeks,same dialogue, ça va pas?

          27. HebAlba Avatar

            Copying me..boring mosquitozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

          28. Rudy1947 Avatar


        2. HebAlba Avatar

          Arab Nazis you psychopath?
          What the Hell are doing here ..lucky Yalib ‘tolerates’ retards, Would Pudding on Top of my Hat tolerate if we went there and call you “Nazi Jews?

          1. Nobody would pay you a dime for your copypasted Nazi and Baathist drivel. I understand your frustration, sista.

          2. HebAlba Avatar

            Your Minister is copypasta? I understand your frustration…;)),

          3. Hannibal Avatar

            Why are they so ugly? inside and outside? or is it that inside drives the outside?

          4. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Who’s to blame….Saddam Hussein.

          5. master09 Avatar

            Russians are dirt cheap.

          6. HebAlba Avatar

            “This government of Israel, which represents the extreme right in Israel, with some openly fascist elements in it, but supported by a majority of the Israeli people [emphasis added], does not want to give up the occupied territories of the West Bank and the indirectly occupied territories of Gaza. If we are ready to give up this territory and allow the Palestinians to set up their own nation and state of Palestine, then the problem is solved and we shall have peace. If you put up settlements in the West Bank, you cannot have a Palestinian state.”

            “One must realize, the West Bank and Gaza together, the Occupied Territories, constitute 22% of the historic land of Palestine in which the Palestinians desire and are ready to set up their own nation and state of Palestine. The question is: Do we agree to live side by side with an independent, sovereign state of Palestine? If not, then every further discussion is superfluous. We shall have war, and again”
            again and again and again, until the end of time.”

    2. HebAlba Avatar

      Some are buzy while others like Israel Nazis leeches and parasites strive on Yalibnan. Meantime World Jewish Power enjoys the genocide of the Peoples of Europe.

      “In 1922 Richard Coudenhove Kalergi founded the “Pan-European” movement in Vienna, which aimed to create a New World Order, based on a federation of nations led by the United States. European integration would be the first step in creating a world government. Among the first supporters, including Czech politicians Tomáš Masaryk and Edvard Beneš and the banker Max Warburg, who invested the first 60,000 marks. The Austrian Chancellor Ignaz Seipel and the next president of Austria, Karl Renner, took the responsibility for leading the “Pan-European” movement. Later, French politicians, such as Léon Bloum, Aristide Briand, Alcide De Gasperi, etc will offer their help.

      With the rise of Fascism in Europe, the project was abandoned and the “Pan-European” movement was forced to dissolve, but after the Second World War, Kalergi, thanks to frantic and tireless activity and the support of Winston Churchill, the Jewish Masonic Lodge B’nai B’rith and major newspapers like the New York Times, the plan manages to be accepted by the United States Government. The CIA later undertakes the completion of the project.”
      You should hide in sham damn conspirators.

      1. “Buzy”? What are you morons so “buzy” with? Cashing welfare/(mental) disability checks? 🙂

        1. HebAlba Avatar

          ZIONAZI are busy

          “List of violent incidents in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, 2017 …

          Israeli settlers uproot olive trees, spray pesticides on Palestinian crops near Hebron https://www.maannews.com/Co

          Latest Blood Libel: Zionist Crop-Killing Chemicals of Doomᵀᴹ …

          Israel starts to spray pesticides along Gaza border – The Palestinian https://english.palinfo.com

          Israel to Spray Pesticides Along Gaza Border | Global Research …

          Israeli planes spray crop-killing chemicals on Gaza … – Days of Palestine http://www.daysofpalestine.com

          Israeli Crimes Israeli Aircrafts Spray and Damage Palestinian Agricultural Lands http://www.alhaq.org/…/913-israeli-aircrafts-spray-and-damage-palestinian-agricultural-lan...

          Israeli Planes Spray Crop-killing Pesticides on Gaza Farmland – Imemc imemc.org/article/74339/

          Dec 24, 2015 – Israeli planes reportedly sprayed agricultural crops along the Gaza border, on Wednesday, with pesticides that have been killing off crops for the … Israeli colonizer rams elderly Palestinian woman with his car near Nablus

          Israeli forces killed 31 Palestinian youths in the occupied West Bank in mondoweiss.net/2016/12/israeli-forces-palestinian-occupied/

          Israel spraying toxins over Palestinian crops in Gaza – Al Jazeera …

          Israeli settlers cut dozens of olive trees, spray pesticides on crops in.. http://english.wafa.ps/page

          ‘No-Grow Zone’: Israel Admits to Spraying Poisons Inside Gaza Strip https://sputniknews.com/…/201512291032470597-israel-sprays-poison-gaza-crops/

        2. HebAlba Avatar

          “American Liberal Jewish Leaders Fuel Antisemitism’

          We try to rationalize that the anti-Zionist behavior of individual Jews does not justify antisemitic bigotry.

          However, the crass political exploitation of their Jewish identity by American leaders of purportedly “nonpartisan” mainstream Jewish organizations is unprecedented.
          Today, in what must be described as self-destruction, a substantial number of irresponsible leaders of the most successful and powerful Jewish diaspora community seem to have gone berserk and are fueling antisemitism.

          Nobody suggests that Jews should not be entitled, like all American citizens, to engage in political activity of their choice. As individuals, they may support or bitterly criticize their newly elected president, but as leaders of mainstream religious and communal organizations, they are obliged, as in the past, to assiduously avoid being perceived as promoting partisan political positions.

          Jewish organizations during and since the elections can only be described as a self-induced collective breakdown. What might have been regarded as a temporary aberration has, in fact, intensified in recent weeks.

  6. Rudy1947 Avatar

    “If Israel sees Hassan Nasrallah as its enemy, why doesn’t it carry out an airstrike that would rid us of him, thus gaining our faith and protecting itself?”

    It’s time for Lebanon to chose their path. Will it be Iranian, Syrian or Lebanese?

    1. HebAlba Avatar

      Haha..the Zionist crap..good luck.

      1. Rudy1947 Avatar

        I’m sure there are plenty of real Lebanese that are very concerned about their path.

        1. HebAlba Avatar

          Let Lebanese decide.. Israeli Spy

          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The doormat of the ME, LOL. Iran, Syria and the Hizzbillies will decide.

  7. HebAlba Avatar

    Maria Maalkhara go live in Israel they support al Qaeda killing Christians ya
    bint el kalb/they orchestrated the fake Syrian Revolution!

    ‘Al-Qaeda linked rebels threaten Hama and Syria’s largest Christian city’
    Al-Qaeda linked Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham and their allies from the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) and Jaysh Al-Nasr have seized several sites in the northern Hama countryside over the last 24 hours, putting them within striking distance of the provincial capital.

    In addition to threatening the provincial capital, the jihadist rebels are also at the outskirts of Syria’s largest Christian city: Mhardeh.
    Mhardeh is home to tens of thousands of Syrian Christians and several thousand displaced civilians from the northern Hama countryside’.

  8. Pluralistic Lebanon doesn’t exist anymore. It was kidnapped years ago by the gang of Shia killers of Hezbollah terror regime. Now they pretend they are ‘friends’ with Christians and some stupid Lebanese Christians buy it, but don’t forget their main and original goal, along with destroying Israel, is for Lebanon to become an Islamic Republic similar to Iran. They WILL push a referendum sometime soon and unless Lebanese Christians start doing something instead of living totally alienated, they’ll end up like the indigenous Assyrians of Iraqi. Lebanon needs to be federalized asap and Mount Lebanonon Governorate and adjacent Christians areas (Zgharta, Bsharri, Koura, Batroun, Zahle, Jezzine etc) become one so in the future they may seek independence. Yes, it’s a very small area, but at least it’ll be something you can actually call it your own. This is your ONLY chance! I

    Btw, not to mention the treath of the Sunni radicals (especially in Tripoli) who have pledged allegiance to ISIS and the two million Syrian refugees who most likely will remain in Lebanon for good. I’ve seen some recent pictures of Beirut and I was shocked it’s taken by begging refugees. :/


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