Happy New Year from Ya Libnan

New Year Celebration in Hong Kong
New Year Celebration in Hong Kong

We want to wish all the Ya Libnan  readers  a Happy  New Year

May 2017 bring an end to the violence we have all been witnessing in our part of the world

Enough is enough!

Let’s hope that 2017 will be peaceful ,  healthy and prosperous   for all




10 responses to “Happy New Year from Ya Libnan”

  1. Same to you YaLibnan, Happy New Year!

  2. HebAlba Avatar


  3. Hannibal Avatar

    Happy New Year yalibnan!
    May you get only good news to report in many years to come.
    May 2017 bring the World and specially the Middle East a long lasting peace…

    1. HebAlba Avatar

      One good news;-) Egyptian army renovates bombed Cairo church ahead of Coptic Christmas. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c37ba97e8f5b5aa5cf4fac29958a466b818935ba4751e2a01f53ee224ecad21.gif

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        Happy New Year HebAlba! I pray 2017 will be the end of Islamism and all they represent.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Most, I believe, are praying for it. We wish it so.
          Those who need ‘conditions’ for it, don’t …. little sincerity – perhaps God knows.

          1. HebAlba Avatar

            He always knew 😉

        2. Don’t wast your time praying for the end of Islamism. Instead, pray for the UK, the USA and IsraHell from supporting it to further their agenda in the ME.

          Happy New Year.

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