Hezbollah, other Iran-backed Shi’ite allies won Aleppo for Assad

A parade by the Iranian backed Lebanese  Shiite  Hezbollah militia.
A parade by the Iranian backed Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah militia.

By Tom Perry, Laila Bassam, Suleiman Al-Khalidi and Tom Miles

BEIRUT, LEBANON – When rebel fighters launched a last desperate attempt to break the siege of Aleppo in October, they were beaten back – not by the Syrian army but by the Lebanese Shi’ite group Hezbollah fighting on its behalf, a senior official in the pro-government alliance said.

In the build-up to the final battle for Syria’s second city, scores of fighters from a single Iraqi Shi’ite militia were killed in just two days of combat this summer, said a commander of another group fighting for President Bashar al-Assad.

Even in the last hours of fighting in Aleppo, allied Iraqi militia were at the vanguard. The U.N. human rights office said it had reports that the Syrian army and an allied Iraqi militia had killed at least 82 civilians in captured city districts – allegations denied by the army and militia in question.

These episodes show how in the decisive battle of Syria’s nearly six-year-old civil war, Assad drew heavily on foreign Shi’ite militias sponsored by Iran for his most important victory to date.

Iran backed Shiite militia
Iran backed Shiite militia

Rebel sources say that among fighters taken prisoner by insurgents in the last months of Assad’s campaign to retake Aleppo, there was not a single Syrian soldier.

To be sure, Russian air strikes were the most important factor in Assad’s triumph. They enabled his forces to press the siege of rebel-held eastern Aleppo to devastating effect and regain full control of what was Syria’s biggest city and economic hub before the war.

But on the ground, Shi’ite militias from as far afield as Afghanistan played an important role for Assad, a member of the minority Alawite sect which is an offshoot of Shi’ite Islam.

Among these militias, which fought in and around Aleppo alongside the Tiger Force, an elite Syrian army unit lavishly backed by Russia, was the Ansar Allah al-Awfiya group.

The rebels inflicted big losses on the militia’s fighters by hitting them with a barrage of guided anti-tank missiles as they retreated in an area outside Aleppo, according to the militia commander, also an Iraqi. Reuters was unable to confirm the account with the group itself.

Rebel groups have announced a ceasefire in Aleppo after Syrian forces were accused of 'massacring 82 civilians in their homes' during 'the century's worst humanitarian tragedy'. Families were seen fleeing this afternoon
Rebel groups have announced a ceasefire in Aleppo after Syrian forces were accused of ‘massacring 82 civilians in their homes’ during ‘the century’s worst humanitarian tragedy’. Families were seen fleeing this afternoon

But Hezbollah, battle-hardened by years of conflict with Israel, played an even more important role. It ensured the siege was not broken by helping thwart a series of suicide attacks, according to the official in the pro-Assad military alliance.

“If they (the suicide attacks) had succeeded we would have been the ones under siege,” he said.

Asked about the role of Shi’ite militias in the battle for Aleppo, a Syrian military source said army statements always referred to the “allied forces” working with the army. Last year Assad publicly credited Hezbollah for its role.


Victory in Aleppo leaves Assad virtually unassailable by the rebels but he still faces great challenges in restoring the power of his state. While he controls the most important cities in western Syria and the coast, armed groups including Islamic State control swathes of territory elsewhere in Syria.

Assad could face prolonged guerrilla warfare from forces including the Nusra Front, until recently affiliated with al Qaeda, the global jihadist network founded by Osama bin Laden.

But victory in Aleppo shows how the direction of the civil war has shifted with the support of his allies.

“The course of events in Aleppo in the last few months … has turned the tide in Syria’s war in favor of the Syrian government and resistance movement,” said Hossein Salami, the deputy head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, which has also deployed forces in the protracted campaign for Aleppo.

He was referring to a regional alliance grouping Hezbollah, Iran and Syria defined by hostility to Israel.

Less than 18 months ago, Assad’s forces had been losing ground across Syria and he had acknowledged there was a manpower problem in his army. Russia’s decision to intervene militarily in September 2015 helped prop up Assad, while protecting its own interests in the region.

Russian warplanes played a key role in imposing the siege, and in August launched some of their most powerful sorties yet to thwart a rebel attempt to break the siege from the south.

The rebels’ last attempt to break the siege came in late October, and was spearheaded by suicide car and truck bomb attacks on the western flank of government-held west Aleppo.

Syrian army soldiers fled when the first trucks, protected by makeshift armor, careered towards their positions. But Hezbollah sharp shooters stood their ground and opened fire, blowing up the trucks before they could hit their targets.

One Hezbollah fighter who destroyed one of the suicide truck bombs by hitting it from a distance of 200 meters (220 yards) was killed by the pressure of the blast.

“Hezbollah took a decision to halt the weapon of the car bomb regardless of how many martyrs it lost,” said the senior official in the pro-Damascus alliance.

The siege continued unbroken, and proved Assad’s most effective weapon in the campaign for Aleppo. Applied steadily over several months, it culminated with the full encirclement of eastern Aleppo this summer.

From then on, rebel fighters faced a daily struggle to find food and fuel for their families, sapping morale.


Hezbollah fighters have been in Syria since the early days of the civil war which grew out of protests against Assad and his government in 2011. Their role in the battle of Qusair in Homs province in 2013 was critical to stopping rebels splitting the Assad-held west in two.

Other Shi’ite militia groups arrived steadily, their level of organization growing under Iranian leadership.

The Iraqi commander described foreign fighters as the “weight” behind the pro-government forces.

“The Iranians manage all the factions, but Hezbollah is independent,” he said.

Like other sources interviewed for this story, he declined to be named as he was talking about military affairs which he was not formally allowed to discuss with the media.

Shi’ite militias generally took on the role of holding frontlines after advances led by Hezbollah or the Tiger Force, said Rolf Holmboe, a research fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute and a former Danish ambassador to Syria, Lebanon and Jordan who has deep knowledge of the battlefield.

Iran sees the Syrian government’s survival as vital to its regional interests.

With their support, pro-Assad forces consolidated their positions around Aleppo and in February severed the most direct supply route from Turkey. By June, air and artillery bombardment made what had been the only way into the rebel-held areas, the Castello Road, impassable.

The Tiger Force would finally capture the road in July.

Eastern Aleppo then had a population estimated at 275,000 by the U.N. and some 7,000 rebels. Opposition groups had stockpiled months of food. Yet rebel resistance collapsed more rapidly than expected.


Warplanes unleashed bunker-busting bombs that left craters meters wide and brought down buildings. Hospitals were bombed out of service.

Helicopters also dropped chlorine bombs, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitoring group, though the government denied this and other reported atrocities.

Some rebels said cooperation on the battlefield was weakened by a lack of trust between groups in eastern Aleppo. Others said government spies has sewn discord among the rebels.

Above all, rebel officials complain that their main allies — the United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar — did not offer more military assistance when Russia began air strikes.

Some rebel groups were armed with weapons including guided anti-tank missiles under a military aid program overseen by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. But Washington has ignored their pleas for anti-aircraft systems because of fears that they fall into the hands of more militant groups.

“It’s like you are fighting modern warfare with a sword. Bravery can only take you so far,” a Syrian opposition figure said. “It’s a complete failure of whoever is interested in seeing us win.”




137 responses to “Hezbollah, other Iran-backed Shi’ite allies won Aleppo for Assad”

  1. MekensehParty Avatar

    I’m sure they don’t want you to win, because you’re a bunch of fanatics and terrorists sympathizers.
    But fear not, the terrorists in Damascus and their allies the fanatic terrorists in dahyeh will not win either.

      1. MekensehParty Avatar

        Next time they should find actors/students that can make a proper French sentence. These poor girls couldn’t even recite properly what they probably spent weeks memorizing (with obviously little success). Reminded me of your French hind. Did you help with the script?

        1. “Reminded me of your French hind” c’est rigolo, did you ever hear my voice silly man?

          Not interested in Rambo criticising young girls.
          Moslems first language is Arabic and English, they’re trying to learn French. I speak perfect French thank you

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            The french you write is comical enough.
            As for your claim that Muslims (????) first language is Arabic and English, it only proves your lack of knowledge for someone who claims knowing so many things. In Syria, the second language is (bad) French, just like yours.

          2. J’ai deux patries, le Liban et la France. Kol khara

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            Voltaire is turning in his grave!!!
            That’s terrible French!!! Shush already!

          4. Vous le mรฉritez amplement.. saker bouzac Zionists haboub.

          5. J’espรจre que Voltaire se retourne dans sa tombe, il a รฉcris ‘Pour quelques hectares de neige’. Louis IV a abandonnรฉ la Nouvelle France et depuis ils les appellent les maudit Franรงais.

          6. Arrรชtez de faire le pitre!
            Il n’y avait pas de Hamas en Palestine 979AD – 1215AD
            ‘After 1098, it fell to the Christian Crusaders from Europe who set up four states in Syria and Palestine: the kingdom of Jerusalem, the principality of Antioch and the counties of Edessa and Tripoli. These were organized along the feudal lines of European states of the time.’

          7. Could I ask what is wrong with her French? Honestly curious.

        2. O'Matrix Avatar

          She Beschwerten sich รผber mein Englisch (Google Translate), she use it oft.

          “Moslems first language is Arabic and English,”.., ich lach mich tot.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            I dont google translate my friend
            Can you translate all this for me?

          2. O'Matrix Avatar

            Ich habe es gemacht with pleasure!
            Wรผnschen Ihnen frohe Weihnachten
            Wishing you a Merry Christmas
            Vous souhaitant un Joyeux Noรซl
            ู…ุชู…ู†ูŠุง ู„ูƒู… ุนูŠุฏ ู…ูŠู„ุงุฏ ุณุนูŠุฏ

          3. MekensehParty Avatar


          4. You actually lowered yourself to his level?

    1. O'Matrix Avatar

      Merkel says battle against IS raises risk of terror attacks in Germany.
      HebAlba and a bunch of fanatics and terrorists sympathizers like the words of Merkel.

      Three men was arrested in Germany for links to Syrian terror group.
      The men are suspected of supporting the jihadist faction, Ahrar al-Sham.
      One is accused of supplying thousands of euros worth of technical support, while another allegedly drove a pickup truck all the way to Syria.

      12-year-old planned two bomb attacks in German city of Ludwigshafen.
      A German magazine, citing police sources, has said that a young boy tried twice to set off explosives in his hometown of Ludwigshafen. The child reportedly targeted the town hall and a local Christmas market.

      Sorry, today it was just copy and paste, I’m in bad shape and can not ausfรผhren much more.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        There was the ‘bus-hit’ today too … shhh … BUT please don’t try to absorb any more of the ‘angst’ they seem ALL to promote for the various ‘factions’ folks think important. We could have a better Christmas by ignoring the bad messages being spread all over, for sure. I’m burying under a blanket with books which have much better thoughts – or watching well-done travelogues of quiet natural scenes on a widely-varied planet.
        Avoiding some of the ‘Youth’ seems just as well too … they won’t ask if I need snow shovelled.
        And playing ‘Super-Lego’ with much younger grandchildren is HUGELY relaxing. :-))
        We can build with imagination … and have success.

        1. “We could have a better Christmas by ignoring the bad messages being spread all over, for sure.” How in the hell do you do that when it affects us personally?

          We can not and do not want to ignore those senseless attacks on our free and vulnerable society
          – we do not respond to terror attacks as ErdoฤŸan dose.

      2. Terror in Berlin is not an isolated case and is directly related to Merkel Asylpolitik!
        CDU “I consider a penal offense useful when it have a targeted character campaign ,” said Ansgar Heveling (CDU), head of the Bundestag’s internal committee.

        Gute Besserung!

  2. MekensehParty Avatar

    Oh, and congrats dahyeh’s fanatic terrorists for winning Assad… a city of rubble
    Where’s huryaba to sing us a song?

  3. Congrats to the Russians that have defeated the terrorist with air power. Without it there would be no victory in Aleppo. Iran/Hezb and Assad are minor powers that supply endless martyrs and little else.

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      “Iran/Hezb and Assad are minor powers that supply endless martyrs and little else.”
      That’s a great thing, only I wouldn’t call them martyrs. At best they’re sediment, and not the highest quality.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        (didn’t elevate to ‘Lion’ … Stayed as ‘Tigers’. ;-))

        1. O'Matrix Avatar

          Forget didn’t elevate…, they’re sediment, and nothing more..

    2. Aleppo civilians find food stockpile at abandoned rebel depot

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Hope they are now sharing for Christmas.

  4. Fake news
    “Warplanes unleashed bunker-busting bombs that left craters meters wide and brought down buildings. Hospitals were bombed out of service.

    Helicopters also dropped chlorine bombs, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitoring group, though the government denied this and other reported atrocities”.


    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      Lololol hind talking about fake news hahaha

        1. MekensehParty Avatar

          What do I care about news sent by Hadi Albahra or Hiba Tawaji?
          Are they reliable sources? absolutely not.
          Same as all the fake news you keep spreading in here. Baseless bullshit!
          Now are you going to look yourself in the mirror, straight in your eyes, and say: Aleppo hasn’t been leveled to the ground by your uncles Bashar and hassan?
          If you do, I’d bet your reflection in the mirror will extend its hand and slap you!

          1. ‘On December 6, the IDF Spokesperson tweeted in English a photo of a map described as โ€œdeclassified,โ€ showing Hezbollah military positions scattered among Lebanese villages.’ End of conversation

          2. Hizbullah themselves admit to this. And consider it a warning shot across the bow. If Hizbullah steps out of line, the next targets by the IAF are well-known. And to the intl community, the locations are now military targets, not civilians centers, per Ban Ki-Moon’s own admission when Hamas pulled this stunt in 2014.

            Perhaps you remember 2006 when Hizbullah launch a folly attack, and the world soon found out how embedded their infrastructure was among civilians throughout Southern Lebanon. Notice with this new map, no one in the global intelligence and diplomatic centers showed surprise.

            And you think the IAF fly-overs of Lebanon were just to provoke.

          3. You talk like IsraHell has never done, nor does anything wrong. There would not no Hamas or Hezbollah had it not been for the illegitimate creation of the zionist state of IsraHell. You have yet to realize that both ‘Jews’ and non-Jews are pawns in this ordeal.

          4. Of course Israel has done some wrong, but clearly the Muslims love to show they are better are doing wrong, apparently. Just look at Syria. Attacking civilians and hiding military assets among human shields is a pretty big crime, Omega.

            Israel isn’t only legitimate, in both creation and current existence, but its the only nation that was given intl vote while the many Arab nations were carved by the hands of Allied powers, with power given to despotic Arab rulers. Heck, that’s the reason given all of the time for Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and various rebel groups around the larger region for existence – the unfair despotic rulers and expansionism of Shiite Iran. They wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the oppressive Muslim rules and illegitimate Arab nations. And unfortunately, the world continues to pay for it.

            So funny – you call it IsraHell but: a) many oppressed groups especially Christians run to Israel for safety, including Pally leaders like Hamas’ Haniyeh who sends their complex medical cases to Israel for treatment and b) those nations who cooperate with Israel receive peace and cooperation, while those who choose war receive it in kind. Right now, it seems Iran-Syria-Lebanon are the Hell on Earth. 4,000,000 Arab civilian/refugees can’t be wrong.

          5. Of course Israel has done some wrong, but clearly the Muslims love to show they are better are doing wrong, apparently. Just look at Syria. Attacking civilians and hiding military assets among human shields is a pretty big crime, Omega.

            Some wrong? The current ‘war’ in Syria has nothing to do with Assad. Furthermore, why don’t you get your facts straight about IsraHell’s involvement in that ‘war’? Involvement as in supporting it.

            Israel isn’t only legitimate, in both creation and current existence, but its the only nation that was given intl vote while the many Arab nations were carved by the hands of Allied powers, with power given to despotic Arab rulers. Heck, that’s the reason given all of the time for Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and various rebel groups around the larger region for existence – the unfair despotic rulers and expansionism of Shiite Iran. They wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the oppressive Muslim rules and illegitimate Arab nations. And unfortunately, the world continues to pay for it.

            Israel was created by and for a small group of people to control the Middle East (http://bit.ly/2hjMPYl) – masqueraded as a ‘land for the jews’. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire by the crypto-Jewish Young Turks Party (financed by the bankers in England) allowed to liberate Palestine after the Sultan reused to give it away. WW2, financed, supported and pushed by the same bankers, created the hostile environment for the Jews of Europe/ROW to move to Palestine. As for al-Qeada/ISIS and despotic rulers in the Middle east, rest assured that they are there because the Allies/West want them there. The meeting between the Mufti in Palestine and Hitler, the rise of political Islam and Wahhabism, etc are not coincidental. (http://bit.ly/2dtp6ly)

            So funny – you call it IsraHell but: a) many oppressed groups especially Christians run to Israel for safety, including Pally leaders like Hamas’ Haniyeh who sends their complex medical cases to Israel for treatment and b) those nations who cooperate with Israel receive peace and cooperation, while those who choose war receive it in kind. Right now, it seems Iran-Syria-Lebanon are the Hell on Earth. 4,000,000 Arab civilian/refugees can’t be wrong.

            a) The only ‘Christians’ I know of and who fled to IsraHell were the sold out, SLA traitors. Good riddance.

            b) IsraHell would not exist today if it was not for the bankers in England and the USA. Quit acting like it was built from the hard work and sweat of persecuted Jews from Europe. Relationships between countries have to be mutually beneficial. Those to created/run IsraHell impose their ways and anyone who refuses to bend over goes through hard time. Lebanon is not Hell on Earth, neither is Iran. Get your facts straight for a change.

          6. ZzzzzzzzZzzzzzz

          7. Still asleep I see.

          8. Your comments are boring, dull, out of touch, ridiculous and are a standing point for your complete รญdiocy and ignorance.

          9. Look at the fvcking idiot trying to sound semi-intelligent. Didn’t you admit your ignorance about the existence of Palestine during the Canaanite period recently? Yes you did.

            You don’t know much at all. All you do is repeat the bs you’ve been fed without the slightest critical thinking. Anything outside your vast repertoire of propaganda and imposed/mainstream narrative is what you call ‘boring, dull, out of touch, ridiculous’. My previous comment is backed up. If it is otherwise, prove it. Until then, your reply only emphasizes and confirms that you are an idiot of the first order.

            Beside what kind of ‘atheist’ supports the creation of a country on the premise of religion? A fvcking idiot one that is. Support IsraHell as hard and as much as you want but do not call yourself an ‘atheist’.

          10. Your ignorance is overwhelming and how such a small group of people dominate the world. You have blamed Jews for everything in such a ridiculous and ignorant way you have no credibility whatsoever. Banking……OMG, the Jews invented money, trade, bartering. Arabs are not to nee blamed for their own actions, it was the Jews, the West. Such nauseating dribble gleans disgust and pity.

          11. You had nothing to say and are now resorting at making stuff/lies up. Do show me where I blame everything on Jews. I am waiting.

            The control of the world’s economy is not any different than the one of a corporation. A small group of board members on top own/run the company. The fact that you are ignorant to its mechanics and those behind it keep you in the shadow where you like to be – which is perfectly okay but do not call me ignorant for knowing what you don’t.

          12. Riiiiiight, and you’re going to convince how many of this dribble??? A small group of board members running the world. Chuckling. I rest my case.

          13. Damn man, you really are an idiot – the boards members was an analogy. I recommend you educate yourself on the history and ownership of the Bank of England and the US ‘Federal’ Reserve as a start. Everything else will became clear afterwards. Since I have to clarify everything: I was being rhetorical Roodie, do not educated yourself, stay dumb and do what you do best: rest.

          14. I know it was an analogy, s2pid. Like you your analogies are s2pid. The entire world has evolved, been shaped, and run by various forms “money”. Ever here of a dowry, livestock, yes ladies too, precious metals, water, land…..etc, etc.

          15. And another lie – what other analogies have I made that were stupid? Do tell; I am waiting.

            The entire world ‘has evolved, been shaped and run’ by the same group of people for the past 2-3 centuries. That’s the world I have been talking about while you have always made dumb, unrelated comments to divert and dilute the topic in hand – like you are doing now.

            When you have something substantial to say and/or add, give a sign. Until then, remain the forever idiot you are and have the last word.

          16. zzzzzzzzzz

          17. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Not entirely, IF one wants to keep using supposed ‘history’ of ‘belief-books’ as the basis for shuffling ‘peoples’ here and there around the lands they used to live on, as ‘a people’ who all have their individualities of ‘culture’ – which may not quite line up especially with the ‘New-Think’ of a bit of the convoluted effort to have us think we can achieve ‘financial security’ and ‘equality of opportunity’ for everyone – in peace and happiness – . AFTER 100 years of simply messing up minds with strife and angst over what their ‘futures’ became.

            ‘Forced change’ is not the same as educating that small cultural changes could be actually good for ‘the planet’ and it’s growing demographic problems – or that some are actually needed to accommodate the changes. ‘Instant Fix’ can’t work in ‘nice’ ways.
            And many – past a certain age, especially if comfortable in their society, don’t want it.
            Some can adapt. Not all humans can.
            And some actually enjoy the fine art of carving pieces of wood to make individualized furniture, rather than having a machine render a whole tree into ‘formed’ furniture, with all the gasses produced by the glue as well – even if it looks perfectly ‘the same’ as the last and the next, and can be put ‘on sale’ at a whim of economic-flow-sheets.

            ‘Style, Form & Function’ – these need to be admitted to having been done badly without enough forethought – especially if the ‘new&improved’ cabinetry and doors installed have to be dismantled EVERY time the the modern ‘throw-away-in-5-years-but-energy-efficient’ fridge needs to be moved out, and a new one moved in.
            Nothing comes of that but pain – either in muscles or the pocket-book.

            AND WHO with the big pockets, is WILLING to ‘help’ those who have to make a change?
            VERY VERY FEW.
            Handing them a gun to ‘help’ with their frustrations isn’t a help.
            Using it on them isn’t either.

          18. I don’t think I have to remind you that the “belief books” not only were apart of a culture but also dictated that culture. Improvements of everyday life were welcomed constantly…..saw instead of the axe, the plow instead of the hoe, the cotton gin instead bloodied fingers.

            Keep in mind that the desire for your fine furniture, homes and art also brought out the excessive demand for a vital human resource. So now particle board and plastic laminate are the standards. Save a tree.

            Speaking of trees, the ME is not in abundance and I guess the many jobs associated with it. Besides, keeping the education limited to a “belief book” makes the population acceptable to need or the power of the few.

          19. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yup. It’s tied together … by this time folks might have figured out what doesn’t apply.
            I contemplate that gluing dessert-sand together might make a comfortable ‘chaise’ – carved Roman stones surely needed pillows.:-)) But doing it with portland cement doesn’t work since the tiny pebbles are too round and smooth.
            Likewise, I find the ‘expensive tile-floor’ to be never warm here, unless heat is added to it.
            BUT you know what I’m talking about.

            Contemplate, that even with the bloodied fingers, and when eventually paid for the labour, the ‘knowledge’ that a steady job brought a steady income on which to base an individual ‘home budget’ … at whatever ‘level’ one found oneself in, in a society – for the duration of a life of a body. And therefore a less angst-filled existence. ‘Belief’ filled in the ‘hope’ of it becoming better – and yet it had a calming effect keeping people out of the ‘ENTIRELY UNKNOWN’ about how to put some beans in a pot the next day, week, month …
            WHAT has ‘been created now’ in ‘the modern world’ is masses of people who cannot make any kind of ‘home budget’ to relieve that pressure.
            And ‘religion’ does not cover that kind of hopelessness. EVEN if they are Jewish, or Californian ‘Born-Agains’ living in parking lots. Let alone other strange off-shoots of an enitely different culture.
            AND they WILL ‘assume’ the ones at fault for their situations when given enough ‘stories’ about it … because they are STILL hungry in a parking-lot, many with smaller mouths to feed in a daily attempt to find a little work OR help.
            And now they find they live with a voting-system which doesn’t address that problem, but exacerbates ALL the ‘angsts’. Even without any ‘proofs’ of viability.
            They probably trust the guy in the next car more than ‘The Money-Power’ of anyone.

          20. They learned how to weave fabric in colder climates, you know the caribou and musk ox thing.

            The idea of the poor resinates throughout history, be it social darwinism or bad luck.

            The voting system……don’t you have a political website to respond to in Canada?

          21. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sure. Don’t we all? Here I compose a letter to the ‘party-tops’ when I feel it necessary – or when they sometimes ask my ‘opinion’. The original premise of YaLibnan, actually.
            I don’t give it with continuing arguments. Once is enough. Their choice is to ignore.

          22. Of course they’re not related they’re Photoshop propaganda.
            If you didn’t see it I’d bet your reflection in the mirror will extend its hand and slap you! Hmar

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Told you that the size of the hole matters, when saying ‘bomb’. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      Sure bbc is a comedy, not the Macedonian “news” websites that you spend your life on. https://www.ft.com/content/333fe6bc-c1ea-11e6-81c2-f57d90f6741a

      1. ..drinking for breakfast?

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “minority Alawite sect which is an offshoot of Shiโ€™ite Islam” … more of a religious war than many expected.
    But there’s better ‘truth’ from Rolf Holmboe, a research fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
    ‘Tactics’ did work.
    ALTHOUGH, with all the propaganda in making wars, at some point it would be better to have people being ‘allowed’ to state their names to have complete belief in anything – and not authorizing any of one’s own people – who actually know ‘how’ and ‘why’ things worked – leads to only more surmising. In THAT Hezzy’s do themselves a disservice, when wanting to be seen as capable in brain-power, and not only religionists spouting ‘words’ which mean little in a lifetime, with people being free to think and enjoy it. At least admit (except for ‘self-flagellating offshoots’) that Sh’ism is a touch more progressive than Sunni, for those parts. Always hiding ‘facts’ doesn’t make it easy for anyone to punt some admiration, about the possible ‘indepenance’.

  6. They did it for Assad……….riiiiiiiight. Now, Assad must pay back such generosity to Iran and Russia. The Russians will get their Med seaport and the Iranians will get what’s left.

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      Pay with what?
      A med seaport where suicide cars will drive in there every week or month?
      The Iranians can take Aleppo’s (and all of Syria’s) rubble.

      1. Pay with what??? The country and it’s position/location in the ME.

        1. MekensehParty Avatar

          Which country Rudy?
          Where do you see a country? It’s rubble and as long as the fighting is ongoing (which could be decades more) they can’t do anything but fight.

          1. Syria and Iraq. The Russians have interrupted the time line and will hasten the end to one war. Like the various factions that saw either retribution or opportunity in Syria and Iraq, Iran will do the same.

          2. Hasbara hypocrisy.. it’s Western geostrategy since invasion of Lebanon and Iraq.

            “Israel lacks a national motto. If its leaders are looking for a Latin one, โ€œcarpe chaosโ€ would be an apt and honest choice”.

            โ€œSeize the chaosโ€ is half of Israeli foreign policy in a nutshell (the other half being the instigation of that chaos in the first place). Indeed, even its friends in the media cannot help but put it in such terms. For example, The New York Times recently reported about the โ€œโ€ฆmany Israeli leaders and thinkers seizing on the chaos in Syria to solidify Israelโ€™s hold on Golan.โ€http://www.mintpressnews.com/isis-israel-iraq-and-syria-its-all-part-of-the-plan/210235/

          3. The objective with the creation of Israel was/is the control of the ME – sugar coated as a land for the Jews. WW1, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and WW2 were the necessary prerequisites for it.


          4. Evil stay evil
            Aleppo Starts Uncovering Washingtonโ€™s Evil Designs

          5. Itโ€™s been reported that European countries have been supplying Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey with thousands of assault rifles, mortars, rocket launchers, anti-tank weapons and heavy machine guns, the total worth of which amounts to 1.2 billion euros, all ending up in terrorist hands in Syria and Yemen, contributing to the further escalation of these conflicts.


          6. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
            Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

            Have you ever visited the planet Earth?

          7. Have you visited the Jewish Autonomous Oblast?

          8. Sure, just ask Egypt and Jordan who have peace agreements with Israel, and Assad who was quiet before he became emboldened to carry out regular massacres of his people. It seems the ones who relish in chaos are those who benefit from filling its vacuum: Iran, Hizbullah, Turkey, ISIS, and Russia.

          9. Right, because Assad started the present war in Syria. Get real idiot.

          10. He fired the first shot at a peaceful protest, and it escalated from there. No one forced Assad to drop barrel bombs indiscriminately on civilians. What’s sad is people like you – among Islamists, Iranians, anti-Western groups – deflect the war crimes of Muslims and claim some conspiracy theory. It’s always someone else’s fault when you rape and kill a civilian.
            You don’t have to agree to atrocities in your name. The victims of this war in Syria all know the true story, and none of them include Israel, no matter how you try to use the Jewish State to deflect the truth.

          11. Isn’t odd that very single ‘revolution’, for the past century, started the same way:

            1. it was ‘peaceful’
            2. the targeted, demonized leader/country shot/killed someone
            3. a ‘solution’ was needed

            When in fact, the ‘peaceful’ protest and the shooter were both financed by the one with the ‘solution’.

            Don’t push the ‘conspiracy theory’ nonsense when you are pushing the imposed/mainstream narrative while an ignorant bigot. / I am neither Islamist, Iranian nor anti-West. / The Israeli military/intelligence supporting anti-Assad groups is old news. / Nothing ‘Jewish’ about IsraHell, it’s Zionist. Get your facts straight about Judaism.

          12. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
            Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

            Omega, also a total bigot.

          13. Bigot how? Explain.

          14. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
            Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

            HebAlba, the raging bigot.

  7. man-o-war Avatar

    Won Aleppo? Is that win similar to the win in Homs? Amazing win! Your reward is a pile of rubble devoid of any human life.

  8. johngilbert Avatar

    The following three factors have mostly led to the Syrian opposition losing in the last year:
    1) The release of billions of dollars by the U.S. to Iran for the nuclear deal which has allowed Iran to fully finance this war on Assad’s behalf, especially getting the Russian air force to directly help Iranian, Hezbollah and Shiite militias.
    2) The full U.S. concentration on only fighting ISIS in Syria which helps Assad and his supporters in freeing them from having to devote much of their fighting to this so that they can concentrate more on fighting the Syrian opposition rebels instead of ISIS.
    3) The U.S. objection to providing the Syrian opposition with anti-aircraft missiles such as manpads in order to deal with helicopters and planes used by Assad and Russia.
    Thus, the above three factors are mostly what has so far led to events like in Aleppo recently.

  9. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    As long as Antisemitism is still deeply ingrained in both formal and informal Arabic discourse, the Arab world will remain light years away from true democracy, peace and pluralism.

    1. Drop your Zionist-made ‘anti-semitism/zionism” propaganda. You and your ilk are not Semites. The turmoil in the Middle East and the rise of political Islam was instigated and pushed by the West who saw Wahhabism as the perfect proxy to wage their wars and keep the region backwards – not any different than Communism (to destroy Russia) and Nazism (to destroy Germany) before.

      1. Islam has always been political from it’s inception, it’s a guide to everything. The Saudis thought so and made it their constitution. I guess they didn’t want to waste their time rewriting one.

        1. So were Pharisaism (aka Judaism) and Christos (aka Christianity) – what is your point?

          The rise of political (sunni) islam, intrinsically linked to wahhabism, since the late 1800s/early 1900s has been favored/pushed/supported by the West at the cost of secular progressivism.

          1. I was speaking of Islam. Been around since the 7th century, perhaps you’ve heard of it?

          2. So was I. You said Islam was always political and that it dictated everything. The same went for other religions that are much older. Again, what’s your point?

          3. Islam still believes it controls everything.

          4. That’s Western propaganda. Islam is a religion founded in the 7th century. Wahhabism is a deviance created in the 17th century. You keep omitting, by convenience or ignorance, the role/objectives of England in supporting the desert-thug Saud thugs, creating Saudi Arabia and supporting/pushing Wahhabism.

          5. Oh dear, the West did it again. Well then partner, the West helped Iran discover oil as well. Is Iran Wahabbbbbiiie? The West had colonial ties along the coast of North Africa, are they Wahhhaabbbbiiiee? The West had colonial ties to India/Pakistan, are they Wahhhaabbbiiie?

          6. In an earlier post, I said that you always bring up unrelated matters to dilute and divert the topic in hand because you lack the knowledge to approach the argument rationally. This is another example.

            England did help Iran discover oil but they also got rid of Mosaddegh with an orchestrated revolution when he became disobedient. The case of the crypto-Jewish Pahlavi (aka the Shah) was not any different, he was removed with an orchestrated revolution by the same West when he became disobedient. The Ayatollah Khomeini (with a Kashmiri mother and a father with dubious past linked to British intelligence) was brought in by the same West for many reasons.

            The West never had ‘colonial ties’ – that’s abysmally absurd – it subjugated entire countries/continents to loot its resources – especially Africa. You might want to know that Pakistan was created by that West to serve as India’s anti-India. Not any different than Ukraine (Russia’s anti-Russia) or Taiwan (China’s anti-China).

          7. The African nations are now doing so well without their colonial overseers. Most didn’t know what they had. Pakistan was created to satisfy there Muslim population and try in some way to keep them from killing each other. Nice try on the Ukraine, N. Korea and Taiwan, don’t see them in North Africa.

          8. Your continuous attempts at belittling the nefarious past and present role of the West around the world are lamentable. Get your facts straight about the economical well-being of African nations, the partition of India/Pakistan, Ukraine, North Korea and Taiwan. In the course of the next years, you’ll see how dormant Taiwan awakens.

          9. Like what?

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You have time to wait. :-))

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I aslo believe that a few billion people in both India and China are working hard at attempting to straighten out their ‘politician-problems’ causing more than the American populations to be out of work and homeless … WITHOUT ‘aids’ from ‘Western Thought-lines’ on the matter. West may not like it … but there it is. They know they must to survive. It won’t be ‘religion’ that save them.
            And yes, ‘radicals’ exist there too.
            BUT ALL the people want something better – it will come for them by agreeing to try.

          12. Talking about education …

            The poorest 10% of Vietnamese students performed better on an international exam than the average American teen

            Then down down below at abysmal levels you have the cream of the crop of idiots …….. like Rudy.

          13. That’s nice, do the Vietnamese have the varied opportunities as Americans do?

          14. What “varied opportunities” are you talking about? Cheap fuel, microwaveable food and malls? Get your head our of your ass and travel for a change. The USA is not the world.

          15. Cheap fuel…transportation, HVAC, automotive, electrical, and those to build in those areas.
            Food….cooking whether it be microwave packing or culinary.
            Malls….retail management and sales, the actual fabrication of the items sold in malls (includes many throughout the world.

            The world….for many repeat above.

          16. Right and you think none of those exist in Vietnam?

          17. Selective reading again. Here, just because I’m a nice guy:

            “The world….for many repeat above.”

          18. Look who’s talking about ‘selective reading’ … the master of selective reading. That’s when he’s not a selective athletes that is.

            Learn how to write appropriately to avoid confusion and ambiguation.

          19. Yeah sure…..another lame excuse. You really are full of it.

          20. And another lie; that’s three in one day. Show me where and when have I made excuses?

            Learn to write or don’t and ask the dumbest Vietnamese student in Vietnam. What does “The world….for many repeat above.” mean? It’s not even a sentence.

          21. Never been to a “mall” before? Never heard of electricians, retail sales….damn you must live in a cave.

          22. What? Never mind, you’re diverting/diluting again.

          23. Riiiiight, you live in a cave. I will adjust my comments and direct them them to a Neanderthal. Grunt…grunt.

          24. Talking about Neanderthal, that’s where your reading and comprehension level stand. Read the comments: you asked if the Viets have “varied opportunities as Americans do”. I replied asking what varied opportunities you were/are talking about. You went on mumbling about derived industries from fuel, food and malls. What was your point?

            Bottom line, American student have varied opportunities but are still dumber than poorest Vietnamese students.

          25. All dumb Americans think non-Americans live in cave. You sure don’t help the stereotype.

            Talking about Neanderthal, that’s where your reading and comprehension level stand. Read the comments: you asked if the Viets have “varied opportunities as Americans do”. I replied asking what varied opportunities you were/are talking about. You went on mumbling about derived industries from fuel, food and malls. What was your point?

            Bottom line, American student have varied opportunities but are still dumber than poorest Vietnamese students.

          26. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sincerely, if those ‘things’ are the sum total of all you can find to be joyful about having, in a society, or even in a home, I’m sorry for you.

          27. Forgive oh sage one, perhaps I should have spent an hour or so listing jobs that are associated with such endeavors. After all, the planning, justifying, legal requirements, various construction firms for the building (not mention the jobs to build the tools and equipment), road improvements, insurers, money lenders, material acquisition, material placement, painters, drywall, aforementioned electricians, plumbers, carpenters, HVAC, flooring, roofers…..jump in any time for those I missed. Now the the sales personnel, managers, security, buyers, transportation.

          28. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I chat with a teacher in modern happy Singapore …
            Seems teachers have similar problems with both some students and a ‘system’ there too. :-)))) We can’t help them all …. sigh …

          29. Well damn. ๐Ÿ™‚

            Why does the West think everybody needs their help?

          30. (laughing)

            Fvck off immoral, ignorant idiot.

          31. Like what, blithering imbecile?

          32. Start with the millions of lives taken in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the ME.

            Now, seriously, fvck off.

          33. And who is taking those lives Africa, Asia and the ME?

          34. Does trolling online make you feel less lonely? ‘Who’ are we talking about in this discussion?

          35. It’s a simple question, who are taking lives in those areas?

          36. The answer is as simple and already discussed/mentioned in the ‘conversation’.

          37. Must be too difficult for you. I should ask a Vietnamese student.

          38. Yes, must be difficult to answer when the answer you’re trolling for is the very topic of the ‘discussion’.

            Great idea, ask a Viet student. The dumbest there is 110% more intelligent than you.

          39. A question you can’t or won’t answer.

          40. Quit trolling.

          41. A guess no answer tonight. Perhaps some one else might answer. Can’t expect a PhD to know everything.

          42. When I ‘discuss’ with you the nefarious role/impact of the West around the world and you keep on asking who committed the crimes over and over again until you dilute the topic in hand, what does that make you? An imbecile? A troll? Or Both? I am honestly curious as to why you do this. Is trolling a fetish of yours? Do you climax?

          43. Except Robert Mugabe’s, Zimbabwe!
            The permanent president. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi)

          44. Wonder why? Zimbabwe doesn’t want the Zionist infestation/cancer.

          45. Except? Right because most of the countries in Africa are doing so well.

            Mugabe/Zimbabwe don’t want the western-zionist infestation.

          46. PatienceTew Avatar

            I need a jacket like this only, maybe, with my face on it!

          47. 5thDrawer Avatar

            WOOF. :-))))

          48. PatienceTew Avatar

            Feed him Doctor Ross dog food, it’s dog-gone good, WOOF!

          49. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Thanks for the tip … if pension plans keep going south, I’ll need it too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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