Iran FM meets Hezbollah chief in Lebanon


zarif-nasrallahIran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut during his visit to Lebanon , National News Agency reported on Tuesday without revealing the time and exact location.

During the meeting, the two officials reportedly discussed the latest political developments in Lebanon and in the region.

Zarif was accompanied by Mohammad Irani, head of the Middle East and North Africa dept. at Iran’s foreign ministry, and Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Mohammad Fathali, and the meeting was held in the presence of a number of senior Hezbollah officials including Hezbollah’s number 2 Sheikh Naim Qassem , NNA added.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif  (C enter L)met Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut  (Center R) during his visit to Lebanon . Zarif was accompanied by Mohammad Irani, head of the Middle East and North Africa dept. at Iran’s foreign ministry, and Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Mohammad Fathali, and the meeting was held in the presence of a number of senior Hezbollah officials including Hezbollah’s number 2 Sheikh Naim Qassem ( next o Nasrallah)

Zarif had arrived in Lebanon on Monday on an official visit aimed at congratulating President Michel Aoun on his election and holding talks with senior Lebanese officials.

Zarif is reportedly one of the first foreign officials to visit Lebanon after Aoun’s election. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was also one of the first leaders who congratulated Aoun on his election.

While some Iranian officials have described Aoun’s election as a victory for Hezbollah and the so-called “axis of resistance.” Zaire declared Monday the election of a new president as a “victory for all Lebanese.”

Aoun, who is allied with the Iranian-backed Hezbollah, was elected last week as Lebanon’s 13th president, which ended around two and a half years of presidential and political vacuum.



38 responses to “Iran FM meets Hezbollah chief in Lebanon”

  1. You know, if it wasn’t for the sectarian religion BS dominating Iran’s government, the Iranian’s would be more progressive and would have already dominated the region, not through war and sneaking into other countries to ferment rebellion and terror. They would have dominated by innovation and progressive development, much like how the Shah made Iran a major regional power through cooperation and friendly trade. Khamenei and company simply have terrible self-representation and expression to the point they emanate conflict with just about everyone they deal with. Their angry sect based theocracy has defiantly been the death for success of social and economical greatness for any foreseeable future. There is little hope for change as long as these cruel mullahs run the country into the ground for self interest.

    1. Christina Metron Avatar
      Christina Metron

      Cry me a river

    2. Yes, it is very sad. However, their people must be the ones to decide whether and if they are ready for true change in their nation. Yet, as history has shown us time and again, no tyranny, no matter how strong, can last forever.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        (well … 2 or 3000 years can feel like forever … ;-))

        1. This particular regime has been in power less than 40 years, and has has already proven itself as having a blood thirty lust for spreading its shiite Islamic revolution throughout the region and against their own people. It is a well known fact that Shah was not as bad a leader as the angry mullahs portray him to be. He just wasn’t shiite enough for these angry and sneaky mullahs that hijacked the revolution and killed all opposition with impunity. She has been on a backwards spiral ever since. One time, the Iranian toman/dollar was actually worth something (pre’79) on the global market now they have way too many zeros behind them to equal 1 USD.
          Iran is a contradiction within itself, the people don’t share the Islamic fever to the extent of the real power in Iran that preaches Khamenei hate speeches on a weekly bases.
          And sure, just like in every country, the individuals are a better representative of their country, than their own governments that prefer to hang people in the streets quite regularly.
          Basically these 12’er mullahs have no room to talk about others when they as do far worse to their own people to correct notion of free will and free speech.

  2. I don’t want to sound insensitive, but Iran truly should not be supporting any militant group, except (maybe) to counter the Islamic State. The problem with Hamas and Hezbollah is that they seem to be obsessed with attacking Israel more than anything…and that will just push Israel closer to Lebanon and Iran’s enemies in turn.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I think ‘sensitivity’ left a long time ago. Don’t worry now about that.

    2. Christina Metron Avatar
      Christina Metron

      Iran does What Iran wants.

      1. How does Iran deal with Israel and Russia being so close, yet Iran also claims Russia as allies? You do know, Russia let Israel kill several IRCG generals and top Hezbollah leaders with airstrikes in Syria, several times?
        Russians plotting against Iran? Maybe?

    3. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Gaza siege is inhuman.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Wow … a ‘site’ with it’s own ‘techno’ crappy drum-beat to pound a head with.
          (turn off the sound…)

          1. You have the power to turn the sound off. Go on youtube with your favorite background music in a separate window.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I have a record-player. :-))

          3. Then pull out your 78s of Benny Goodman or the Duke.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Never saw such stupidity..
            ‘Speaking of Right Wing Zionist Fascists, Sheldon Adelson’s Israel Hayom is the most-read newspaper in Israel and it chooses its writers very carefully.

            The following article by Yechiel Shabi is typical of how it sees things:

            Dr. Shabi works as a professor of Business Administration at the Bar-Ilan University:
            From his name and appearance it would seem that he is a Mizrahi Jew whose views are typical of that community in Israel. History for him only begins in May 1948 – everything that happened before that, the many centuries of Jewish life in the Arab-Muslim world, never happened. Arabs “settled” the land of Israel and we must be ever vigilant to check their lies.

   The question is who will check the lies and tendentious reading of history presented by the minions of Sheldon Adelson and his Jewish Fascism?

        2. O'Matrix Avatar

          Why not show them those pictures more?

          People in the video are shown smiling in different parts of Gaza as they hold up signs reading “Thank you, Hamas.”
          The video is nothing but sheer tourism advertising, who should I trust now?

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Becoming more difficult to find ‘natural sets’ for filming … some ‘goody two-shoes’ keep running in to re-build when after Israel creates the sets.

          2. “Becoming more difficult to find ‘natural sets’ for filming …”? yup yup.

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Lots of ‘interesting’ stuff on that site … yup, yup …

          1. Yup, yup it had everything to do with Gaza and Hamas…..yup yup.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Free info’ from ‘fly-overs’ everywhere. :-))))

          3. The Turks couldn’t understand the instructions so I guess the Drones were over their head. :)))))).

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Yup, yup.. equivalent of youpie youpie
            Israel Hayom (IsraelToday)
            ‘How To Destroy Palestine Propaganda CHEAT SHEET!
            (or if you just want to know the truth)’ = learn the lies to suppress the truth’

            Digital fake video, photoshop pictures planting “voice” tag…and Arabic music


          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Guy still hasn’t taken his site down, even with all we’ve discussed in here in the last year. :-)))
            No-one but the Zionists thought to ‘conquer’ the country ‘the one god’ came from. It was for all ‘the godly’, up to that time. They are the only ones who wanted to make it ‘private property.’ Sharing wasn’t in their nature.

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar

            “Guy still hasn’t taken his site down, even with all we’ve discussed in here in the last year.” 😉
            Guy is Sheldon Adelson

          7. “Sharing wasn’t in their nature. ”
            Something tells me that the only thing you are prepared to share freely is your bullshit. 🙂

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Share some thoughts …..

          9. Leonard Cohen was a mensch, above all else.

        4. O'Matrix Avatar

          If “Gaza siege is inhuman.” how was it when Gaza was occupied by the Israelis?

          Israel has the power to occupy Gaza again, and even annexing Gaza and the West Bank if it wanted to end the Palestinian issue. They have not done it yet…

          Then why so much hullabaloo about the suffering in Gaza?
          All Palestinian arabs are suffering when it is a ockupation status quo, who will put an end to this status quo?

          Btw, I got the impression that Hind is more than a ‘lebanese’, she knows planty about israelis and the hebrew lounge.
          If she don’t work for same ‘agency’ then she must have palestinian arab roots.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            She has told you everything about her. Get off the ‘Hind theory-trips’.

          2. O'Matrix Avatar

            Did I stepped to hard on your or her toes?

            “Get off the ‘Hind theory-trips.’ “.
            Why you urge me to do this, you are her protege or supporters?

            What makes you sure that she has told me everything about herself?

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Why ?? After the ‘election process’ of some idiots south of me, I’m tired of listening to endless ‘personal shots’ which mean nothing about repairs needed of a country – whichever country we’re talking about these days, of course.
            And the Metronome is not Hind, for sure. Different tempo. :-)))

          4. O'Matrix Avatar

            So now you are really crappy pissed off….

            I’m tired of endless ‘personal shots’ in form of insults from “educated” Lebanese, pretending to appreciate European values.
            European values have nothing in common with the American values.

          5. “After the ‘election process’ of some idiots south of me, I’m tired of listening to endless ‘personal shots’ which mean nothing about repairs needed of a country”

            Tired of listening to others? That’s rich coming from you, pal. 🙂

      1. Perhaps, I have never been there so I would not know, but it is still not the Middle East’s most pressing concern at present. Lebanon, Israel, Iran, Turkey, the Gulf states…they should all be working on destroying the Islamic State more than anything.

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