Nasrallah accuses rivals of conspiring against Hezbollah in support of Israel


nasrallah May 25 2016In a speech marking the 16th anniversary of the liberation of south Lebanon from Israel, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah stressed Wednesday that the axis of resistance will go ahead with securing achievements in several regions including Syria and Iraq, noting that the end of the Takfiri group, ISIL, is near.

He also reiterated the controversial “army-people-resistance formula ” will remain “a source of strength for the country,” and criticized rival political parties who are not in favor of an electoral law based on the proportional representation system.

“The army-people-resistance equation will remain a source of strength for the country in this era of Arab inaction and global support for Israel,” Nasrallah underlined in his televised speech that was broadcast via video link.

“Some want the Lebanese to forget Israel’s barbarity and terrorism and on the Liberation and Resistance Day we must remind everyone of that. We must remind everyone that Israel is the main and real enemy that is seeking to usurp our resources and that it is the biggest threat for our country and the region, although some parties are seeking to turn it into a friend and ally,” he said.

“Our strength in Lebanon is being targeted and the entire axis of resistance in this nation is being targeted. Some do not want the army to get stronger and they are even taking advantage of individual incidents to practice sectarian incitement in order to tear our people apart,” Nasrallah warned, noting that “everyone must be concerned with preserving the elements of strength.”

Accusing some parties of “conspiring” against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Nasrallah added: “Let some in Lebanon stop conspiring over and under the table against the resistance, the army and the people, but especially against the resistance.”

He also reiterated that “we have land that is still under occupation – the Shebaa Farms, the Kfarshouba Hills and the Ghajar village – and we have captives and missing people whose families are still waiting for them to return.”

Addressing the Palestinian people, Hezbollah’s chief said : “Beware of those who are trying to take advantage of the current ambiguities in the region in order to turn Israel into a friend and ally. Beware and do not count on those who have let you down for 70 years.”

“You won’t receive any support or good things from them and your only salvation lies in your unity and perseverance,” he said, referring to Arab Gulf countries.

“The axis of resistance will not be defeated in the ongoing battle in the region. It will emerge victorious and the banner of Palestine will be raised again. The only conflict in the region will be over the Palestinian cause,” vowed the Iranian backed leader .

Turning to Lebanon’s domestic affairs, Hezbollah’s chief emphasized that his party does not support the 1960 electoral law under which the country’s last parliamentary elections were held in 2009.

“We want to replace it with a modern and correct electoral law,” he said.

Citing the results of the municipal polls, Nasrallah added: “We and the AMAL Movement will lose parliamentary seats under a law based on proportional representation and yet we are demanding such a law.”

“What is better? The Shiite duo or unilateralism? Under a law based on proportional representation, a third bloc might emerge from the Shiite regions, while you are rejecting proportional representation because you are insisting on monopolization and unilateralism in your sects and regions,” Nasrallah added, mainly addressing Future Movement and the Progressive Socialist Party which are opposed to the law.

“Proportional representation does not eliminate anyone. We are calling for proportional representation but if the term of the current parliament expires, we’re with holding the elections under any law,” he announced possible reference to the 1960 law .

As for the country’s presidential crisis, Nasrallah called on rival parties to “engage in dialogue and negotiate” with Free Patriotic Movement founder MP Michel Aoun.

“You must not turn your back to others and accuse them of obstructing the presidential vote,” he added.

A Huge liability

Hezbollah, which was credited with liberating Lebanese territories from Israel in 2000 was a very popular organization in Lebanon and throughout the Arab world. But according to analysts ever since the Lebanese territories were liberated Hezbollah has become a huge liability for Lebanon. In 2005 former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri was assassinated and 5 Hezbollah members were accused of being behind his murder and are being tried by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in absentia because Hezbollah reused to hand them over to the court. In 2006 Hezbollah kidnapped 3 Israeli soldiers which triggered a war with Israel that devastated Lebanon. Soon after the war ended Hezbollah tried to use its arms to bring down the government of former PM Fouad Siniora. In 2008 Hezbollah pointed its guns against the Lebanese people when it occupied more than half of Beirut and tried but failed to occupy Mt Lebanon . In 2011 it brought down the government of former PM Saad Hariri and reportedly used its arms to force progressive socialist party leader MP Walid Jumblatt and his parliamentary bloc to vote for their candidate Nagib Mikati as the new premier . Hezbollah’s current support for the Syrian regime in its brutal crackdown against the pro democracy uprising is another main concern for the Lebanese people, analysts say.

Ever since the term of president Michel Suleiman ended in May 2014 Lebanon has been without a president. Hezbollah and its backer Iran are being blamed for the presidential vacuum.

In February Saudi Arabia suspended a $4 billion grant for the Lebanese army and security forces because of Hezbollah’s attacks against the kingdom and for interfering in the internal affairs of neighboring countries . This was followed by branding Hezbollah a terrorist organization by the Saudi-led Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Arab League. All the Gulf countries have since issued travel advisories against travel to Lebanon and started deporting Lebanese expats and their families.



76 responses to “Nasrallah accuses rivals of conspiring against Hezbollah in support of Israel”

  1. Rudy1947 Avatar

    Poor Nasrallrat. The dastardly Jews have simply messed up everything for him……..what worthless dribble. The people of Lebanon are growing a spine and find you and the Hizzbilly less than beneficial. My compliments to those Lebanese who defy you.

    1. Golyat Avatar

      The Hezb will stay forever and will crush all terrorists and invaders of Lebanon, whether you like it or not, and nothing can be done about it.

      1. “The Hezb will stay forever… ”
        Forever? Don’t they believe in the eventual coming of some silly vanished turban wearing messiah or something? They are gonna carry on after that? That’s what I call persistence! 🙂

  2. Rascal Avatar

    Nasrallah the talking turd. A vote for Nasrallah is a vote for perpetual war.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Iraq broke two UN resolutions and got invaded by US/UK, Israel have broken 38 and are getting off scot Fascist free.

      1. Rascal Avatar

        Yes you are quite correct Hind, Israel is a more successful country than Iraq could ever hope to be. Sucks to be Iraq.

          1. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Oh sweetie… is that a travel poster to promote Montreal?

          2. She lives in Montreal? OMG. What did the people of that marvelous city do to offend the Deity so much that he cast this plague upon them?

          3. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Good question… I think it started when Hind’s 2 lesbian aunts abandoned here there. (so she says)…. from that day, it’s been all downhill.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            twisted … figures …

          5. My only question is how can somebody that stupid also be a schizo? They are supposed to be geniuses, you know.

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “Tee Cho MaImequer0 • 2 years ago
            It means your asz, douche. What’s your issue? You’re a nauseating moron. Can’t you find another hobby besides stalking and tormenting women. Oh, I forgot, the pride of Jewry men is raping defenseless boys and girls, “Sweetie”!
            1 •Reply•Share

            MaImequer0 Tee Cho • 2 years ago
            Case and point… ‘cho’ means DOG in Vietnamese… you sound a little like ishmena, some old bag that used to spew similar crap on AJ… she’s mellowed out recently, maybe you will too….
            1 • Reply•Share ›

            Hind Abyad MaImequer0 • 2 years ago
            You’re admitting you knew ishmena.. (ishmea)
            from whom you stole Malmequer10 ID, and it was on AJ just as I said? Thank you…
            ” she mellowed out recently” is as Nazi as can be you mean she died.
            2 • Reply•Share › ”

            MaImequer0 Hind Abyad • 2 years ago
            from ‘ho’? She’s a ‘ho’… of you say so// that’s funny sweetie…lol☻”

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Avatar Dany Nohra @danynohra

            He tried one comment saying he was a Lebanese Christian i recognised him he disappeared Why? He’s darker than Lebanese and called Arabs “sand niggers”
            Malmequer0 in person.

          8. Meditheraces Avatar

            Dany Nohra instagram
            You must be consumed by hatred, so easy analizing you

          9. Rascal Avatar

            She does not deserve such a free country. Fucking useless Hezbullah whore.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Fucking useless poster whore.

          11. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Oh sweetie…. that must be the 514th time you’ve told such a wild story… tell us again about the lady in Boston who died from invisible mind rays… or your braying… or about puffing coffee… Your demented stories are a laugh.. I miss them

          12. Matrix Avatar

            Studying the contested avatar under the magnifying glass, you can safely say that it describes Hind to the letter.

          13. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Try to NOT be a Twit.

          14. Meditheraces Avatar

            And you people admire woman stalkers harassment and claim victimhood and monopoly over “suffering”. Descarted idiot

          15. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            She emailed me for the last time from a Boston hospital and never replied again not only to me but to anybody else, she sent me a Private Message
            “Help help Ishmea Ishmea” you were laughing at her, how the hell you can get in PM?
            “10van – Hind Abyad• a year ago

            I remember malmaquer, a half jewish lady. She just dropped off the face of the page.
            I happen to like to write to her…even with the difference of opinion.
            I didnt find out what ishmea is, google doesnt have it…and I’m a doctor and dont know what it is…maybe you didnt spell it right..try again.
            as for arik…I dont think he would have done what you suspect..he was pretty straight.”

            HindAbyad 10van• a year ago
            “I didn’t say it was Arik:)
            Try coronary artery disease, Wikipedia

            10van Hind Abyad• a year ago
            do you mean ischemia?
            Ischemic heart attack?
            How do you know she died?”

          16. Gotta take issue with the sexual innuendo, though. I for once wouldn’t touch her with a stick. Can hardly imagine anybody would. Maybe on drugs.

          17. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Tankggunner avatar – a year ago

            “FYI, my unit was involved in the first foray into Gaza, Cast Lead. I personally took great enjoyment out of tearing Gaza City to shreds and of course leveling a few Mosques filled with ammo. Arik Boleli, Jerusalem”

          18. Photoshop straight from David Duke, that world-famous defender of Palestinian human rights, eh? Quite a professional achievement for a loser “artist”. 🙂

          19. Golyat Avatar

            Keeeees emmmak.

          20. Are you referring to Dumbyad’s mother? Or to David Duke’s? Well, in both cases the gene pool definitely leaves much to be desired.

          21. Golyat Avatar

            Understand Arabi? LOL Are you Lebanese?

          22. I’m half-drunk :-).

          23. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad
          24. Golyat Avatar

            I see…

          25. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “Photoshop” established your credibility, the Zionists shameless dishonesty and a lies. Good for you;-)

            “2004: It started with a few disturbing pictures of naked prisoners piled on top of each other, others hooded and wired with electrodes. Worldwide revulsion at the scandal has forced the US president into a public apology and threatened the position of the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld”


          26. master09 Avatar

            All these yes by U.S. Army. What’s this got to do with Israelis.

          27. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Take a pill sweetie, it’s not like someone just got run over by a tank.

          28. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Like your friend 2008 war veteran Arik Boleli aka-Tank Gunner who wrote on Al Jazeera “Gaza 2008 was a party?”

        1. Matrix Avatar

          I believe that Hind didn’t check the background of Gen Karpinski, involved in allegations, suspension and investigation – she did not have nothing to hide….. “Gen Karpinski has said she was being made a “convenient scapegoat” for abuse ordered by others.”

          “Brig Gen Janis Karpinski told the BBC she met an Israeli working as an interrogator at a secret intelligence centre in Baghdad.

          A BBC reporter says it is the first time a senior US officer has SUGGESTED Israelis worked with the coalition.” (

          Normally Hind consider the BBC to be “western media” zionist controlled and so on, but it is useful when the BBC receives information (Suggested) about “Israelis in Abu Ghraib”…..

          According to Hinds own statement, she has stopped watching TV news, they are controlled by West Media….

          If someone don’t criticize the zionist state, then Hind labels them to be zionists.
          “A guard at Abu Ghraib prison” Source: Al-Manar – May 10th, 2004

          US soldiers “working” at Abu Ghraib prison where nothing but scum commanded by high-ranking scum, end of discussion.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “30 April 1926
            Daytime bulletins banned

            “The general strike of 1926 was to change forever the public perception of broadcast news.

            The drama began on 30 April, when the voice of John Reith (the first BBC Director General), interrupted a music programme to inform the nation of a strike by Britain’s miners. However, several government ministers – Churchill among them – were by all accounts in favour of taking over the BBC as an instrument of government policy.

            One of the team behind the hugely expanded news service conceded that “in some quarters” the BBC had been nicknamed the “BFC” – the “British Falsehood Company”. And a Labour MP complained in the Radio Times about widespread “pain and indignation” among listeners. The government was fully entitled to do this.

            1- I don’t watch television.
            2- 2003 during the Abu Ghraib Scandal was damaging for the US image.
            3- We are in 2016.


          2. 5thDrawer Avatar
    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      The most moral army in the World in Abu Ghraib teaching torture.

      1. Golyat Avatar

        “Most moral army”? I did not know there exists such thing as a “moral army”, and it’s the US army? 🙂

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Inquisitors. Everyone’s army ‘needs’ them.

    3. Golyat Avatar

      Your nightmare…while you are okay with Wahhabi terrorists. You are such a 7omar!

      1. Rascal Avatar

        Nope, I Saudis and and all the other Islamofascits

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Israeli military leaders “detest” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, because he sought “belligerent solutions” to problems and is motivated not by the country’s interest but by “religion, ideology,” and his own political ambitions.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Some understanding is lacking about ‘freedom’. We should teach them … comme ca.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Nice people 😉

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            When heading to a shopping mall with 200 or so stores, which was set up for the ‘day-trippers’ who have big credit cards, and an idiot ‘guard’ asks which store you’re going to AFTER you already said you are there to shop, being honest and saying ‘I don’t know’ is certain to make one a target for ‘the aggression’. You need a forward ‘battle plan’, and of course using the fewest number of words possible to grunt any answer.
            ALWAYS just say ‘Walmart’ – and look a little weird. They will love you. :-))))

          4. Meditheraces Avatar

            ‘ALWAYS just say ‘Walmart’ – and look a little weird. They will love you.’ :-))))..hhh.. because they looked like cowboys and they had an intelligent polite America..i can understand the other one however.

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Speaking of looking weird … here’s one you’ll love. Walmart shopper for sure. :-))))

          6. Meditheraces Avatar

            Haha…! Can a woman be so ugly inside out..

          7. Meditheraces Avatar


  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Maybe noticed that not very many show up to vote. But they notice he ‘controls’ with only 2 seats from the last time people had half a chance. Garbage Politics.
    One could agree with the Proportional Concept … that gives a wider range of opinion to be heard.
    But having to ‘negotiate’ with Aoun over it sounds like another ‘payolla’ moment like Electricity – and we know who doesn’t pay his share of those bills already. Madinati to the fore. They want “modern and correct” too. 😉

  4. PatienceTew Avatar

    Why choose Israel, as if being against Iran and it’s Hizboobs weren’t enough by itself!

  5. Andre Avatar

    Amazing how he exploits the Palestinian cause, and everyone laps it up – BS, Resistance, BS, Palestine, BS, and more BS. He cares about the Palestinians as much as Zionist do.

    1. The Zionists actually care about them. They got to, it’s a self-preservation thing.

      1. Rascal Avatar

        Seriously, Nasty can’t be that good a hider. Why does Israel not soon whack this idiot. I would think a lot could change for the better.

        And many shiites blindly follow his obvious lies and distractions from reality. Are they that simple minded?
        A mullah stooge and traitor. It is too bad for Lebanon that the majority do not have the balls to remove the reason they are a failed state.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Just like you.

        2. MaImequer0 Avatar

          Here is him hiding

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        ‘New York Times’ finally tells its readers: Netanyahu is ‘dangerous’

      3. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        New York Times’ finally tells its readers: Netanyahu is ‘dangerous’

  6. “Israel is the main and real enemy that is seeking to usurp our resources…”

    I wonder what these “resources” might be. Is it the hummus? Or maybe the “river of garbage”? Or Samir Kuntar’s lonely grave?

  7. Barry Avatar

    “The army-people-resistance equation will remain a source of strength for the country in this era of Arab inaction and global support for Israel,” Nasrallah underlined in his televised speech that was broadcast via video link.
    I think he just nailed the entire Middle East with that one sentence.

    “Beware of those who are trying to take advantage of the current ambiguities in the region in order to turn Israel into a friend and ally. Beware and do not count on those who have let you down for 70 years.”
    Funny, I do not remember Leb Shiites being particularly helpful (other than those in Leb Army in 1948) to Pal cause. They were defeated by IDF in 1948 (which actually occupied a dozen Leb villages) and sat out 1967. They formed HA in 1982 and it celebrated IDF attacking PLO.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      They were defeated by Fascists Haganah, Irgun, Stern gang massacres

  8. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Bloody typical! Whenever someone in the Arab World wants to defame a rival, they just fabricate an association with Israel. The scary thing is that people believe it and it works. Morons.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Probably because it’s the only very weird (as in totally) country over there that isn’t Arab.

  9. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    PS. Hind Abyad is a Nazi. Don’t believe a word she tells you.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      (curious .. she didn’t tell me she was a member of that Party …)
      ‘Word’ from the Head Office? ;-)))

  10. Dumbyad has decided to go “incognito”, while retaining her signature demented style. Should we all be concerned?

    1. Meditheraces Avatar

      I’m not incognito, this was my discus on Al Jazeera and my avatar, the thief stole it after he stole Malmequer10 discus. It’s not your business..we had some peace from you trolls during Sabbath.

      1. And to think that I even felt some slight pity for you for a minute (the way one pities a mental patient)…..

        1. Meditheraces Avatar

          Because i’m not incognito? You’re another Zionist stalker. Maniac.

          1. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Sweetie, you’re losing it …☻☻☻

          2. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            Hind forgot the code to her private parts (she just had 6 margaritas), gonna need your help before nature’s call.

        2. Meditheraces Avatar

          You’re stupid ‘mate’, nothing of value except vulgarities

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