South Africa seizes 20 kg of gold from a Lebanese traveling from Dubai


gold-jumpsSouth African Revenue Service (Sars) officials have seized at Tambo International Airport from a Lebanese man traveling to Dubai 20 gold bars worth almost $1 million

The gold bars reportedly weighed 23 kilograms.

Officials say he was initially stopped for attempting to leave the country without the necessary documentation.

A scan of his luggage later revealed the gold bars, for which he provided counterfeit invoices.

SARS spokesperson Sandile Memela says investigations are underway.

“Upon request, he produced self-generated invoices and he has since been handed over to the South African Police Services. He is expected to appear in court tomorrow.”




7 responses to “South Africa seizes 20 kg of gold from a Lebanese traveling from Dubai”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    That’s why ‘certain types’ converted to diamonds first and then sewed them into a favourite bra.
    Counterfeit invoices will give it away every time, of course.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Maybe News about ‘Elections’ is becoming too much to bear … perhaps voter turn-out was as bad as in Beirut?

  3. Vivari Avatar

    Why didn’r top guy just send it by diplomatic bag?

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