Pope Francis calls for one-year moratorium on death penalty


pope tendernessPope Francis, who has repeatedly called for an end to the death penalty, on Sunday proposed that Catholic leaders suspend the practice for a year to mark the Holy Year of Mercy.

“I make an appeal to the conscience of all rulers, so that we can achieve an international consensus for the abolition of the death penalty,” the Pope said in his Sunday address in St. Peter’s Square.

“And I propose to those among them who are Catholic to make a courageous and exemplary gesture: that no sentence is executed in this Holy Year of Mercy.”

The Pope launched the Jubilee Year of Mercy on December 8. The church’s formal yearlong push for mercy and forgiveness is set to continue through November 20, when the feast of Christ the King will be celebrated.

Francis voiced his support Sunday for an international conference taking place on Monday in Rome called A World Without the Death Penalty, saying he hoped the conference would bring renewed energy to the mission to end capital punishment.

The Pope underlined the possibility of redemption for offenders and a “criminal justice open to the hope of reintegration into society.”

“The commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill’ has absolute value and applies to both the innocent and the guilty,” he said on Sunday.

Francis follows predecessors Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II in speaking out against the death penalty.




3 responses to “Pope Francis calls for one-year moratorium on death penalty”

  1. I can see no comments for those that preach peace as The one word of JESUS is peace. You will be persecuted because of me but fight by spreading peace and love so that you will live in paradise sitting on the rite hand side of God on this planet and after.

  2. OK, first Mr Pope should personally explain this to atheist China, they execute many thousands per year.
    Next, close runners up, Iran and Saudi, I am sure they will understand, take down your rope and hang up your sword.
    Just go down the list after that.

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