Aoun reneges on his agreement with Geagea, says Hezbollah must defend Lebanon

aoun-geageaFree Patriotic Movement founder Michel Aoun Saturday  reneged on his agreement with  Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea which he signed in Rabiya last month prior to the endorsement of his presidential candidacy by the LF leader .
Speaking to OTV, Aoun  reaffirmed  on Saturday his party’s 10-year-long alliance with Hezbollah, expressing gratitude to its military involvement in Syria which he said helps safeguard Lebanon.
He said Lebanon needed the help of Hezbollah to defend the border as the national army was not large enough or quipped enough to take on the task.

“Our army does not have the equipment or numbers to defend the border, so Hezbollah has graciously took on this task because our families are in danger.”

“We are currently living in a state of war on Lebanese soil and we need Hezbollah to defend the Lebanese border,” Aoun said.

But according to paragraph 5 of the Aoun Geagea agreement  , the former army chief  and  Geagea agreed to” back the army both morally and financially  to enable it to be the only military force throughout  Lebanon “
Also according to paragraph 9 of the agreement Hezbollah should not be fighting in Syria  because this contradicts the Baabda declaration which was agreed on by all parties during national dialogue talks at the Baabda palace . The declaration calls for isolating Lebanon from the conflict in Syria .
Tens of thousands of Hezbollah fighters are in Syria to help the forces loyal to  Syrian president Bashar al Al Assad against the mostly Sunni Syrian rebels .

Text of Aoun Geagea agreement in Arabic

Geagea Aoun Agreement


20 responses to “Aoun reneges on his agreement with Geagea, says Hezbollah must defend Lebanon”

  1. Patience2 Avatar

    Ol’ ‘potty-mouth’ Aoun’s colors can’t be hidden.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    SO …… What’s in a Name, or a signature? (In Aoun’s case, not much of a brain … People vote for this??)

  3. Anybody who actually believed that the demented Saddamite-cum-Assadite stooge could miraculously change and become a beacon of hope must feel disappointed right now.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I would say that Geagea has been VERY successful in demonstrating he knows the problems of the country, and SHOULD be the one running it. Exposing both Nastyrallah’s lack of care about Lebanon, and the simple-minded greed of Aoun in one short shift of time, was very astute. If any ‘followers’ of those two hang around now, then they are NOT Lebanese.
      And by giving up running, Geagea leaves the possibility for ONE LEBANESE with a more positive and youthful approach to INCLUSIVENESS to emerge. IS THERE ONE ???

      1. I agree 150%. Unfortunately, the ones responsible for digging up Aoun’s zombified (political) corpse and keeping it on life support all these years are the Maronites – who are also Geagea’s main constituency. As long as the first continues to enjoy the support of over half of this community, while the second remains at the margins, no real change seems possible.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Locked in Religiosity.

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        Me… 😀

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Ok. But you also need to shovel garbage. ;-))

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            I’ll create jobs recycling it… 😉

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You too..

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            But THIS year was a drought … stiil no snow … I will be out of shape.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

   winds 50 miles an hour, minus 12… i don’t go out !!

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I should not have said anything .. this morning has snow .. 🙁

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            :)..Not enough for you to shape up..:(

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Maybe I’ll just ship out. 😉

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Ship out to Lebanon.

  4. master09 Avatar

    So what your saying is we don’t need the army or the government, just give it all to Iran.

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