Saudi Arabia vows to ‘match Iran’s nuclear capability’

From left , Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman  , Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir   Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, and President Barack Obama at the White House, May 13, 2015.
From left , Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman , Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir , Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, and President Barack Obama at the White House, May 13, 2015.

Saudi Arabia has threatened to spark a new kind of nuclear arms race in the Middle East, setting out a bullish stance ahead of a rare, high-profile meeting of the US and its Gulf allies at Camp David.

President Barack Obama faces an almost impossible balancing act between making overtures to Iran that will allow it to pursue its nuclear program for energy purposes, and appeasing the security fears of Sunni Arab leaders.

On the table in American-Iranian talks is the prospect that the latter will be allowed to keep 5,000 centrifuges, used to enrich uranium, and a growing research and development operation.

But tensions over the US’s thawing policy towards Tehran will loom large over the meetings, already threatened by the decision of key states to send lower-level dignitaries.

According to the New York Times, one Arab leader who is preparing to meet Mr Obama today has said: “We can’t sit back and be nowhere as Iran is allowed to retain much of its capability and amass its research.”

And while the figure behind this claim asked to remain anonymous until he had put it directly to the President, the Times said it was the same message as that touted by former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki bin Faisal, who said in South Korea recently: “Whatever the Iranians have, we will have, too.”

It sets up the prospect of a new kind of arms race between the Middle East’s various parties – the implication being that if Iran is to be left to its nuclear program , why shouldn’t Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE?

The Gulf leaders are concerned that the White House’s nuclear deal with Tehran, instead of limiting the threat posed by that state, will allow Iran to grow into a dangerously destabilising force in the region.

President Obama wants to win round the visiting Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states in order to convince the US Congress that its Iran deal has regional backing.

And White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Wednesday that the bulk of the Camp David talks will centre on allaying security fears to get that vote of confidence.

“That will be the essence of the conversations,” Mr Earnest said. “What can we do to modernize and deepen that security cooperation?

“Much of what the president has in mind is helping the GCC countries use the hardware that they have to better coordinate their efforts and better provide for the security of their citizens.”

The most high-profile absence at the summit is the Saudi King Salman. On Sunday, it was announced that the king would not be travelling to the US – just two days after the White House confirmed he was coming.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will represent Saudi Arabia instead, in what was an embarrassing snub for the President.



65 responses to “Saudi Arabia vows to ‘match Iran’s nuclear capability’”

  1. Caribbean Avatar

    Israel won’t tolerate Saudi Arabia with a nuclear bomb no matter how much Saudi Arabia suck Israel behind. nuclear bombs in the middle east is only for Israel and the only country in the middle east that has the right for self-defense.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      NO-one should be thinking Nuclear any more … as Germany demonstrates. That IS the point.
      Not even the Caribbean.

  2. let everyone blows everyone in the middle east and be finished with it

    1. zabada Avatar

      A man says let robbers rob my neighbor,it,s not hurt me..after a week the robber rob his house and killed him.

  3. MekensehParty Avatar

    It’s a good argument,
    Iran is saying if Israel has nuclear, I want nuclear
    KSA says if Iran has nuclear I want nuclear…
    Go nuclear!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Many have said “let’s just nuke the whole place – come back in a few years to see if any are left”.
      Russia & US could do it together. That would save having to pay all the time to build them all up, and help adhere to the ‘non-proliferation-reduction’ treaty at the same time. Win-Win. 😉
      If they are working themselves up to do it to each other, give ’em a head-start. Peace in our time. :-)))

      1. Hend Abyad Avatar
        Hend Abyad

        Remembering Palestine on this May15.

        “We should also ponder the corollary point that resolving the
        Arab-Israeli conflict in an equitable manner that satisfies the
        legitimate national rights and needs of both sides would quickly help reduce the feverish pace of spreading turmoil and violence across the Middle East. On this day of commemoration – when Israel continues to expand its settlements in occupied Arab lands, shoot and jail Palestinian children under the age of 10, and, with Palestinians, is the object of a preliminary investigation for war crimes by the International Criminal Court – we should anticipate that a resolution of the Palestine-Israel conflict could reverse this pattern of rippling conflicts we have witnessed since the 1930s, when Zionist-Arab tensions and clashes first surfaced in British-ruled Palestine.”

        1. Occupied by Arabs Israel lands are Judea and Samaria like All North Afrika and All ME, You are falsificating antisemite

          1. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            In 300AD.
            In 1920 British mandate for Palestine map demanded by Herlz and Jabotinsky.

            Does it remind you of today bright bulb?

          2. Mediterranean Sea East Shore – geografic and historical Pal(a)estine,
            consists of Sinai and part of Arabian peninsulas, Jordan, Israel,
            Lebanon (Canaan, Phoenicia) West Syria also Hatai. Africa-Europe-Asia confluence,
            Eurafrasia tripoint

          3. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            There was no Jordan before WW1, it’s East Bank of River Jordan, in Arabic “Shark el Ordon”: East-Side of Jordan River.

            “The Bible refers to the Phoenicians as the “princes of the sea” in a passage from Ezekiel 26:16 in which the prophet seems to predict the destruction of the city of Tyre and seems to take a certain satisfaction in the humbling of those who had previously been so renowned.”

            1- Phoenicia 3100-65 BC. Greeks named Phenicin the coast from Latakia- Syria, to Akre- Palestine.
            Lebanon was in the Bible as Cedar Mountain.
            No Israel. Judea Samara in Canaan.

            2- 300-AD counsel of Nicaea map

          4. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            I don’t google ecxept for pictures.

          5. Your map of Mandate of Palestine is true, present Jordan is also (geografical or political) Palestine

          6. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            You mean it was the River Jordan then….

          7. Yes river a witness of empires wars and corruption

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Especially, a witness of when folks had to use their feet to get around – although a few got Camels and Sore Asses. 😉 The sorest Ass these days is ASSAD …. always were stubborn, but more after AD.

      2. MekensehParty Avatar

        I always saw nuclear weapons as life-saving.
        Imagine for a minute there was no nuclear weapons and the allies had to invade Japan to finish WWII. millions would have died since the Japanese were in a no-surrender mood back then, and every citizen was a soldier.
        Imagine then that there was no Cold War but a hot war between the western half of the planet and the communist half. Hundreds of millions would have perished if NATO clashed with the soviets allied.
        Now let’s imagine that both Iran and KSA have nukes. Would they dare be so openly hostile to one another?
        I think it would throw iced water on all the hot heads knowing that a conflict would bring mutual destruction.
        Nukes are really a fascinating weapon. And I’ll go even further and say, it’s the weapon that will inevitably bring world peace.

        1. Any one who justifies the use of nuclear weapons by their team but wants to prevent others from getting them is not just a hypocrite but a disgusting coward

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Good thing he didn’t say he would use them, then.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yes, you have points … maybe just have the weapon and not the power-plants melting down … and it’s a viable concept. BUT, one needs to remember that some believe they SHOULD die for Gods, and some even think there’s tasty rewards when they do. And of course, this is the greater fear if they decide to live up to God’s Expectations – and adding to the already higher background radiation levels is not something the rest of us consider a great idea.
          Consider a ‘Professor’ who believes the planet doesn’t rotate. AND will even demonstrate his theory with a straight face. HOW are you going to get everyone believing that it’s simply a MAD concept?? OR, not wanting that.
          As for ‘probable outcomes’ of the past horrible wars …. well … what we have now is not enough food or jobs to allow buying of it. Wars – with accompanying disease and pestilence, and some hunger – kept things manageable for ‘The World’, in a sense.
          Right now, it can’t manage … not that I’ve seen.
          We could allow ISIS to set aside their bit of turf and have killing all the time, as they wish and has been recently proclaimed as ‘the way’, and all those humans who believe fighting is what they born to (or God created them to) do, could then be allowed to go there (one-way-tickets) and the ‘Arms Manufacturers’ would also be kept happy supplying through a hole in the wall around the place. Call it ‘Syrialand’ – cater to the desires of children and their fairy-tales. Just don’t allow nukes.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            As weapons grow more destructive so goes the maturity of those handling them.
            Did the U.S. or the USSR use nuclear weapons in their small wars? In a bigs face to face war? No.
            Once the weapon was used, and its devastation proven to the whole world, nobody wanted to be the person who would push the button again. The one who would start the apocalypse of humanity. Even that lunatic Kim Jung Un wouldnt do it. The Chinese have his access password, just like the Americans have the password of the Israelis, like the Russians wanted to have the password for the Iranians.
            The sheikh that spoke of the planet not turning ain’t gona be running ksa’s nuclear program 😉 all nuclear facilities and products are under extremely tight security and protocols that Hollywood doesn’t portray realistically.
            Look at India and Pakistan, lot of barking, fewer incidents, and the nukes are in their hangars gathering dust.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Indeed you have faith …. and it’s true that ‘Bunker Busters’ came later. :-))

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            I think all of this is to convince myself first that we’re not going to be blasted by some moron 🙂
            Fuck the world if we get to that

    2. Patience2 Avatar

      I say bomb them all ‘back to the stone age’.

      1. Hend Abyad Avatar
        Hend Abyad

        You’re from the stone age.

        1. You are hating not better

          1. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            I hate nobody but ISIS, and those who support them like the 4 mandates eternal chief of the Likud Regime allied with Wahhabi.

          2. Stop your lies. You are the Isis whore

          3. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            So, why you defend me so much?.. kherfani?

          4. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Oh, you poor little baby… I send you a picture to cheer you up ok sweetie?☻

          5. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            The good Zionist ID thief impersonating Hind Abyad 8 months ago

            “You know nothing. I had female circumcision when I was seven years old so I have no interest in bf.

          6. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Wow sweetie, that explains your frustration… shall we assume you had type III ?☻

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Informative to those who don’t know … but stupid for the reasons you put it in here, along with all the other crap over the years.

          8. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            he’s desperate

          9. MaImequer0 Avatar

            I guess you only have type II

      2. MekensehParty Avatar

        The Stone Age is an improvement for these cavemen 😉

        1. Hend Abyad Avatar
          Hend Abyad

          Thank you US-Israel, not Islamic (Jihad), just Terrorists.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And yet … not enough say the words.

          2. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            The people have no power.. these are not young Iraki..

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            But no-one listens to us if we manage to pass 50. And ‘Grey-power’ is another Myth.

          4. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            Doesn’t Mather, good sentiments are heard by Higher power.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Love the Kurdish women soldiers. 🙂

          1. What happened to Christian Lebanon? Arabian or Persian “Empires” or khalifats or occupation

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Might be the most important speech any will be able to listen to … maybe the last one.
            I’ve always talked about ‘concept’. That woman has one that individuals need to know and to understand, if they wish to be free. The simple concept.

          3. there was one great Canaanite storm-and-fertility deity Baal-Hadad, and local manifestations of this one god…I think Phoenician script good to support and use

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I preferred the temple of Bacchus … which may still have six pillars standing … not sure.
            But it seemed he was more of a ‘fun-guy’ … ;-))

          5. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            That’s not Lebanese. I know Lebanese trust me.
            Did you read my link ?

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Probably … but I just got in from a nice dinner of prime pork-chops. Really ….
            And a 100-yr Korea Project?? … I won’t be around to know if that statement holds up.
            Unless I go ‘Cryo’ … :-)))))

          7. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            An American Evangelist “Graham” style? Yakh, très, très antipatique..paid by Aipac, not Lebanese..ohh my ears hurting . How much was she paid$$? Bye

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You going by the message, the nose, or the accent?? :-))))
            Everyone is free to tell their story. All are personal.

          9. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            No, M.E. women anywhere even Kobani have gentle manners, soft voice …and for other things, professional
            Brigitte Gabriel’s Affiliations

            Brigitte Gabriel ACT!(s) For Israel – Part 2: Gabrielle In The US

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            True enough … but one of my ‘soft-spoken’ ladies in Tripoli also knows how to say ‘F.U.’ rather less softly, when she doesn’t quite agree with what is said. :-)))) So cute. 😉

          11. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            Good for you… we don’t see same . I like..or i don’t like. ..and soft-spoken ladies in Kobane can also kill.

          12. 5thDrawer Avatar

            That’s true too. 🙂 But we don’t need to talk … ;-))

          13. Hend Abyad Avatar
            Hend Abyad

            She has the barabie type..good nigth.

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Nightie Night.

          15. doron Avatar

            can’t hear the truth//so you don’t care it’s all going down the toilet as long as you don’t have to admit you’re wrong…I begin to see a pattern here :))

        2. zabada Avatar

          America politicians do not care a bout any religion,even Christians .they converted to religion political religion created by Jews…they are really working for Jews and Israel.Many already died for Jews in Iraq..more ,in thousands will die in order to protect Israel from Arabs.

  4. zabada Avatar

    only one more step to completed zionist game…Sunnis coalition engage in war with Iran.Zionist true goal to destroy or weaken both Sunnis and Syiits, who are oppose Israel.

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