Saudi Arabia building up military near Yemen border – U.S. officials


saudi-border with Yemen iraqSaudi Arabia is moving heavy military equipment including artillery to areas near its border with Yemen, U.S. officials said on Tuesday, raising the risk that the Middle East’s top oil power will be drawn into the worsening Yemeni conflict.

The buildup follows a southward advance by Iranian-backed Houthi Shi’ite militants who took control of the capital Sanaa in September and seized the central city of Taiz at the weekend as they move closer to the new southern base of U.S.-supported President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

The slide toward war in Yemen has made the country a crucial front in Saudi Arabia’s region-wide rivalry with Iran, which Riyadh accuses of sowing sectarian strife through its support for the Houthis.

The conflict risks spiraling into a proxy war with Shi’ite Iran backing the Houthis, whose leaders adhere to the Zaydi sect of Shi’ite Islam, and Saudi Arabia and the other regional Sunni Muslim monarchies backing Hadi.

The armor and artillery being moved by Saudi Arabia could be used for offensive or defensive purposes, two U.S. government sources said. Two other U.S. officials said the build-up appeared to be defensive.

One U.S. government source described the size of the Saudi buildup on Yemen’s border as “significant” and said the Saudis could be preparing air strikes to defend Hadi if the Houthis attack his refuge in the southern seaport of Aden.

Another U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Washington had acquired intelligence about the Saudi build-up. But there was no immediate word on the precise location near the border or the exact size of the force deployed.

Hadi, who supported Washington’s campaign of deadly drone strikes on a powerful al Qaeda branch based in Yemen, has been holed up in Aden with his loyalist forces since he fled Sanaa in February. On Tuesday, forces loyal to Hadi drove Houthi fighters from two towns they had seized hours earlier, residents said, apparently checking an advance by the Shi’ite fighters toward Aden.


yemen houthi controll mapSaudi Arabia faces the risk of the turmoil spilling across its porous 1,800 km (1,100 mile)-long border with Yemen and into its Shi’ite Eastern Province where the kingdom’s richest oil deposits lie.

“The Saudis are just really deeply concerned about what they see as an Iranian stronghold in a failed state along their border,” U.S. Ambassador to Yemen Matthew Tueller told Reuters on Monday at a conference hosted by the National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce in Washington.

But a former senior U.S. official, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said the prospects for successful external intervention in Yemen appeared slim. He said Hadi’s prospects appeared to be worsening and that for now he was “pretty well pinned down.”

Riyadh hosted top-level talks with Gulf Arab neighbors on Saturday that backed Hadi as Yemen’s legitimate president and offered “all efforts” to preserve the country’s stability.

Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said on Monday Arab countries would take necessary measures to protect the region against “aggression” by the Houthi movement if a peaceful solution could not be found.

In March 2011, Saudi troops, along with those from the United Arab Emirates, entered neighboring Bahrain after weeks of protests by that country’s Shi’ite majority that Riyadh feared could lead to an expansion of Iran’s influence.

A spokesman for the Saudi embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment on any military movements.

Yemen asked the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday to back military action by “willing countries” to combat Houthi militias, according to a letter from Hadi seen by Reuters.

Hadi wants the 15-member body to adopt a resolution that would authorize “willing countries that wish to help Yemen to provide immediate support for the legitimate authority by all means and measures to protect Yemen and deter the Houthi aggression.”

Fighting has spread across the Arabian peninsula country since last September when the Houthis seized Sanaa and advanced into Sunni Muslim areas.

U.S. officials said on Saturday that the United States had evacuated all its remaining personnel in Yemen, including about 100 special operations forces, because of the security situation. The end of a U.S. security presence inside the country has dealt a blow to Washington’s ability to monitor and fight al Qaeda’s Yemen affiliate.

The Houthis have denied taking material and financial support from Tehran. But last year Yemeni, Western and Iranian sources gave Reuters details of Iranian military and financial support to the Houthis before and after their takeover of Sanaa last year.

However, U.S. officials have said that Iranian backing for the Houthi rebels has been largely limited to funding. They say Iran has its hands full providing armed assistance to its allies in Syria and Iraq.

Reuters exclusive



98 responses to “Saudi Arabia building up military near Yemen border – U.S. officials”

  1. wargame1 Avatar

    Good move from Saudi Arabia. Iran has started showing its aggression against the Arabs and a counter effort is necessary. America is with an official alliance with Saudi Arabia but they seems treacherously breaking that truce by reaching out to the houthies and other shit in the region. The Saudis are usually quiet and playing the game cautiously.

    1. he he he he he.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        The Coalition of states which have launched an attack on Yemen:

        1. KSA
        2. Kuwait
        3. Qatar
        4. UAE
        5. Bahrain
        6. Jordan
        7. Egypt
        8. Sudan
        9. Morocco

        Correct me if im wrong, a few days ago musharaf said he was not interested in pissing off iran???

        Money talks??

        1. Did they attack Yemen? Let me rephrase that. Did they attack those terrorists in Yemen?

        2. Just read it. About time the Saudis did something.

          1. Reasonableman Avatar

            Yemen is the bit that’s missing from direct US presence (save the drones fly in), otherwise the entire coast of the Arabian peninsula starting with Kuwait, the port city of Umm Qasr in Iraq, Saudi on the west coast are American. On the east coast you have the gulf states which are also American. 
            If Borat was to narrate this “we having military presence all around, now we let Yemen destabilise enough so we march headlong in with with our slave in Riyadh at the head of the aggression. Great success! High five!”

          2. But the U.S. did have a base at al anand air base. They evacuated 100 or so Americans only a few days ago. And both saleh and hadi would’ve gladly let them position even more personnel and equipment if the U.S. said they wanted to. In fact the uss cole was struck while refuelling in Aden.
            I believe Yemen is purely another piece of irans puzzle, whereby they encircle the Saudis and basically use a pincer attack.
            The Saudis have been too busy getting fat to really notice until the Iranians basically started knocking on the Saudis back door

          3. Just saw this joke in a comment. Not sure if you’ve heard it but I would like to share it with you.

            This guy asks the imam, if I am praying in the middle of the jungle and a strong lion attacks me, should I continue praying or should I break my praying and take care of the lion. The imam who was familiar with the personality of this person says ” if you see a lion and your ablution does not become invalid, then you can continue with your prayer”

          4. Reasonableman Avatar

            Lmao… love it.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            And this?



            8 hours ago

            Lick lick
            Slurp slurp


          6. He invited me 4 years ago
            He invited my aunt 4 years ago
            I’ve NEVER EVER been on Facebook.
            I was in there for a bit, got bored and closed Facebook

            Biden janeen kess emak

          7. Bidee

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Here again a faker can’t accept the truth, or it wouldn’t be a faker.

            I was never (Ever), is to emphasize my dislike of Facebook.

            I was invited without warning while sharing (for one week) a family member’s computer, 4 yrs ago, it was an artist painter in Saint Jerome and forgot about it.
            The Zionist stalker stole my email on that FB and stalked me since 4 years (because i defended Palestinians), and you helped him you took his side, because you’re sick with jealousy and hatred. Look at the hate language up there..soo feminine, and you dare call me “he-she”.

          9. Reasonableman Avatar

            Hi hind, I have no idea what that’s meant to mean, c’mon hind what O or anyone writes which wasn’t aimed at me should not be crucial for me to critique.
            That would be servitude to a guilty concious.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Good morning:)
            I understand “not to critic, it will be servitude”, however,
            why is she seeking your approval on this thread;

            “Lol hind is very upset I exposed his lies.
            He thinks you are like 5th.

          11. Burn baby burn

          12. The more relevant question is why are you seeking reasonable pick your side?
            And why are you interfering in a convwrsation that is none of your business.
            You have been exposed as a liar, now get back under the house

          13. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Aren’t you a narcissistic SOB. Is this forum your private turf?

          14. Jealous?

          15. Rudy1947 Avatar

            NO. Just don’t like narcissists.

          16. That reeks of jealousy.

          17. Btw I don’t like hypocrites.

          18. Rudy1947 Avatar

            ooooooo, are we irritated. Poor baby, try a warm tea with a heavy shot whiskey.

          19. Lol if you “think” that is irritated then you obviously haven’t been following the comment boards too closely. You are an insignificant thing that would need to be up day and night 24/7 to irritate me. And for years.

          20. Rudy1947 Avatar

            It’s always all about you.

          21. You made it about me

          22. Rudy1947 Avatar

            And it was soooooooooo easy.

          23. Lol duh

          24. Rudy1947 Avatar


          25. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Appreciate the confirmation.

          26. It’s always about you

          27. MekensehParty Avatar

            Whiskey barabie? istaghfarallah

          28. Ya raytak ma hkeet wala khreet.
            That way you could explode

          29. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Narcissists just love themselves as hypocrites…

          30. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            The only Jealous here is you.

          31. Yes hypocrite

          32. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Once upon the time YaLibnan had a moderator and since he’s gone we live with the most horrible language seen on a website.

            O (barabie) stalks, interferes, enter conversations that are not addressed to her, attacks everybody as if she was at home, calls me Iranian whore.

            It’s not her home and she’s not Lebanese.

          33. Lol talk about hypocrisy.
            Quick you found someone to take your side. Do you always need confirmation from others?
            Do you not have the ability to function without someone else praising your “work”?

          34. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I’m not looking for sides like you and your alias Christina Metron, °÷°, spactataor & Guests, monopolizing this site insulting everybody and taking away the Community freedom of speech.. like Bush “If you’re not with us you’re against us”

          35. Blah blah blah
            Accusing others of what you are guilty of.

          36. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            empty (blabla)

          37. You still didn’t explain the following:

            “He invited me 4 years ago
            He invited my aunt 4 years ago
            I’ve NEVER EVER been on Facebook.
            I was in there for a bit, got bored and closed Facebook”

          38. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Really? Haha diverted, evaded, changed subject, each time..or you have no intelligence except manipulation and streetwise thuggery.

          39. Evading the question sweetie?

            You still didn’t explain the following:

            “He invited me 4 years ago
            He invited my aunt 4 years ago
            I’ve NEVER EVER been on Facebook.
            I was in there for a bit, got bored and closed Facebook”

          40. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Correct the wording if you don’t mind. IT is what should be used.

          41. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            No I’m not, There are no sides
            You’re talking about me here, which has nothing to do with the article people are debating.

          42. Stop your lies. You interfered when you posted the following, which had nothing to do with the article.

            “And you like this?

            O – 5thDrawer . 8 hours ago

            Lick lick
            Slurp slurp

            Reply • Share”

            You are a liar, a hypocrite and a shite ladyboy.
            You must be burning up inside coz people are seeing through your deceptions

          43. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            This is not Blablab/lablablablab lablabarabie private forrum.. ow look, one of your friend majoos discus appeare

          44. You still didn’t explain the following:

            “He invited me 4 years ago
            He invited my aunt 4 years ago
            I’ve NEVER EVER been on Facebook.
            I was in there for a bit, got bored and closed Facebook”

          45. I’m sure you know what hind is doing.
            And I love your reply to him. You are smart enough to know his tactics.

          46. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We think he should be … been on here a while.

          47. We?
            I love how you fools always speak in plural.
            Multiple personalities much!

          48. You and hind had to ruin this thread too

          49. Lol hind is very upset I exposed his lies.
            He thinks you are like 5th.

        3. Do you have a link to the Musharraf article?

          1. Reasonableman Avatar
          2. Thanks reasonable.
            What a traitor that sharif is, after the Saudis gave him asylum a few years ago he turns around and backstabs them.


        4. if it is true…Zionist games in on going.

        5. Yes money does talk.
          Egypt was bought for $12 billion

          1. arzatna1 Avatar

            No money in the world can ever buy Egypt.
            On the other hand Egypt is not going to let Iran take over the whole Middle East .
            It is about time to stop the Iranian adventure
            Perhaps finally we may have a president in Lebanon

          2. I’ve always been civil with you!
            Apologise for the “rubbish” comment!

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hmmmm … I didn’t read that as a ‘personal’ slight … no need for an apology.

          4. ya raytak khrit wou ma hkit 😉

            I didn’t realise you are arzatna.
            Like I’ve told you previously, if I want your opinion I will flush the toilet. Now get back to your grovelling.

        1. Isreal and America are brothers.America will let israel what it want to do..even helping Israel destroying and killing it enemies.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Dr. Strangelove creates the Planet of the Apes. They’re everywhere.
          (We should study these … errr … humans … put some in a cage.)

          1. Lick lick
            Slurp slurp

      1. Wtf!!
        Khomeini allowed foreplay with an infant?
        May that sick bastard be burning in hell. Absolutely sickening!

        1. Syiah is not a religion is bad cultures that mixed tightly with its political desires religion.They are weird people with weird believe.Hence Sunnis not regard them as muslims.

          1. “Hence Sunnis not regard them as muslims”

            Man I wouldn’t regard them as human let alone Muslim. They truly have some fucked up beliefs.

    2. Reasonableman Avatar

      Proxy war in 3,2,1…..

  2. “But last year Yemeni, Western and Iranian sources gave Reuters details of Iranian military and financial support to the Houthis”

    Even though the Iranians admit providing military and financial support and boats from Iran, loaded with weapons, destined for Yemen were intercepted, the U.S. still denies the truth.

    “U.S. officials have said that Iranian backing for the Houthi rebels has been largely limited to funding”

    Something very fishy going on.

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      I feel safe, I thought I was the only one who picked that up.

      Notice the word “terror” or “aggression” was not used even once by the reuters report?
      The usual lopsided reporting that will discredit anything and everything which doesn’t fit the pro iran narrative.

      1. No I didn’t notice , thanks for pointing it out.
        How are you my friend?

        1. Reasonableman Avatar

          Muslim, alhamdulilah.
          How are you?

          1. I’m not but knowing you you won’t hold that against me. I have much respect for you.
            Apart from that, I’m great.

            I’ve enjoyed the last couple of days on yalibnan immensely. Nothing like outing a liar.

          2. Reasonableman Avatar

            Not at all, I enjoy reading your articles.
            Don’t hang your gloves up anytime soon 🙂

          3. Thanks. I won’t hang them up unless the deceivers stop or I die.
            Only one of those is a certainty.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Be Reasonably Careful …. calling those ‘articles’ is a bit of a stretch …
            MalMucky is working on you …. the sweetest words we’ve seen in a month must portend something’s cooking in the hot sands between the ears. 😉

          5. What’s wrong commandant? Still upset that your online lover boy exposed himself for all to see?
            Who gives a ff what you think anyway.
            Or are you just jealous?

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar


          7. He invited me 4 years ago
            He invited my aunt 4 years ago
            I’ve NEVER EVER been on Facebook.
            I was in there for a bit, got bored and closed Facebook.


          8. If you had a 5th of reasonable’s integrity you would be somewhat reasonably bearable.

          9. Reasonableman Avatar

            Change of subject……
            Here is a good read…thoughts?

            In a recent interview with Shane Smith, the founder of VICE News, President Barack Obama said: “ISIL is a direct outgrowth of Al Qaeda in Iraq that grew out of our invasion, which is an example of unintended consequences.”’

            “Prior to the war in Afghanistan, there was no Taliban in Pakistan. The group known as Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) formed in 2007 as a response to NATO’s presence in the region. Likewise, Al Shabaab did not exist before the Western backed African Union (AU) forces and the Kenyan army entered Somalia”.


          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            So the heading of the article only uses two of Obama’s words from a quote … to begin with. And the USA would never have even occasional descent Presidents if they all trashed each previous one in ‘interviews’ … because it is ‘The Office Position’ which means the most to them, not the actual man. That is the SYSTEM. It’s a ‘figurehead’ – and Obama is the representative of it’s political dreams.
            Which he honestly notes have their consequences … being an honest fellow. 🙂
            ‘The Office’ gets the respect. (needs dusting sometimes …)

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            As for Pakistan and the Talibanic religion …. Afganistan had a slight Russian venture first … one would have to begin looking at more than one ‘world power’ to find ‘beginnings’.
            The problem now, after all the theorizing, is how to back down from a poorly plotted past and rise into a future … which at the moment seems unlikely.

          12. Wow Obama said that? Incredible. He actually can be honest, amazing considering he is a politician.
            Of course for every action there is a reaction. That is obvious to anyone educated enough. One can not invade countries and kill their women and children then expect flowers and roses as the reaction.
            But as far as isil is concerned, that grew out of Iran and Syria in my opinion.

          13. Reasonableman Avatar

            Trying to look at things from anothers perspective is a great way to reach out.
            Its unfortunate we have to demonise eachother before taking anothers feelIngs onboard.
            Really I am just trying to look at whats infront of me.
            What have you done lately? I know I havnt done enough…
            Have a good day.

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Age brings more moments of ‘relax’ time, Reasonable … I may be a little lax about what is ‘enough’ … but one can’t plant a garden while there’s still 4 ft. of frozen ground under it. :-))

          15. Reasonableman Avatar

            Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet SAW taught him to say this supplication: “O Allah, bring our hearts together and make our relations good. Guide us to the paths of peace and bring us out of the darkness and into the light. Keep us away from lewdness, both hidden and open. O Allah, bless us in our hearing and our sight, in our hearts, our wives and our offspring. Turn unto us, for You are the Oft-Turning, the Oft-Merciful. Make us thankful for Your blessings and complete it upon us.” (Related by Ahmad and Abu Dawud.)

          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I wish you health too.

  3. A boat carrying Iranian weapons destined for Yemeni rebels has been intercepted in the Red Sea

  4. Iran, US, Israel nexus should not be under estimated. its high time that the advances of Iran are checked.

  5. Manooj Tewani Avatar
    Manooj Tewani

    I hope Saudi will understand the voice of majority and avoid innocence killings

  6. Manooj Tewani Avatar
    Manooj Tewani

    Democracy is the best policy

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