21 Christians beheaded simultaneously by ISIS in Libya


Frame of video alledgedly showing ISIS beheading Christian hostages
Frame of video alledgedly showing ISIS beheading Christian hostages
Masked supporters of the Sunni jihadi group beheaded all 21 men simultaneously, filming the production in much the way the group filmed its torture to death of Syrian pilot Muath Kassasbeh in January.

Followers of the Islamic State and its self-declared caliph Abu Bakr Baghdadi simultaneously murdered 21 Egyptian Christians in a videotape released today, removing whatever doubt remained that the Sunni jihadi group has established a strong presence in Libya.

The text and video were targeted at terrorizing a Western audience as much as Arab speakers, with captions in both Arabic and English and a masked speaker who issued his threats in fluent English. The style of the video is very much like the last IS snuff movie, involving the burning to death of Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kassasbeh in a cage in Syria.

Like the murder of Lt. Kassasbeh, this was a high definition video exhibiting significant post-production editing, including jump cuts and other editing techniques stolen from Hollywood slasher flicks. This mass murder was if anything, more horrific. Unlike Kassasbeh, a Jordanian pilot whose F-16 crashed in Syria, the victims this time weren’t fighting the group. They were simply Egyptian Coptic Christians trying to make a living in Libya, kidnapped in early January and eventually murdered due to their faith alone.

Most of the victims appear to have been kidnapped in early January in the town of Sirte, the hometown of Muammar Qaddafi, who was deposed and murdered in 2011, ending the first phase of Libya’s civil war. In the years since, the country has been riven by competition among warlords and the rise of militant jihadi groups, a number of whom have been supportive of the Islamic State’s calls to eradicate all faiths and governments on the globe except their version of Islam.

When precisely these murders took place is unclear; IS related social media accounts distributed still photos from the murders on Friday.

The murders took place on a beach, in what IS called “Wilyat Trabulus,” or the “Province of Tripoli” in their version of the globe. Baghdadi’s followers have taken to declaring national and local borders null and void and renaming places they imagine they rule. The name roughly corresponds to the coastal eastern half of the country.

But what is clear is that IS supporters have the numbers, the wherewithal, and the operational security to hold 21 captives for weeks and then carry out a highly-produced murder show in a beach without fear of intervention from Egypt or anyone else. The thin stretch along the Mediterranean coast is home to roughly 90 percent of Libya’s people.

Twenty of the killers are in identical black outfits – including what looks to be brand new body armor, also held by black vests. Their Coptic victims are in orange jumpsuits. The lead murderer is in US military-style digitized dessert camouflage. And aside from the short blades they use to murder their captives, they don’t appear to be armed – strongly implying a number of other people pulling security off screen.

The voice of the leader of the murders will be of great interest to Western intelligence agencies. Whether the voice was dubbed in during post-production is hard to say, since like his fellow killers he didn’t dare reveal his face. But the English is barely-accented, and sounds more like it was learned in Canada or the US than in the UK.

“All praises due to Allah, the strong and mighty. And may blessings and peace be upon the ones sent by the sword as a mercy to all the worlds,” says the lead killer, emphasizing their plan to kill all the Christians they can. He speaks of how IS has been seen “chopping off the heads of those that have been carrying the cross delusion for a long time” in Syria and then prophecies that war will continue with his group until Jesus comes down from the heavens “breaking the cross and killing the swine.”

After his little show, the murders. Suffice it say they were gruesome, prolonged, and painful.

There is a good chance that the latest IS savagery will inflame Egyptian public opinion against the group, much as Kassasbeh’s murder did in Jordan. But Egypt has a limited ability to project force – its military is mostly trained for domestic control and running the expansive business empires of its senior officers. What Egypt will actually be able to do about the group in Libya – rather than its hundreds of followers in the Egyptian Sinai peninsula – remains to be seen.

However, the days of ignoring IS in Libya will be over. Unlike in Iraq, where there’s a central government to work with, or in Syria, where there’s both a strong national army and outside support for Bashar al-Assad’s side of the fight against Syria, Libya barely has any functioning institutions anymore. The country could prove richer pickings for the group long term – than its two current struggles to the east.




249 responses to “21 Christians beheaded simultaneously by ISIS in Libya”

  1. Ask Christians in America and coalition to stop killing muslims in Iraq.These what called terrorists will stop killing Christians every where.People must think why they killing them?.Blame America Christians who killing nearly a million muslims in teis century and they still killing them now.Bogus Christian western countries who bring these chaos..they are not only killing Muslims,but also allowed their civilians to mocking Islam,,,make fun on muslims by killing thousand of them at thepast even now..Ask Christians in America and coalition to stop killing muslims in Iraq.These what called terrorists will stop killing Christians every where.People must think why they killing them?.Blame America Christians who killing nearly a million muslims in this century and they still killing them now.Bogus Christian western countries who bring these chaos..they are not only killing Muslims,but also allowed their civilians to mocking Islam,,,make fun on muslims by killing thousand of them at the past even now..Muslims Jordan also killing them…they have no choice to protect them selves.So they turned them selves to brutal people,like their enemies, to scare people from killing them,bombarded them ,their civilians,boys ,kids young, old ,houses with fire fro the sky.It others who planted crime in Iraqis heart,especially America.Killing one and two is terrorist..but killing in a million is not..it is western coalition,s standard of believe.

    1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
      Maborlz Ez-Hari

      Your head is full of trash. You need to empty it atleast once a week.

      1. it is true.You will see..America will calling up UFO in order to killing Arabs Iraqis after they are calling people every where to destroy them.

        1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
          Maborlz Ez-Hari

          What are you on about? Arabs are dumb simple there’s nothing else to it. Simply dumb and the prospect of enlightenment is pffffffffft completely removed from all possibilities. Intelligence has been totally withdrawn from their DNA and the result is excessive TRASH.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (some are cute … out of the robes … ;-))

          2. No science evidence on that.You are pure liar.You will turn to UFO shape in near future.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            But you can see, Zabada, many people promote a theory with no scientific evidence. :-)))

          4. I strongly believe,it is our friend,s UFO aircraft pilots who dropped special missile on Hariri,s head.These UFO pilot is wargame..sweetvirgo.,,Hannibal..and mabozl Ez hari..the four is really an UFO creatures themselves.If America colaition can,t defeta ISIS ,these four aliens with their UFO armies from outer space,they will destroy ISIS to pieces and arrest AlBagdadi and send him to White House to be hanged in Zionist court.khaah…khaah…khaaah.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar

            5 Guests?

    2. Michaelinlondon1234 Avatar

      I do not agree with what you say.
      It was a coalition of ex pat Libyan’s and US/Europeans that Murdered Gadafi and destroyed Libya.
      Every group is trying to recruit you to their cause. Be it businesses, religion, ethical, moral, political etc.
      Look at this part fantasy article from this site and think of it as propaganda and who wrote it.

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar

        Qaddafi didn’t behead Christians you’re totally right.
        A coalition of expat Libyan’s and US-Europeans.
        Sarkozy jubilating along Bernard Henri Levy, the architect
        of Libya’s destruction.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yup … and none forgot the Daffy-One brought down a plane in Scotland.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar

            So that’s the response?

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            ‘Get Him’.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            They got Him..the subject here is not Him, it’s the mass murder of Copts which we ow to Them, not Him!!

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            To get me to agree to that line of thinking, you need to show me proof they write the ‘orders’, and that no-one refuses to carry them out without being put into a jail. Or perhaps that they are the ones holding the knives. NO-ONE should be ‘acting’ for them … even if the prospect of appearing in movies is a great reason to become a ‘stand-in’ – with a mind to be a ‘high-paid’ star one day.

    3. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      So those innocent christians deserved to die you low life scum? or killing innocent shiites who are praying in the mosques. yes these people need to die according to you
      ask Christians in America? well most americans opposed to wars unlike your kind who always want war.. you are bogus and your isis are being shunned by other muslims scholars.. unlike you peasant and degenerate sub-human.

    4. sweetvirgo Avatar

      I don’t know where you get your facts from but the real problem is ISIS and they’re other counter parts. They are the one’s killing muslims as well as everyone else that does not agree with them. As for your stupid comment about “Blame America Christians who killing nearly a million muslims in this century and they still killing them now.Bogus from Christian western countries who bring these chaos”. Go blame your precious ISIS, Nursa, Qadea, Boko Haram since they are the one’s killing and raping and at the same time claiming they are doing it for “Allah”. They will burn in hell with their master Satan. The only virgins they will have is with men from Nursa Qadea, Boko…they will all be screwing with each other in the ass and burning in hell.

      1. I was hoping I won’t have an ass in the afterlife sweetvirgo… I find taking a crap a waste of time. 😛

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Psst … Prep with a coffee, a smoke, and a magazine … it goes down better. 🙂
          I can’t tell you how many satisfying hours I’ve spent, just hanging out.

        2. sweetvirgo Avatar

          LOL….you’re crazy ;)))

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sometimes one needs to be … to survive. 😉

          2. sweetvirgo Avatar

            I agree…a little crazy never hurt anyone ;))

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            MMMmmm .. I can think of a couple of crazy ‘fun’ things … 😉

          4. sweetvirgo Avatar

            Please 5th enlighten us ;))

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            No. I am SURE you have enough imagination … 😉 (rascal woman … mmm)

      2. it is started in 2003 when Bush Jr bombarding Iraqis.No make no sense.Before Iraqis are not killing each others that worse.America who separated them and urge them fighting each others.The plan made in white house by Zionist movement.Read on Zionist in America ,you will know many world bad events were rooted to them.

        1. sweetvirgo Avatar

          Oh just stop it….if people are crazy and enjoy killing that’s because they are sick in the head and don’t follow God’s path. If I behead 5th, Anti, Akou and Hannibal (sorry guys had to use you to make my point ::)) and post it on youtube is that because of America??? No, it’s because I’m sick in the head and I chose to follow satan not God.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            MMmmmmm … YOU can use me any way you wish. 😉

          2. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            “No, it’s because I’m sick in the head”

            Finally some honesty. Now if your lesbian lover, hind, could start being honest.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar


          4. sweetvirgo Avatar

            Don’t bother with it…..this thing just wants attention.

          5. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes


          6. I never knew Hind to be a Lesbian… I thought she had a crush on me.
            Besides there is a lesbian in me… 😛

          7. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Lesbian in you or you in a lesbian?


          8. Either as long as women dig me 😛

          9. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Horny little bugger. 🙂

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar

            It’s rnian Guests..wants attention .

      3. Open your eyes Avatar
        Open your eyes

        “.they will all be screwing with each other in the ass and burning in hell.”

        Lovely language from a supposed lady

    5. So it is ok to take revenge against Middle Eastern Christians? Why not attack Western and American Christians? Did you see any copts striking anyone?

      Zabada, you are one of those loser bigots who will always find an excuse for any act of terror against the innocent poor workers… Is that what your Koran teaches you?

      Let me tell you what the Koran says about the meek weak workers in english because you do not know the real language of your own religion (yet you claim to be muslim):
      “And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)?- Men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!”

      Recently an idiot killed 3 muslims in North Carolina… Everyone in the U.S. condemn it and the authorities will fry his ass. Tell me please where in muslim countries when perpetrators attack whom you label “non-believers” they are brought to justice as swiftly as we do in the U.S.? None…
      To me it is your acts that which define you not what religion you follow… Islamo-fascists like you have no place in modern society… You my friend and your likes are the true heathens.

      1. All Muslim countries punished who are killing civillians,Muslims or not..read in News.Many of them already in jail.Otherwise ,is bible told Christian to killed nearly a million to plant democracy in Iraqi,since all kind of politic is nothing to do with religion..religion is a good moral.to God and to others.If Christian killing in million,so Muslim must be patient and let them execute all Muslims one by one and rob their dignity?.Bush said before he is gong to destroy Iraq,islam is a peace full religion..he deserve Muslims not resist if he destroying Iraq….so peace full people must show their neck to be cut of.,,kah..kah..kah what a laughable words..peace.

        1. Where did you EVER see that the U.S. speaks for or claims to be a Christian nation? It is secular at best. We have Churches for those who believe, Mosques and temples… Majority are non-religious… So stop the bullshit that the Christians did this and did that…
          The only war that was made against Islam was the Crusade which all modern Christians condemn… How many wars did Islam fight in the NAME of Islam over the centuries? Many… Read your own history.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Egypt Sisi protecting the Copts.

            Thank God for the only Moslem leader in the Middle East to take action against genocide of Christians. Since Iraq and Syria it’s too late. The West coalition came after ISIS beheaded American journalist Folley, Yasidis, Kurds, Jordan after the burning of it’s pilot..as for Turkey (NATO), opened their borders to ISIS.


          2. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Here comes the fraud and bigot. Spare us your crocodile tears coz I don’t have anymore used toilet paper for you to dry them with.

            Sunni Sunni Sunni
            Zionist Zionist Zionist.

            Btw fraud, Iraq is ruled by a Shiite who answers to Iran. But not once have I read a comment by you condemning Iran.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            SA paid Saddam to invade Iran..so it’s your Sunni leaders business ..rodent

          4. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            So nice of you to include the “Shia” so you can claim you are “fair”. But that is ONLY coz you have been caught out you delusional fraudster. And of course whenever you refer to Iran it’s only to paint it as the victim. The ones who can’t see you for what you are are either blind or your fellow terrorists.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar

            You’re a Shia killer

          6. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Ooooh that hurts.

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar

            7 Guest?..you must be on desperate

          8. Americans are Christian,they are not Hindus.Open Wikipedia..look for their religion..their religion is Christian..when Chris killing others..they said they are Christian ..when muslims killing them ,Christians said ..it is muslims who are killing them .Like others muslims killing for their politic not t for religion.Many tribes who are not convert deserve to wipe out islam by killing all muslims if they can.Like others,Muslims have a right to resist.Now the world deserve to kill Iraqis sunnis..not that easy..they will fight..now they fight in their country ..not out side,,America and coalition who are fighting out side their border..too far away from their border..so who are wrong ?Judge your self.

          9. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Luk diyorn the air you waste.

          10. You haven’t answered my question yet… Why kill innocent arab christians like the copts? It is like a moslem killing my family and I go to singapore to kill moslems there… Judge for yourself… Where is your righteousness in here.

          11. sweetvirgo Avatar

            He thinks because “American’s are Christian” these copts deserve to die. This is his way of thinking. Needless to say there are middle eastern people that are Christian that live in the middle east.

          12. Anti ISIS Avatar

            Oh my dear sweets, you give this jahesh to much credit by saying he thinks. Everything he spews is from another jahesh in a mosque who has a great ability at brain washing. Just ask that other jahesh open you eye’s. IT also falls in the jahesh category. :-))))

          13. sweetvirgo Avatar

            LMAO….Good morning habibi! Thanks for the morning laugh ;)))

          14. I also says that is wrong….but hatred to most Christian who killed Muslims in thousands ,even a million in Iraq,Afghanistan planted hatred in Muslims hears.They have no air craft to bombarding Christians and killing thousand them.So they killed what they have in their hand.Muslims countries are not revenge on the killing of nearly a millions Iraqis,including women,kids,young and old even their houses,otherwise they sided America and coalition.These countries are scare to America and the west and scare to die in fighting western force.That why these terrorist not only killing Christians ,they also killing Muslims who sided western force.I guess if western countries not step their foot in Muslims countries to killing them,i guess there are no terrorist.Muslim regarded others Muslims as their brothers and sisters and mothers.Including me,What you feel if others killed you mother,father and brothers by bombarding them with fire from the sky ?.It is American Christians to be blame who killed too many Muslims and Muslims countries who are weak to protect Muslims from the killing,otherwise they are corroborated with western force who are killing Muslims,That why terrorist increasing day by day.That how Christians now got bad name,and that how what called terrorist emerged and killing others also how Islam got their bad name.Both side have their wrong doing.

          15. Actually Zabada Moslems DID kill my relatives during the Lebanese civil war… How do I feel? Not revenge… But I want to tend my hand in reconciliation and understanding so we build a nation. ISIS is antagonizing everyone not because they were wronged but because they truly believe that they can precipitate the end of times.

          16. Lebanese Civil stopped.America and world coalition not stop killing muslims.From colonial times to now days.If tiraqis sunnis are not fighting they will be oppressed by Syiah,who killed them 100 a day,before their uprising.It is america who divided Syiah and Sunni in Middle East to destroy both side in order to protect israel. Unfornutely america out of control isis…who are digging a well he will jump into it..it is what called America.American are arrogant .Arrogant people always make mistake.They make mistake by mess up with sunnis who make 90% out of all muslims.That why thousands were traveled to iraq to help their brothers.The second mistake by America is created sunnis world coalition by calling the world to kill iraqis.Hence there are sunnis world coalition vs America world coaliation .many more will perish in future..it is America who makeb mistake.America think they are able to seattle all uprisisng with their weapons.Weapons is not only at he hand of America.There are a lot of weapon in Russia,Ukhrine,black market weapons.Arrogant people also a fool that lead them make big mistake.America atrocities created more what called terrorist.Now world war 3 can,t be prevented by any side.

      2. Egypt Air force attacked the Daesh dogs in Libya. Have patience , it will pass. They are not only killing the Christians but also the Sunnis , Yezidies , Kurds are the victim too. They wont be able to last very long.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          No mention of any Shia..?? That’s strange..

          1. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            No mention of zionists and Sunnis. Are you feeling ok? Delusional fraudster.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Bigotino hmar

          3. Wonder why? Slaves kill Masters?
            Ya Hindat Ya Hindodent Ya Hindafist Ya Hindmar

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar

            You take the trouble to change names but not your obsession. Stay out of my conversations Hmar.

            ®^ 5thDrawer – 3 hours ago

            How about people who ‘like’ Hind and he-r troop of Hindtelligent Hindombies?

            Open your eyes MekensehParty- 5 days ago

            Maybe he had a sex change and named himself hind.

            Open your eyes 5thDrawer – 5 days ago

            Yes, according to Hindafist EVERYONE who stands against EVIL Iran, Ass ad, Hezbulshaitan, ISIS, and their Allies are them. Wish they were here to confirm.

          5. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Queen (whore) of spam is still spamming. “I’m going to report you” boo hoo hoo.
            Now run along and play on train tracks you filthy disgusting whore.

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Open your eyes Hind Abyad 3 minutes ago
            Queen (whore) of spam is still spamming. “I’m going to report you”

            Open your eyes Hind Abyad 5 minutes ago
            Queen (whore) of spam is still spamming. “I’m going to report you”

            Open your eyes Hind Abyad 6 minutes ago
            Queen (whore) of spam is still spamming. “I’m going to report you”

          7. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Spam away whore

          8. @yalibnan
            Please block this blind guy “Open your eyes”.
            He is crossing serious boundaries.

          9. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Lol ok hypocrite. If they can block me then you deserve a medal

          10. Why hypocrite? Am I not right that you cross the line calling women whores? When someone runs out of arguments then he resorts to swearing…

          11. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            “When someone runs out of arguments then he resorts to swearing…”

            Did you run out arguments? Is that why you called meks mum a whore?

          12. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            You calling meks mum a whore is ok? Hypocritical Arab.

          13. I never attack anyone unless attacked. As I recall he crossed the line on my family.

          14. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            “I never attack anyone unless attacked.”

            Same here buddy! That whore attacked me first by swearing at my mother. So stfu you HYPOCRITE!

          15. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Because he-she.. “Our Hind”.. had sex change, lesbian Shiit Ayatoylet Muttah .. you chicken brain stay in your backyard

          16. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Or is it ok for you and you to attack me yesterday when I never attacked you? Does that mean I have the right to attack you back?

          17. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            And liar he didn’t attack your family. Mek said Lebanon is a country of whores. And you turned it personal by saying he should know, his mum lives there. You truly are a hypocrite.

          18. Ah I remember now… Here you go you said it… Insulting my country where all my family lives damn right I will take it personal. You have NO IDEA what I am capable of then. So retreat while you are ahead.
            This site is a Lebanese site… You come in here you show utmost respect to Lebanon and the Lebanese if not I will unleash hell and if you do not like it i say ruu7 ballit el ba7er… (get someone to translate it) 😛

          19. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Either you don’t understand English or you are stupid. He said NOTHING about your family. He never said ALL Lebanese are whores!! Just coz your family lives there doesn’t mean he was referring to them but you DID insult his mother. You are a hypocrite.

          20. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            I tried to translate what you said but can’t find anything that translates your garbage.

          21. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            “You have NO IDEA what I am capable of then”

            Lol bring it bitch!

          22. You’re the Arab… You behave like them shooting your mouth off like a camel jockey.

          23. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Open your eyes Hind Abyad 23 minutes ago

            Spam away whore

          24. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Open your eyes Hind Abyad . 3 hours ago
            Spam away whore
            Open your eyes Hind Abyad • 3 hours ago
            Spam away whore
            Open your eyes Hind Abyad • 3 hours ago
            Spam away whore

          25. Hind Abyad Avatar

            change names for what, it’s same discourse..who’s interest to you give 9 likes..did you pay heir bus fare.. pfhhahahah..

          26. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            “Meddling, invading, is lack of education.”

            Lol hypocrite.

          27. What? Your Iranian discourse?Yes, Iran did but its not as much as they pay you and your company of HMAR’s!!:))
            Looks like people are very interested. Please don’t stop your good work and continue counting as its difficult to keep up with the never ending likes!
            Wherever you may be We Thank you all from bottom of our hearts for being such loyal fans. Please continue ‘liking’ and don’t worry we have an able accountant named Hind to keep up with all your likes!! So like away…:))

          28. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Ouffft step by step atleast he’s including others eventually maybe, at the moment shia are closer aligned to the yehoud.

          29. Hind Abyad Avatar

            I didn’t know, i read an article about these beliefs it’s too complicated..on the other hand, they are who say the Saudis were anciently yehoud.


          30. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            I wouldn’t be surprised the yehoud are crafty enough to dip their tales everywhere. The saudi royals are yehoud? Very probable but the people are still DUMB.

          31. Most of the Daesh Dogs are Shia and they attack other shia who disagree with them

          32. Are you delusional? Your Shia hatred pushes you to the brinks of madness. No my friend Da3esh is Sunni but know nothing about Sunni Islam.

          33. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Now we see why you don’t call that whore a bigot. Coz you are a bigot like her

          34. I guess you are using the word bigot without knowing its real meaning or how it sits in context. I am sure now of your status as a teenage keyboard warrior.

          35. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            I admit taking that one out of context.

          36. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Open your eyes Hannibal • 3 hours ago
            Now we see why you don’t call that whore a bigot. Coz you are a bigot like her
            PS.. just trying to help with the spamming

          37. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Gulf States to cut aid to Egypt ..lot of pretextes ..nothing to do with Sisi demand for a UN mandate to join the coalition humm.. http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2015/02/egypt-gulf-aid-economy-conference.html

          38. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Da3esh may be Sunni on ground level but the upper ranks controlling and calling the shots are too intelligent to be Sunni, the brainwashed scum patrolling and scouring the dust bowls of the middle east are certainly Sunni looser wannabe rodents but the guys pulling the strings and keeping this shit together and operating are Definately not Sunni, the only problem is trying to expose them. So with the Da3esh scum machine around who had most to gain Assad? Yes, Iran? Yes, israel? Definately another YES. So let the farce be over with instead of putting posters of your leaders all over your walls try imagining them sucking Zionist ass.

          39. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Interesting theory. Care to elaborate? It honestly is very interesting. I’m not mocking but being very serious.

          40. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            It’s too obvious, while Dumb arse arabs enjoy bitching, harming, hating and cheering phsycho path violent dictators like ASSAD, BAGHDOGI, HASSOUNI, etc etc they fail to see that these mongrels all belong to the same source. So when you have fools like the donkeys that support these leaders waving flags, carrying posters, and chanting religous nonsense while in a state of trance its not hard to plant the seeds of discourse among them. How someone can carry a flag with a symbol of an ak47 on it and claim to belong to God is the most ridiculous concept ever but when you are DUMB it can be tolerated. further the desire of young arabs to dominate others and look up to figures who represent power and pride is another reason why its so easy to control their minds and distance their non existent hearts.

          41. Thats your opinion but the reality shows the opposite. I dont make things up out of thin air like you do.

        2. ya waladi..sobrun jamiiil..la taktulul muslimin..wa antum finnar ri jahannam.

          1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Corl kharra.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Please explain to me wargame comment..”Most of Daesh Dogs are Shia.. so the Islamic State “Caliphate” ISIS, is financed by Wahhabi?

          3. A very good question and a very easy answer, YOUR Infallible ASS ad, Shitan Rafziz Majoosi crypto Yahud Zionist Iran, and their Allies!!

            If the answer wasn’t to your Shitan taste then well do your favorite Shitan dance and call and ask your Infallible cave dweller, the amazing Majoos. Here are the lyrics in case you forgot.:)))

            Ya Majoos Ya Majoos Ya Majoos shmmm rhmmm ahhhhh oooooh kheah kheah kheah khah khah khah

          4. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            It’s simple, picture a spiders Web, its all connected and it doesn’t matter who gets caught, but notice that the Web doesn’t harm the jew. Ayatollah a jew, the royal saudi very jewish, ataturk and his legacy jewish etc etc the only confusion is the stupid arabs think shiite hate Sunni and Christians hate moslems and the confusion grows the blood gets spilt the anxiety spreads and turmoil flourishes. the mess gets out of control when a religion helps the catastrophe by encouraging, promoting and justifying the violence but That’s another story.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar

            I just learned Gulf Countries stupid arabs to cut aid to Egypt..funny.. they can’t do anything without US and
            Israel ‘I’M Bibi’ permission.

          6. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            It’s how they do things and it all comes down to being DUMB and CHEAP the common trait of most Arabians.

          7. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            I bet Hannibal the cannibal won’t be calling you a bigot nor racist.

      3. Open your eyes Avatar
        Open your eyes

        Zabada is probably hind in disguise. One question to you. Why have you never called hind a bigot?

        “Everyone in the U.S. condemn it”

        I don’t know about “everyone”, slight exaggeration there.

        1. Hind is an anti-zionist not anti-jewish. So being against a political ideology does not make you a bigot.

          1. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            She is also anti Sunni.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar

            “Egypt Al Azhar refuses to consider the Islamic State an Apostate” (just like you Salafist)..


          3. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            I consider you an abomination.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar

            I consider you irrelevant

          5. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Lol yet you keep barking at my comments. Here you go there’s a bone(r) you slag.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (slag ?? Must be in Britain .. whew! )

          7. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Or western sydney housing commission aka the ghettos.

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar

            For the moment..it amuses me..Hmarr

          9. Anti ISIS Avatar

            Bull shit. No one here is anti Sunni you moron. Stop playing the poor Sunni card. No one kills more Muslims than the Sunni’s themselves.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Sigh.. the rodent only preoccupation is hind, he’s on a mission…

          11. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            “the rodent only preoccupation is hind,”

            You are occupied with yourself? How narcissistic.

          12. Hind Abyad Avatar

            bla bla bla..kol khara

          13. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            I found your bastard daddy….at the local kennel. He was on all fours trying to hump your bitch of a mum.

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Open your eyes Hind Abyad . an hour ago

            I found your bastard daddy….at the local kennel. He was on all fours trying to hump your bitch of a mum.


            Share ›

          15. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            It seems he swings both ways

          16. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            They look like arab leaders.

          17. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Hinds parents are Arab leaders? Explains why she hates Arab leaders.

          18. Hind Abyad Avatar

            I found you a Salafist spécialité your favourite..
            a truckload carrier of khara chopsticks in the menu..

          19. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Sunni Sunni Sunni
            Jew Jew Jew

            Bigot bigot bigot.

          20. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Speak English whore

          21. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Open your dead fish eyes Hind Abyad • an hour ago

            Speak English whore

            Reply -Share

          22. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            She said eat a truck load of faeces with chop sticks you salafist special person.

          23. Mission to send the infested rodents like you back to that Shitanic rathole Iran where you came from?

          24. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Lol yeh keep barking.

          25. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            “no one kills more Muslims than the Sunni’s themselves.”

            Lets assume that is true but WTF does that have to with hind being anti Sunni? Of course you only show how anti Sunni you are by needing to take a dig at Sunnis while defending your fellow terrorist. Good boy. Here’s a bone(r) for you too.

          26. Hind Abyad Avatar

            It’s Hind Hind Hind Hind Hind..like his aliases all Spammers

          27. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            “It is often reported from various sources, including the German domestic intelligence service, that Salafism is the fastest-growing Islamic movement in the world.[12][13][14][15]”

            I googled salafi and it isn’t a political ideology which makes your dear hind a bigot.
            So when are you going to call it out on its bigotry!

        2. Hind Abyad Avatar

          ®^ baby rat got out of his hole to explore..

      4. MekensehParty Avatar

        USA USA USA

        1. oh! it’s you 😛

          1. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            One question to both you and mek.
            Why are the Americans making a big deal of what religion Obama is if it is not a Christian nation?

          2. Two reasons:
            1. He says he is Christian and people cannot believe a Christian having Hussein for a middle name 😉
            2. The world is full of bigots… Some still believe that America belongs to the white man despite the fact that history says it belongs to the native indian tribes. So the republicans playing politics poke at him every once in a while.

            That being said the real power is in the hands of the feds… All money resources are in their possession. Money is power. Just take a look at the people running Lebanon. Politics is no longer a state of affair for governing but a business. All the politicians in Lebanon are billionaires and millionaires.

          3. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Yes but if it wasn’t a “nation of Christians” those politicians wouldn’t bother making a point about his religion.
            And if it was truly secular then so what if his middle name is Hussein?

          4. Exactly… ya aba abdillah!

          5. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Sorry I don’t understand what that means

          6. You do not speak Arabic? OK this is a call for Hussein. He was the father of Abdallah. Hence the call.

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            It’s like ‘Allo Akbar’ .. without the time charges.

          8. lol aren’t you supposed to be in bed?

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I wish … ;-)))

          10. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Who is Hussein? Sad dam?
            And no I don’t speak Arabic.

          11. Hussein is the son of Ali. Ali is the cousin of prophet Mohammed. Are you for real?

          12. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Scholar … I’d say. :-))))))

          13. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Spineless are you feeling left out?
            Don’t worry that bigot hind will be here shortly so you can grovel.

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ah yes … and having screwed up the ‘reply’ column from it’s very good beginning, and turning it into another pile of crap commentary, I’m NOT going to be grovelling to you. THAT’s for sure.
            I wonder how many of your ‘boys’ have been hired to do that??

          15. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            I will tell you this once and once only.
            I have no boys working with me or for me and I CERTAINLY don’t use any other name!!
            Now go grovel.

          16. 5th, Hind can answer that for sure!:)

          17. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Man I assume 5th is referring to you as one of my “hired” boys. How much am I paying you?
            It better be a shitload of money.

          18. Sorry to say but it’s less then what those Shitans are paying Hind and he-r “hired” boys!:(

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Don’t be sorry..you’re having so much fun..hhhhh..

          20. None can be YOU even if they try their …:)

          21. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Sorry about that but times are tough seeing my oil is being sold at below cost. 🙂

          22. Hind Abyad Avatar

            ®^ aka rnian, i0i, ohstr, t0i, openyourdeadfisheyes & Guests of course, a little army, oh and if no one responds..they talk to and ‘like’ each other..

          23. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            You are truly a delusional fraudster.

          24. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Why should I know who the cousin of the grandon’s sister’s daughter’s son of the prophet is?
            So coz I don’t know that you ask me if I’m for real?

          25. Hmmmmmm… You seem to dwell a lot on a site which has Arabs moslems, Shia, Sunnis, Jews, Christians etc on it sadly often talking religion. I thought you were pulling my leg.

          26. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            No man I’m not interested in religion but interested in safety. And at the moment it’s the Middle East that is threatening my safety.
            I would say if there was no religion there would be no war but then humans would find something else to fight over. Humanity still has a long way to go before becoming civilised.

          27. I do not believe the war in Ukraine is religious… Two nations with the same religion fighting over control of gas resources. Most religious wars have been dressed by religion to steal stuff from neighboring countries. ISIS for instance is a gang of disenfranchised idiots coming from all over the world to commit atrocities. The bottom line is petro-dollars.
            Where do you live?

          28. Hind Abyad Avatar

            In a rat hole..he comes out to SPAM

          29. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Lol the queen of spam is barking about spam.
            Who let the dogs out?

          30. 5thDrawer Avatar


          31. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Idiot it depends what country you are from. Civilised:

            past tense: civilised; past participle: civilised
            bring (a place or people) to a stage of social development considered to be more advanced.
            “a civilized society”
            synonyms: enlighten, edify, educate, instruct, refine, cultivate, polish, sophisticate, socialize, humanize; More
            polite and good-mannered.
            adjective: civilized; adjective: civilised
            “such an affront to civilized behaviour will no longer be tolerated”
            synonyms: polite, courteous, well mannered, good mannered, civil, decorous, gentlemanly, ladylike, gracious; More

          32. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And thus you demonstrate the devolution of a language …

          33. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            THUS you continue to be spineless.
            If all you have is to pick on is a SINGLE letter in a word then you truly are a petty old man.

          34. I do certainly hope you respect your grandpa… He is certainly old.
            Now since you do not answer my question as to where you live I am gonna venture guessing:
            Are you a teenage keyboard warrior from Israhell?

          35. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (add ‘zionist’ teenie to that … ;-))

          36. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Yes I like to see Xmas trees…..shoved up your ass. At least then you could say you have a spine

          37. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I can tell your parents did not ascribe to the adage ‘Children should be seen, but not heard.’ But don’t worry … you are not alone in this ‘computerized’ age … with all the ‘right’s’ you believe should be given freely. Such a dream. It’s part of the problems, of course. ‘New-Think’ is even convincing a computer company that it can run an automobile company … what can an old dog say?
            So, carry on, Dude.

          38. Hope you are not confusing me with Hind’s them!

          39. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I said before what I ‘feel’ about a new name in here … and got whacked for that too.
            Conspiracy Theories were not my ‘forte’ I suppose … I don’t believe without some logical proofs that they occur. Hind ‘feels’ it … her problem, although it DOES seem she had some problems in the past with at least ONE …. but in a sense she ‘outed’ herself leaving an open window to an idiot. I have not … yet. 🙂 SO, for now, that’s it.
            Although your ‘name’ isn’t doing anything to allay suspicion. FOR SURE!

          40. Appreciate it 5th!:) Who is that ONE? Hind attacks people and assume to be Them if they dare express their opinions against Iran, ASS ad, Hezbulshaitan and their Allies. Why s-he does that?

          41. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Where does the he-she come from? This will be all.

            Thank you

          42. From your own admission, GUTTER!:)

          43. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            You are not supposed to say that. I guess seeing I’m not paying you enough that I can’t complain too much.

          44. Was trying to pacify 5th!:( You were little … to him. If given a choice who would you pick, Hind or 5th?

          45. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            I would pick 5th if I HAD to choose. 5th isn’t a bigot nor a fraud even if he does grovel to hind.

          46. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            ‘Children should be seen, but not heard.’

            Why would parents bring children into this world only to shut them up?
            If your parents did that to you then they need a spanking.

          47. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Write verb civilized: 100 times. Hmar

          48. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Lol no I’m not. But where I live I prefer not to divulge. And I’m sorry but I didn’t see the comment asking me where I live.

          49. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I almost fear it is Canada. 😉

          50. Anti ISIS Avatar


          51. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            And one more thing. I have shown you respect and I expect the same in return.

          52. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Pfffwhahahah..! ..says the gutter rodent..

          53. Anti ISIS Avatar

            Yep, and you are a perfect example of that.

          54. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            And the genetically modified labradoodle has come out to bark support for her. Stfu you terrorist freak and get back under the house.
            Who let the dogs out.

          55. Who, who, who, who, who?

          56. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Iran Iran Iran Iran but not sure where Iran to. 🙂

          57. GUTTER?

          58. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Oh and I will leave the “pulling” of your leg to those lesbians. :p

          59. MMMMMMH!

          60. Hind Abyad Avatar

            HE IS..

          61. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Scream like a dog till your heart’s content. Doesn’t make it anymore true. The fact you BELIEVE I am someone else just confirms how delusional you are.

          62. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Hanni, he’s a Salafist Shi’its hater, Wargame and Btru2u best friends, playing with you

          63. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            The only hater is you you bigot and fraud.

          64. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Giving me “likes”..JUST like the above mentioned always did.

          65. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Keep dreaming! The day I give you likes is the day the sun rises from your fat ass.

          66. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Yes ®^

          67. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Lol try making you delusional fraudster.
            Btw they made a song about you and your terrorist cohorts. It goes like this “who let the dogs out”

          68. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Why in the fuck would I give YOU likes? I find you abhorrent, repulsive, disgusting, bigot and a fraud.

          69. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Idem, rodent..

          70. Hind Abyad Avatar

            -Open your eyes Hannibal • 2 days ago
            Who is Hussein? Sad dam?
            And no I don’t speak Arabic.

            Reply Share

            -Open your eyes Hannibal • 2 days ago
            “The Aramaic word for “God” in the language of Assyrian Christians is ʼĔlāhā, or Alaha. Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word “Allah” to mean “God””
            So using your argument, when those terrorists say Allah akbar we don’t know which god they are referring to?

            Reply Share

          71. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Open your eyes Hannibal • a day ago

            “The Aramaic word for “God” in the language of Assyrian Christians is ʼĔlāhā, or Alaha. Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word “Allah” to mean “God””

            So using your argument, when those terrorists say Allah akbar we don’t know which god they are referring to?
            Share ›

          72. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Open your eyes Hannibal • a day ago

            “The Aramaic word for “God”
            in the language of Assyrian Christians is ʼĔlāhā, or Alaha.
            Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word “Allah” to mean “God””

            So using your argument, when those terrorists say Allah akbar we don’t know which god they are referring to?


          73. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            St Hussein just doesn’t sound right.

          74. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Strangely enough, a relatively valid question. BUT, the question words are wrong.
            At the end, say ‘Nation of Christians.’ Makes more sense.

          75. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            “Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
            Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
            And this be our motto: “In God is our trust”: ”

            Some words from that “nation of Christians”.

            Happy now 5th?

          76. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sure … doesn’t mean they all need to act that way, of course, just like not all Muslims do in their places.

          77. God they said not Jesus… 😛

          78. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Lol which god do you think they meant? Allah? Buddha?

          79. All the same as the universe started from ONE singularity. It is pure physics 😉

          80. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            “The Aramaic word for “God” in the language of Assyrian Christians is ʼĔlāhā, or Alaha. Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word “Allah” to mean “God””

            So using your argument, when those terrorists say Allah akbar we don’t know which god they are referring to?

          81. A terrorist’s God is Lucifer…
            My God is One good singularity…

          82. 5thDrawer Avatar

            The ‘happy religionist’ prattles on …. asking silly questions and wishing to ‘trap’ others into saying something he considers ‘wrong’ while quite able to provide ‘his own’ proofs when he wishes. I’m still waiting for your definitive personal ‘philosophy’ of life, and how to fix the problem of the humans. Especially, while not being able to understand when someone else gives theirs.

          83. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Petty old man

          84. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Just out of curiosity does your name start with the letter ‘R’? I am so positive that i know you.

          85. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Was that question to me? I can see who the name is you are replying to.
            If it is then the answer is definitely no.

          86. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes


        2. Hind Abyad Avatar

          ..number one?

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            not required …

    6. Hey fucking Khawarij get the hell out of this forum

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar

        You own this forum?

      2. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        Too right.

      3. you remove you big ball above…i will walk a way.

    7. Serendipitysue Avatar

      Are you kidding me??? If the millions of moderate Muslims would step up and get rid of their extremists ” within ” who actually have perverted the meaning of jihad…. Others wouldn’t have to step in to wipe out the animal Islamic extremist terrorists…. I do not want any soldier shedding blood for these worthless brainwashed homicidal religious maniacs….. Once they are wiped out tho, the world will have more peace overall… Then we all help Ukraine hold their boundaries ….. In the name of politics or religion , genocide is still genocide … The U.S. Is one of a few “enlightened” countries where we don’t live as animals… Shame the third world countries can’t learn from history and help themselves rise up out of the barbaric ways of 2000 years ago

      1. i m cleraly see..American who a true animals..killing Iraqis for oil..and to install new world order..when Iraqis are killing and bombing America?.

        1. Serendipitysue Avatar

          In case you haven’t noticed, we don’t need foreign oil as much…. Ours is cheap now and we have our own ….Let’s all agree to live in our own areas of the world in peace … Leave Israel alone, leave Europe alone, leave non extremists alone … All the radicals can live in one area with themselves and practice whatever radical beliefs they want with like minded people … In their own community …There’s a novel idea … Why do radicals think their way is the only way and that they have the right to go into peaceful territory and cause mayhem … Extremists should live among extremists in their own version of utopia and close themselves off from the world they despise … That would be awesome for the rest of us … Then the world would not have to wage war on behalf of the “innocents” senselessly slaughtered by pure evil

          1. Western and Israel who are mess up with middle east people..they came from the West invaded palestine,invaded iraq,killing them..are you blind.When and where Arab invaded America and Iarael…since Jews have no country at the past.

          2. Serendipitysue Avatar

            We are currently only responding to aggression from evil ones who kill innocent people of all faiths … Including responding to the bloodshed of innocent Muslims … If evil ones stop slaughtering , there would be no wars, no so called invasions etc …. We fight and die for freedom of all people against selfish Unenlightened ignorant vis opus evil zealots… If everyone kept to themselves in their own areas, there would be no bloodshed …when evil expands boundaries like Cancer, we have to kill/knockdown the disease and eliminate it, so that innocent loving people can live in peace … Eye for an eye …… Slaughter and “then” be slaughtered

  2. Open your eyes Avatar
    Open your eyes

    ““Wilyat Trabulus,””

    Isn’t it Shiites who usually use the term “wilyat”?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      And so I guess Sunnis say ‘Won’tyat’?

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    I guess some folks better get used to walking around in heavy black all the time – in hot countries.
    Better aim for a job with ‘BOKOWOOD’ ,,, they will have affiliated studios everywhere. And no fake blood.

  4. Miserable brutal savage creatures!!!

  5. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

    libya is another case in point of what happens when nato brings democracy to the ME. they did it too in somalia, iraq and afghanistan.

  6. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

    Peace in the Middle East will only prevail if we stop believing the West.


    1. Hind Abyad Avatar

      After the barbaric beheading of Egyptian Christians, Libya demand the same as before Libya’s destruction by NATO, (organised by French warmonger BHL & President Sarkozy..who at same period, was telling Al Rai to prepare his people for an exodus to Europe”. http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/123235/Egypt/Politics-/Libyan-army-We-need-arms-not-ground-troops,-for-no.aspx

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