Hariri slams Assad and Israel in tribute to slain father


A portrait of slain former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is seen on a digital billboard with Arabic words that read: "Ten, hundred, one thousand years, we continue," in preparation to mark the 10th anniversary of his assassination, near his grave in downtown Beirut, Lebanon, Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015
A portrait of slain former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is seen on a digital billboard with Arabic words that read: “Ten, hundred, one thousand years, we continue,” in preparation to mark the 10th anniversary of his assassination, near his grave in downtown Beirut, Lebanon, Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015
Saad Hariri, former Lebanese Prime Minister and son of slain PM Rafik Hariri, spoke at a rally marking the 10th anniversary of Rafik Hariri’s assassination.

“There is nothing better than being here among you,” Saad Hariri said.

Hariri reflected on the ten years that have passed since his father’s brutal assassination on February 14, 2005.

“Ten years ago, the first earthquake struck dear Beirut. They assassinated Rafik Hariri and killed a major symbol for success and construction. Throughout 10 years, several quakes occurred one after one to reach unprecedented levels of organized chaos and murder,” Hariri said”

Hariri described the mass destruction that resulted from the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, “after you, the April Agreement was eradicated and the enemy waged the dirtiest war against Lebanon in 2006. The state became a hostage for an equation usurping the decisions of war and peace. After you, states and regimes collapsed, societies weakened and deep-rooted cities turned into swamps of strife and terrorism.

“After you, Bashar Assad managed to smash Syria over the heads of the Syrians and he managed to open the border for the spread of the forces of extremism and perversity and the displacement of 10 million Syrian citizens,” Hariri added.

“After you, rulers in Iraq made bigotry the basis of their governance and Yemen took off the dress of happiness.”

Hariri also expressed his grief over the death of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, “Several days ago, we lost a great friend for Lebanon, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, who will remain in the memory of the Lebanese … And days ago, we witnessed together with the brotherly Saudi people the pledge of allegiance to King Salman. We voice the pledge of loyalty to the kingdom and its people and leadership.”



3 responses to “Hariri slams Assad and Israel in tribute to slain father”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Nice speech … a touch ‘tribal’ in nature … but ‘son to father’ can be forgiven. Mostly it’s accurate, even if typically ‘flowery’ in the ‘way of the people’.
    Is Nastyrallah working from notes today??

  2. eh walla between your pledge of loyalty to the kingdom and the pledge of loyalty from Hezbollah to Iran and Syria, the silent Lebanese majority is pledging its loyalty to LEBANON.
    Why can’t you take your Saudi and Iranian money with you and leave to your corresponding loyal countries with a ONE WAY TICKET and leave us Lebanese alone to live in peace. You hijacked the country with your friggin foreign loyalties and uprooted the Lebanese and Palestinian and Syrian and Iraqi people from their native lands because of the foreign loyalties you have. History will tell generations to come how Lebanon was lost to individual selfish politicians who deserve to be locked up together in hell.

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