Leaders urge Lebanon to stop drifting away from Hariri’s legacy


hariri tribunalPrime Minister Tammam Salam praised on Friday former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on his tenth assassination anniversary for rejecting extremism and exerting all efforts to achieve peace and stability in Lebanon.

Hariri was killed on Feb. 14, 2005 in a massive bomb blast that targeted his convoy. Five Hezbollah suspects are being tried in absentia for the murder.

Ten years after Hariri’s murder, “we bow in respect of the memory of the person whose first and last passion was Lebanon,” Salam said.

The former PM exerted all efforts to achieve peace, security, sovereignty and independence, said Salam in a statement.

He called for “resorting to Hariri’s experience by consolidating moderation and dialogue that the ex-premier used in his political career as a foundation for good governance in a diverse country like Lebanon.”

Hariri “rejected extremism and worked during his political career on preserving balance and coexistence based on the Taef Accord, which he had greatly contributed to its adoption,” said the statement.

Lebanon's Prime Minister Tammam Salam (L) shakes hands with former Lebanese prime minister Saad al-Hariri
Lebanon’s Prime Minister Tammam Salam (L) shakes hands with former Lebanese prime minister Saad al-Hariri
Salam lauded Hariri for consolidating the state’s institutions and democratic principles as stipulated by the constitution.

The ex-PM “also sought to strengthen the legitimate security agencies which he always considered as being solely responsible for keeping security,” Salam said.

“With Hariri’s loss, Lebanon has lost an exceptional leader who put it on the world map and brought back to it its special role in the heart of the Arab world,” he added.

U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon David Hale later issued a statement honoring the legacy of Hariri.

He said that he had first met Hariri in Damascus in 1988 when he was a junior diplomat before working more closely with him in the 1990s. Hale was later assigned to Lebanon on two occasions.

“I had the opportunity to see him more closely, and I was always struck by how accessible Rafik Hariri was, even to a young diplomat like myself, but more importantly to the Lebanese people, and I saw firsthand what a remarkable man he was,” he recalled.

“He was a great benefactor and the legacy he has left in terms of generosity in educating generations of Lebanese was really quite remarkable. He also was a remarkable visionary of a prosperous, and stable, and independent Lebanon,” he stressed.

“Those of Lebanon and Lebanon’s friend need to continue to work on that legacy, even today,” he added.

“I think as we reflect this weekend on the loss of Rafik Hariri and his fellow comrades, it is important to celebrate their legacy, but also to renew our demand for justice and for accountability for these crimes, crimes that were not just crimes against individuals, but also against the state of Lebanon,” Hale stated.

Earlier on Friday, Hale had visited the grave of Hariri to commemorate the anniversary of his assassination. The ambassador also paid his respects to slain Minister Mohammad Shatah, Major General Wissam al-Hassan, and the other individuals buried at the site.




6 responses to “Leaders urge Lebanon to stop drifting away from Hariri’s legacy”

  1. Mr, R,Hariri realized how important education was !!!It is the core of development and progress of any society provided it is relevant ,adequate and comprehensive ,It should respect the dignity of the individual,It should ,meet the needs of the individual in a changing social and political order, ^Education is a better safeguard of liberty than any standing army^!Everette

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      But after the education, they need to leave to get a job. And they know THAT before they have graduated.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Speaking of education …. “on his tenth assassination anniversary” ….. really. Tsk.
    Try: … ‘.. on the tenth anniversary of his assassination …’ … After all, they only did it once.

    1. LOL too funny dude… But bear with them a little. What if they turned philosophical and they really meant it. After all Hariri dies on the anniversary of his assassination again and again like the viking in Valhalla as long as the criminals who perpetrated the crime are not in custody. Speaking of which I am baffled that a 10 years old would tell you that Hezbollah is simply a tool in the hands of Iran and Assad. The tribunal therefore is chasing its own tail as long as they do not bring the head of the snake to justice, namely the long necked hyena. The ones named are simply small potatoes.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Well Hannibal … I wouldn’t want to get into any prospect of another guy coming out of his cave many hundreds of years later.
        (And being instantly blinded by the Sun-God if they hadn’t given him some ‘western’ sunglasses.)
        (Rising from the dead. Coming down from a ‘cloud environment’. That sort of thing.)

        I might allow that even Nastyrallah has a good ‘line’ FOR Lebanon on occasion.
        But Philosophically …. The ‘elevation’ of ‘the memory’ of ONE who gave a good effort FOR people – as we can note from the histories – takes a generation or so to really begin to set in.
        “The evil men do lives after them, the good oft’ interred with their bones” … Is a quote that applies on occasion in reverse ….. and sometimes seems to get a little ‘out of hand’, wouldn’t you say? Hariri said and DID some good things.
        Especially when transcripts of ‘The Good Words’ are not readily available to all, or are mixed up in various philosophical imaginings of those who ‘report’ them.
        Do you see where I’m going with this?
        Allow me some other examples …
        Everybody seems to be still looking for the ‘religious person’ who went to visit Gaddafi and never returned … probably he was fed to the scorpions and ants of the desert. He must have said some good words – but we don’t know.
        No-body is looking for the Uncle of Kimmy Ill who was fed to the dogs in N. Korea. He probably didn’t say anything good at all. And we don’t have the evidence, but who cares.
        Gaddafi himself … we have the words AND the videos of his finality. No-one is going to look for the bones OR elevate him to a godly status, for sure.
        OUT of those people i mention (in passing) above, which one do you think that two generations from now will be talking about the most … and have their names in a ‘book of good’?
        (And yah … I think Old Nasty is trying … but I can’t ‘believe’ he’ll get top honours.)

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