Israeli army sending reinforcements to Syrian and Lebanese borders


Lebanon Israel flagsThe Israeli army is sending reinforcements to the Syrian and Lebanese borders amid tensions following Sunday’s airstrike on a Hezbollah convoy near Quneitra on the Syrian-controlled side of the Golan Heights, Israeli news website Ynet  reported on Thursday

Ynet quoted IDF sources as saying that massive IDF movement is to occur in the upcoming days. The deployment of large amount of IDF forces and equipment is to address threats made by Iran and Hezbollah after  the airstrike.

Northern Israel has been on high alert for possible Hezbollah retaliation following Sunday’s attack and military convoys leading tanks and armored personnel carriers were seen Tuesday in the Golan Heights and the upper Galilee, the report added

Farmers from nearby towns were  reportedly told to stay away from their fields near the border. The army also deployed a number of Iron Dome air defense batteries to the North on Monday evening.

However a source within United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon reported that that the peacekeeping force’s activity hasn’t been disrupted, and they are working in coordination with the Lebanon Army  to “defuse the tensions and preserve the stability on the ground.”

The tensions on the  border  following this week’s alleged Israeli airstrike that killed senior Hezbollah officials in the Golan Heights are  being felt in Lebanon, where apprehension is growing over the specter of another cross-border war.

Lebanese Future TV station   reported on Thursday that Israeli reconnaissance planes were flying sorties over southern Lebanon since the morning hours.

An Al-Arabiya  TV station    reported that the Lebanese military and UNIFIL were conducting joint patrols all along the border  with Israel. The TV network also reported that the Lebanese army had erected a number of checkpoints along roadways leading to the Israeli border.

The commander of the Revolutionary Guard, Gen. Mohammad Ali Jaafari, said that the Iranian response would be to strike Israel with “ruinous thunderbolts.”

The threats of retaliation did not sit well with  Future  Movement  MP Ahmed Fatfat.

“These comments threaten to drag Lebanon into a war with Israel ,” Fatfat said, lamenting that “both Lebanon and Syria are under Iranian tutelage.”

Senior Iranian military officials on Thursday continued to threaten “crushing responses” against Israel for the death of a top Revolutionary Guards officer in an airstrike on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights earlier this week.

Brigadier General Hossein Salami, the second-in-command in the Revolutionary Guards, told Iranian state media on Thursday that his troops are capable of firing Shahab-3 missiles on Israel.

Dis Israel lie about the target

The son of Lebanon's Hezbollah fighter Abbas Hijazi, who died in an Israeli airstrike in Quneitra, carries a toy weapon as he stands between his father's (R) and grandfather's (L) coffins in Ghaziyeh village, south Lebanon January 21, 2015. The boy's grandfather, Ibrahim Hijazi, a first generation Hezbollah fighter, died on the same day as his son. Abbas Hijazi died in the airstrike in Quneitra, near the Golan Heights along the Syrian-Israeli border, which killed several top Hezbollah figures including commander Mohamad Issa, known as Abu Issa. A high ranking Iranian general was also killed in the Israeli air strike in Syria REUTERS/Ali Hashisho
The son of Lebanon’s Hezbollah fighter Abbas Hijazi, who died in an Israeli airstrike in Quneitra, carries a toy weapon as he stands between his father’s (R) and grandfather’s (L) coffins in Ghaziyeh village, south Lebanon January 21, 2015. The boy’s grandfather, Ibrahim Hijazi, a first generation Hezbollah fighter, died on the same day as his son. Abbas Hijazi died in the airstrike in Quneitra, near the Golan Heights along the Syrian-Israeli border, which killed several top Hezbollah figures including commander Mohamad Issa, known as Abu Issa. A high ranking Iranian general was also killed in the Israeli air strike in Syria REUTERS/Ali Hashisho

Israel claimed that it was unaware an Iranian general was traveling in a Hezbollah convoy it claimed that it targeted with an air strike in Syria on Sunday.

The claim – made by an unnamed senior Israeli security source in an interview with Reuters on Tuesday – came as Iran threatened to retaliate for the killing and amid growing concern about the security situation on Israel’s northernborder with Lebanon and Syria.

But according to a report by Al Rai  Kuwaiti newspaper Israel was fully aware that Iranian Revolutionary Guard General Mohammed Allahdadi was in the 2 car convoy as soon as he left Damascus .

According to the report Allahdadi was tracked through his mobile phone which he acquired in Syria as soon as he arrived in Damascus last December to assume responsibility for the Iranian Revolutionary Guards operation in Syria .

The report revealed that the airstrike took place about 90 minutes after Allahdadi left damascus which gave the Israeli leadership enough time to carry out the airstrike .

The report also indicated that the Hezbollah military leader Mohammed Issa accompanied Allahdadi on the trip along with the other Hezbollah members to show him the area .

Allahdadi was killed with Issa and the son of the group’s late military leader, Imad Moughniyeh,  in Sunday’s attack on a convoy near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

The sense of tension following the air strike was underlined by comments made by Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ head, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, on Tuesday, who was quoted by Fars news agency warning of retaliation.




10 responses to “Israeli army sending reinforcements to Syrian and Lebanese borders”

  1. Drug Dealer Avatar
    Drug Dealer

    Iran is just talk…. When is it going to strike Israel??? I have been waiting for years…

    1. AkhouManUki Avatar

      Why are you so eager? Just so you can blaze and watch the fireworks?

      1. Drug Dealer Avatar
        Drug Dealer

        I am not eager just sick of the dog barking without a bite. Either you talk tough and back it up with your might or shut up & stop embarrassing yourself. See Iran tries to talk tough but can’t back it up with its “might”; therefore it should shut up. Doesn’t Iran have any self respect???

        1. AkhouManUki Avatar

          Why do you let this shit get to you? Just inhale and forget about your worries.

      2. you can,t talk to this insane boy..he have only a half brain.If it in out side, i know how to deal with him.

        1. Drug Dealer Avatar
          Drug Dealer

          Then deal with me…. Please….. This is going to be very interesting.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “Israel claimed that it was unaware…”
    ‘WE JUST GOT LUCKY’. :-)))))

  3. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    Iran is more Zionist than israel, the whole show is just a charade the moughniehs, and the others are just dumb arse nobodies foolishly thinking they are on team god. Iran is home to more jews then you could poke a stick at. Hassan is an israeli gerbil wedged up the ayatollahs cheeks.

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