Islam ‘not to blame’ insists ISIS victim’s brother


David Haines ' borther Mike

The brother of British hostage David Haines murdered by Islamist militants issued Sunday a tearful video statement about growing religious radicalization in which he quoted a verse from the Quran.

“We are seeing more and more radicalization in every walk of life. It is not a race, religion or political issue, it is a human issue,” Mike Haines told British media.

His voice breaking with emotion, Haines read out a passage from the Koran saying: “Since good and evil cannot be equal, repel thou evil with something that is better.”

Not to blame

He added: “The Muslim faith is not to blame for ISIL, nor is it the fault of people of Middle Eastern descent.”

David Haines  BEHEADING 2Aid worker Haines was kidnapped in Syria in March 2013.

His murder was revealed in a video released late on Saturday by militants from Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) – also referred to as ISIL – an extremist group that has taken over a vast territory in Iraq and Syria in recent months.

“ISIL are extremely dangerous and pose a threat to every nation, every religion, every politics, every person,” Mike Haines said, adding that British jihadists who return to the country should “face the consequences of their actions.”

He had earlier issued a written statement paying tribute to his brother, who he said was “most alive” when doing aid work.

Al Arabiya



30 responses to “Islam ‘not to blame’ insists ISIS victim’s brother”

  1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

    of course islam is not to blame! the US n the UK on the other hand…. islam doesnt give the IS money and weapons but these two countries do

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Ok. We are coming to take them all away. No more money, No more guns. Peace shall flow.
      (quick note … pick up Scimitars too …)
      Canadians know how to ‘recycle’ … but you can keep the lead on the ground.

      1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

        you see i dont get this upside down approach????? blease do me a favor n stick it up where the sun never shines 🙂

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Well, if you’re in the USA you don’t understand our ‘gun laws’ for sure. :-))))))))
          I figure you must be one of the ones driving the Canadian dollar down too.
          We are LIVING on the recycling …. China BUYS Metal.
          You could send them the lead, I’m sure.
          (we are into Nickel-Cadmium batteries …. no lead OR acid for faces)
          And the good Germans made a list of what they decided to send, as you will see. Open and free information flow. We are calculating the recycle possibility. Don’t forget to collect for us …. copper is a premium … 😉

          1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            yes germany also decided to keep the fights alive in order to prevent any progress in the ME… that i understand.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Everyone picks a ‘side’ … beef or pork or mutton …. Kurds seemed more logical to the Germans … what can we say? 😉
            You could buy Solar Panels from them.

          3. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            unfortunately u constantly pick the side that promotes the destruction of the ME..

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            At least I’m fairly constant …. not a ‘Jumblatt’ for sure. :-)))))

          5. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            yalla 5alas just keep in mind that the US equals the IS :)))

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hmmmm … Do you remember reading ‘Animal Farm’? I will paraphrase ……
            “Some are more equal than others.’

          7. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            i actually have read that book lol at first i thought it was a kid’s book bcos the cover page was showing this cartoon pig but then i found out that its a serious book

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            A Philosopher who came out of a shitty war …. his next book was ‘1984’.
            (Basically, a Martur.)

          9. sweetvirgo Avatar


    2. Islam is not to blame but there are those who call themselves Muslims who are to blame as well as those devils who support them with arms, training, and money. Nowadays, it seems that the worst enemies of Islam are the Muslims themselves. May God rest the soul of this wronged man whose only guilt is that he is a humanitarian.

      1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

        the positive side is that no muslim supports these western backed criminals. i know muslims from all across the world including turkey, iraq, syria, lebanon, afghanistan, pakistan, iran n egypt n they r all very critical about this kind of crazy ideology exported to the region by the west.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          They were certainly critical of girls who wanted to go to school. Right?
          Wonderful that there is such ‘critique’ available ….

          1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            i really appreciate that u brought that up bcos the primary goal of the west is that the middle easterners r too damn busy killing each other and thereby neglect education which is the key word for any progress… in short: i fully understand those girls.
            why do u think they ruined syria which is (was) the only arab nation wid free education to all its citizens?

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’d think the ones who actually got education were the ones who began to ask for some free speech. I will admit readily that it is a #1 problem for a despot.

          3. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            listen honey… a lot of ppl wud love to speak freely against islamism in form of western falafelism in the ME but nobody dares since they behead u rightaway

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar


          5. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            voilaeen 7abibi 🙂

  2. As always America make up bad stories on ISIS.As always they will blaming first before they are going to killing and destroyed people.America advocate Jews Protocol…We will tell bad story every days and people will except.America now fully at the hand of Zionist Jews.But Arab now is the most ignorant people in the world.They know nothing a bout bad plan that created on them in White House.It is easy too fooling an ignorant people.They are doing well in protecting their crown.Their greediness on politic among themselves lead to their fall.All Arabs now already dead.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Another old post WWI song …. ‘He’s dead, but he won’t lie down.’

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