UN is running out of funds for its Iraq humanitarian effort

Displaced Iraqis of the Yazidi faith reach for bottled water at the Bajid Kandala refugee camp in Iraq's Dohuk province on Wednesday, August 13.
Displaced Iraqis of the Yazidi faith reach for bottled water at the Bajid Kandala refugee camp in Iraq’s Dohuk province on Wednesday, August 13.

The United Nations agencies are running out of funds to help the 1.8 million people displaced by violence in Iraq, U.N. humanitarian chief Valerie Amos said on Saturday.

“We need the resources (…) the money will run out very very soon. And with the numbers we are talking about, we urgently need more support,” she said.

The world body’s top humanitarian official was visiting the Khanke camp for displaced people in the Dohuk province of Iraq’s northern region of Kurdistan, AFP reported.

The region was overwhelmed successively by refugees fleeing the fighting in Syria, Iraqis forced from their homes in the western province of Anbar early this year and a latest wave who fled the broad jihadist-led onslaught launched on June 9.

On Saturday, Amos met the governor of Dohuk, who expressed his frustration at having to deal with one crisis after another.

The Kurdish authorities “are of course critical of the slow pace” of the response, Amos said.

“But we are also managing a lot of crises around the world, it’s really a difficult time globally for the humanitarian community.”

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6 responses to “UN is running out of funds for its Iraq humanitarian effort”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Even if the promised money had come in …. Finding enough food for winter?

    1. sweetvirgo Avatar

      And medicine, clothing, blankets…..God help everyone that has been displaced because thugs are running around wanting to rule.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        The UN puts the figure at 60 million world-wide, but the locals think they are the ONLY ones … and the blame-games begin. ‘We’re not getting any help because you Americans hate us.’ Errr .. yah … right ….
        In Lebanon, ‘the idiots’ didn’t want the UN to be IN the country …. ‘We can look after our own – our proud ‘Lebanese’ brothers from Syria’, They said … 3 years ago … because they didn’t want the ‘UN SPIES’ in the country taking notes.
        This year they are hunting the ‘brothers’ in the make-shift places they parked …. and only a few worry about the sisters anywhere … whether citizens or not.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          BY the way …. The UN can’t dispose of a body either. It isn’t allowed to.

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