Catalonia president: ‘I would like a yes vote in Scotland’


Catalonia's president, Artur Mas,
Catalonia’s president, Artur Mas,
Catalonia’s president, Artur Mas, has told the BBC he would personally like a yes vote in the Scottish referendum.

He said he believes that an independent Scotland would be able to successfully negotiate its entry into the European Union.

The Catalan president is committed to a similar vote in the Spanish region, to the one facing Scottish voters.

But before then, Spain’s constitutional court will almost certainly declare a Catalan referendum illegal, and the Spanish Government is deeply opposed.




3 responses to “Catalonia president: ‘I would like a yes vote in Scotland’”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    You can look longingly at the Brits and notice the democracy. Trying to emulate it is another matter.

  2. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

    me 2

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