Oil tankers caught fire near Tripoli, Libya airport

In this Saturday, July 26, 2014 frame grab from video obtained from a freelance journalist traveling with the Misarata brigade, shows an airplane on the tarmac of the airport belching black smoke into the air during fighting between the Islamist Misarata brigade and a powerful rival militia, in Tripoli, Libya.
In this Saturday, July 26, 2014 frame grab from video obtained from a freelance journalist traveling with the Misarata brigade, shows an airplane on the tarmac of the airport belching black smoke into the air during fighting between the Islamist Misarata brigade and a powerful rival militia, in Tripoli, Libya.

CAIRO (AP) — The Libyan government is appealing for “international help” after several oil tankers caught fire amid clashes over the country’s international airport in the capital, Tripoli.

In a statement posted on its website on Monday, the interim government says the fighting between rival militias caused the huge blaze, which could trigger a “humanitarian and environmental disaster.”

Libyan TV stations are calling on residents to evacuate areas near the airport. Social networking sites posted images of billowing black smoke over Tripoli skyline.

The battle for control of the airport began two weeks ago when Islamist-led militias — mostly from the western city of Misrata — launched a surprise assault on the airport, under control of rival militias from the western mountain town of Zintan.

The fighting has killed dozens of people.

Associated Press



One response to “Oil tankers caught fire near Tripoli, Libya airport”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    I will say it.
    ONLY ‘Islamist-led militias’ can be stupid enough to have a big battle beside oil tanks – in a fight over who gets to own the oil them. They just love to burn off the oil in car tyres too, no matter which tribe they come from. And thoughts about polluting the world have never occurred to them, since making babies is a ‘prime directive’ anyway.
    Appealing for “international help” is getting a trifle wearisome … as everyone waits for ‘government’ to actually functionally happen … strangely enough, in two places named ‘Tripoli’.

    Any ‘responders’ this time? Can’t be the first ones, however … that spot was taken. ;-)))

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