Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Hussein to Death Executed by ISIS

Judge Raouf Abdel Rahman - saddam
Judge Raouf Abdel-Rahman ( insert) and Saddam Hussein

The judge who sentenced former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to death in 2006 has been captured and executed by the Sunni Islamist rebels as they march towards Baghdad.

Raouf Abdel Rahman is believed to have been detained and executed by the militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) last week as an act of revenge against the Shiite-led Iraqi administration.

The Iraqi government is yet confirm the execution but it has not denied it either.

“Iraqi revolutionaries [Isis militants] arrested him and sentenced him to death in retaliation for the death of the martyr Saddam Hussein,” said Jordanian lawmaker Khalill Attieh on his Facebook page.

Local reports suggest that the former judge tried to escape from the militants’ clutches in disguise but was recaptured and killed.

The former dictator’s deputy, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, has also confirmed the execution.

Having captured vast areas in Iraq, the Islamic insurgents are determined to establish an extremist caliphate.

The jihadists’ relentless surge to capture the capital has reportedly caused great concern among the people.

“Our politicians have so far succeeded in one thing. They have created an atmosphere of distrust between the city’s Shiites and Sunnis. Weapons are everywhere in the city. That tells me that instability is here, and disaster is on the way,” a 45-year old local named Yasser Farouq was quoted as saying by the New York Post.

Meanwhile, the UN has said the death toll in the ongoing conflict has already crossed 1,000 for the month of June.

Both civilians and security personnel have become victims of extra-judicial killings.

IB Times



8 responses to “Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Hussein to Death Executed by ISIS”

  1. barabie Avatar

    This is great news. I remember seeing a clip of the court hearing and he was such a smug slimy bastard.. may he burn in hell with the rest.

    1. The only one burning in hell is Saddam. Speaking of remembering, I can still see Saddam’s face before that well deserved hanging. I don’t however know how he received that bruised face.

  2. В Ираке боевики казнили 160 пленных за четыре дня http://lenta.ru/news/2014/06/27/iraq/

    1. In Iraq, militants executed 160 prisoners in four days, sorry

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