Lebanon army arrested 6 Syrians near Arsal


arsal mapThe Lebanese army arrested on Friday six Syrians residing in a refugee camp in the town of Wadi Hmeid near Arsal, National News Agency reported.

NNA added that the arrested men possessed computers and documents that were confiscated by the army.

Earlier in the day, the army combed Arsal’s mountainous area in search of gunmen who have kidnapped several Syrians and one Lebanese citizen.

Islamic courts

In a related development Egypt’s Middle East News Agency (MENA) reported that the security situation in Arsal has become extremely dangerous as “armed groups( Nusra Front) have gone so far as to set up Islamic courts and carry out death penalty against convicts.”

MENA sources estimated that there are about 3,000 armed gunmen present in the outskirts of Arsal, the majority of whom are Syrian, including members of the Nusra Front.

MENA’s report could not be independently confirmed



22 responses to “Lebanon army arrested 6 Syrians near Arsal”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “… have gone so far as to set up Islamic courts and carry out death penalty …”
    Creeps, Creeping ever more steadily into Lebanon.

    1. arzatna1 Avatar

      We knew all along that Hezbollah’s presence in Syria spells trouble for Lebanon.
      God save Lebanon

      1. Yes, blame HA for every God damn problem in Lebanon. The problem has nothing to do with the politicians who can’t get along. Rite.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yah, the politicians are idiots. But you can’t say the ONE group who only got 2 seats out of 30 in an election they literally nullified for the next 5 years is helping ANYTHING.

        2. arzatna1 Avatar

          You know damn well Hezbollah spells disaster for Lebanon. For the past 8 years Hezbollah has been actively destabilizing Lebanon …from its war with Israel in 2006 to its current involvement in the Syrian civil war .
          Hezbollah is no longer interested in defending Lebanon . Its main interest is expanding Iran’s influence in the region.
          You know it and everyone knows it ..even Iran admitted that its borders now starts in south Lebanon. What other proof do you need?

          1. I think this man knows a lot more than both of us.
            For God sake, wake up people.


          2. arzatna1 Avatar

            You should know that Galloway is on Hezbollah’s payroll. He gets 80,000 pound sterling a year from the Hezbollah and Syria backed al Mayadeen TV station.

            read more if interested


          3. Lol, so because he’s getting paid for a job this means what. Oh, that’s rite, he must be biased. Isn’t every media outlet biased. Or only the ones who support Assad, Iran and HA.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And you think there is no ‘sectarianism’ in what Iran promotes?
            Yes, it is not ‘a democracy’ under that ‘Confessional’ tag line … and IF it HAD been when the country was finally pulled from it’s 25-yr-war, it would have voted Syria out of it’s business too, and the Israelis as well.
            Instead, Syria had years to flood the place with Muslims – and all ‘sects’ of that group expanded greatly … warring with each other and driving out those who sought ‘freedom’ of thought, and the peace of mind to live in one country under an open democracy with modern law and education.
            Hezzbolla does not promise those either. It does not promise equality between the sexes. It ONLY promises ‘resistance’. Forever.

          5. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Thank you for talking some sense into Farqrallah!

          6. And thank you for your 20 cents worth.

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            He should have said ‘trying to talk sense into’ …. hohoho … but really, ONE MUST attempt. WHAT indeed is the basic premise for ANY of these desires for constant conflict?? The conflicts created by ALWAYS resisting ‘change’ in the minds of humans? THIS is what religion has done since it was invented … and continues MOST HEAVILY to do here in minds which can’t even see beyond their small fiefs, let alone a whole world of varieties of what are BASIC humans who happen to have small and truly insignificant different character traits – if they were ALLOWED to consider those insignificant for the general ‘well-being’ of LIFE on a planet, and allow each to decide their own feelings on the matter without trying to force everyone else into their resistant moulds.
            Nasrallah has been as brainwashed as the rest of them.
            And yes, we could say most of humanity easily is … when it doesn’t really know. BUT, why ALWAYS cause it not to seek?
            That ‘power-tripper’ is not going to give any more freedom of thought to those under his thumb than others do.

          8. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Don’t talk down to a man that has less than you, and act as if 20 cents are worth nothing. I work hard for what I earn, and there is no reason for you to attack my financial place in life.

      2. Oh, and BTW, you want to save Lebanon, then you need to support the only group in Lebanon who able to protect your sorry asses. I’ll let you guess who that is.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          THE LAF !!

          1. You know, I agree. I have always said that if the LAF was given the authority to really protect Lebanon then HA should disarm. But you and I both know that will never happen while we have these stupid politicians lining their pockets.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Seems they managed fairly well in Tripoli … cost them a few guys too.
            Maybe ‘the politicals’ are more willing to have their asses protected lately.

          3. I wonder why they managed so well in Tripoli 5th.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Because the people were tired of losing property and business (let alone lives) over the 3 years it took for the idiots to realize that SOMEONE has to actually police a city and apply SOME LAW, if ‘a society’ of humans is going to be expected to live there, and they finally gave the ‘green light’ to the LAF to perform it’s primary function – as an army of A COUNTRY – which Tripoli supposedly IS part of, although one has to wonder sometimes.

          5. Hang on 5th, the people have been tired for years. Why now. Why not years ago. There is more to it my friend. Call me crazy, however HA played a hand in this.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sure there’s more ‘to it’. We know the LAF was reduced to being ‘boy scouts’ during the Syrian occupation. We know who controlled ever since. Takes a long time for ‘a modicum of sensibility’ to grow back in this atmosphere.

          7. sweetvirgo Avatar


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