One of the world’s most dangerous crocodiles captured in Beirut


crocodile captured in beirutA crocodile was captured in Beirut River several months after more than one reptile were spotted in the area.

It was identified as Crocodylus Niloticus (or a Nile crocodile) and it is among the most dangerous crocodiles in the world.

The state-run National News Agency reported that the crocodile was caught by a hunter and weighs around 20 kilograms.

The first crocodile was spotted in the area in July was said to be between 3 to 5 years old.

Witnesses had said that “at least three other reptiles of same specie were present in the river.”

The crocodile was described as “one of the most dangerous types of the species.”




22 responses to “One of the world’s most dangerous crocodiles captured in Beirut”

  1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    What??? Nassrallah will be pissed at hearing that he is not the most dangerous Croc. In Beirut let alone the world.. somebody is going to get spanked today.. aha.. oh ya..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Btru2u will be upset too … one of the ‘Created Species’ has been kidnapped from it’s home turf and smuggled into where it’s not supposed to be located. 😉

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        They have NO chance in Lebanon… They will be hunted down. We have no tolerance for foreigners 😉

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          LOL ….

        2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          Only one million at a time. otherwise i agree no tolerance at all. or did you mean we have no tolerance to keep Lebanese at home..

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Lebanese? What’s that? 😉

          2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            that’s non-existant according to Hezbollah and Syria. After all we either belongs to Syria or Iran.. so what’s that.. is right..

          3. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            that’s non-existant according to Hezbollah and Syria. After all we either belongs to Syria or Iran.. so what’s that.. is right..

  2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    What??? Nassrallah will be pissed at hearing that he is not the most dangerous Croc. In Beirut let alone the world.. somebody is going to get spanked today.. aha.. oh ya..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Btru2u will be upset too … one of the ‘Created Species’ has been kidnapped from it’s home turf and smuggled into where it’s not supposed to be located. 😉
      But how can anyone ‘fix’ that except God now? Humans obviously didn’t keep it ‘right’ either.

  3. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    They should start capturing the crocodiles in the parliament, leave the river crocs alone.

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      I must admit this is the best idea you’ve put forward… 😉

  4. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    They should start capturing the crocodiles in the parliament, leave the river crocs alone.

  5. Hannibal Avatar

    This dude in the picture looks so proud with the baby croc… Wait a few years and the role will be reversed with the crocodile smiling. lol

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Scare them over to the Litani … that should end the species. 😉
      Oh, wait … maybe they were smart enough already … and avoided it. :-O

  6. Hannibal Avatar

    This dude in the picture looks so proud with the baby croc… Wait a few years and the role will be reversed with the crocodile smiling. lol

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Scare them over to the Litani … that should end the species. 😉
      Oh, wait … maybe they were smart enough already … and avoided it. :-O

  7. barabie Avatar

    What a fuckwit the guy in the pic is, taping the poor crocs mouth and parading him. The croc is just a baby. Omg this is terrible. I want to hang that guy by his balls.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Now Barabie … he didn’t make a handbag out of it .. yet. And it’s not an Aussie Croc anyway.
      Nile species … off with his head!! After all, being in Lebanon, it really IS a species living in Denial.

  8. IraniAngel Avatar

    totally eeeeeewwwww

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