Hezbollah gunmen apprehend a Sunni Judge in Beqaa


hezbollah flag gunGunmen at a Hezbollah checkpoint between the Beqaa towns of Labwe and Arsal intercepted Sunni judge Sheikh Hamza Shukr, a Shariah law Judge in Arsal and the Northern Beqaa who was returning from work in Arsal on Thursday, according to a report by NOW

The gunmen on the checkpoint ordered Shukr to stop by the side of the road where he was interrogated for half an hour. He was released after calls were made to the local Hezbollah security committee.



195 responses to “Hezbollah gunmen apprehend a Sunni Judge in Beqaa”

  1. cook2half Avatar

    I couldnt imagine interrogating a judge, and the poor guy is just trying to get home to his wife and children

    1. libnan1 Avatar

      Correction ” get home to his wife” it’s more like wives.

      1. so you are telling me that shia don’t have multiple wives…

        1. The real lebanese Avatar
          The real lebanese

          He’s trying. At least give him some credit. 😉

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Rare chance to whack ’em all … couldn’t resist. ;-))

        2. barabie Avatar

          Mutua is normal for them

          1. And jihad el nikah is normal for you. Speaking of jihad el nikah, hope it’s going well for you. Need to keep those boys happy and ready for their 72 virgins.

          2. barabie Avatar

            No I will leave that job to ur tranny wife.

          3. You don’t know me or my wife Mrs jihad el nikah. You are irrelevant. The way you present yourself as a female tells me you are gutter trash. Now go treat those many STD’ S you have.

          4. Btru2u Avatar

            And this is coming from the person who rejoices in the killing of the innocent people of Syria, Your Pathetic,
            Barabie stands justice, you stand for Evil, whilst you pretend to live a simple ethical lîfe. You pretend to be a Muslim yet you don’t know what Jannah is, little known practicing the five pillars of Islam. You actions and views on the killing of the people of Syria are so disgusting , it’s unimaginable that you are free to wander in our society. You are a real phscycopath, And You can’t fool the good folk here Asshole.,

          5. I know why your defending this little b@%#h. You know she’s in Syria performing jihad and you are going to finally do us all a favour and strap yourself and blow yourself up and want a bit of action before you go to hell. Smart thinking low life. Ensure you take some condoms with you.

          6. Prophettttt Avatar

            Farq2, Take a deep breath,and big step back. Don’t go to a place where you don’t belong,and don’t let others provoke you into behaving like a person you are not. Be the wise one,and walk away bro. You will feel so much better. This is not worth it .

          7. Prophet, what can I say brother. You are right, AGAIN. I don’t know why I allow these irrelevant people provoke me. Thanks for the wake up bro. I give you my word I will try to avoid these types of exchanges. Your a good man bro, may Allah protect you your family and friends from these type of people

          8. man-o-war Avatar

            Ok, but this is coming from someone who finds ways to justify “martyrdom operations” You do realize you have a self righteous attitude when it comes to other non-Sunni religions, right? You don’t miss an opportunity to let us all know either.

          9. barabie Avatar

            Lol u would know gutter trash seeing ur married to trash and live in the gutter. Mr and mrs boring suburbia whose lives r so boring that watching grass grow becomes entertaining.
            And the STI’s r something only dirty people like u carry.

          10. Ok barbie, I see you wish to continue this charade. If that’s the case, stop complaining by saying I called you a slut. Remember, you started this by insulting one of my family members. Had you insulted me alone, then I’m sure Hannibal would had said nothing. You need to be able to take as well as you give. Anyway, You can say what you want about me and my family. Like I said to you before, You are irreverent to me and my family. If insulting ones family gets you off, then go for it.

          11. barabie Avatar

            What is it with u HA freaks and honesty?? My insulting ur wife, NOT family, came AFTER ur slutty comment. Which u made after I pointed out that u freaks practise mutua.

          12. Hannibal Avatar

            3ayb Barabie… We should leave mothers, wives, daughters and sisters out of our quarrels… Insulting one’s wife or mother is like insulting the whole of Lebanon…

          13. You can’t change these people Hannibal. It’s the environment they live in.

          14. barabie Avatar

            But farq(ed) calling me a slut isnt “3ayb” in ur opinion. Funny how double standards r continually applied by certain people on this site.

          15. Hannibal Avatar

            He shouldn’t do that neither… Agree to disagree but try to be civil.

          16. Hannibal, I try and be as civil as possible, however they keep attacking my religion. When does one say enough is enough my friend.

          17. Hannibal Avatar

            Well my friend I subscribe to Jesus who said: “But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” Although at times I have hard time abiding by it for my temper is Lebanese 😉 I do try my best and my best is never enough… 😀

          18. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hannibal .. I found turning the cheek could be accomplished well enough … until being confronted by an idiot who simply wants to remove the skin from both of them. Hence, the old idiom: ‘Once bitten, twice shy.’

        3. libnan1 Avatar

          What do Shia have to do with this Tk?

          1. sorry libnan1 without any offence to any religion or sect. But fact is fact
            A is related to B and B is related to C , it means whether you like it or not, A automatically is related C.
            Hizbullah is Shia , Judge is sunni. and you are talking about wives.. I am trying to be fair. you attack sunni , but also shia has the MUTUA as Barabie said.
            also it mean that Aoun is related to Iran , which the worst nightmare for the Christian community in Lebanon… capice…

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            That’s mathematics, TK. Need ‘logic’ to do mathematics. Remember the Shiites threw that out in 1400 …. 😉 (probably why they are only 10% of the idiots) :-))))

          3. Wow 5th, you really do dislike Muslims, don’t you. Especially the Shia.

          4. Drug Dealer Avatar
            Drug Dealer

            You tell me which Christian in their right mind likes muslims…. Can’t you see you are a bunch of nut cases

          5. I can see stupidity is ripe today. A real Christian hates nobody dopey. Remember, like jesus. (PBUH) But real Christian are very rare these days. And you are most definitely one of them stupid.

          6. Drug Dealer Avatar
            Drug Dealer

            Its true Christians are not meant to hate, but we are humans at the end of of the day and feelings can be subdued but they will always be there no matter what. And the truth is the muslim religion is based on violence; example Jesus’ last words on the cross after being tortured and persecuted “God forgive them for they not know what they do”. Where Mohammed’s last words where he was never tortured or persecuted (he actually raged wars) were “May allah curse the Jews and Christians for they built places of worship at the graves of the prophets” see the difference. So tell me how can a Christian like or trust a muslim? All your religion preaches is violence towards others. You claim I am stupid; how is that? Do see you me or Christians blowing ourselves for the sake of a myth you get a few virgins in heaven. So you and your religion are the stupid ones, bunch of psychos!!!

          7. man-o-war Avatar

            You’re truly a drugged up idiot. I guess Christians can make up BS lies with the best of them. Where exactly did you get the prophets last words from? Or did it come to you in a hallucination.
            Get off your Christian high horse, the fall may break your neck.

          8. Constantin7 Avatar

            I am going to ride my Christian Knight Horse for a couple of minutes.
            There is only one god and therefore there is only one truth. Either the Bible is correct or the Kuran is correct, they cannot be both correct. Like in a classroom of 40 students given a mathemtical problem to solve, 1 student solves it 100% correct and all the rest either don’t solve it or have pieces of the problem right and others wrong, so the truth is with only one student. The Bible, for me, is this one student with the correct answer.
            Jesus Christ said: I am the way, the truth and the life; J-C said: “There will come many prophets after me but all of them will be liars, you will recognize them through their acts, as they will talk like lambs and act like wolves”
            J-C lived without sin, no other human in the history of humanity lived without sin (including mohammad), J-C did miracles in front of thousands including raising the dead (no othe prophet did any miracles even close to what J-C did), whoever wrote the Koran admitted that J-C is the WORD of God and the SOUL of God (for me the soul of God = God). J-C said love each other, love your ennemies, be innocent like children. J-C brought peace to the hearts of millions of REAL christians (not just born christian). J-C finally never slapped a human and never used force.
            Now let’s see what Mohammad did: He was born in an atheist family who did not know God, was raised atheist, his name was not Mohammad as he called himself later Mohammad (the words Mohammad and Mahmoud existed at the time to refer to God because only God : Nahmuduhu), he proclaimed himself a messanger of God to ignorants in the Arabian peninsula and formed an army to force his ideas (religion) on others. Mohammad did no miracles, and any miracle he talked about nobody else witnessed it, mohammad killed others to believe in him, mohammad married 13 (at the same time) and allowed his followers just 4 (although God created Adam and Eve, and not Adam and EveS), because he, as rassoul allah, has more rights than the rest of the people, Mohammad enticed his followers to hate Christians and Jews (because they did not believe in him), Mohammad recommended to kill each one who leaves Islam (because he was afraid that if they find out the truth and they will leave this religion, so he put his followers in a “prison” for perpetuity), etc…
            Someone who lived like Mohammad lived, cannot possibly be a messenger of God. God the all peace, all love, love spirit, all mercy, all wisdom cannot possibly have a criminal (sorry this is the way I see him) as his messenger. The messenger of God should have some features that are close to God’s features, and Mohammad’s features are much like a criminal’s features rather than a messenger of God’s features.
            Please take off the fanatic mind in her head and think logically and use your mind that God gave you to use it and think: Can Mohammad be a messenger from God ? Look at the Islamic world today, what a cahotic world it is ? with the explosion of the information technology and the internet, the truth is out, there are no more taboos on discussing anything.
            All this said, I wish to you and to all muslims to see the truth and come to the allPerfect, the all Love, the all Peace, the all Wisodm, the all Order to Jesus Christ. There is NO WAY to God other than through his only son, Jesus Christ.
            Mohammad is the biggest lie in human history, inherited generation after generation blindly without questionning. Isn’t time to question it ? Aren’t you worth questioning anything and anyone ? Please dare to question ! for your sake and the sake of millions other than you.
            Don’t come back now and start telling me that I am a hater of muslims and that I am not tolerant and that I do not respect your religion and your freedom of religion, etc….In fact in Islam you do not have the luxury of freedom to question Islam. I am here to spread, in my way, the good news of J-C that you do not know. The truth that the Koran is not letting you to see, because once again there is only one truth.
            PBU you and all the readers of my post, because ONLY through J-C you will have peace and salvation from this human, earthly, sinful life.

          9. man-o-war Avatar

            haha, thank you. You have spread the gospel for the day, all will know.

            One of the funniest posts you have posted in a while, I know that wasn’t your intention though. No offense, but because the bible says so, doesn’t make it a reality. How do you know that Jesus walked on water, turned water into wine, healed the sick, and so on? The Bible?

            Can you cite the surah’s in the Quran that states the accusations you have made? I myself have never been very religious and not well versed in any holy books. I just find it entertaining how religious people are so self righteous. Always damming people to hell if they don’t believe in the same books they believe in. I will leave the bulk of the reply to someone who is well versed in their respective religious books. Maybe @Btru2u can give you a better reply. Sorry I couldn’t help.

            What do you think about a Buddhist monk living a simple and peaceful life? or a Hindu man? What if they don’t except Jesus into their lives, because their books and teachings are different. Are they doomed to hell as well? I guess thats where your job as a good Christians comes in, right? All shall know!!!!!

          10. Constantin7 Avatar

            We are all brothers, and there is one God and one truth and one way to God. Hinduism, Buddism are not religions (as they do not believe in a one God), they are philosophies mainly based on doing good, being un-attached to materiality and meditation (observing silence). From Ramadan and fasting we all know the less material we are the more spiritual we get, and the eastern philosophies are based on this concept. They do not know Jesus Christ so you cannot blame someone who does not know. But muslims and jews know J-C, especially muslims who admit that: he was born from a virgin, he lived without sin, he was the word and the soul of God, and yet Mohammad with all the ugly things he did he is much more revered than J-C. Amazing hein how blind can a whole ummah be !
            One last thing about Mohammad: When the prophet of Islam defeated the Qureish tribe, he stole their females and belongings and then he cut the hands and the feet of all males above a certain age and threw them in the desert to die “slowly”. Imagine the rahmah this prophet had in his heart. I compare him with Salaheddin when he encircled Jerusalem and defeated the crusades, Salaheddin left the crusades armies leave Jerusalem peacfully under his guard. This Arab war lord/hero had more rahmah in his heart than rassoul allah had.
            May peace be with be you all the time man-o-war (I must admit : I don’t like your nick name…with “war” in it. Why don’t you call yourself man-o-peace, wouldn’t be much nicer ?) loll

          11. man-o-war Avatar

            So Buddhist and Hindus are not destined for hell?

            You don’t like my nickname? I’m sorry to hear that. Your name represents a very peaceful man, lol. Never murdered, never waged WARS. Just a peace loving man.

            BTW, my name has nothing to do with war, except that I was named after a 18th century ship. It probably was involved in wars, but I was named after it because of my appearance.

          12. cook2half Avatar

            אל תדאג يا رجل الحرب أنا بحب اسمك 🙂

          13. 5thDrawer Avatar

            No-one is going to any ‘hell’ – doesn’t exist. Although ‘they’ try to make a hell on earth often enough; and thus the phrase ‘going to hell in a handbasket’ could well apply to most of us. 😉

          14. cook2half Avatar

            Still not a religion

          15. Hannibal Avatar

            Constantin for Pope as soon as Pope Francis retires 😛 lol

          16. Prophettttt Avatar

            With a name like Constantine,He’d have to be Pope of Antioch,Not Rome.
            Pope Costa,or Pope Dino.lol

          17. Constantin7 Avatar

            Prophettt, the first christian emperor was Constantine and he ruled in Rome. At the time the church was not divided between Catholics and Orthodox. People and their power greed divided the church into 2, 3, and many others.

          18. Prophettttt Avatar

            Constantin7,You didn’t think I would know that ,did you?lol
            I admit I didn’t know the emperor’d nickname,or if He had one.
            It was a toss up between Dino, Costa or Guss.I thought I would دلع فيك شوي .lol

          19. Constantin7 Avatar

            lolll not a pope, walaw !!! Actually, I can forsee that within the next decades an Arab pope will be elected (Lebanese or Palestinian) who will have a lot of power linking the east with the west, and encouraging the Arab church to spread the good word to the millions in need of God in the Arab world. Already tens of thousands in Irak, Iran, Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia (yes Saudi Arabia), in Sudan, in Palestine, in Africa, etc… are leaving Islam and coming to Christ. The wholy Spirit is working wonderfully. Even Jews are coming to Christ: Have you heard of Jews for Jesus ? Go on Youtube and see their testimonies (jews and muslims). It is just heart warming. You’ll say but there are also christians who become muslims: Yes true, but these so-called Christians are not REAL christians, because we are not christians by birth but by re-birth (through the spirit – like what Jesus told Necodimus).
            Finish, the One Truth is being known, there is no way back. In the mean time, the Devil is fighting hard to not allow the people from approaching Christ, hence the wars that we call ironically the “Arab Springs”, hence the car-bombs and human bombs, hence the attacks on the churches and on Christians. However, Good will always prevail and evil will always lose.
            I have become so attached to Jesus lately that I just cannot anymore shut up and keep quiet about him and see all these people around in need…

          20. 5thDrawer Avatar

            See if you can catch a new TV series named: ‘Cosmos: An Odyssey Of Time.’

          21. 5thDrawer Avatar

            They COULD both be wrong. 😉

          22. Drug Dealer Avatar
            Drug Dealer

            I am the idiot??? Can’t you accept the facts about your religion. Your “prophets” last words are from here “Bukhari, Vol. 1, #427”. You idiot. Go study your own religion before you open that mouth of yours. I don’t need to hallucinate about your religion when the facts are all there. I guess you hallucinate using the drugs I supply you to accept & live with your religion. I could put plenty more referenced facts about your barbaric religion if you like.

          23. man-o-war Avatar

            Thanks for the source, I’ve never read that. Maybe he was warning his followers not to worship his grave, not sure? Out of context possibly, isn’t that what Christians say when something negative is read from the Bible? Yes, you’re an idiot. I also never opened my mouth when I replied to you, I was typing in silence. Only idiots call another peoples religion barbaric and based on violence. So typical of bible thumping Christians, all high and mighty. I guess every time innocent civilians die because of a Christian nations Jets or drones strike, we should blame all of Christianity? Such a stupid way to think. What percentage of Muslims worldwide actually commit terrorist acts?

            We can point things out about religions if you like, feel free.
            I will start us off:

            Leviticus 20:10
            If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor–both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death

            20:13 If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death.

            Deuteronomy 7:1-2 When the Lord your god brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations… then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.

            Luke 19:27 “But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me”

          24. Drug Dealer Avatar
            Drug Dealer

            Did you even read Luke19 “The parable of Ten Minas”, what about Deuteronomy 7 “Driving Out Nations”, What about Leviticus 20 “Punishments for sins” You took out a sentence of each verse so it looks good when you put as an arguement to me. You IDIOT!!!! Go read the whole verse then talk to me. You are a joke, SERIOUSLY!!!!! When I typed “before you open that mouth of yours” it was a figure of speech, since you are taking things literally you should take your “prophets” last words literally and don’t try to give some sort of excuse. I will be fair in my arguement and I won’t compare the acts of Christians to the acts of Musilims because both groups consist of hypocrits; agree? Lets get to the root of the issue and look at both faiths leaders Jesus vs Mohammad they are both meant to be model citizens. Agree?? Are you up for the challenge??? If you are, make you are very well referenced; don’t pluck out one sentence out of a whole verse so it looks good because it has lost its true meaning like above.

          25. man-o-war Avatar

            Haha! Of course, its out of context, lol. I’m pretty sure you could spin anything negative from the Bible as being out of context, but everything from the Quran is meant to be taken literally. Also, how convenient that all negative things are out of context and just Jesus telling a story, but all the good things are to be taken literally and is what Jesus is saying. Isn’t the majority of the Bible just Jesus telling stories and usually in third person? “Good samaritan”, Jesus is telling a story to teach a lesson. Why is Luke 19:27 different? Maybe because it paints Jesus as having violent tendencies.
            Maybe you should check the context and interpretation of the Quran, before posting asinine things. Try an Islamic scholarly site, not the 700 club.

            What kind of drugs are you dealing? Got anything good? Maybe something that will allow me to walk on water or hear angles.

          26. Drug Dealer Avatar
            Drug Dealer

            Really Jesus has violent tendencies….. You are a real joke. Jesus never waged war against anyone unlike Mohammed. Read the whole verse Luke 19 then tell me what it means. That’s right if you read the whole verse you might see what a true religion is. So you didn’t answer are you up for the challenge Jesus vs Mohammed? Are you scarred you might learn a thing or two?

            The drugs I’ll give you will allow you to marry six year old girls then have sex with them at the age of nine; oh sorry you don’t need that if your prophet did that then you can to.

          27. man-o-war Avatar

            Oh really, married six year olds and had sex with them,lol. Where did you read that? You’re an idiot. Stop telling lies. Also, since you’re all about context, why don’t you put some context to that accusation. What age were girls getting married around that time? What was customary during this time on the Arabian peninsula? Its really easy to accuse the Prophet of being a pedophile from your high horse. Typical bible thumping behavior. How do you know that Judaism is not the right religion? Or Buddhism? Or Hindu? and so on. Let me guess, because the bible says so? Haha!

            Why don’t you explain the whole verse? You know it so well, in all its context. Loser! Also, you can take your challenge and shove it in that hole your priest fondled, I don’t have time for stupid games. If you want to prove something, feel free.

            In my opinion, religion just makes aholes like you feel self righteous and somehow makes you think you have the right to judge others from your high horse. In reality, your books are fiction written by men. And your book in particular has been re-written countless times, always changing. You don’t know if God exists, if heaven or hell exists, or what happens to us when we die. Get over it already. You want to follow a book of tales, go right ahead. If it makes you act like a decent human being, great. However, in your case it’s clear it just makes you act more like an ahole. You post hate filled egotistical bigoted comments and probably think you’re a good Christian,lol.

          28. Drug Dealer Avatar
            Drug Dealer

            Yes she was six years old and her name was Aisha. You should know by now that I don’t supply information without it being referenced. Check out Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234. I have not taken anything out of context. I would like for you to read Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234 and tell me how I have interpreted that incorrectly instead of jumping up and down and making insults. You have been calling me an idiot but not once have you been able to prove me wrong, you just state your opinion as argument hoping to score a goal. Like I said you’re just a JOKE!!!! I don’t know why I am even wasting my time with a LOSER like you.
            You claim I follow a book of Tales; lets say you’re right, at least my book of tales teaches peace and love. What is your book based on? Its based on Mohammed who was a thief, rapist, paedophile, persecutor, and a warmongering person. See the difference. So you see Islam can never be put on a pedestal where Christianity can be. I am far from being a good Christian but I do know and accept the facts. Unlike you I don’t have my head in the sand.
            You didn’t accept the challenge Jesus vs Mohammed (can’t blame you) and now you want to attack the Bible (my book of tales). Are you up for this challenge Bible vs Koran? Come on get your head out of the sand!!!! Give it your best I will be factual unlike you.

          29. man-o-war Avatar

            Re-read my previous post to you. That should answer your question about the challenges you’ve presented.

            You didn’t answer my questions, “What age were girls getting married around that time? What was customary during this time on the Arabian peninsula?” You can easily look that up if you wanted. It was customary in Asia, Europe, and the Arabian peninsula for girls to marry at a young age. Especially when it involved making new alliances and keeping old ones. I think its funny that you claim that the bible teaches peace and love, but you seem to have no peace or love when it comes to Muslims. It just teaches you to judge and gives you the impression of superiority.

            Again, I will ask that you read my previous response to you. Make sure you understand what I’m saying to you.

          30. Prophettttt Avatar

            Just his way of showing tolerance and respect for others,Remember it is so easy to preach ,but much harder to practice.Again we can blame it on the single malt,lol

          31. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Don’t forget the ‘equality’ there, Prophetttt+. Although some scotches remain ≠, I’d treat them the same. ;-))

          32. Prophettttt Avatar

            Although I share your dislike for religion, there is not need to offend others by insulting their religion.Being open minded and secular is not an open invitation to offend people.

          33. cook2half Avatar

            Hahahhaa look who is talking dipshittt

          34. You are such an idiot with never having anything good to say. Time to stick that pacifier back in your mouth, little boy

          35. cook2half Avatar

            My posts are not directed for hezbollah trolls

          36. Thank you for proving my point again. Little boy

          37. cook2half Avatar

            Hey hows assad victory going.. “5 more Hezbollah fighters killed in Syria” lol

          38. Hannibal Avatar

            Here is how they are doing:


          39. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Wow …. even have Cossaks on horses chopping heads … and one in a ring who gets hit by a sniper?? Immagination … gotta love Hezzywood. :-)))

          40. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Oh, ok … I was a bad boy. It was still an opportunity. 😉
            ALL religions who want to fight each other over what is the best drink they can find are filled with idiots. (Irish Whiskey can be a good substitute too.)
            Some are less so, and I admit I have met some tolerable folks coming out of any bottleneck. But really, many are SUCH poor quality brands.

          41. Could you do me a favor and clarify exactly what you are trying to mean when you bring my name in the context of your comment !!

          42. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sigh …. Latest reports are that the coconuts in your pool contain the oil with the best form of fat – good for cholesertol reduction in the blood, and therefore a high blood pressure reducer. You and Prophet seem unlikely buddies (he enjoys scotch, you don’t, etc, etc) but it seems you enjoy each other and the occasional (?) sniping at each other … and are therefore unlike most who don’t try to understand a difference. I threw you into the ‘pool’.
            The Scots wish to separate from England, and the Northern Irish don’t like England much, and although all are Christians the ancient sectarian shit carries on and ‘some’ even have fistfights over it when in bars serving the better alcoholic drinks.
            But the best drink, as we know, is water – no matter what it’s flavoured with – and ‘some’ sects of various main religions in many other places don’t even attempt to keep theirs clean – but end up fighting over it anyway – sometimes because it has a much unhealthier oil under it than coconut, and in which your birds (and eventually humans) would not survive even if they were not fighting but only drinking and swimming in it. Seemed to me the coconut oil has soothed your skin, at least, which I had thought was sensitive to nature, as well as the desires of some megalomaniacs who produced allergic reactions rather than soothing effects.
            Since my shot at ‘all’ Muslims wasn’t matched by a similar shot at ‘all other religion-dependant’ people, Prophettt+ reminded me I should be an ‘equal opportunist’ – so I gave it a shot – but now worry the oil wasn’t soothing enough.
            Maybe it wasn’t. So I apologized – while wishing skins were a little thicker sometimes. Voila.
            Maybe the Pina Colada is a better way to go with the coconut.

          43. Hannibal Avatar

            I wish the Christians had Mut3a as well… they have this damn disease called ONEgina get it?

          44. this is the worst disease they can get…. 🙂

        1. Leborigine Avatar

          Apparently the machine gun on the flag is pointing towards Israel! Did they consider the wind factor?? You know the wind in Lebanon does not always blow southwards!

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            True … The grasshoppers blow up from Africa and over Israel first … but when you’re picking them make sure they hadn’t landed there first … the Israelis spray copious amounts of bug-killer.

          2. cook2half Avatar

            Points eastwards now lol. This is not the resistance I was told about…

          3. libnan1 Avatar

            Well you need to get educated, take the class it’s called Resistance 101 and it’s 3 credit hrs. It should be a mandatory class for you. No graduation for you…

          4. libnan1 Avatar

            The machine gun always points towards the enemy.

          5. Drug Dealer Avatar
            Drug Dealer

            I guess in Lebanon if you’re not a supporter of HIZB you’re the enemy…..

          6. Hannibal Avatar

            So if Aoun one day turns against them and you do know there is a possibility of that would it be ok if they start shooting orange groves? 😉

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Oranges apparently grow faster than Olives, Hannibal. I guess that’s ok. 😉

          8. Hannibal Avatar

            As long as it goes West to Syria I am ok with it… 😉

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Cooked2halfBrain.. i tought i read; imagine ..oh.. the horror, imagine he just interrogated
      an apostate no judgement needed, automatic death, then goes home to 4 wives and children.. clown

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        Miss know it-all, I would just like to let you know that you have some serious issues! Have you been standing in front of a microwave oven while your cooking your meals?? Those waves can make you pretty unstable.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          You are a stupid man..ask your vives.

          1. MaImequer0 Avatar

            vives? Is that secret ‘mossad’ code? lol…

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          3. MaImequer0 Avatar

            yeah, right x 514

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            YaLibnan moderator, stalker showing off in a public forrum he knows my regional code number. That’s against the Law, sir.

          5. MaImequer0 Avatar

            yes, right x 1514… you’re losing it… your posts make no sense….

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            The sense is there for the record..don’t worry, how’s Arik (after his Sharon hero), buzy killing?

          7. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Oh, BTW,,, Arik says hello to you.. wishes you all the best.

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Tell him i say thank you. Hind.
            At least he’s not a thief but ..

          9. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Hey sweetie, not out activisting today? I’m missing your hilarious posts…

          10. Leborigine Avatar

            Great response from an uneducated syrian!! I should have expected that anyway!

          11. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Tell it to my cousins in Ashrafieh they will put you on a plain to wherever you came from, you know how it works in Lebanon specially chez les Maronites…

      2. cook2half Avatar


        Its your birthday in April lol lets go to AIPAC and celebrate together

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Is April connected to AIPAC 2half?

          1. cook2half Avatar

            lol khalto Hind elmohem 3asfoor ija o ali eno 3eedek kaman shaher lol mabsoota? esh ensawe? 😀

          2. Explain how you can say the above in such a lebanese fashion,dialect, and humor! this is not rosetta stone talk lol…. the jury is still out. you may be more lebanese than you would admit to… maybe even related to me… Damn! =D

          3. cook2half Avatar

            I didnt you know speak Arabic btw?

          4. Cant read it, never heard it or used it again since 1977 till 2009 total disconnect from all its culture and politics. I do understand it well enough in lebanese dialect but official arabic is chinese to me 🙂

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We know when we see a bad thing … :-))))))))))

          6. cook2half Avatar

            1977.. wow good old days 😛

            Some Syrian guy on CNN told me I speak Lebanese, dont know what that means, guess other accents suck lol

          7. cook2half Avatar

            (On that note, Hannibal strongly disagrees and accuses me of being too balestinian lol!)

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You mean classical Arabic.. i couldn’t understand Morocan, Algerian, Lybian.. Classical Arabic is official..anything beyond Levantine is chinese to me.
            Crook lreaned Lebanese accent.. he’s not Lebanese.

          9. Not sure how young you and you dont need to reveal but there used to be a 1970s play called nazel el sorour I believe written by rahbani, very funny and brilliantly realistic, the cassettes came with us when we left lebanon and I listened to them often and that is the only lebanese I heard and of course it had all the cuss words that just sound sooo much better when you are mad, not proud of this but every once in a while I have to stick my head in the closet and let out a swearathon in every language I speak but it allways feels better in lebanese :)P Never cuss around a parrot lol.

            As far as classical arabic, I will tell you in my visit in 2009 I did not understand ONE WORD from the news on tv or any announcements on airplanes as a passenger.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I was so good at 7 (1th communion) i was shosen to make a discourse, the whole church was with hankershiefs, when people got out they came congratulate my papa, say that i made them cry..Now i can’t read Arabic, i speak (mountain accent).

          11. Mountain accent? 🙂 now I have to make fun of mountain accents but you had enough abuse for one day 😛 so I will give you a weekend Hug instead 🙂

          12. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Jabalieh accent..Hug: ..now listening to Shubert

          13. 5thDrawer Avatar

            A Romantic dead at 32 … and yet affected later composers with a Liszt of well over 600 compositions. Kudos. 😉

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            He died too young, we lost so much more of what he could have done, i won’t compare Liszt to him.

          15. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And you still make some cry … hmmm … interesting ….

          16. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I made many cry..ya

          17. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Inti mabsout bit’oul la sahebak el khara yeji lahoon la shoufni? Hmar!

          18. cook2half Avatar

            ma2oltelosh eshe, akher mara shofto kan abel shaher 3ala jpost, abel akam yom 7aket 3anoo m3a Geo hon kamaze7 bas masawetesh eshe

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            oultelli “ana deiman b’chouf el kahra al JP”..rah bt’ellou yeji lahoun. Alph hmar Rouh al jhannam !

          20. cook2half Avatar

            akher mode mashoftosh belbara, but 3adatan iza ashofo bashofo 3al jpost.

            Ma2oltelosh eshe, I dont care if you believe me or not. Thats the truth

          21. both of you are burning a hole in my head writing like this lol I think I understand 80%, I do get the hmar and jhanam part though:)

          22. cook2half Avatar

            She thinks I brought mally here, I didnt

          23. Well, he seemed to beam down right after you mentioned him, are you willing to take a Polygraph? =D

          24. cook2half Avatar

            Am sure he’ll be back. LOL

          25. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I’ve got 30 messages already spaming my mail boxe, he got the psychopathe symdrom.

          26. cook2half Avatar

            I dont know the story behind you two. Ba2dar ha2olo eno yentak men hon iza ikamel

          27. MaImequer0 Avatar

            بسيطة .. انها مجنونة

          28. cook2half Avatar

            yama te7ke 3arabi?!!

          29. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Sakker bouzak hmar.

          30. MaImequer0 Avatar

            pffffftttt… lol

          31. cook2half Avatar

            Yeah ok did I tell you to come here? she thinks I called you here

          32. MaImequer0 Avatar

            The way I understand is that she said something to get you angry.. you called mossad, they called me, and here we are…. lol

          33. cook2half Avatar

            Lies. I was on that mission to capture those Iranian weapons earlier, still waiting for my check for that. LOL

          34. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Clown as much as you want.. she called you thief on Al Jazeera, you called it Price Tag because she was Jewish anti Zionist.. you kept her ID after she died, then stalked me on YaLibnan telling you were a “Lebanese”..there many Zionists here..no need to lie.

          35. cook2half Avatar

            Hey im honest at least right lol..

          36. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Too honest… lol ☺

          37. cook2half Avatar

            When did you first start posting on this takfiri forum? I came here like less than a year ago or so

          38. MaImequer0 Avatar

            off and on for a couple of years… some of the articles are really interesting.. most of the comments too. However… Some are way be’hind’ the times… way out in left field.

          39. cook2half Avatar

            The Daily Star is hilarious, love going there

          40. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Also true.. actually, I often read NOW.

          41. man-o-war Avatar

            Takfiri forum? What an idiotic thing to say, not surprised though.

          42. cook2half Avatar

            🙂 I like that word its funny

          43. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Who / what the heck are you talking about ???

          44. MaImequer0 Avatar

            pppfffttt. Wierd comment again.. just doesn’t add up.. Hint: Don’t ever work at a financial institution.

          45. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I kept all in my files cause it was wortht it, Tee Choo say “you f”*:( are not Malmequer..but have fun.

          46. MaImequer0 Avatar

            More fictional characters from your little ‘world’? lol… ok, go read you secret files….☻

          47. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            On Al Jazeera you insulted me , “the Lebanese valley stinks”…

          48. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Not … ‘the’… I said ‘Your’… (as in the southern parts of um ‘syria’)…lol

          49. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            stop working against your sorryself, how’s your villa looking at the Mediterranian, how old is it, was it inherited or it’s tthose ugly “pigeon holes condos?

          50. MaImequer0 Avatar

            oohh… hello 911, fire police or ambulance…. Hind: Police… Operator: What is your situation?.. Hind: Every time I send a comment to someone on a public internet forum, they reply to me, and I don’t like their reply… Operator: Is your name hind abyad?

          51. $89733098 Avatar

            I miss u

          52. Prophettttt Avatar

            couldn’t help but lol,hind. haven’t heard someone say that in so many years.

          53. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Ha hahhh… i was told that and told it ..but not since i was a child.

          54. cook2half Avatar

            Oh look! You just learnt a new phrase, maybe itll keep you happy for a while

          55. Prophettttt Avatar

            shsh, you little thing.I was not talking to you,

          56. cook2half Avatar

            Public forum

          57. Hannibal Avatar


          58. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            THE STORY IS HE STALKING ME SINCE 2011, majnoon, kherfan, sahbak min haifa..Ma’hel Salam.

          59. cook2half Avatar

            Im sorry I dont know what to do

          60. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Feek iza betsakker..

          61. MaImequer0 Avatar

            pfffttt. wrong….

          62. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Alphein ou khamis myeh ibn haram

          63. cook2half Avatar

            sho..? 3am ba2olek ma2oltelosh eshe, sho moshkeltek

          64. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Stop lying, you said (April dinner);..or with khara, ana bchoufu al jp isa baddek b’oullu. .kezab mitlel hyyeh.

          65. cook2half Avatar

            zay ma 2olet – kont 3am bamza7. Ma2oltelosh eshe o aslan mashoftosh

          66. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            tayeb tayeb ,,,hyeh ..ehke ma’h sahbak

  2. cook2half Avatar

    Ban courts. No courts = no judges = no interrogations

  3. Leborigine Avatar

    Its funny how Hind calls me a Zionist on other articles, hates Zionists, as well as others like her, wants HA and the axis of evil to control Lebanon, but yet she and the others enjoy life in Zionist run countries that support Zionism as well and would not go and live in Lebanon, Syria or Iran which runs governments that support their political views!! Is that contradiction at its best or do people just like to blow hot air and pollute mother earth!

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      You don’ like my humor..are you writing an essay?
      That’s what i call Zionism’s true arrogance..”I enjoy life in Zionists RUN Countries” huh!
      If arrogance was a killer, we would all be dead, you admit Zionists are running cowntries,
      countries that support Zionism, because Harper is a Zionist Christian Evangelist cowboy,
      the Bnai Brith doesn’r make the Country belong to Zionists fascists.. who participated in
      Fascist coup now the new Ukainian government. Don’t forget, only ethnic Ukranian are allowed to become members in Zvobodan Party. I hope this is the last time you speak to me or about me, cause you will heare more than you say :)))) I leave you alone do the same.

      1. MaImequer0 Avatar

        Hey sweetie…. that’s quite a strange opinion…. lol!

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Oh ya … now Harper is another dictator … right …

          1. MaImequer0 Avatar


          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Not aparently MalmaquerX, Lebofalsorigine says: ‘Zionists RUN Countries’. .
            wich bring to mind memories you telling me..”we don’t want you there”.. publishing my regional code no. in YaLibnan, like the other half published
            my Disqus no. (and invited you here.. for me :).
            My stalker on Al Jazeera was IDF Tank Gunner Arik Boleil’s friend, who said
            2008 Gaza campain was a party”..But Ral Lebanese asked; you’re Lebanese? You said; “ohh ..yees but living somewhere in Europe, waiting for Lebanon to becomes free of etc.. A little introduction, i must go now.

          3. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Oh my… Looks liked you’re coming unhinged… your ‘comment’ makes no sense.. but it is entertaining… ☻

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Read English -“enjoy life in Zionists RUN countries”- he edited capital ‘RUN’ ..
            it’s not the first time he edit and adjusts, after i reply…but it is very entertaining. Still using Malmequer’s stolen ID? Difficult to do without rigth connections.

          5. MaImequer0 Avatar

            so then… get the right connections ♥

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I”m not in this business, i counted 25 messages from you, it’s called harassement, cretin.

          7. MaImequer0 Avatar

            dear dear dear….. I counted 15.2 thousand tweets from you…. obsessive much?

          8. cook2half Avatar

            מה הבעיה עמכם?

          9. MaImequer0 Avatar

            היא משוגעת

          10. cook2half Avatar

            אבל כל זה בגלל שאתה עם ישראל והיא הפלסטינים?

          11. MaImequer0 Avatar

            בכלל לא … היא באמת מטורפת

          12. cook2half Avatar

            כן מוזר

          13. Hannibal Avatar

            You live in Arab land… Speak Arabic crazy monkeys… lol

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            La’a he lives in Israel.

          15. Leborigine Avatar

            You are such a BULLSHIT artist, FYI, I never edit my comments. Prove me wrong if you can by taking a screen shot in your emails where I wrote RUN in capital letters!! You won’t be able to because you are a liar. I have learnt to accept stupidity from you in small doses, but to be a liar, you are stretching our friendship a bit here my vive!

          16. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Who are you ?

          17. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Don’t dishonered yourself further, you enphasise run, with capital letters,
            thats the reason i said “if arrogance was a killer we would al be dead”.
            You edited RUN its not the fisrt time you edit after i reply, best not adresse me..i don’t!.

          18. Leborigine Avatar

            Pffftttt, all I can say is that you are an idiot. Off the rails again, are we? When cornered, you change the subject, typical syrian!!
            Dishonoured myself!! LOL. Look in the mirror when you get the chance, you will see the full meaning of dishonour!

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Go to he..

          20. Leborigine Avatar

            You can’t say it, I’ll say it for you, I am in hell already. Look around you, if that is not hell, with all the wars, hate, butchering, stupidity, sickness and death etc etc, then I really would hate to see what the Burning furnace would be like!

          21. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I think we are..not a reason to be agressive.

          22. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You can take away the ‘uppie’ Dear … I was being factitious again. (sigh)

    2. she is not strong when it comes to logic..nor smart enough to understand it.
      reminds me of a joke: “when you’re dead, you don’t know you are .it’s hard only on other people…same applies when you’re stupid” lol

      1. It’s also like before one is born, one does not know anything exists or is happening even if millions of years are passing.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          And you’d be in trouble with the ‘anti-abortionists’ with that line too.
          Need to keep up with all the ‘Antis’, guest. 😉

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    ‘apprehend’ is the wrong word … again, someone needs a translator. 🙁

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      My thoughts exactly, “illegaly apprehend” or “kidnap” would be more suitable for an illegal illegal checkpoint and illegaly held guns.
      I know a bloke who tried to teach his son to stop bashing up his mother so he locked him in the garage for an hour and was charged for kidnap.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Hohohohoho … gotta love those ‘liberal rights’ of a child … was he 16? If so, one could just lock the front door when he was out.

  5. Hezbollah’s followers are so brainwashed into believing that they won the 2006 war that every time that they stop someone who is not a Hezbollah member they ask?أنت يهودي

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