Angelina Jolie Visits Syrian Children in Lebanon


angelina jolie with syrian refugees in lebanon

Actress and U.N. special envoy Angelina Jolie made a surprise visit to Lebanon to draw attention to the challenges facing thousands of Syrian refugee children and to highlight the massive displacement Syria’s three-year conflict has created, officials said Monday.

During a three-day visit, Jolie visited unaccompanied children living in the eastern Bekaa Valley, where much of the poorest Syrian refugees in Lebanon reside, as the United Nations Refugee Agency Special Envoy. The 3,500 children are those who were orphaned, or separated from their families as they fled into Lebanon.

They form part of the nearly one-third of all Syrians who have been displaced from their homes since an uprising against the President Bashar Assad began in March 2011. About 2.5 million Syrians have become refugees; and another 4.2 million are displaced within Syria, the U.N. estimates โ€” some one-third of the country’s pre-war population.

“Meeting these children was a heart-rending experience,” said Jolie in a statement issued via the U.N. “They have lost their families and their childhood has been hijacked by war. They are so young, yet they are bearing the burdens of their reality as if they are adults.”

The tiny Mediterranean country of Lebanon, which neighbors Syria, has absorbed nearly one million refugees, swelling the country’s population by one-fifth.

The concentrated numbers of refugees have overwhelmed Lebanon’s infrastructure, raised rents and flooded the public health and education systems throughout the country. The poorest refugees huddle in tents made out of old billboard advertisements on land they rent out from farmers in the Bekaa Valley; the shelters offer little against the country’s bitter winters and hot summers.

Parents of thousands of Syrian children have pulled them out of schools, because they cannot afford the modest Lebanese school fees, or because they need them to work โ€” often as shoe shiners and car cleaners.

During her visit, Jolie called on the international community to ensure the implementation of a recent U.N. resolution that called for humanitarian assistance to reach Syrian civilians.

On Saturday, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution demanding immediate access everywhere in Syria for humanitarian aid. The resolution, which marked a rare instance of unity on the security council, doesn’t threaten sanctions but it does express the council’s intention to take “further steps” if the resolution isn’t implemented

Jolie said her meeting was also to thank Lebanon for hosting the refugees.

“The generosity and solidarity shown by Lebanon and Lebanese to its neighbor serves as an example to the world for which we should all be grateful. We all need to help them bear this burden,” Jolie said.

Also in Syria, activists said that military aircraft have struck a rebel-held town near Damascus, as government forces intensified their efforts to subdue opposition-held communities around the capital.

An activist who uses the name Mamoun Abu Saker said three strikes targeted homes in the town of Nashabiyeh on Monday.

Abu Saker says at least four people were killed, and others are still buried under rubble. He said two strikes first hit the homes, and then as people rushed to rescue casualties, another strike hit the same area.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed the strikes, but not the death toll. The Observatory has a network of activists on the ground.

In recent months, Syrian forces loyal to Assad are focusing their efforts on taking back a rebel-held ring of communities around Damascus.

ABC News



112 responses to “Angelina Jolie Visits Syrian Children in Lebanon”

  1. It must be pretty warm in Lebanon. Angelina you should get a convoy started and lead these people back to their country.

    1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      Kock it off you horny bastard..

      1. Dont blame him, He eats blue ceral for breakfast :)P

        1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          Good one Geo.. that’s why he gets high on

          1. Oh boy, I wasn”t trying to start trouble.. you know better not to say 4 letter words lol

          2. Prophettttt Avatar

            Trouble maker………….. Trouble maker,lol

          3. If you read what he said to me, He wants to also become a love maker. Literally. lol

          4. Prophettttt Avatar

            I did read that,but I held myself back and kept my lips

          5. Ohhh the stories I can tell farq about you lol,

          6. Don’t you dare hold back. PRETTY PLEEEEEEEEEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP.

          7. If he doesn’t comply with my list of demands in 20 minutes I will sing like a morning canary lol

          8. Prophettttt Avatar

            ok where do you want to start? that might be a problem too,lol

          9. I don’t know? something small like …… you changing the rules to 72 before instead of after, Do you surrender yet lol

          10. Prophettttt Avatar

            Ok bro, I surrender. and I’LL appologies to whoever you want me to appologies to,lol

          11. And the winner is!!! I will take that white flag thank you lol

          12. Prophettttt Avatar

            Back to my safe corner

          13. All patriotic Lebanese feel high when Aoun speaks. The glories we all get from Aoun are just unbelievable.

          14. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            All Syrian who are supporters of Assad regime will sing to the Pope of the middle east.. Or wait Aoun is the Parrot of Assad and Hezbollah. sorry i got the label mixed up.. He got unbelievably rich from Iran, Syria and Hezbollah. i believe you Poor libnan1.. its okay convince yourself that you’re going to get 72 virgins just like the jihadists..

        2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          Good one Geo.. that’s why he gets high on

        3. I just can’t imagine what would happen if I was take this stuff …:) I usually use the orange stuff which takes it to next level, try it.

    2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      Kock it off you horny bastard..

    3. Hind Abyad Avatar

      She’s restricted in her goodwill ambassador role PR..Hollywood career oblige.

  2. Beautiful human being inside and out, truly goes to places and lengths to do something for others, She gets the hug of the day ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. cook2half Avatar

      lol Geo this is for you ^ ^

      Travelers stopped at airport smuggling 34 parrots in carry-ons


      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Bad choice of birds to smuggle โ€ฆ they can all sing out: ‘ TAKE US TO GEO’S’.

    2. She’s pretty hot too. I wouldn’t mind her at all …

      1. At that she just jumped up and said… Take me… Take me NOW libnan1 hahahahahaha
        Sorry could not help but say it.

        1. Prophettttt Avatar

          Hannibal,You know what hahahahaha stand for, don’t you?,it’s hizb alah hizb alah hizb alah…

          1. Crap I will revert to “lol” you ruined it for me ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜‰

          2. Crap I will revert to “lol” you ruined it for me ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜‰

        2. Yeah would you blame her though????

        3. Yeah would you blame her though????

        4. Yep, exactly what would happen.

          1. Prophettttt Avatar

            lol. too funny bro.

        5. Yep, exactly what would happen.

  3. ...some guy Avatar
    …some guy

    Beautiful human being inside and out, truly goes to places and lengths to do something for others, She gets the hug of the day ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. cook2half Avatar

    They let a Jew into Lebanon

    1. Igor Chingoski Avatar
      Igor Chingoski

      oh don’t worry they come and go as they please, flights every day over violating Lebanese autonomy, But Yus claim to be scenic flights.

    2. Igor Chingoski Avatar
      Igor Chingoski

      oh don’t worry they come and go as they please, flights every day over violating Lebanese autonomy, But Yus claim to be scenic flights.

    3. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      only good ones not sharon and natenyahooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

      1. A good Jew? its like big foot myth heard of it but never seen one :)P….. just kidding folks, I am a great guy and I am part jewish……allegedly ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          well what about those jews who are siding with Hezbollah? what do you consider them..

          1. Nagy, on the serious side I try very hard to understand why people think and do the things they do. kind of like a photographer taking pictures without a mission to photoshop and alter truth.

            All the events around us are designed to divide us and make us take sides and in my infancy long ago I got sucked into the program based on living there in the civil war but since I was fortunate to have my brain washed from prejudice against any ethnicity or sect and process bad behavior as a human defect that gets activated with a cause or an excuse to exercise hate. Most causes are not worthy of harming, killing or even Hating a whole group when I know that not all shia are Hezbollah, not all sunnis are al quaeda, not all jews mistreat palestinian, not all germans were nazis,,, You understand. my views have to be based on something that holds promise and results and the majority of groups and lack of innocence keep me wanting to stay neutral, non political, non militia minded.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar

            We have to endure..but not as individuals. I kow that God created men Free. Free to chose.

          3. Hind , opportunists come out and take advantage of any chance to further their cause, ALL world leaders are opportunists biased and with a narcistic mission of sort, yes the west sticks its nose everywhere it shouldnt and leaves with a mess often but it does not mean that putin is an angel with a chrome halo either!!

            My next door neighbor is from kiev and with first hand info from his familly there is that the majority of casualties in hospitals are not treatable due to most injuries from bullets to the heart or head, snipers caught he tells me speak with a russian accent , You are right we have to endure and we are created free to chose but being part of any political or militant group often makes for a barrier between us and our creator, He does not bless russia, israel, or america, he blesses those who live by godly principles and innocent from harming others.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar

            But Geo, Irak, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuella same scenarios,
            same methodes, protesters- snipers- western powers Nato allies- complete destruction- pro-US governments are installed. Dimitry Meldevec Russian PM said; if masked people crossed Kiev in black masks and kalashnicov rifles, are considerated as the government it will be difficult for us to work with such
            a government. Some of our foreign partners think otherwise, consider them
            to be legitimates authorities, i do not know wich constitution, wich laws, there were reading. There is no one there; masked and armed people are no people for dialogue..Look what were protests in Kiev, and now TOTAL destruction, we are at War people don’t realize.
            http://www .globalresearch. ca/the.globalisation-of-nato-2/5307198

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            If you have a free vote in who is going to REPRESENT YOU, then you don’t need the mask.
            And that is what the wars are about – it’s mostly a concept in a mind. What people fail to realize (recognize) is the things that free the mind.

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar

            NATO wanted their bases, they get their bases by “annexing” Ukraine and destroying a country. Anyone who believes Washington is deeply enamored of “democratia” (took it from the Greeks and made it instument of war) in Ukrain, must hit Ebay where Saddam Hussein WMDs have been, and are on sale for the highest bidder.

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ebay has some unique stuff at times โ€ฆ I even saw a whole used airport in there โ€ฆ didn’t know Geo back then, however. ๐Ÿ˜‰
            Tell you what โ€ฆ if USA bothers Ukrainians too much, there’s a whole bunch of them up here (and in USA) who have already been ‘demonstrating’, and would travel south to do that too. ;-)))

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Let them..will be as usual bloody civil War..what’s US doing in Russia’s backyard? Braiwashed American-Canadian, you must have voted for Evangelical Harper, the guy in Kiev going to protests with a hunting rifle..

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Wrong again โ€ฆ I’m a conservative socialist. :-)))

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Let them..will be as usual bloody civil War..what’s US doing in Russia’s backyard?
            Brainwashed American-Canadian you voted for Evangelical Harper..
            the guy in Kiev going to protest with a hunting rifle..

          11. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Hind , opportunists come out and take advantage of any chance to further their cause, ALL world leaders are opportunists biased and with a narcistic mission of sort, yes the west sticks its nose everywhere it shouldnt and leaves with a mess often but it does not mean that putin is an angel with a chrome halo either!!

            My next door neighbor is from kiev and with first hand info from his familly there is that the majority of casualties in hospitals are not treatable due to most injuries from bullets to the heart or head, snipers caught he tells me speak with a russian accent , You are right we have to endure and we are created free to chose but being part of any political or militant group often makes for a barrier between us and our creator, He does not bless russia, israel, or america, he blesses those who live by godly principles and innocent from harming others.

          12. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Nagy, on the serious side I try very hard to understand why people think and do the things they do. kind of like a photographer taking pictures without a mission to photoshop and alter truth.

            All the events around us are designed to divide us and make us take sides and in my infancy long ago I got sucked into the program based on living there in the civil war but since I was fortunate to have my brain washed from prejudice against any ethnicity or sect and process bad behavior as a human defect that gets activated with a cause or an excuse to exercise hate. Most causes are not worthy of harming, killing or even Hating a whole group when I know that not all shia are Hezbollah, not all sunnis are al quaeda, not all jews mistreat palestinian, not all germans were nazis,,, You understand. my views have to be based on something that holds promise and results and the majority of groups and lack of innocence keep me wanting to stay neutral, non political, non militia minded.

          13. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Nobody knows.. Nato Allies, building a “Roman Empire” in the Balkans & Eastern Europe, including the Middle East.
            Nagi N. Najjar, (the butcher of Sabra-Shatila) is seen with Bush, with ex-US general Paul Vallely, when visiting FSA in Allepo.

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            No … we didn’t know โ€ฆ but sounds good to me. :-)))
            Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.
            (the guy looks like a rat or a weasel โ€ฆ weird โ€ฆ)

          15. I wonder if he’s the same Nagi on this blog, you never know.

          16. There is good in every one. If you seek…. you will find ๐Ÿ™‚ non of our differences will matter 500 years from now.

          17. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Some twits expect instant lives.

          18. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            well my dear Hind many shiites participated in Sabra and Shatila massacre. George Bush Sr. met with Hafez Al Assad when the latter was bombing the hell out of Lebanon. He actually gave him free hand in Lebanon and even let him use Mig Fighers to bomb then LAF that were under the command of then General Aoun. sorry i am not sure i follow your point..

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Is there apoint to follow? That’s why nobody knows.. There they are in Aleppo, you mean i’s okay the same league is plotting with FSA?
            Is today’s Europe (NATO), same that voted WWI Turkish Armenian massacre as Genocide? Much to the furry of Erdogan. Then asks Erdogan to open his borders to Jihadis from all corners of Asia enter Syria massacre Christians, many of them gand children of Turkish Genocide?

          20. I am trying to figure your IQ ! still calculating…

          21. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Not your business Zionist..

          22. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Is there apoint to follow? That’s why nobody knows..this is in Aleppo, you mean it’s okay the same league plotting with FSA?
            Is today Europe (NATO) same that who voted WWI Turkish Armenian massacre, as Genocide? much to the furry of Erdogan.. but then asks Erdogan to open his borders to Jihadis from all corners of Asia, to enter
            Syria and massacre Christians, many of them the gand-children of Turkish Genocide? Everything is changed today why stay in the past..?

        2. What, you have part Jew in you, You just became my enemy. I have been programmed to destroy you. lol

          1. That’s fine Farq, since you love me and I love you lets have a good time together, make some memories and you can still kill me later ๐Ÿ™‚

          2. You Promise, You promise I can still kill you later. You will need to scream out I’m a Jew while I do the killing. That way I can guarantee I will go to heaven for it. These are my terms and conditions. Now as for us having a good time together, I don’t roll that way, Although there was this one time a very long time ago. I blame the Alcohol for it. lol

          3. lol, most of the time the way I feel I wish you could kill me now and get it over with Farq, As far as the latter part of your comment, brotherly love only unless you look like Katherine Jenkins ๐Ÿ™‚

          4. If you like, I can get our resident bitch Cookie to have a make over to look like her. lol. As long as you can handle that Jew smell and the big nose. lol

          5. <<<<<<———–Look left My jewish beak ๐Ÿ™‚

          6. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa, I just realized

          7. You Promise, You promise I can still kill you later. You will need to scream out I’m a Jew while I do the killing. That way I can guarantee I will go to heaven for it. These are my terms and conditions. Now as for us having a good time together, I don’t roll that way, Although there was this one time a very long time ago. I blame the Alcohol for it. lol

    4. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Always works if you don’t have an Israeli Visa stamp in your passport. ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Getting OUT is the trick. :-))))

    5. Leborigine Avatar

      Is she jewish???! I don’t think so cook!

      1. Leborigine, didn’t you know that apparently every successful person in this world is a Jew. lol.

        1. Leborigine Avatar

          According to Wikipedia, I have to agree with you!

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Wikipedia is edited, uneditate, reeditate, good for Israel..not a good source of in formation, the new Babel reply.

          2. You started to sound like Donald Rumsfeld famous quote!

            “there are no “knowns.” There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don’t know”

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Suits you and Rumsfeld’s IQ. Now get of my posts..oh and keep Wikipedia. Crazy assglue.

          4. I love it!

  5. Hind Abyad Avatar

    What is the scarf for.. she wore it in Pakistan.

      1. You love any attention don’t you lol, speaking of barmitzvahs any pictures? PWEEEEEEESE ๐Ÿ™‚ come one be brave do it for Israel ๐Ÿ™‚

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar


        1. Good morning and lol Hind, Thank you I was looking for one more nick name to add to your affectionate referals to the cook ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Good morning:) see you later ๐Ÿ™‚

      3. Hind Abyad Avatar


    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Holy crap, Hind โ€ฆ can’t wear something twice?? I see you’re a pricy one. ๐Ÿ˜‰
      It’s to keep the sun-god RA off her โ€ฆ. since she had both breasts removed from a cancer, the cancer paranoia runs deep – as it does in many.

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar

        She’s in Lebanon dressed in abaye, does she know Lebanon?.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Maybe the Lebanese could teach her?

          1. Help me calculate her IQ! ….

          2. If you are having such a hard time calculating it doesn’t say much a bout your IQ lol. love or hate Hind every one would miss her……She is one of us ๐Ÿ™‚

          3. It’s simple add 100 to your IQ.!!!!!

          4. and subtract 200 for yours! do you know math – or your master Aoun never bother to teach U – master-boy !

          5. Help me calculate her IQ! ….

          6. It’s simple add 100 to your IQ.!!!!!

          7. and subtract 200 for yours! do you know math – or your master Aoun never bother to teach U – master-boy !

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar

            “scarf” was a simple and brief remark, but the usual “sarcasm” made this into a novel..The Sun is same as Los Angeles is it not? Cancer paranoia runs deep. Can’t she wear it “twice”? OK the forget the veil, look at the abaye.
            Just keep your mekeParty, Leborigine, 5th ass & co, entertained..
            (you know the empty head Zionists?) they love it. Have nice days Drawer.

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I try thanks … but it’s -12C and I’m starting the fans up to send some ‘Vortex’ to Libnan1. I assume you won’t argue with that. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          10. It’s snowing down here, enough 5th turn off the fans and stop messing around with people ….

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’m in sun โ€ฆ I think Geo’s adding pool-water to the mix if you have snow โ€ฆ hehehehe โ€ฆ nice …

          12. Good weather wasnt good enough to convince Hind to join me with Doron for Geo Cooking, If I was a peace maker I would be on food stamps by now. Back to private jets to support my habits ๐Ÿ˜‰

          13. Tampa is nice ! you convinced me ..

          14. Very nice jewish community…I love it!!

          15. Tampa is nice ! you convinced me ..

          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I try thanks … but it’s -12C and I’m starting the fans up to send some ‘Vortex’ to Libnan1. I assume you won’t argue with that. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          17. It’s snowing down here, enough 5th turn off the fans and stop messing around with people ….

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar

        She’s in Lebanon dressed in abaye, does she know Lebanon?.

    2. Hind, Cookie wore the same nun outfit since his barmitzvah ๐Ÿ™‚ 7 years already lol

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar

        barmitzvah or not, bad manners, unrespectful, insult’s Moslem God, bad education,
        no class. Don’t like pictures but takes pages of wishy-washy talk as if he was at home in his parents bassement.

        1. He is locked in the basement with a teddy bear ,computer and rosetta stone for hebrew/arabic/farsi they try to keep him busy…..they wont let him out which explains all the time on his hand ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Good psychoanalysis Geo.. that’s what intrigued me..and the rosetta stone.. ha ha.. maybe his parents are paid to not let him out (?)

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