Hezbollah intends to retaliate against Saudi Arabia, report


iran embassy in beirut explosiosn 5 An Iranian news agency reported that Hezbollah will retaliate against Saudi Arabia, which Tehran and the Shiite party accused of playing a role in the November 19 attack outside Iran’s embassy in southern Beirut.

“The Islamic Resistance (Hezbollah) will duly retaliate to such practices,”a source told Fars news agency in remarks published Tuesday.

He stressed that the desert kingdom’s intelligence service was “aware of the plot to target the Iranian embassy in Lebanon, as well as the series of bombings that several Lebanese areas are witnessing.”

“Saudi Arabia is resorting to such blind acts because of its defeat by the Resistance in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria,” the source added in reference to Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah’s fierce opposition to the Gulf country in Lebanon and its backing of the Syrian regime which Saudi Arabia is seeking to overthrow.

“The Saudis are working on disrupting [peace] in Lebanon, but they are incapable of doing so and will pay the price for its activities.”

“Saudi Arabia is facing difficult situations nowadays and its attitudes towards a nation like Russia will not do it any good, but would further complicate these conditions. A person like Russian President Vladimir Putin will not retreat in front of such acts.” The report added .

Iran focusing on Saudi Arabia

The Iranian news agency confirms the reports that Iran has decided to indirectly declare war on Saudi Arabia thru its allies and proxies.

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad on Monday called for a battle against Wahhabism, the political and religious ideology embraced by the Saudi government. His remarks came a day after Saudi Arabia pledged 3 billion US Dollars to arm the Lebanese army.

Recently Hezbollah, Iran’s proxy in Lebanon has been focusing its attacks against Saudi Arabia . The struggle between Iran (through Hezbollah and the Syrian regime) and Saudi Arabia over the future of Lebanon has reportedly cost former Lebanese finance minister Mohammad Chatah his life on December 27 when he and at least six others were killed in a massive bombing that rocked downtown Beirut.

Hezbollah according to observers may be settling a score with Saudi Arabia, with which Chatah and others within the March 14 alliance are considered close. Hezbollah reportedly believes that Riyadh has played a key role in the recent attacks against it.

During an interview with OTV on December 4 Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah went radically off script, zeroing in on a new target for his rhetorical darts: “Saudi Arabia”.

Nasrallah rarely mentions Saudi Arabia by name, only referring to the monarchy in vague terms in order to maintain plausible deniability. But that all changed on December 4 when he accused Saudi agents of being behind the suicide-bomb attack on the Iranian embassy in Beirut last month that claimed 25 lives. In doing so he had openly declared a war that has long been fought in the shadows, first in Lebanon where Hezbollah-allied parties are at a political impasse with the Saudi-backed Future Movement of Saad Hariri, and now in Syria, where Hezbollah, with Iranian assistance, is fighting on the side of President Bashar Assad against Saudi-backed rebels.

“This is the first time I have ever seen such a direct attack by Nasrallah against Saudi Arabia,” said Lebanon-based political analyst Talal Atrissi. “This was the formal declaration of a war that has been going on in Syria since Saudi first started supporting the rebels.”

In the same 2/1’2 hour interview Nasrallah returned to the subject of Saudi Arabia multiple times, declaring that it was Saudi Arabia that was prolonging the agonizing civil war in Syria, not the Syrians themselves, or even Hezbollah. “Saudi Arabia is determined to keep on fighting until the last bullet and last drop of blood.” He proclaimed.

Photo:Iranian embassy attack on November 19



98 responses to “Hezbollah intends to retaliate against Saudi Arabia, report”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    When old Nasty goes down, I’ll believe it’s the last drop. But it’s El Supremo VS Saudi House. A war of ideologies … neither of which work. :-))) Why not just keep it in the Mosques?

    1. What would be nice is if they went and fought somewhere else other than
      in Lebanon and left us out of it… I would be happy to pay them for a
      first class ticket out! Alcoholic flight or non alcoholic flight?? They both might be pissed if I chose the wrong one…

      1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        Yah but Hezbollah has been trying to accuse Suadi arabia no matter what. Basically iran and syria is trying to distract Saudi from helping the rebels.. so that’s one way to scare the saudis.. but Saudi Arabia will not be deterred and i think they will strike back with iron first to show Iran they’re not in charge. But I would hope Nassrallah al Shaitan will spare us the griefs but his orders are loud and clear.. He is the scum of the earth and the biggest traitors of Lebanon then Aoun the clown his poster boy..

        1. Syed Qurban Hussain Avatar
          Syed Qurban Hussain

          Mental Disorder

          1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            Are you talking about Nassrallah? or is that the real description of you?

          2. Syed Qurban Hussain Avatar
            Syed Qurban Hussain

            whoever, I know hatred and defeat normally drive people crazy

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    When old Nasty goes down, I’ll believe it’s the last drop. But it’s El Supremo VS Saudi House. A war of ideologies … neither of which work. :-))) Why not just keep it in the Mosques?

    1. What would be nice is if they went and fought somewhere else other than
      in Lebanon and left us out of it… I would be happy to pay them for a
      first class ticket out! Alcoholic flight or non alcoholic flight?? They both might be pissed if I chose the wrong one…

      1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        Yah but Hezbollah has been trying to accuse Suadi arabia no matter what. Basically iran and syria is trying to distract Saudi from helping the rebels.. so that’s one way to scare the saudis.. but Saudi Arabia will not be deterred and i think they will strike back with iron first to show Iran they’re not in charge. But I would hope Nassrallah al Shaitan will spare us the griefs but his orders are loud and clear.. He is the scum of the earth and the biggest traitors of Lebanon then Aoun the clown his poster boy..

        1. Syed Qurban Hussain Avatar
          Syed Qurban Hussain

          Mental Disorder

          1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            Are you talking about Nassrallah? or is that the real description of you?

          2. Syed Qurban Hussain Avatar
            Syed Qurban Hussain

            whoever, I know hatred and defeat normally drive people crazy

  3. Reasonableman Avatar

    To the australian public who use this website.
    If you remember when the facist media who tried to pin the young blokes in bankstown jucylicious. Have a look at jamal dauod who got king hit to the face and his position which concerns bashars preservation.
    Thats right brothers bashar is a germ spreading his branches even in australia.

    This joker is trying to run for mayor of auburn we must stand together against tyranny in all the forms it comes in.

    Jamal dawood (2nd from the right)

    1. Oh yes, we remember it very clearly. When that baboon look a like Salifi hit this poor man from behind. Very tough. The only germs are these Salifi’s. Most of the Australian public can’t stand them. Especially after we witnessed how they act. Like savages. This man was speaking his mind in a democratic country. He should not have been assaulted. Simple.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Swearing at someones mum and talking with the devil bashar like this khanzir did he deserved what he got. Bubububu i need my billowww you to hide from you beeble.

        Lol and your sbeaking on behalf of the australian bublic. Roo7 she5 w nem.

        1. You must have a short memory. Or should I say you only choose to remember what suits you. if I recall correctly Mr Baboon was the one doing all the swearing. Jamal Dawoid swore back at Baboon after he was threarened And intimated not only by Baboon, but Baboons friends as well. Of course, you didn’t notice all of this did you. There somthing called youtube. Go have a look and refresh you memory. Oh and I challenge you to prove me wrong.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            Pretty sure the baboon (Omar?) wearing the dress punched the guy in the face while on the phone. Hope he got charged with assault for that. I can’t believe Australia tolerates that garbage. They should deport that terrorist and his followers.

          2. Reasonableman Avatar


          3. This is how these Guys operate. They run in packs. One on one they very different. I have had an encounter with these apes many times. And let tell you, when i use the word savages I’m being very polite. They make out they are religious however most know what they really are. As for the government, I hope they start cracking down on them. They are an embarrassment not only to the Muslim people but to the ME as a whole.

          4. man-o-war Avatar

            I’ve heard the stories from Australian friends (Muslim and non-Muslim, they all hate them) and have seen videos of these terrorist criminals. Hopefully the government will indeed crackdown. Stay safe down there and don’t turn your back on them.

          5. add to that the sunni family from tripoli living next door that got attacked by these guys because they have cameras.

          6. Reasonableman Avatar

            you have one wild imagination.

          7. Reasonableman Avatar

            Been through it many times if i found the vid on youtube i wouldve posted it up thats how confident i am. If you have the link please share it 🙂

          8. man-o-war Avatar

            Its really not that hard to find the video. Go to youtube and type in “EDL – Syrian conflict causes rising tension amongst Muslims in Australia”

        2. man-o-war Avatar

          Umm…he spit in the guys face and then he sucker punched him like a true coward.

          1. Reasonableman Avatar

            Inviting camera crew after prayers and throwing accusations at shop owners who have never seen this khanzir in their life. Swearing at someones mum on whilst recorded. Lets just say jamal knew what he wanted and he got it and he earned it

          2. man-o-war Avatar

            He cursed his mother after the fat man spit in the guys face and cursed at him. Now a news camera crew is not allowed to film on the streets of Australia because it was after prayer time. I really hope the authorities begin to crack down on these terrorists.

          3. Hey are you Aussie yourself?

          4. man-o-war Avatar

            Yes Richard, I’m an Australian Palestinian Lebanese American and half Afghani. Might even be part Jewish

          5. I know many people from Australia my best friend here is Aussie yay lol so I guess ur Aussie then

          6. Reasonableman Avatar

            It was private property FYI. Judge took it to concideration camera crew were not supposed to be there.

          7. man-o-war Avatar

            The sidewalk was private property?

          8. Reasonableman Avatar

            Where they were filming and jamal was standing was loitering and affected business.
            1.5 outside the shop is concidered private

          9. Only in the areas these terrorist lovers live in. Wouldn’t wont to go there anyway. That is of course unless you enjoy the smell of sewer. -:)))) How embarrassed people from the ME feel because of these filth. We get judged from the other races because of the way these baboons behavior amongst normal society. Which is abnormal savages. And that’s the reality unfortunately my friend.

          10. man-o-war Avatar

            I guess you guys think its not cowardly to punch someone in the face when he has his back turned to you and is on the phone. Why am I surprised?

          11. They have phones in the colonies?

          12. man-o-war Avatar

            Yep! They even have the Internet.

          13. I love the internet, they’ll have to send men to my house to stop me posting, and even then they’ll probably walk out with the same fate as the guy who got punched

          14. man-o-war Avatar

            Hopefully you’re not as fat as that guy or they’ll run circles around you. Maybe you’ll get a punch in when their not looking like the guy did.

          15. Anyway its 5 am, ive been spamming for 12 hours straight both here and CNN, goodnight got class in the morning

          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (degree in spam?)

          17. man-o-war Avatar

            He’s a twenty year old spam queen living in his mothers basement. I’m sure he’s close to getting his PhD in BS.

          18. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Get some rest you twisted freak. Goodnight!!

          19. Reasonableman Avatar

            Is punching someone in the face while have ther back turned even humanly possible?

          20. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Only Two-Face.

          21. man-o-war Avatar

            Don’t act dumb. Watch the video again (in slow motion if you have to) and you’ll see what I mean. The guy was clearly turning his back to him when the fat terrorist saw his opportunity to strike. That’s what cowards do. He deserves to get his face kicked in for that.

          22. Reasonableman Avatar

            The bloke thought he was going to be kissed with red carpet thats why its such a sucker punch is it? Btw all those who got arrested for just walking past and watching were all let off, arresting them was just a precaution incase they took jamal apart.

          23. man-o-war Avatar

            “The bloke thought he was going to be kissed with red carpet thats why its such a sucker punch is it?” What does this even mean? Sorry, I don’t speak Australian. A sucker punch is when a coward is not man enough to face his opponent, so he takes a cheap shot. Also, the gang mentality these terrorist have is not going to go over well with the Australian public.

          24. Reasonableman Avatar

            Sorry can’t take a supporter of a dictator seriously when hes preaching about fairness manliness and gang mentality.

          25. man-o-war Avatar

            haha! Ok, and you can go ahead and keep spamming the page with support for your terrorist brothers in Islam.

          26. why are wasting your time?

          27. man-o-war Avatar

            You’re right, complete waste of time. I can’t help myself sometimes.

    2. You really have lost the plot…your comment to me has just summed up the disease thats spreading in the middle east and trying to be spread everywhere else.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Ouch you bite hard.

  4. Reasonableman Avatar

    To the australian public who use this website.
    If you remember when the facist media who tried to pin the young blokes in bankstown jucylicious. Have a look at jamal dauod who got king hit to the face and his position which concerns bashars preservation.
    Thats right brothers bashar is a germ spreading his branches even in australia.

    This joker is trying to run for mayor of auburn we must stand together against tyranny in all the forms it comes in.

    Jamal dawood (2nd from the right)

    1. Oh yes, we remember it very clearly. When that baboon look a like Salifi hit this poor man from behind. Very tough. The only germs are these Salifi’s. Most of the Australian public can’t stand them. Especially after we witnessed how they act. Like savages. This man was speaking his mind in a democratic ccountry.He should not have been assaulted. Simple.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Swearing at someones mum and talking with the devil bashar like this khanzir did he deserved what he got. Bubububu i need my billowww you to hide from you beeble.

        Lol and your sbeaking on behalf of the australian bublic. Roo7 she5 w nem.

        1. You must have a short memory. Or should I say you only choose to remember what suits you. if I recall correctly Mr Baboon was the one doing all the swearing. Jamal Dawoid swore back at Baboon after he was threarened And intimated not only by Baboon, but Baboons friends as well. Of course, you didn’t notice all of this did you. There somthing called youtube. Go have a look and refresh you memory. Oh and I challenge you to prove me wrong.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            Pretty sure the baboon (Omar?) wearing the dress punched the guy in the face while on the phone. Hope he got charged with assault for that. I can’t believe Australia tolerates that garbage. They should deport that terrorist and his followers.

          2. Reasonableman Avatar


          3. This is how these Guys operate. They run in packs. One on one they very different. I have had an encounter wirh these apes many times. And let tell you, when i use the word savages Im being very polite. They make out they are religious however most know what they really are. As for the government, I hope they start cracking down on them. They are an embarrassment not only to the Muslim people but to the ME as a whole.

          4. man-o-war Avatar

            I’ve heard the stories from Australian friends (Muslim and non-Muslim, they all hate them) and have seen videos of these terrorist criminals. Hopefully the government will indeed crackdown. Stay safe down there and don’t turn your back on them.

          5. add to that the sunni family from tripoli living next door that got attacked by these guys because they have cameras.

          6. Reasonableman Avatar

            you have one wild imagination.

          7. Reasonableman Avatar

            Been through it many times if i found the vid on youtube i wouldve posted it up thats how confident i am. If you have the link please share it 🙂

          8. man-o-war Avatar

            Its really not that hard to find the video. Go to youtube and type in “EDL – Syrian conflict causes rising tension amongst Muslims in Australia”

        2. man-o-war Avatar

          Umm…he spit in the guys face and then he sucker punched him like a true coward.

          1. Reasonableman Avatar

            Inviting camera crew after prayers and throwing accusations at shop owners who have never seen this khanzir in their life. Swearing at someones mum on whilst recorded. Lets just say jamal knew what he wanted and he got it and he earned it

          2. man-o-war Avatar

            He cursed his mother after the fat man spit in the guys face and cursed at him. Now a news camera crew is not allowed to film on the streets of Australia because it was after prayer time. I really hope the authorities begin to crack down on these terrorists.

          3. cook2half Avatar

            Hey are you Aussie yourself?

          4. man-o-war Avatar

            Yes Richard, I’m an Australian Palestinian Lebanese American and half Afghani. Might even be part Jewish

          5. cook2half Avatar

            I know many people from Australia my best friend here is Aussie yay lol so I guess ur Aussie then

          6. Reasonableman Avatar

            It was private property FYI. Judge took it to concideration camera crew were not supposed to be there.

          7. man-o-war Avatar

            The sidewalk was private property?

          8. Reasonableman Avatar

            Where they were filming and jamal was standing was loitering and affected business.
            1.5 outside the shop is concidered private

          9. Only in the areas these terrorist lovers live in. Wouldn’t wont to go there anyway. That is of course unless you enjoy the smell of sewer. -:)))) How embarrassed people from the ME feel because of these firth. We get judged from the other races because of the way these baboons behavior amost normal society. Which is abnormal savages. And that’s the reality unfortunately my friend.

          10. man-o-war Avatar

            I guess you guys think its not cowardly to punch someone in the face when he has his back turned to you and is on the phone. Why am I surprised?

          11. cook2half Avatar

            They have phones in the colonies?

          12. man-o-war Avatar

            Yep! They even have the Internet.

          13. cook2half Avatar

            I love the internet, they’ll have to send men to my house to stop me posting, and even then they’ll probably walk out with the same fate as the guy who got punched

          14. man-o-war Avatar

            Hopefully you’re not as fat as that guy or they’ll run circles around you. Maybe you’ll get a punch in when their not looking like the guy did.

          15. cook2half Avatar

            Anyway its 5 am, ive been spamming for 12 hours straight both here and CNN, goodnight got class in the morning

          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (degree in spam?)

          17. man-o-war Avatar

            He’s a twenty year old spam queen living in his mothers basement. I’m sure he’s close to getting his PhD in BS.

          18. Get some rest you twisted freak. Goodnight!!

          19. Reasonableman Avatar

            Is punching someone in the face while have ther back turned even humanly possible?

          20. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Only Two-Face.

          21. man-o-war Avatar

            Don’t act dumb. Watch the video again (in slow motion if you have to) and you’ll see what I mean. The guy was clearly turning his back to him when the fat terrorist saw his opportunity to strike. That’s what cowards do. He deserves to get his face kicked in for that.

          22. Reasonableman Avatar

            The bloke thought he was going to be kissed with red carpet thats why its such a sucker punch is it? Btw all those who got arrested for just walking past and watching were all let off, arresting them was just a precaution incase they took jamal apart.

          23. man-o-war Avatar

            “The bloke thought he was going to be kissed with red carpet thats why its such a sucker punch is it?” What does this even mean? Sorry, I don’t speak Australian. A sucker punch is when a coward is not man enough to face his opponent, so he takes a cheap shot. Also, the gang mentality these terrorist have is not going to go over well with the Australian public.

          24. Reasonableman Avatar

            Sorry can’t take a supporter of a dictator seriously when hes preaching about fairness manliness and gang mentality.

          25. man-o-war Avatar

            haha! Ok, and you can go ahead and keep spamming the page with support for your terrorist brothers in Islam.

          26. why are wasting your time?

          27. man-o-war Avatar

            You’re right, complete waste of time. I can’t help myself sometimes.

    2. You really have lost the plot…your comment to me has just summed up the disease thats spreading in the middle east and trying to be spread everywhere else.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Ouch you bite hard.

  5. The shaitan thinks it can mess with Bandar lololol

  6. cook2half Avatar

    The shaitan thinks it can mess with Bandar lololol

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