Egypt seizes assets of Muslim Brotherhood leaders


Muslim Brotherhood  egyptEgypt’s interim government has ordered the assets of more than 500 Muslim Brotherhood and Islamist leaders seized – including those of the country’s ousted president – as part of an ever-tightening crackdown on the group, senior judicial and security officials said Tuesday.

The escalation came as the military vowed to confront “the forces of terrorism and darkness” and protect the upcoming Jan. 14-15 vote on Egypt’s draft constitution. Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi called on Egyptians to head to the polls as their “top national duty,” saying that a “heavy turnout” is the only guarantee of a successful vote.

Abdel-Azim el-Ashri, a Justice Ministry spokesman, said that a ministerial inventory committee ordered the “movable and immovable properties” of 572 Muslim Brotherhood leaders seized. Another Justice Ministry official said leaders on the list included toppled President Mohammed Morsi and his family, as well as provincial Brotherhood leaders and members of its General Guidance Bureau, which is the group’s executive body.

A security official said the list also included female Muslim Brotherhood members like Azza el-Garf and wife of leader Khairat el-Shater and his daughter. He said other Islamist leaders include Assem Abdel-Maged, the leader of Gamaa Islamiyah, which waged an anti-government insurgency in 1990s against autocrat Hosni Mubarak.

The two officials said that the list includes those indicted in cases of inciting violence and those are under investigation or those who could be investigated. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to journalists.

The order is part of a wider state crackdown on the Brotherhood, first banned by a court order in September and declared a “terrorist” organization by the military-backed interim government last week. The court order allowed the government to form the committee that inventoried of the group’s finances and ordered its confiscation.

Hundreds of Brotherhood members have been arrested during protests and the Brotherhood’s daily newspaper, Freedom and Justice, also was suspended after security forces confiscated Thursday’s edition.

The government made the “terrorist” designation by linking the Brotherhood to a wave of recent militant attacks targeting security forces without publicly presenting any evidence backing its claim. The move signaled a new era of zero tolerance of the group and ended any reconciliation efforts.

The group denies being involved in the attacks and continues to hold near-daily protests demanding the reinstatement of Morsi, toppled in a July 3 military coup after millions rallied against him. Islamic militant groups have claimed responsibility for the bombings and shootings. During his year-long presidency, Morsi allied with hard-line Islamists and held talks with militants in the Sinai Peninsula to negotiate a truce.

The government decision comes as security authorities are on alert for possible attacks during New Year’s Eve or Jan. 7, when Coptic Christians mark Christmas. They also fear the Brotherhood could disrupt the coming constitutional referendum.

A statement posted Tuesday on the Facebook page of military spokesman Col. Ahmed Mohammed Ali promised “the armed forces will not let the forces of darkness and terrorism terrorize the sons of the Egyptian people or obstruct the march toward” the upcoming referendum.




16 responses to “Egypt seizes assets of Muslim Brotherhood leaders”

  1. Reasonableman Avatar

    The “rabia revoloution” has been a 60 year process by the freemasons and illuminati.
    We often question what time our salaat is and what day is eid and the kuffar are 60 years ahead of us. Indeed your religion raised our heads status and honour but nowadays we turn to seek Out other ways for our means. We have been disgraced.

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Disgraced, yes. Take that, Salaat.

    2. wargame1 Avatar

      Interesting findings. They are indeed connected with the Freemasons. The name Muslimbrotherhood is used as a cover. These are sufi and they are related with the shias. Egypt didnt have diplomatic relation with Iran for many years and this hood leader morsi went to their Iranian masters as soon as he become the leader.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Iran is a key player behind the chaos and lawlessness, the connection with safavids under the banner of muslim brotherhood. Now we also find the sufi safavid connection in turkey, erdogan has been cleaning them out of his government. Also their role in the gadafi revoloution, the iraqi invasion, the afghan invasion.. lebanon has now been hit with a new series of lawlessness but saudi arabia has harder grip with lebanon than it does with other countries and will clear them with their associates hizballah out of the region.
        Least we forget what kissinger said after american intelligence created the “iranian shah revoloution, he said” nobody will dare come near you[iran], as soon as khomeinis feet touch the ground ” (something like this.)

        The shah followed the course of freemasonry, he knew their secrets and wanted iran to be recognised as a civil 1stclass country but didnt want any of the freemasons infesting iran.

        Once hezballah has been removed from sacred lebanese soil, their revenge will be against the kaaba in mecca.
        Erdogan will be exiled from turkey very soon but swaths of muslims will beg him and give bay3a to him (this is just an opinion).

  2. Reasonableman Avatar

    The “rabia revoloution” has been a 60 year process by the freemasons and illuminati.
    We often question what time our salaat is and what day is eid and the kuffar are 60 years ahead of us. Indeed your religion raised our heads status and honour but nowadays we turn to seek Out other ways for our means. We have been disgraced.

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Disgraced, yes. Take that, Salaat.

    2. wargame1 Avatar

      Interesting findings. They are indeed connected with the Freemasons. The name Muslimbrotherhood is used as a cover. These are sufi and they are related with the shias. Egypt didnt have diplomatic relation with Iran for many years and this hood leader morsi went to their Iranian masters as soon as he become the leader.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Iran is a key player behind the chaos and lawlessness, the connection with safavids under the banner of muslim brotherhood. Now we also find the sufi safavid connection in turkey, erdogan has been cleaning them out of his government. Also their role in the gadafi revoloution, the iraqi invasion, the afghan invasion.. lebanon has now been hit with a new series of lawlessness but saudi arabia has harder grip with lebanon than it does with other countries.

        Erdogan will be exiled from turkey very soon but swaths of muslims will beg him and give bay3a to him (this is just an opinion).

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Always felt it was best to carry cash …. 😉

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      Think global, act local

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Jokes apart, Egypt fremassons or not is in total regression, it falled straigth into West and
      Isreal route map trapp (with clown Sissi), just as Irak once upon the time, Egypt has same
      the US ambassador ex-Iraq ex-Syria (mixed with McCain-Benghazi), Robert Ford.

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Always felt it was best to carry cash …. 😉

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      Think global, act local

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Jokes apart, Egypt fremassons or not is in total regression, going straigth along West and Isreal route map, just as Irak once upon the time, same US Ambassador as in Iraq, in Syria (mixed with McCain- Benghazi).. to Egypt.

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