Jumblatt traveled to paris for medical reasons , report


jumblatt def 10Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt told LBC on Thursday that his visit to Paris was intended to carry out the necessary medical checkups and was not for political reasons .

He pointed out that he flew last Sunday aboard a private plane of MP Nehme Tohmeh ( a member of Jumblatt’s National Struggle Front )

Jumblatt told LBC that he is suffering from back pain and was accompanied by his

Jumblatt added that he contacted Hariri to check on his health, and stressed that his visit to France was strictly for medical reasons and did not include any political activity.

Hariri’s press office did reveal last Tuesday that the former PM underwent a successful surgery on his leg in connection with his January 2012 skiing accident .

There was a lot of speculation in the media that Jumblatt headed to Paris to meet with Hariri to discuss the formation of the cabinet.

Jumblatt dropped his support last week for the 8-8-8 cabinet formula in which his centrist bloc , and the 2 main rival camps get equal share of eight ministers each. Instead he istarted promoting the 9-9-6 formula that was initially proposed by Speaker Nabih Berri which calls for giving veto power to the two main rival camps March 14 and March 8, but 6 ministers only to the centrist bloc which includes president Suleiman and PM designate Tammam Salam in addition to Jumblatt



2 responses to “Jumblatt traveled to paris for medical reasons , report”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    After experiencing Lebanon, I don’t wonder why France …. And have you heard about the bugs coming out of Syria??

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    After experiencing Lebanon, I don’t wonder why France ….

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