GCC urges immediate intervention to ‘rescue’ Syrians


GCC countriesThe Gulf Cooperation Council ( GCC) urged the international community on Saturday to intervene immediately to “rescue” the Syrian people from their government’s “oppression.”

“The genocide, and grave human rights violations, faced by the Syrian people necessitate an immediate intervention by the international community,” GCC secretary-general Abdullatif Al Zayani said.

The intervention would aim to “rescue the brotherly Syrian people from the oppression of its regime, and bring its suffering to an end,” a statement added.

The call comes as US President Barack Obama awaits a vote by the Congress over his request to back his plan to strike Syria over an alleged use of chemical weapons.

“The Syrian regime is fully responsible for what is happening in Syria, for rejecting all attempts to solve the crisis, and continuing to practice killing and destruction, including the use of chemical weapons,” Zayani said.

Gulf nations support international measures to “deter the Syrian regime from committing its inhumane practices,” he added.

The GCC consists of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Saudi Arabia has been pushing for a US-led strike on Syrian forces loyal to President Bashar Al Assad




2 responses to “GCC urges immediate intervention to ‘rescue’ Syrians”

  1. Constantin7 Avatar

    One thing I do not understand: Why should America intervene in the Syrian war ? In a war where both parties on the ground do not welcome America, both parties hate and despise America. While the countries who are fueling and encouraging this war do not want to intervene militarily. Let countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey intervene, why should America intervene ? America is not the policeman of the world ? America does not have any interests in Syria ! The jihadists want America to intervene to save them from Bashar, but they hate America and the minute they finish from Bashar they will turn against America. My advice to Obama stay out and let the evil forces destroy each other, the only regret I have is for the innocent civilians who are being killing and are suffering from this tragedy. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf should be sending hundreds of millions to Lebanon and Jordan to take care of the Syrian refugees and they are not doing it. The only thing they know is to fuel and fund the jihadists and extend this war and extend the suffering of the people. America saved Irak from Saddam and installed freedom and democracy in Irak and yet the irakis are ungrateful to the day. They did the same in Afghanistan and the afghanis do not deserve the American sacrifices and America should leave this country ASAP. The same will happen with Syria. So America stay out and take care of yourself and your ecnonomy and own advancement and let the evils of this world take care of each other.
    I am completely against Bashar but I am also against these Jihadists who are posting their crimes on youtube against innocents and/or war prisonners.

  2. Constantin7 Avatar

    One thing I do not understand: Why should America intervene in the Syrian war ? In a war where both parties on the ground do not welcome America, both parties hate and despise America. W

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