0ver 110,000 killed in Syria war, SOHR


syrian observatory for human rightsThe Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has revealed on Sunday that over 110 ,000 have been killed in the Syrian civil war since it started in March 2011 including 171 members of the Lebanese Hezbollah militant group .

Here is a breakdown

Total number of people killed since the start of the Syrian revolution in March 2011 until Aug 31, 21013 : 110 371
Total number of Civilians killed : 56 138 , including 5833 children and 3905 females over the age of eighteen , and 15992 fighters combat battalions .

Dissident fighters : 2128

Syrian Army losses : 27654

Unidentified : 2726

Fighters from combat battalions , the majority of non-Syrian nationalities , and some unidentified : 3730

Pro regime forces such as Shabiha and pro – regime informants : 17824

Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon : 171

These numbers do not include the more than 9,000 prisoners that are missing inside the detention facilities .

Also do not include more than 3,500 prisoners of regular army troops detained by the rebels

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the actual number of martyrs may be much higher

August 2013

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also revealed the number of casualties for the month of August

Total killed : 5493 , This includes

3109 civilians

124 died under torture in the prisons

365 children under the age of eighteen

348 females over the age of eighteen

1140 rebel fighters

1186 Regular troops killed

42 dissidents

Dead national defense forces and pro – regime Committees

386 pro regime militia forces

70 unidentified



2 responses to “0ver 110,000 killed in Syria war, SOHR”

  1. umm, the Hezbollah death count by SOHR has been “171” for 5 months now.. something isnt right ?
    Also, where are rebel casualties ?

  2. cook2half Avatar

    umm, the Hezbollah death count by SOHR has been “171” for 5 months now.. something isnt right ?
    Also, where are rebel casualties ?

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