Syrian coast guard detains 5 Lebanese fishermen


arida border crossingSyrian coastguards opened fire at a Lebanese fishing boat off the coast of the northern Lebanese town of al-Arida early Saturday, seized the boat and detained five Lebanese fishermen , National News Agency reported.

The detained fishermen was identified as Ali Hussein Merhi, Mohammad Hazem Shtaywi and his two brothers Bilal and Talal, as well as Ghazi Ali Mrashi.

Residents protested against the detention of the Lebanese fishermen by blocking the international highway linking Lebanon and Syria through the Arida border crossing.

This is not the first time this type of incident takes place near Arida. Earlier this year, the Syrian coast guard killed a Lebanese fisherman after opening fire on a fishing trawler carrying a crew of three and in August 2012 Syrian forces opened fire on two Lebanese fishing boats, but no casualties were reported .



4 responses to “Syrian coast guard detains 5 Lebanese fishermen”

  1. Constantin7 Avatar

    The Syrian army has nothing else to do on the north western Lebanese frontier other than catching Lebanese fishermen trying to make a living. Next they are going to catch the donkey or goat or sheep that strays on the border and put the animals in jail until they confess who told them to enter the Syrian territory.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yah .. and they didn’t mention the 14-hr-old about 3 yrs ago – probably missed a few others.
      Maybe they are trying to force all Lebanese to eat fish from Sidon … ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Constantin7 Avatar

    The Syrian army has nothing else to do on the north western Lebanese frontier other than catching Lebanese fishermen trying to make a living. Next they are going to catch the donkey or goat or sheep that strays on the border and put the animals in jail until they confess who told them to enter the Syrian territory.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yah .. and they didn’t mention the 14-hr-old about 3 yrs ago – probably missed a few others.
      Maybe they are trying to force all Lebanese to eat fish from Sidon … ๐Ÿ˜‰

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