Obama condemns Egypt violence, cancels military exercises


U.S. President Barack Obama talks at the National Defense University in WashingtonUS President Barack Obama said Thursday his government “strongly condemns” violence in Egypt, and he is canceling U.S.-Egyptian military exercises that had been scheduled for next month.

Speaking from his vacation home on Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., Obama did not suspend any other form of aid to Egypt; he said continued U.S. “engagement” with the military government in Cairo will help it transition back to democracy.

“But while we want to sustain our relationship with Egypt, our traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians are being killed in the streets and rights are being rolled back,” Obama said.

The president also did not describe the military’s removal of President Mohammed Morsi last month as “a coup,” a declaration that would require ending U.S. aid to Egypt that adds up to about $1.3 billion a year.

The U.S. and Egypt had joint military maneuvers known as “Bright Star” scheduled for mid-September. Obama said they cannot go on given the violence that has claimed at least 500 lives and injured thousands more.

In the past, Bright Star has been held every two years, though the 2011 exercises were canceled because of that year’s removal of President Hosni Mubarak.

Bright Star exercises began in 1980, a product of the Camp David Peace Accords. The last time it was held, in 2009, some 5,000 U.S. troops took part, along with military units from Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Turkey and Great Britain.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said he spoke with his Egyptian counterpart about the canceled maneuvers, and added that “the United States has made it clear that the Egyptian government must refrain from violence, respect freedom of assembly, and move toward an inclusive political transition.”

Obama, who met with his national security team on Thursday, said he has asked aides to assess “further steps we may take” if Egypt’s interim government does not honor pledges to conduct new elections as soon as possible and restore a democratic government.

STORY: Death toll rises in crackdown

Some lawmakers are urging the Obama administration to cut off aid to Egypt now.

“President Obama says he deplores violence in Egypt, but the foreign aid continues to help pay for it,” tweeted Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., a potential presidential candidate in 2016.

The president spoke a day after Egypt’s interim government used force to clear encampments created by backers of the ousted Morsi. The action triggered violent clashes throughout the country. The interim government has declared a nationwide state of emergency and a nighttime curfew.

The two sides in Egypt are offering vastly different estimates of the death toll. The government says more than 500 have died in the violence; the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization that includes Morsi, puts the death count at more than 2,500.

In his brief remarks to reporters, Obama made clear he does not want to cut ties to Egypt, saying its relationship with the United States “goes back decades.” The U.S. has long seen Egypt as a bulwark of stability in the Middle East, and treasures its peace treaty with Israel, he said.

Obama applauded the desire of the Egyptian people for freedom and democracy after the fall of Mubarak and said he has long known that change would not come “quickly or easily.” The U.S. also appreciates “the complexity” of the current situation in Egypt, he said.

The Morsi government, while democratically elected, “was not inclusive and did not respect the views of all Egyptians,” Obama said, noting that millions of citizens supported his removal.

While the interim military government promised a restoration of democracy, Obama said that it has now taken “a more dangerous path” that includes “arbitrary arrests, a broad crackdown on Mr. Morsi’s associations and supporters, and now, tragically, violence that’s taken the lives of hundreds of people and wounded thousands more.”

Members of both the interim government and Morsi supporters accused the Obama administration of supporting the other side, but Obama said the United States isn’t taking any side.

“We want a peaceful, democratic, prosperous Egypt,” Obama said. “That’s our interest. But to achieve that, the Egyptians are going to have to do the work.”

After his speech, Obama played golf at Mink Meadows Golf Club. He is scheduled to return from his week-long vacation on Martha’s Vineyard on Sunday.



16 responses to “Obama condemns Egypt violence, cancels military exercises”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Hmmmm … must be the ‘Bright Star’ in the East …. next rounds in 2015. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    At least now from 12 to 6 they can apply bandages and reload.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Hmmmm … must be the ‘Bright Star’ in the East …. next rounds in 2015. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Who does Hussain Obama think he is, the Egyptian army has every right to fight armed terrorist groups

    1. The Egyptian Massacre, will go down in history and be remembered , as the civil war that was started by the secular and Coptic branch of the military who massacred unarmed peaceful protestors in a house of God. This can only be classified as a war crime against the civilians they are supposed to protect. Obama who pretends to condemn these actions , but probably funded and encouraged the opposing forces to snatch power from the Muslim brotherhood . You see the Coptics cheering the massacre of civilians. There will be a backlash against them , because of what they did and the evil support and the hatred they incite.

      1. Constantin7 Avatar

        Yeah blame the Copts, the reality is that this war is really between the muslim brotherhood and the other secular muslims supported by the army. The Copts have nothing to do with all this mess and war. Naturally the Copts were never with the muslim brotherhood and they were against them historically, but they never fought them and never incited people to fight them, just ideologically they are against them, but now so are the 90% of the other Egyptian muslims. However, I am not surprised of your violent reaction, since, as usual, you blame always the others for your own demise, if it is not Israel, it is the US, if it is not the US, it is the Copts, etc…, You and the like of you are on this earth to bring destruction and killing nothing more. At the end, LIFE will win and not death and destruction. The muslim brotherhood short ruling of Egypt brought the country to a misery economically and the people (the poor muslim people) were struggling to have bread on their table because of the economic and social policies of the muslim brothehood and for this reason millions of the MUSLIM Egyptians rioted to have Morsi out of office. All the present trouble is caused by the other 10% (completely ignorant) muslim brotherhood supporters. So the army had to intervene to prevent a civil war (like the Syrian style) between the secular muslim majority and the MB supporters. The Coptic church is completely uninvolved in this.

        1. Constatine you are a Typical supporter of the slaughter of Muslims, with lies coming out of every breath you take. The western backed Mubarack regime took all of Egypt wealth , and left them with very little to build on. Naturally the people are frustrated , which suits the new tyrannical dictator.

          1. Constantin7 Avatar

            You are very wrong Btru2u, I never ever support any killing and especially the killing of any innocent human being (whoever he/she is and whatever religion he/she believes). I hate Bashar because of what he did in Lebanon and how he is killing innocent people in his own country. I do not support the way the Egyptian army is dealing with the MB sit in. However, it is you who is threatening the copts and christians with retaliation for the only reason that they differ ideaologically with the MB. It is your belief and religious values that teache you to hate and kill the Kuffar even if they did not aggress you. Egypt was never a rich country to start with, half of the people live (since always) under the poverty line, and BTW the Mubarak regime was a MUSLIM regime not a Coptic one !!!! So what do the Copts have to do with all this mess in order to retaliate against them ? NOTHING !!! It is just the right moment and right circumstances for you and the like of you to exercise your violent faith teachings (kill christians and destroy churches). Thank god that the 90% of the Egyptian muslims are against the MB and people like you.

          2. In this case The ballots were right, and you and the coup are wrong. The result of the coup is going to be civil war, and the continuation of military rule.

          3. Constantin7 Avatar

            BTW, Saudi Arabia and all the gulf states are backing the Egyptian army against the terrorists (as they call them). So this is becoming very messy…

  4. cook2half Avatar

    Who does Hussain Obama think he is, the Egyptian army has every right to fight armed terrorist groups

    1. Ths will go down in history and be remembered , that the start of the civil war in Egypt was initiated by the secular and Coptic branch of the military who massacred unarmed peaceful protestors in a house God. This can only be classified as a war crime against the civilians they are supposed to protect. Obama who pretends to condemn these actions , but probably funded and encouraged the opposing forces to snatch power from the Muslim brotherhood . You see the Coptics cheering the massacre of civilians. There will be a backlash against them , because of what they did and the evil support and hatred they entice.

      1. Constantin7 Avatar

        Yeah blame the Copts, the reality is that this war is really between the muslim brotherhood and the other secular muslims supported by the army. The Copts have nothing to do with all this mess and war. Naturally the Copts were never with the muslim brotherhood and they were against them historically, but they never fought them and never incited people to fight them, just ideologically they are against them, but now so are the 90% of the other Egyptian muslims. However, I am not surprised of your violent reaction, since, as usual, you blame always the others for your own demise, if it is not Israel, it is the US, if it is not the US, it is the Copts, etc…, You and the like of you are on this earth to bring destruction and killing nothing more. At the end, LIFE will win and not death and destruction. The muslim brotherhood short ruling of Egypt brought the country to a misery economically and the people (the poor muslim people) were struggling to have bread on their table because of the economic and social policies of the muslim brothehood and for this reason millions of the MUSLIM Egyptians rioted to have Morsi out of office. All the present trouble is caused by the other 10% (completely ignorant) muslim brotherhood supporters. So the army had to intervene to prevent a civil war (like the Syrian style) between the secular muslim majority and the MB supporters. The Coptic church is completely uninvolved in this.

        1. Constatine you are a Typical supporter of the slaughter of Muslims, with lies coming out of every breath you take. The western backed Mubarack regime took all of Egypt wealth , and left them with very little to build on. Naturally the people are frustrated , which suits the new tyrannical dictator.

          1. Constantin7 Avatar

            You are very wrong Btru2u, I never ever support any killing and especially the killing of any innocent human being (whoever he/she is and whatever religion he/she believes). I hate Bashar because of what he did in Lebanon and how he is killing innocent people in his own country. I do not support the way the Egyptian army is dealing with the MB sit in. However, it is you who is threatening the copts and christians with retaliation for the only reason that they differ ideaologically with the MB. It is your belief and religious values that teache you to hate and kill the Kuffar even if they did not aggress you. Egypt was never a rich country to start with, half of the people live (since always) under the poverty line, and BTW the Mubarak regime was a MUSLIM regime not a Coptic one !!!! So what do the Copts have to do with all this mess in order to retaliate against them ? NOTHING !!! It is just the right moment and right circumstances for you and the like of you to exercise your violent faith teachings (kill christians and destroy churches).

          2. In this case The ballots were right, and you and the coup are wrong. The result of the coup is going to be civil war, and the continuation of military rule.

          3. Constantin7 Avatar

            BTW, Saudi Arabia and all the gulf states are backing the Egyptian army against the terrorists (as they call them). So this is becoming very messy…

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