Hezbollah training ME shiites to fight in Syria, report


hezbollah parade defThe well informed Kuwaiti Newspaper Al Seyasseh reported that the Lebanese Hezbollah militant group has opened training camps in the barren mountains of the ancient city of Baalbek to receive hundreds of young Shiite volunteers from Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon for training them to fight alongside the Syrian regime forces against the mostly Sunni rebels.

The Kuwaiti newspaper’s sources quoted Western intelligence as saying that “these camps currently contains about a thousand trainees who are being provided intensive training courses by Hezbollah experts, Iranian Revolutionary Guards officers and officers of the Syrian army .

The daily added that this is all part of a program aimed at training 20 thousand fighters over the next few months who will be transferred to the fronts in Syria.

While Hezbollah and the Iranians are focusing on training the volunteers on using Iranian made weapons the Syrian army officers are focusing on explaining the geographic areas where the fighters will be sent in addition to some of the tactics of the Syrian military , according to the report

This report comes hours after the EU foreign ministers agreed to list the military wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation. Hezbollah’s involvement in the war across the border in Syria, in support of President Bashar al-Assad reportedly hardened European opinion with regards to the Shiite militant group



48 responses to “Hezbollah training ME shiites to fight in Syria, report”

  1. Leborigine Avatar

    What is the Lebanese government doing about this?? Can people simply enter and exit as they wish. Can anyone just set up a training camp in Lebanon with weapons as they wish?! Is this a joke?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I’m sure they all got visas … ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        Stamped by the Islamic Republic of iran proxies

    2. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      Lets be honest. The military only cares about arresting the sunnis in Arsal.

      1. libnan1 Avatar

        There is nothing wrong with arresting criminal Sunnis.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Or any criminals of any stripe.

        2. The real lebanese Avatar
          The real lebanese

          What Im trying to say is they’re going for the Sunni criminals but not the Shiite criminals.

        3. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          Or those histerical Aounis Orange Tweeties..

    3. MeMyself1 Avatar

      What makes you think the Lebanese government is in charge? Hezbollah runs that country.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Hard to believe they can find 20,000 idiots who want to die. But let’s assume some accuracy in it.
    Sure killed the tourist business anyway.

  3. Leborigine Avatar

    What is the Lebanese government doing about this?? Can people simply enter and exit as they wish. Can anyone just set up a training camp in Lebanon with weapons as they wish?! Is this a joke?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I’m sure they all got visas … ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        Stamped by the Islamic Republic of iran proxies

    2. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      Lets be honest. The military only cares about the sunnis in Arsal.

      1. libnan1 Avatar

        There is nothing wrong with arresting criminal Sunnis.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Or any criminals of any stripe.

        2. The real lebanese Avatar
          The real lebanese

          What Im trying to say is they’re going for the Sunni criminals but not the Shiite criminals.

        3. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          Or those histerical Aounis Orange Tweeties..

    3. MeMyself1 Avatar

      What makes you think the Lebanese government is in charge? Hezbollah runs that country.

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Hard to believe they can find 20,000 idiots who want to die. But let’s assume some accuracy in it.
    Sure killed the tourist business anyway.

  5. Hesperian Avatar

    What government???

  6. Hesperian Avatar

    What government???

  7. Jimmy Thorr Avatar
    Jimmy Thorr

    well there is no state and no government in Lebanon to really try to do anything to stop these training camps opened by Hezbollah and or close the border for those of shiite hezbollah fighters who cross into syria to fight alongside Assad regime forces , the Lebanese army is only works against weaker sunnis and obey the orders of Hezbollah , this is the sad picture in Lebanon today

    1. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      If the Palestinians get involved, the army may split and we may find ourselves another civil war

      1. The “Palestinians” have been nothing but trouble ever since Yassir Arafat the Egyptian created them in 1964

        1. The real lebanese Avatar
          The real lebanese

          I agree. I honestly think Israelis and Palestinians are the same thing, even though the jews technically were immigrants. Its like when Europeans came and settled in the Americas and called themselves Americans after a few generations. But of course, the Palestinians have to have their own state so they can ‘wipe’ Israel off the map.

          1. I dont mind “palestinians” killing each other , but what I find disgusting is how much trouble theyve caused in a country that gave them refuge and treated them more or less as equals . Its perfectly understandable if Lebanon has internal sectarian conflict but for the PLO foreigners to take a country hostage was just evil .

            Israelis and Palestinians ARE the same , this is not an opinion but a fact . Look at any legal document during the British Mandate and you’ll see Muslims AND Jews AND Christians were referred to as “Palestinians” . Palestine is not a bad word , its derived from the word “Philistine” which is what the Romans called that region (West of the River, Transjordan and South Syria) , but these arabs today have wrongly associated the word with arab “palestinian” nationalism , which obviously between 1948-1967 didn’t exist as NO ONE cared about Jordan’s occupation of the West Bank and no one talked about statehood before Israel took the territory in 1967.

  8. Jimmy Thorr Avatar
    Jimmy Thorr

    well there is no state and no government in Lebanon to really try to do anything to stop these training camps opened by Hezbollah and or close the border for those of shiite hezbollah fighters who cross into syria to fight alongside Assad regime forces , the Lebanese army is only works against weaker sunnis and obey the orders of Hezbollah , this is the sad picture in Lebanon today

    1. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      If the Palestinians get involved, the army may split and we may find ourselves another civil war

      1. cook2half Avatar

        The “Palestinians” have been nothing but trouble ever since Yassir Arafat the Egyptian created them in 1964

        1. The real lebanese Avatar
          The real lebanese

          I agree. I honestly think Israelis and Palestinians are the same thing, even though the jews technically were immigrants. Its like when Europeans came and settled in the Americas and called themselves Americans after a few generations. But of course, the Palestinians have to have their own state so they can ‘wipe’ Israel off the map.

          1. cook2half Avatar

            I dont mind “palestinians” killing each other , but what I find disgusting is how much trouble theyve caused in a country that gave them refuge and treated them more or less as equals . Its perfectly understandable if Lebanon has internal sectarian conflict but for the PLO foreigners to take a country hostage was just evil .

            Israelis and Palestinians ARE the same , this is not an opinion but a fact . Look at any legal document during the British Mandate and you’ll see Muslims AND Jews AND Christians were referred to as “Palestinians” . Palestine is not a bad word , its derived from the word “Philistine” which is what the Romans called that region (West of the River, Transjordan and South Syria) , but these arabs today have wrongly associated the word with the concept of nationalism , which obviously between 1948-1967 didn’t exist as NO ONE cared about Jordan’s occupation of the West Bank and no one talked about statehood before Israel took the territory in 1967.

  9. dateam Avatar

    If the kuwaitis are well informed about lebanon then we lebanese must be pretty friggin stupid?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Dateam … it says Kuwaiti Newspaper Al Seyasseh is well-informed. Not their people.
      Lebanon has Al-Manar – after all – right up on the news there … Like Fox in fact with creation of it … can’t say the people are well informed anywhere – especially when grubbing to get food for the table every day … and catching the ‘sports’ at night to go to sleep to.
      I think it’s not that people are so generally stupid. It’s only that they are bored to death by the stupids. AND Staying informed takes some work too, after all. Can’t accuse MANY of the Billions of spending the time for ‘digging up’ information.

      1. dateam Avatar

        Oh come on 5th you know what i meant…ok to make it simple…where did this paper get its information from….im sure if there were 20000 men roaming in that area everyone would be up in arms and have seen them…the maniche shops would be going crazy. Why didnt the same paper ever report about rebels and nusra using that area to transport fighters and weapons….the media is getting beyond a joke….

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          ๐Ÿ™‚ Yah. 10,000 2-man-tents might be confused as refugee camps.
          ๐Ÿ˜‰ Or ,, visa-versa. ๐Ÿ˜‰
          Unless they stuff them all underground these days … James Bond style … hmmm .. need ancient volcano .. or … ancient Roman ruins … tunnels added underneath.

        2. man-o-war Avatar

          I would guess the intel was supplied by none other than the Israeli military. Who else has free reign in Lebanese air space. I imagine they won’t be training 20,000 at the same time. Probably increments of 1,000 to keep it under wraps. Come on people! HA makes some dumb decisions at times, but training thousands of foreigners on Lebanese territory under the watchful eye of the Israelis. I don’t buy it. If their training them it would more likely be on the Iraqi side of Syria.

          Mmmm… Maniche! Maniche kishek!!

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You forgot Satellites that watch us ALL. :-)) Even boinking beach-sand on occasion- I hope they got my ass nicely. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Do I care??

          2. man-o-war Avatar

            hahaha! Yeah, I guess I forgot about those pesky satellites. Put some clothes on, the international space station has been complaining of a blinding glare emanating from earth.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Could be my ‘laser’, Man-O …. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. dateam Avatar

    If the kuwaitis are well informed about lebanon then we lebanese must be pretty friggin stupid?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Dateam … it says Kuwaiti Newspaper Al Seyasseh is well-informed. Not their people.
      Lebanon has Al-Manar – after all – right up on the news there … Like Fox in fact with creation of it … can’t say the people are well informed anywhere – especially when grubbing to get food for the table every day … and catching the ‘sports’ at night to go to sleep to.
      I think it’s not that people are so generally stupid. It’s only that they are bored to death by the stupids. AND Staying informed takes some work too, after all. Can’t accuse MANY of the Billions of spending the time for ‘digging up’ information.

      1. dateam Avatar

        Oh come on 5th you know what i meant…ok to make it simple…where did this paper get its information from….im sure if there were 20000 men roaming in that area everyone would be up in arms and have seen them…the maniche shops would be going crazy. Why didnt the same paper ever report about rebels and nusra using that area to transport fighters and weapons….the media is getting beyond a joke….

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          ๐Ÿ™‚ Yah. 10,000 2-man-tents might be confused as refugee camps.
          ๐Ÿ˜‰ Or ,, visa-versa. ๐Ÿ˜‰
          Unless they stuff them all underground these days … James Bond style … hmmm .. need ancient volcano .. or … ancient Roman ruins … tunnels added underneath.

        2. man-o-war Avatar

          I would guess the intel was supplied by none other than the Israeli military. Who else has free reign in Lebanese air space. I imagine they won’t be training 20,000 at the same time. Probably increments of 1,000 to keep it under wraps. Come on people! HA makes some dumb decisions at times, but training thousands of foreigners on Lebanese territory under the watchful eye of the Israelis. I don’t buy it. If their training them it would more likely be on the Iraqi side of Syria.

          Mmmm… Maniche! Maniche kishek!!

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You forgot Satellites that watch us ALL. :-))

          2. man-o-war Avatar

            hahaha! Yeah, I guess I forgot about those pesky satellites. Put some clothes on, the international space station has been complaining of a blinding glare emanating from earth.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Could be my ‘laser’, Man-O …. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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