Egypt Strips Assad Supporters of All Excuses


assad cartoon - butcher of SyriaBy: Farid Ghadry

What can Syrians supporting the barbarism of Assad claim after watching the Egyptians reject Islamism through peaceful means?

That they were wrong in following Assad to the abyss or that Assad has been and will always be the problem in Syria? Not only Assad has manipulated their fears for his own self-interests, but also he increased by tenfold the Jihadist problem in Syria while destroying the well-balanced fabric of the country we all called home.

In Egypt, an army respects the will of the people by showing wisdom and balance; in Syria, the Assad regime butchers the Syrian people and deceives the minorities into believing their salvation rests on his extreme violence.

In Egypt, the people, through peaceful means, reject religious authoritarianism; in Syria, the people are killing each other because Assad needed a sectarian war to protect his rule, which has empowered religious authoritarianism and terror.

Salute the Egyptian people and the Egyptian army that stood by them in support of their aspirations for a free society.

Salute the Copts of Egypt who refused to submit to Islamism and found the will to change history to accommodate their desire for a free society.

We sold the Arab Spring short because of our own fears of Islamism, but the people of Egypt turned out to know more than any short-sellers.

We permitted Assad to destroy a country out of our fear of Islamism when we could have saved a country from the sectarian war burning all its moderates.

Time to recognize how wrong we are into believing Islamism is invincible or that the Arab countries, with a vibrant minority, will simply bend to its will.

Egypt, before us, strips Assad supporters of all excuses and shows how gullible and weak they have been.

History will not judge the minorities of Syria kindly for standing by the violence of Assad against their own people when they could have abandoned him to support the rule of law and a free Syria able to write history on clean parchments instead of the blood soaking canvas Assad painted for us.

Recognize that Assad is the problem in order for all of us to find a way to save Syria together, shoulder-to-shoulder.




10 responses to “Egypt Strips Assad Supporters of All Excuses”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Didn’t the Lebanese think that Syrians were the most stupid all along?? ;-))

    1. dateam Avatar

      I think we still do…what a ridiculous article buy a wanna be.. Look around you farid….on one side you kill each other and on the other side you cry sectarianism….especially when you don’t get your way.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Didn’t the Lebanese think that Syrians were the most stupid all along?? ;-))

    1. dateam Avatar

      I think we still do…what a ridiculous article buy a wanna be.. Look around you farid….on one side you kill each other and on the other side you cry sectarianism….especially when you don’t get your way.

  3. Ahle Bayti Avatar
    Ahle Bayti

    This one of the most ridiculous articles i have read in ages lol Does the author have any idea whats happening in the world?

    How many Egyptians have been killed since the ousting of Mursi?? But has anyone called for an armed resistance? Why Not?!

    When you rise up against an unjust system, if you truly have the numbers you claim, you dont need guns!! The Egyptians are proof of that. They are being killed yet they refuse to take up arms and legitimise their own murder. In Syria, at the orders of the Arab kings, some fools took up fighting, which has left the country in a mess.

    One Brotherhood group sits and watches its people killed in Egypt, they other Brotherhood takes up arms in a matter of days or week.

  4. Ahle Bayti Avatar
    Ahle Bayti

    This one of the most ridiculous articles i have read in ages lol Does the author have any idea whats happening in the world?

    How many Egyptians have been killed since the ousting of Mursi?? But has anyone called for an armed resistance? Why Not?!

    When you rise up against an unjust system, if you truly have the numbers you claim, you dont need guns!! The Egyptians are proof of that. They are being killed yet they refuse to take up arms and legitimise their own murder. In Syria, at the orders of the Arab kings, some fools took up fighting, which has left the country in a mess.

    One Brotherhood group sits and watches its people killed in Egypt, they other Brotherhood takes up arms in a matter of days or week.

  5. Reasonableman Avatar

    Photo speaks for itself

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      There ARE still some ‘Peacenicks’ in this world. Praise the Lord. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Reasonableman Avatar

    Photo speaks for itself

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      There ARE still some ‘Peacenicks’ in this world. Praise the Lord. ๐Ÿ™‚

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