All Dictatorships, Including The Syrian One, Are Damned.


by Ghassan Karam maher L bashar assad

The popular adage โ€œWhat is good for the Goose is good for the Ganderโ€ is meant to be a populist easy way to restate the Golden Rule which was best expressed by Mathew 7:12 as “In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophetsโ€ is also seen as the foundation of ethical reciprocity. An excellent illustration of this norm is practiced by the young in their first few years of schooling during birthday celebrations: one person cuts the cake while the other chooses which portion to take. If only grownups can keep these lessons alive as they grow up. Maybe some of us try to practice what we preach and attempt to be fair and consistent. Not the Syrian Government and not Bashar Assad though. How can they be just when their total existence from the inception of the regime is based on force, tyranny and illegitimacy? Their constant fear of truth must be the only logical explanation why they pretended to have elections. They forgot though that election proper rests on the intrinsic right to free speech and free expression. Elections are supposed to be a contest between various individuals who have different priorities about how to improve the level of welfare of the public at large. These candidates will explain to their constituents the various plans that they have and then the voters will weigh these programs and determine which they think is best for them. Elections in Syria have been a sham, every single one of them and the reason must be that those who were ruling forcefully and illegitimately did not trust those that they governed.

All dictators are afraid of the truth and that is why they set up these elaborate police systems in order to spread fear among their citizens. Well the Syrian dictatorship is one of the worst. It has lasted for over forty years by setting up what many have called the most cruel Stasi machine outside of the then GDR, East Germany. Actually the Syrian police whose role is to oppress, exploit and scare decent citizens was set up with the help of East Germany. Where is East Germany now? It has bitten the dust and as history teaches us all dictatorships will eventually bite the dust including the Syrian rulers.

The Syrian uprising has been going on for over two years that have resulted in an abnormally high level of destruction, thanks to the selfish Syrian dictatorship that is willing to pay any price to continue its rule of terror. The losses, the real losses are not limited to the destruction of city quarters and infrastructure but have resulted in over 80,000 deaths so far. Even that grotesque price becomes small when compared to the price that the future generation will have to bare.ย  This war is robbing the youth of their future and nothing, absolutely nothing, can be crueler than that.

This monstrous regime is not satisfied to mete out its terror, which has also resulted in about a 1.5 million Syrians seeking refuge in neighbouring countries and at least an equal number of refugees within the country, but has the temerity to use an illegal militia from a neighbouring country in order to launch well coordinated attacks with heavy weapons on a city that had been overrun over a year ago by the opposition. This regime seeks the aid of a well equipped and well trained illegal militia while it is lambasting the opposition for its use of foreign fighters. The double standards do not stop here either. This same Syrian administration has been complaining to whoever would listen about light arms smuggling that has been coming into Syria to help arm the FSA and its supporters level the field against the Assad killing machine but yet this same administration has been smuggling, yes smuggling, sophisticated weapons to arm militant groups in Lebanon. It does not dawn on this administration apparently that if they have the rights to destabilize others then maybe the Syrian people have the right to obtain some arms to protect themselves from the common massacres committed against them by the Syrian forces.

The irony does not stop here either. This same Syrian government was proud to encourage and facilitate the crossing of Jihadists from all across the Moslem world into Iraq but now that some of these jihadists want to cross the border in the opposite direction this activity has become abominable.

As for those that believe the constant refrain that this Syrian reign of terror is justified because it is what is keeping Al Qaeda and other extremists from taking over Syria I have fertile land for sale in the Syrian dessert not to mention bridges in NYC. The Syrian people are asking for a chance to write a new constitution with guarantees their individual right to free expression, multiparty systems and open and free elections. They are entitled to elect whoever they choose. If they so happen to elect an extreme Islamist then so be it. The essence of democracy is to accept the will of the people. If they find out that their choice did not deliver what was promised then they will vote them out of office in the next round, they will not be forced to accept a leadership that passes from father to son. The common Syrian has the right to be heard and she will.

Dictatorships are always on a path to self destruction. There is a limit to how much the public will take. Eventually enough courageous people will ask for their freedom and will shout from rooftops that the emperor has no cloths and that no one can enslave them because they are born free. The truth shall set them free. The Syrian dictatorship is not any different; it has been on its road to perdition for over four decades. That is inevitable.



178 responses to “All Dictatorships, Including The Syrian One, Are Damned.”

  1. dateam Avatar

    Ghassan, Whilst I agree with alot of the points you make the questions that need to be asked here is why with the advent of the so called arab spring have we seen a simultaneous advent of islamic fundamentalism? If the yearning of the people is to have freedom and democracy then why is it not being coupled with those very freedoms people are seeking? Yet whats even more astonishing is the fact that they are being supported? Technically we have not seen any changes on the ground in Tunisia ( who are now fighting extremists ) egypt whose first decree by mursi was to give himself more powers, Libya where we now see the islamists striking the government and syrias battle as spurned on groups that scare the daylights out of alot of people. Who is supporting them? If the world as it claims is against fundamentalists then where is their funding,training,infrastructure and ideology coming from? To say alqaeda just dosent wash anymore for alqaeda is a mirage that has been created to say we have an enemy. Proof in that can be seen in recent studies done that shows over 90% of all alqaeda claimed attacks have actually killed more muslims then so called infidels or jews as the favourite “claimed ” enemy? We see christians and minorities being attacked now more than ever? Yet in places like bahrain where they are protesting for the same freedoms that everyone else is they are ignored? My concern is who decides what a dictator is? Was not ghadaffi and mubarak and saddam hussein dictors until the west decided they were not anymore? Is it not hypocritical that countries like qatar ( that overthrew his own father in a usa sponsored coup) and saudia arabia (that still do not let women drive or leave a house alone) support the rebels in syria yet are allowed to do as they do? Are they not dictators? Your right dictators are always on the path to destruction…the question is who really does decide and why?

    1. dateam,
      Allow me to generalize by suggesting that so far what the Arab Spring has brought about was an intifada against those that have been abusing their populations for decades on end. Unfortunately none of these uprisings qualifies for being called a revolution which is best described as a total transformation of society. Yet I would argue that each of the countries that you have mentioned (Egypt, Tunis, Libya Yemen) is better off after the uprising. The road to stable and vigorous democracy is a long one but I feel that the first step has already been taken on that long and often treacherous path. All of this was to be expected since no Arab country has ever had any experience with democratic rule in its past.
      As for who is a dictator and who is not, that is an easy one. Any person who has not been elected to rule and who does not have the consent of the governed is a dictator especially when rule passes from father to son to grand son. In dictatorships there is no accountability.

      1. dateam Avatar

        Ghassan, I think you may have misunderstood my point. You have given me a definition of what a dictator is. That I know. The point I am trying to make in this whole mess we are in is if we follow the definition of what we know to be a definition of a dictator then why has it been allowed to be and why now is it not allowed to be? I mean lets not kid ourselves here its not just the people that have forced these revolts….just look throughout history as evidence. Is it not safe to assume that the west picks and chooses the dictators it wants when it suits them? I just find an underlying fact here that with the arab spring and a cry for freedom of expression we have also received in conjuction with it not just a cry for freedom and democracy but an equally and dangerous increase in fundamentalism….you must see some correlation here or is it just me?

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Dateam … the ‘believers’ always feel the pressure – and humans react to pressure. Especially when their ‘beliefs’ feel threatened, they may become unreasonably more fundamental. Not logical, but human.
          East and West – Big Business moves always in the same way. And both easterners and westerners fight that ominous ‘control’ in what often feels like dictatorship by the ‘money-men’. (which it is if the boss is an ass)
          But tourists from both sides didn’t come to just see different landscapes … they also came to experience a different ‘flavour’ of life. Weird as it may have seemed to be, it was also something to talk about when they went home again – usually to brag to the neighbours about the knowledge they had gained of the world’s peoples. And sometimes they liked what they experienced, and adopted it.
          Neither ‘side’ wants to be forced into the adoption.
          And tourists don’t want to be killed for looking different.
          But Big Business keeps trying to make profits, doesn’t it? Cell-phones are doing really well, I think, on both sides of the world now. ๐Ÿ˜‰ And what ‘the west’ does for business is actually supposed to be for it’s people. So sometimes they bite their tongues and deal with the idiots just to keep the money moving. But believe me, when they go home to talk about it, they DO.

          1. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            believers is a propaganda nonspecific word; i believe in honesty, i believe in god….this does not make me the bad anti hariri believer you are describing;you need to be specific and call a cat a cat; by believer you meant a geagea3i a salafi or a hariri…all potential terrorists or drug dealers

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Dork. You didn’t know why I used ‘believers’.

          3. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            souri but i was looking in oxford for hezzys i did not find it; what does it mean please? is all of your inking as meaningless as this neology?

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yah sure. I made it up … Shorter to type than ‘PartyOfGoddies’ or ‘Nastyrallites’. Neo would be happy with it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Dateam …. first as individuals … get the religious crap out of the heads – especially where it applies to controlling ALL people. EDUCATION. Is this not why we ‘blog’? To find the truth? ๐Ÿ™‚
      But really, you also need to separate and keep down all the anarchists – and there are always those in human societies – who would destroy all societal function for the sake of an impossible ideal of their own making. I quote Ghassan who guoted Mathew 7:12: โ€œIn everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophetsโ€.

      Can you allow people who love dancing in a ‘nosh-pit’ beating each other senseless, or those who must enjoy their own pain in a ‘fight club’, to run a society for the general benefit of all? Would you prefer that all infrastructure or people’s homes are burned in the effort to punch through an ‘ideal’? There must be SOME better way than that.
      And we have seen that ‘demonstration’ is effective – in the west as well – when people want the political ‘powers’ to move ‘for’ the people who have a different opinion – although even a few anarchists can ruin an other-wise well-meaning demonstration and require police – under law – to move in.
      (Demonstration is to show society that many in it want change, and to attempt to draw others into the thinking (education) – not to ruin the whole idea by violence which MOST humans do NOT want.)
      In Syria, the well-meaning demonstrated. The ‘law’ simply shot them. That encouraged the anarchists. The ‘law’ tortured and bombed them. Anarchy grew in proportion, and world-anarchists gathered to ‘help’. Now, there is no law and no well-meaning. Those who wished for change, if not dead, are gone elsewhere. There is no education.

      1. dateam Avatar

        I hear what your saying….but firstly and unfortunately you can not compare western societies and freedoms of expression to anywhere in the middle east……secondly as syria is technically considered as not being an islamic state….religion is separate…people religion for example is not on their documentation as is the case in lebanon…..then where did this extremism come from? Again is this not a fair question to ask? Do you not see a disturbing correlation happening? Its like people are afraid to ask these questions? Your right education is the key however the problem is the educated are using the uneducated to carry out what we are witnessing now…..

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I think ‘religion’ underlay the whole thing from the beginning. It’s how the ‘powers’ decided to keep it down that is the problem. Dividing the ‘sects’ and creating fear among them about ‘those others’ did the job for Assad, along with his trained killers – which came from the only sect he could trust.
          I would also say that the father brainwashed the son. Ill-education.

          1. dateam Avatar

            Did you see what happened in london this morning? Talk about brainwashed?

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            They getting weapons supplied from Jamaica? Can’t find a good scimitar?
            Allo Akbar? Yes definitely brainwashed – and the only reason British police are starting to carry guns again. Good thing, but the cop didn’t use enough bullets. The British Health System is now paying for their ‘care’. Later they will plead insanity … like we couldn’t tell that … but they will need to do a suicide bombing to get on the martyrs list.
            The Muslim Council of Britain seems sympathetic.

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        Well said!

        1. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

          lahhiss tyez ahbal

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Aren’t you tired of getting banned Mr. Ashrafieh?

            You live where you do not belong, you dwell where you do not belong, you blog where you do not belong… Hmmmmmm a problem with rejection I see… Hariri rejected your love? How unfortunate… Go to Saudi Arabia, plenty of boy lovers there.

  2. dateam Avatar

    Ghassan, Whilst I agree with alot of the points you make the questions that need to be asked here is why with the advent of the so called arab spring have we seen a simultaneous advent of islamic fundamentalism? If the yearning of the people is to have freedom and democracy then why is it not being coupled with those very freedoms people are seeking? Yet whats even more astonishing is the fact that they are being supported? Technically we have not seen any changes on the ground in Tunisia ( who are now fighting extremists ) egypt whose first decree by mursi was to give himself more powers, Libya where we now see the islamists striking the government and syrias battle as spurned on groups that scare the daylights out of alot of people. Who is supporting them? If the world as it claims is against fundamentalists then where is their funding,training,infrastructure and ideology coming from? To say alqaeda just dosent wash anymore for alqaeda is a mirage that has been created to say we have an enemy. Proof in that can be seen in recent studies done that shows over 90% of all alqaeda claimed attacks have actually killed more muslims then so called infidels or jews as the favourite “claimed ” enemy? We see christians and minorities being attacked now more than ever? Yet in places like bahrain where they are protesting for the same freedoms that everyone else is they are ignored? My concern is who decides what a dictator is? Was not ghadaffi and mubarak and saddam hussein dictors until the west decided they were not anymore? Is it not hypocritical that countries like qatar ( that overthrew his own father in a usa sponsored coup) and saudia arabia (that still do not let women drive or leave a house alone) support the rebels in syria yet are allowed to do as they do? Are they not dictators? Your right dictators are always on the path to destruction…the question is who really does decide and why?

    1. dateam,
      Allow me to generalize by suggesting that so far what the Arab Spring has brought about was an intifada against those that have been abusing their populations for decades on end. Unfortunately none of these uprisings qualifies for being called a revolution which is best described as a total transformation of society. Yet I would argue that each of the countries that you have mentioned (Egypt, Tunis, Libya Yemen) is better off after the uprising. The road to stable and vigorous democracy is a long one but I feel that the first step has already been taken on that long and often treacherous path. All of this was to be expected since no Arab country has ever had any experience with democratic rule in its past.
      As for who is a dictator and who is not, that is an easy one. Any person who has not been elected to rule and who does not have the consent of the governed is a dictator especially when rule passes from father to son to grand son. In dictatorships there is no accountability.

      1. dateam Avatar

        Ghassan, I think you may have misunderstood my point. You have given me a definition of what a dictator is. That I know. The point I am trying to make in this whole mess we are in is if we follow the definition of what we know to be a definition of a dictator then why has it been allowed to be and why now is it not allowed to be? I mean lets not kid ourselves here its not just the people that have forced these revolts….just look throughout history as evidence. Is it not safe to assume that the west picks and chooses the dictators it wants when it suits them? I just find an underlying fact here that with the arab spring and a cry for freedom of expression we have also received in conjuction with it not just a cry for freedom and democracy but an equally and dangerous increase in fundamentalism….you must see some correlation here or is it just me?

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Dateam … the ‘believers’ always feel the pressure – and humans react to pressure. Especially when their ‘beliefs’ feel threatened, they may become unreasonably more fundamental. Not logical, but human.
          East and West – Big Business moves always in the same way. And both easterners and westerners fight that ominous ‘control’ in what often feels like dictatorship by the ‘money-men’. (which it is if the boss is an ass)
          But tourists from both sides didn’t come to just see different landscapes … they also came to experience a different ‘flavour’ of life. Weird as it may have seemed to be, it was also something to talk about when they went home again – usually to brag to the neighbours about the knowledge they had gained of the world’s peoples. And sometimes they liked what they experienced, and adopted it.
          Neither ‘side’ wants to be forced into the adoption.
          And tourists don’t want to be killed for looking different.
          But Big Business keeps trying to make profits, doesn’t it? Cell-phones are doing really well, I think, on both sides of the world now. ๐Ÿ˜‰ And what ‘the west’ does for business is actually supposed to be for it’s people. So sometimes they bite their tongues and deal with the idiots just to keep the money moving. But believe me, when they go home to talk about it, they DO.

          1. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            believers is a propaganda nonspecific word; i believe in honesty, i believe in god….this does not make me the bad anti hariri believer you are describing;you need to be specific and call a cat a cat; by believer you meant a geagea3i a salafi or a hariri…all potential terrorists or drug dealers

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Dork. You didn’t know why I used ‘believers’.

          3. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            souri but i was looking in oxford for hezzys i did not find it; what does it mean please? is all of your inking as meaningless as this neology?

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yah sure. I made it up … Shorter to type than ‘PartyOfGoddies’ or ‘Nastyrallites’. Neo would be happy with it. ๐Ÿ™‚

          5. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            i know the alcoholites

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Dateam …. first as individuals … get the religious crap out of the heads – especially where it applies to controlling ALL people. EDUCATION. Is this not why we ‘blog’? To find the truth? ๐Ÿ™‚
      But really, you also need to separate and keep down all the anarchists – and there are always those in human societies – who would destroy all societal function for the sake of an impossible ideal of their own making. I quote Ghassan who guoted Mathew 7:12: โ€œIn everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophetsโ€.

      Can you allow people who love dancing in a ‘nosh-pit’ beating each other senseless, or those who must enjoy their own pain in a ‘fight club’, to run a society for the general benefit of all? Would you prefer that all infrastructure or people’s homes are burned in the effort to punch through an ‘ideal’? There must be SOME better way than that.
      And we have seen that ‘demonstration’ is effective – in the west as well – when people want the political ‘powers’ to move ‘for’ the people who have a different opinion – although even a few anarchists can ruin an other-wise well-meaning demonstration and require police – under law – to move in.
      (Demonstration is to show society that many in it want change, and to attempt to draw others into the thinking (education) – not to ruin the whole idea by violence which MOST humans do NOT want.)
      In Syria, the well-meaning demonstrated. The ‘law’ simply shot them. That encouraged the anarchists. The ‘law’ tortured and bombed them. Anarchy grew in proportion, and world-anarchists gathered to ‘help’. Now, there is no law and no well-meaning. Those who wished for change, if not dead, are gone elsewhere. There is no education.

      1. dateam Avatar

        I hear what your saying….but firstly and unfortunately you can not compare western societies and freedoms of expression to anywhere in the middle east……secondly as syria is technically considered as not being an islamic state….religion is separate…people religion for example is not on their documentation as is the case in lebanon…..then where did this extremism come from? Again is this not a fair question to ask? Do you not see a disturbing correlation happening? Its like people are afraid to ask these questions? Your right education is the key however the problem is the educated are using the uneducated to carry out what we are witnessing now…..

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I think ‘religion’ underlay the whole thing from the beginning. It’s how the ‘powers’ decided to keep it down that is the problem. Dividing the ‘sects’ and creating fear among them about ‘those others’ did the job for Assad, along with his trained killers – which came from the only sect he could trust.

          1. dateam Avatar

            Did you see what happened in london this morning? Talk about brainwashed?

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            They getting weapons supplied from Jamaica? Can’t find a good scimitar?
            Allo Akbar? Yes definitely brainwashed – and the only reason British police are starting to carry guns again. Good thing, but the cop didn’t use enough bullets. The British Health System is now paying for their ‘care’. Later they will plead insanity … like we couldn’t tell that … but they will need to do a suicide bombing to get on the martyrs list.
            The Muslim Council of Britain seems sympathetic.

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        Well said!

        1. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

          lahhiss tyez ahbal

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Aren’t you tired of getting banned Mr. Ashrafieh?

            You live where you do not belong, you dwell where you do not belong, you blog where you do not belong… Hmmmmmm a problem with rejection I see… Hariri rejected your love? How unfortunate… Go to Saudi Arabia, plenty of boy lovers there.

  3. Hannibal Avatar

    Saudi Arabia is next… Just wait until their wells dry up.

    1. Hannibal,
      Saudi Arabia has the only absolute monarchy in the world, its rate of population growth is one of the highest in the world and its aquifers are being mined (depleted) at a fast rate. It does present the perfect setting for a major social upheaval. The Arab awakening, if it is to go on and eventually succeed then all the governments of the GCC and not only Saudi Arabia will have to be replaced including Oman.

  4. Hannibal Avatar

    Saudi Arabia is next… Just wait until their wells dry up.

    1. Hannibal,
      Saudi Arabia has the only absolute monarchy in the world, its rate of population growth is one of the highest in the world and its aquifers are being mined (depleted) at a fast rate. It does present the perfect setting for a major social upheaval. The Arab awakening, if it is to go on and eventually succeed then all the governments of the GCC and not only Saudi Arabia will have to be replaced including Oman.

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Thank you again, Ghassan.

    1. 5thDrawer,
      Thank you for reading.

  6. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Thank you again, Ghassan.

    1. 5thDrawer,
      Thank you for reading.

  7. MossadAgent Avatar

    not bashar assad but maybe field marshall tzar geagea and ombashi khariri; i hope these two agents of us will behave democratically when our tanks make them reach power in lebanon

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      All we needed here … a Mossad idiot. Or is this a SalfiSunniMoAssadDork reborn again?

      1. MossadAgent Avatar

        i am ben bandar as undercover; yes i am the one paying you at the end of the month, lunar month; please dont mix shaaban bi ramadan

      2. MossadAgent Avatar

        knowing that only idiots and imbeciles do not change their mind, do you still consider anyone not agreeing with your great democratic thinking (ironic) as idiot?

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I think anyone who wants to kill me for what I think is an idiot. If he wants to disagree, and has a plausible reason, I’m not going to kill him because of that.
          Hell … I might even consider his reason, IF he demonstrates his reasoning well enough to listen to it ๐Ÿ˜‰
          I always felt ‘If it works, use it.’ was a good approach … but knowing how a gun works is not the same as thinking I know best what to use it on.
          I DO KNOW that firing it up into the sky (at God?) and sending a pile of lead up there means I’m an idiot who never learned about, at the least, gravity. But I will take a vote from those standing around me before I do it if I really want to shoot.
          Which curiously now, reminds me of an old poem with this line:
          “I shot an arrow into the air. It fell to earth, I know not where.’
          I am not willing to play god and take the chance it won’t go through a fellow human before it hits earth – even knowing there’s the possible chance I would not be ‘charged’ for it, because it could come down on a poor imbecile who believes ALL his misfortune comes from God, and is on a cell phone looking into the sky saying: ‘Allo? Akbar?’

      3. MossadAgent Avatar

        you remind me the era of abdulnasser where people went to demonstrate in the streets without knowing why!!! they just considered anything idiot and repeated what the first row was chanting without understanding what and why they were there

  8. MossadAgent Avatar

    not bashar assad but maybe field marshall tzar geagea and ombashi khariri; i hope these two agents of us will behave democratically when our tanks make them reach power in lebanon

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      All we needed here … a Mossad idiot. Or is this a SalfiSunniMoAssadDork reborn again?

      1. MossadAgent Avatar

        i am ben bandar as undercover; yes i am the one paying you at the end of the month, lunar month; please dont mix shaaban bi ramadan

      2. MossadAgent Avatar

        knowing that only idiots and imbeciles do not change their mind, do you still consider anyone not agreeing with your great democratic thinking (ironic) as idiot?

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I think anyone who wants to kill me for what I think is an idiot. If he wants to disagree, and has a plausible reason, I’m not going to kill him because of that.
          Hell … I might even consider his reason, IF he demonstrates his reasoning well enough to listen to it ๐Ÿ˜‰
          I always felt ‘If it works, use it.’ was a good approach … but knowing how a gun works is not the same as thinking I know best what to use it on.
          I DO KNOW that firing it up into the sky (at God?) and sending a pile of lead up there means I’m an idiot who never learned about, at the least, gravity. But I will take a vote from those standing around me before I do it if I really want to shoot.
          Which curiously now, reminds me of an old poem with this line:
          “I shot an arrow into the air. It fell to earth, I know not where.’
          I am not willing to play god and take the chance it won’t go through a fellow human before it hits earth – even knowing there’s the possible chance I would not be ‘charged’ for it, because it could come down on a poor imbecile who believes ALL his misfortune comes from God, and is on a cell phone looking into the sky saying: ‘Allo? Akbar?’

      3. MossadAgent Avatar

        you remind me the era of abdulnasser where people went to demonstrate in the streets without knowing why!!! they just considered anything idiot and repeated what the first row was chanting without understanding what and why they were there

  9. Fauzia45 Avatar

    Yes *All dictators are afraid of truth*They never let their people know,They control ,silence and kill!They fabricate and falsify!They oppressive,repress and terrorize!They are a danger to their people,neighbors and the region!They stir up trouble here and there,start wars,plot outside and inside to hold on to power and to their chairs!When the time comes ,people rise up against this tyranny to fight for *freedom and liberty*!This road is not easy!!It s a long ,long path full of dangers and obstacles,dark periods that demand a lot of sacrifice and time!Yes,*courageous people*will have to continue to raise their voices and must not let those who do not believe in freedom and liberty take over!!!!

    1. Fauzia,
      You are absolutely right. Nothing worthwhile is easy . We must be willing to take a stand.

    2. MossadAgent Avatar

      you think the people will revolt against the dictatorship of allah and his prophet

      1. Yes, eventually they would.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Glad someone else said what I was thinking this time. ๐Ÿ™‚

    3. dateam Avatar

      napolean once said….totalatarianism has silence so they do what they want….democracies dont so they lie….unfortunately there is no perfect system but one is obviously better than the other.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Churchill later said a remarkably similar thing. ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. dateam Avatar

          look further down i used one of his qoutes

  10. Fauzia45 Avatar

    Yes *All dictators are afraid of truth*They never let their people know,They control ,silence and kill!They fabricate and falsify!They oppressive,repress and terrorize!They are a danger to their people,neighbors and the region!They stir up trouble here and there,start wars,plot outside and inside to hold on to power and to their chairs!When the time comes ,people rise up against this tyranny to fight for *freedom and liberty*!This road is not easy!!It s a long ,long path full of dangers and obstacles,dark periods that demand a lot of sacrifice and time!Yes,*courageous people*will have to continue to raise their voices and must not let those who do not believe in freedom and liberty take over!!!!

    1. Fauzia,
      You are absolutely right. Nothing worthwhile is easy . We must be willing to take a stand.

    2. MossadAgent Avatar

      you think the people will revolt against the dictatorship of allah and his prophet

      1. Yes, eventually they would.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Glad someone else said what I was thinking this time. ๐Ÿ™‚

    3. dateam Avatar

      napolean once said….totalatarianism has silence so they do what they want….democracies dont so they lie….unfortunately there is no perfect system but one is obviously better than the other.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Churchill later said a remarkably similar thing. ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. dateam Avatar

          look further down i used one of his qoutes

  11. MossadAgent Avatar

    do you still believe like two years ago that assad dynasty will be leaving in 2 weeks or did you readjust your mind?

  12. MossadAgent Avatar

    do you still believe like two years ago that assad dynasty will be leaving in 2 weeks or did you readjust your mind?

  13. Rabih Hmaydani Avatar
    Rabih Hmaydani

    In Lebanon every religion and every sect have 2 or 3 dictators. While they make business deals and take commission on any government project we the people starve and die. We may need a strongman like Saddam to come to power in Lebanon and take out the trash.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Let’s not go that route … there’s strong, and then there’s a Saddam … we don’t need the mix.

    2. Rabih,
      It would be easier for the Lebanese to stop allowing the political/religious landlords from taking advantage of them. All what they have to do is vote them out of office and behave as responsible informed citizens.

      1. Rabih Hmaydani Avatar
        Rabih Hmaydani

        I dont think the democratic process would work in Lebanon simply because we dont have a strong central government, Army or law enforcement. Everything is controlled by the political parties. Even a revolution is close to impossible because the colleges are all under the control of these parties, the media is controlled by the parties and most employment in the public sector is controlled by the parties. While they all agree to share power and put a show on for us. Religion is used to divide us so that we never rise up. HA will say its an Israeli project and the others will say its Iran. What we need is a strong Army that can crush all these parties and groups and thats the reason they never allow the army to become fully equipped.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Then what you must do Rabih, is educate all the people to see those facts. And yes, when the ‘formal’ education is so well-controlled it can be tricky. But it’s not impossible. Book-burners have never been able to absolutely stop information flowing to people who seek it. And when enough seek it, ‘Berlin Walls’ will come down …. hopefully everywhere.
          Problem is, it’s never ‘instant’.

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            lol educate? ha ha chou baddak t3allim ta t3allim… There is one book those guys look for wisdom in… Yup you guessed it… It is written in archaic Arabic.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ah well, Hannibal … I took a moment to dream … sorry. :-))
            Actually, when I look at some of the things going on elsewhere, and the advances in the good-for-human practical applications, in what used to be considered ‘theoretical science’ (see Popular Science dot com, for instance), I don’t see any way that the average person who has been kept in the dark for a millennia could ever catch up to the kind of philosophy which allowed that freedom for humans to seek answers.
            And rather than even attempt to do it now, the idiots want to drag everyone else back into the dark with them.
            Really, that misguided and repressed ‘spirit’ is the reason for all this fighting over the ‘One God’. What we call ‘Easterners’ and ‘Westerners’ with adventuring brains have ALL faced the ‘edicts’ of those ‘religious heads’, who’s philosophy of repression of Man’s spirit with invented ‘rules’ about how to seek God, have made human lives miserable everywhere for all our time on the planet.

            Some have broken free of them. There is no going back.
            There was a time we thought a God got in his chariot each day and dragged a ball of fire across ‘the sky’. Some wanted to ride with him and dared to look. Some figured out how to do that without going blind. Advancement.
            No matter what the ‘religionists’ think, all humans still look for God – we just approach the voyage of seeking the answer to the eternal question of ‘WHY’ from different perspectives. The ones who think they already have all the answers don’t want the rest of us looking. Too bad for them, I say.

        2. Rabih,
          Real democracy does not depend on a strong central government. Exactly the opposite. The more centralized the state the less democratic it is.

          1. Rabih Hmaydani Avatar
            Rabih Hmaydani

            But the state should have authority over its people and state institutions should be able to act within the law. In Lebanon the state is obsolete and its institutions like the Army and Police are a mockery. We have battles killing people as we speak in North Lebanon and nothing can be done to stop it.

    3. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

      i propose george w bush

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        That figures. Dork.

    4. COBRA Avatar

      I tend to reluctantly agree with Rabih. In order for democracy to succeed, one must cast his/her vote purely based on the candidate’s qualifications, and the elected one must allocate the country’s resources and make fair policies, etc. across the board. I hope so, but I am not sure if Lebanese people would cross religious/racial lines to elect the most qualified person in office irrespective of religion, race, etc. Also, these shortsighted, oppressive billionaires having already secured government portfolios, membership in Parliament and vast wealth, can very easily buy the votes or influence their results. At this point, a “strongman” with equivalently strong army may be able to clean up the mess and pave the road for educated, intelligent politicians who would serve the public for the welfare of the public and the country.

    5. zabada Avatar

      No brother..we need transparent democracy to clearing what you said.

  14. Rabih Hmaydani Avatar
    Rabih Hmaydani

    In Lebanon every religion and every sect have 2 or 3 dictators. While they make business deals and take commission on any government project we the people starve and die. We may need a strongman like Saddam to come to power in Lebanon and take out the trash.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Let’s not go that route … there’s strong, and then there’s a Saddam … we don’t need the mix.

    2. Rabih,
      It would be easier for the Lebanese to stop allowing the political/religious landlords from taking advantage of them. All what they have to do is vote them out of office and behave as responsible informed citizens.

      1. Rabih Hmaydani Avatar
        Rabih Hmaydani

        I dont think the democratic process would work in Lebanon simply because we dont have a strong central government, Army or law enforcement. Everything is controlled by the political parties. Even a revolution is close to impossible because the colleges are all under the control of these parties, the media is controlled by the parties and most employment in the public sector is controlled by the parties. While they all agree to share power and put a show on for us. Religion is used to divide us so that we never rise up. HA will say its an Israeli project and the others will say its Iran. What we need is a strong Army that can crush all these parties and groups and thats the reason they never allow the army to become fully equipped.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Then what you must do Rabih, is educate all the people to see those facts. And yes, when the ‘formal’ education is so well-controlled it can be tricky. But it’s not impossible. Book-burners have never been able to absolutely stop information flowing to people who seek it. And when enough seek it, ‘Berlin Walls’ will come down …. hopefully everywhere.
          Problem is, it’s never ‘instant’.

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            lol educate? ha ha chou baddak t3allim ta t3allim… There is one book those guys look for wisdom in… Yup you guessed it… It is written in archaic Arabic.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ah well, Hannibal … I took a moment to dream … sorry. :-))
            Actually, when I look at some of the things going on elsewhere, and the advances in the good-for-human practical applications, in what used to be considered ‘theoretical science’ (see Popular Science dot com, for instance), I don’t see any way that the average person who has been kept in the dark for a millennia could ever catch up to the kind of philosophy which allowed that freedom for humans to seek answers.
            And rather than even attempt to do it now, the idiots want to drag everyone else back into the dark with them.
            Really, that misguided and repressed ‘spirit’ is the reason for all this fighting over the ‘One God’. What we call ‘Easterners’ and ‘Westerners’ with adventuring brains have ALL faced the ‘edicts’ of those ‘religious heads’, who’s philosophy of repression of Man’s spirit with invented ‘rules’ about how to seek God, have made human lives miserable everywhere for all our time on the planet.

            Some have broken free of them. There is no going back.
            There was a time we thought a God got in his chariot each day and dragged a ball of fire across ‘the sky’. Some wanted to ride with him and dared to look. Some figured out how to do that without going blind. Advancement.
            No matter what the ‘religionists’ think, all humans still look for God – we just approach the voyage of seeking the answer to the eternal question of ‘WHY’ from different perspectives. The ones who think they already have all the answers don’t want the rest of us looking. Too bad for them, I say.

          3. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            i understand you are far above the average person; it is called “folie de grandeur” in english and btw, for your govern, you may not find it in your oxford bible

          4. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            ya 7mar the holy koran was never written in arabic

        2. Rabih,
          Real democracy does not depend on a strong central government. Exactly the opposite. The more centralized the state the less democratic it is.

          1. Rabih Hmaydani Avatar
            Rabih Hmaydani

            But the state should have authority over its people and state institutions should be able to act within the law. In Lebanon the state is obsolete and its institutions like the Army and Police are a mockery. We have battles killing people as we speak in North Lebanon and nothing can be done to stop it.

    3. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

      i propose george w bush

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        That figures. Dork.

          1. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            un rire idiot

    4. COBRA Avatar

      I tend to reluctantly agree with Rabih. In order for democracy to succeed, one must cast his/her vote purely based on the candidate’s qualifications, and the elected one must allocate the country’s resources and make fair policies, etc. across the board. I hope so, but I am not sure if Lebanese people would cross religious/racial lines to elect the most qualified person in office irrespective of religion, race, etc. Also, these shortsighted, oppressive billionaires having already secured government portfolios, membership in Parliament and vast wealth, can very easily buy the votes or influence their results. At this point, a “strongman” with equivalently strong army may be able to clean up the mess and pave the road for educated, intelligent politicians who would serve the public for the welfare of the public and the country.

    5. Ustaz Bidin Avatar
      Ustaz Bidin

      No brother..we need transparent democracy to clearing what you said.

  15. Sebouh80 Avatar


    First of all, In this entire article you are desperately trying to bring it in the same tone of what Albert Camus the moral Philosopher who once famously said that “in a world of conflict, a world of victims and executions, it is the job of the thinking people, not to be on the side of the executioners”.

    In the Syrian case, however, the idea of victims and executioners has become more ambiguous then ever due to the fact that both parties are directly engaging in the same brutal tactics and methods.

    Having said that, if the thinking people side with the opposition forces and having full knowledge of their barbaric nature then in that case they are guilty of moral hypocrisy.

    Finally, just a note of reminder that a genuine democracy can never be fulfilled in a world of concentrated wealth and power.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Sebouh – in some places the concentrated ‘wealth and power’ isn’t shooting citizens and bombing it’s own infrastructure into non-existence. And ‘the 99%’ DO get to vote on occasion – which makes them feel better, AND They can also bitch about it after. Freely.
      Whether or not they care about people 10,000 miles away suffering under a different kind of ‘imposed democracy’ is another matter entirely – not related to morals.
      Of course, on occasion a bit of news floats past, and they say to themselves: ‘Wow. What a bunch of sick bastards over there.’ And then they get on with daily life. Freely.

      1. Sebouh80 Avatar

        My dear friend you need to read Howard Zinn’s book on American history from 1492 till present. The name of the book is called “A People’s History of the United States”

        Enjoy it

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I read Churchill’s ‘History of the English Speaking People’ … Now there’s new history? … my god … ๐Ÿ˜‰
          I will keep an eye out for it when I can afford it. ๐Ÿ™‚
          But you probably wish me to know all the killing history. I have an idea, actually.
          Hell … I even remember ‘Kent State’ … ๐Ÿ™‚
          I have trouble finding people who believe ‘Make Love, Not War’ was a useful concept.

          1. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            you are a texbook picture of a hypocrite; on one side you are a loyal servant or maid(domestic) in a sunna salafi hariri blog and on the other side you preconise an anti islamic racist leader winston churchill

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            But he was an accurate historian. Dork. Your problem is that you can’t accept any truth if it comes from someone you don’t like. Dork. And you will keep trying to bug me and others here with the stupid name-changes too, but knowing you are a Dork, we don’t care. Dork. And what the hell is ‘preconise’ anyway? Dork. Sticking a couple of words together again in a feeble attempt to make sense of something in your mind? Dork. It probably really bugs you that I am a servant of no-one but my own person (and the occasional bank), doesn’t it? Dork. However, I know there is no actual humour in your head, and you need absolute proof of anything anyone says, even in jest. Dork. So grab yourself an Oxford and look up a word or two that mean something, and try to grab a thought or two while you’re at it. Dork.
            And yes, your description is there too. No humour intended.

          3. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            is dork the most important word you plagiarised from oxford dic? lol; i am terribly sorry you cannot understand plenty of my jargon since your blinkers limit you to oxford to plagiarise, and copy and paste from other wikipedia references for dummies or dhimmies to the masters you serve; i understand your denial of maidship but do you think all idiots know they are dummies? take it easy boy, try to learn and stop pretending to know it all and moralising on this bordello type propaganda blog; you are just a little sufferer of the nouveau riche-like syndrome i described previously. The difference between you and me is that you are bragging your plagiarism whereas my modest artifact is homemade you find not in bestsellers and anecdotal books for dummies on internet; ofcourse i am not refering to moral values to which you seem to develop anaphylactic shocks and anal blisters

          4. Leborigine Avatar

            LoL, what a tosser! Dork fits you like a glove ya Kdeesh. But I think pseudocyesis is a more fitting word for you that I plagiarized from Oxford – a low life that thinks that its smart and that its Lebanese!

          5. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            pffffffffffffffffffffttt, oops i farted

          6. Leborigine Avatar

            Sahtayn 3a 2albak.

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We noticed … in all the above which you wrote.

          8. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            ya hmar, ask me what is pseudocyesis and i would have given you a lecture instead of propagating fartogenic nonsense bringing the level of this blog even lower than what it is ya wog

          9. Leborigine Avatar

            Ooooooooooooooooooh mr know it all!! Your presence has already brought the level of this blog down to its lowest, I’m just decorating it! Typical low life scumbag, do you really think the word ‘Wog’ bothers me. I bet you do not even know what it meant before you looked it up ya hayaween

          10. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            free lesson; pseudocyesis is animaginary pregnancy; pseudo is falso; pseudocyst, pseudoaneurysm…. it is not because someone called you pseudocyesis that it means low life but this does not exclude you are a low life which we know by now; pseudomen like you can feel pregnant; it happens to dogs too; dont look for pseudomen in oxford you wont find it; look at the mirror and you will know how a gay can suffer from pseudocyesis

          11. Leborigine Avatar

            Here we go, are you running out of responses. You are plagiarising my comments from previous blogs! What a fluffer, just keep fluffing you homophobic idiot!

          12. Hannibal Avatar


          13. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You want something ‘home-made’?
            Kiss Imak Shamoo29ta.

          14. dateam Avatar

            “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”

      2. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

        strange how many ex lebanese migrants present a nouveau riche syndrome when they speak about democracy; these peasants, most of them depend on the compo of the west, probably also members of some maffia or drug smuggling gangs(geagea men are notorious for that) do not realise that their lebanese village has more democracy than the most advanced state of USA; strange how some of these ex-labanese peasant wogs in australia, most are plummas (plumbers in english), feel democratic when they spread their jaws swallowing their tongues pulling on their masseters speaking northern labanese australian english (like m’anshor al sayyoro); walak tfou 3alaykon shou bala asl ya wled al haram

    2. I don’t think that any one thinks that we can achieve genuine democracy in the Arab world at this point in time. A first step towards it would be sufficient.

      1. Sebouh80 Avatar

        One thing we have to agree with is that religious extremism is the real threat facing the inhabitants of Syria, Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East.

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Great that way we bundle them in one area… Hopefully Syria then we wipe them out… Let it be.

  16. Sebouh80 Avatar


    First of all, In this entire article you are desperately trying to bring it in the same tone of what Albert Camus the moral Philosopher who once famously said that “in a world of conflict, a world of victims and executions, it is the job of the thinking people, not to be on the side of the executioners”.

    In the Syrian case, however, the idea of victims and executioners has become more ambiguous then ever due to the fact that both parties are directly engaging in the same brutal tactics and methods.

    Having said that, if the thinking people side with the opposition forces and having full knowledge of their barbaric nature then in that case they are guilty of moral hypocrisy.

    Finally, just a note of reminder that a genuine democracy can never be fulfilled in a world of concentrated wealth and power.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Sebouh – in some places the concentrated ‘wealth and power’ isn’t shooting citizens and bombing it’s own infrastructure into non-existence. And ‘the 99%’ DO get to vote on occasion – which makes them feel better, AND They can also bitch about it after. Freely.

      1. Sebouh80 Avatar

        My dear friend you need to read Howard Zinn’s book on American history from 1492 till present. The name of the book is called “A People’s History of the United States”

        Enjoy it

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I read Churchill’s ‘History of the English Speaking People’ … Now there’s new history? … my god … ๐Ÿ˜‰
          I will keep an eye out for it when I can afford it. ๐Ÿ™‚
          But you probably wish me to know all the killing history. I have an idea, actually.
          Hell … I even remember ‘Kent State’ … ๐Ÿ™‚
          I have trouble finding people who believe ‘Make Love, Not War’ was a useful concept.

          1. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            you are a texbook picture of a hypocrite; on one side you are a loyal servant or maid(domestic) in a sunna salafi hariri blog and on the other side you preconise an anti islamic racist leader winston churchill

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            But he was an accurate historian. Dork. Your problem is that you can’t accept any truth if it comes from someone you don’t like. Dork. And you will keep trying to bug me and others here with the stupid name-changes too, but knowing you are a Dork, we don’t care. Dork. And what the hell is ‘preconise’ anyway? Dork. Sticking a couple of words together again in a feeble attempt to make sense of something in your mind? Dork. It probably really bugs you that I am a servant of no-one but my own person (and the occasional bank), doesn’t it? Dork. However, I know there is no actual humour in your head, and you need absolute proof of anything anyone says, even in jest. Dork. So grab yourself an Oxford and look up a word or two that mean something, and try to grab a thought or two while you’re at it. Dork.
            And yes, your description is there too. No humour intended.

          3. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            is dork the most important word you plagiarised from oxford dic? lol; i am terribly sorry you cannot understand plenty of my jargon since your blinkers limit you to oxford to plagiarise, and copy and paste from other wikipedia references for dummies or dhimmies to the masters you serve; i understand your denial of maidship but do you think all idiots know they are dummies? take it easy boy, try to learn and stop pretending to know it all and moralising on this bordello type propaganda blog; you are just a little sufferer of the nouveau riche-like syndrome i described previously. The difference between you and me is that you are bragging your plagiarism whereas my modest artifact is homemade you find not in bestsellers and anecdotal books for dummies on internet; ofcourse i am not refering to moral values to which you seem to develop anaphylactic shocks

          4. Leborigine Avatar

            LoL, what a tosser! Dork fits you like a glove ya Kdeesh. But I think pseudocyesis is a more fitting word for you that I plagiarized from Oxford – a low life that thinks that its smart and that its Lebanese!

          5. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            pffffffffffffffffffffttt, oops i farted

          6. Leborigine Avatar

            Sahtayn 3a 2albak.

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We noticed … in all the above.

          8. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            if you are smelling farts then it is high time you take a good shower

          9. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            ya hmar, ask me what is pseudocyesis and i would have given you a lecture instead of propagating fartogenic nonsense bringing the level of this blog even lower than what it is ya wog

          10. Leborigine Avatar

            Ooooooooooooooooooh mr know it all!! Your presence has already brought the level of this blog down to its lowest, I’m just decorating it! Typical low life scumbag, do you really think the word ‘Wog’ bothers me. I bet you do not even know what it meant before you looked it up ya hayaween

          11. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

            free lesson; pseudocyesis is animaginary pregnancy; pseudo is falso; pseudocyst, pseudoaneurysm…. it is not because someone called you pseudocyesis that it means low life but this does not exclude you are a low life which we know by now; pseudomen like you can feel pregnant; it happens to dogs too; dont look for pseudomen in oxford you wont find it; look at the mirror and you will know how a gay can suffer from pseudocyesis

          12. Leborigine Avatar

            Here we go, are you running out of responses. You are plagiarising my comments from previous blogs! What a fluffer, just keep fluffing you idiot!

          13. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            kon fi wo7od min lobnon wokin as plumma in wosten ostrolia, meno m’anshar; he fell down min al 3osheer floor on his head; one bystander saw him standing up without any injury and told him: 10 000 dollar if you do it again; the labanese min bshorreh (shi bi kharreh) said: lo lo, borki ma jit 3olo rosseh

          14. Leborigine Avatar

            …….. and the fluffer is back continuing with its nonsense. Wleed Bsharree teej rasak ya sarsoor. BTW, repetition is boring, is that all you got??

          15. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            btw tell hal ajdab hanibaghl not to be afraid to come to beirut airport, we checked him, teli3 sarsour sghir; we wont touch him

          16. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            now tell us shou osset hal pedophelia you were involved with; dont be afraid pedophelia is halal bil sou3oudyyeh, iza jebo sa3d president of republic, ma yihimmak

          17. Hannibal Avatar


          18. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            di7ket mhebil

          19. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            listen, insulting people means you are bankrupt and does not even affect my shoes; it only means that you are low class; btw dont think you appear more intelligent by doing so; oops maybe hal mahabeel like 5th master and the king of masateel hannibaghl will say: wow lek hal ostroleh esho oweh….hhhhhhh; to be honest with you, originally i came here for an undercover mission, i sadly realised you are a bunch of massateel and my mission was over; now i come because i find playing with massateel is funny; hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

          20. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            wla sobbat kil libneneh bisharrif rossok wa 3ayltak

          21. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You want something ‘home-made’?
            Kiss Imak Shamoo29ta.

          22. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            i love it when i see these idiot bloggers losing their temper and starting to insult thus unveiling their own self; btw i did not know you were ibn sharmootah so please do not think everybody is like your mother

          23. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            what a pork

          24. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            aywa walak joud ya prince; ya aflaton 3asrak

          25. Hannibal Avatar

            Allah ysee3dak… you are a pathetic soul. You made yourself a mockery in this blog. I am still challenging you this Summer… You said you would meet me at the airport? Looking forward to it. He He Somebody is gonna get a beatin… (sing with me ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) … Somebody is gonna get a beatin… Somebody is gonna get a beatin…

          26. daibers Avatar

            I met yu at airpote mr no problam i taked yu evry where mr i do not understand somebody is gonna get a beatin mr yu speak goog inglise mr yu telifone me mr i take yu mr no problem mr

          27. Hannibal Avatar

            send me your phone number and I will have 5th translate…

          28. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            send me yours and i will meet you in usa

          29. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I got it Hannibal. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hi Dab ๐Ÿ™‚
            Some day I actually hope I could take you up on that Dab. I would need a ride. ๐Ÿ™‚

          30. dateam Avatar

            “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”

      2. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

        strange how many lebanese present a nouveau riche syndrome when they speak about democracy; these peasants, most of them depend on the compo of the west, probably also members of some maffia or drug smuggling gangs(geagea men are notorious for that) do not realise that their lebanese village has more democracy than the most advanced state of USA

        1. HalalSalafiScotch Avatar

          this also applies to canadian american and other ex labanese peasants; yay, fi 3anna shi ma fi minno bi labanon ismo damacracy, mnishtri min al supermarket; into bi lanabon ma 3andkon supermarket ya haram

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’m sure it applies, in your mind, to anyone who has been successful at living.
            What is ‘nouveau riche’ to you? People who have a job to go to every day? Or people who have evolved a rich line of humanistic thought over the last millennia?
            Or … it is both?

    2. I don’t think that any one thinks that we can achieve genuine democracy in the Arab world at this point in time. A first step towards it would be sufficient.

      1. Sebouh80 Avatar

        One thing we have to agree with is that religious extremism is the real threat facing the inhabitants of Syria, Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East.

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Great that way we bundle them in one area… Hopefully Syria then we wipe them out… Let it be.

          1. 5thAlcoholicAnonymous Avatar

            go wipe your arse ya mejweh m’al3at

  17. The final dictator will soon begin his reign of terror…….

    ………Revelation 17:12-14………. 12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast……….

  18. CrossWinds Avatar

    The final dictator will soon begin his reign of terror…….

    ………Revelation 17:12-14………. 12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast……….

  19. 5thDorker Avatar

    strange the political anal ysers in this blog they used expressions as they will it is going to he will it is….always sure of the past present and future; reminds me fortunetellers; no professional news media in the world hires such cheap elements; i think after confirming more than 2 years ago that assad WILL leave in 2 weeks, any respectable journalist would have resigned long time ago

  20. zabada Avatar

    I have read alhadis (What prophet pbuh said) – after dictator ship,democracy will widely practice in this world…the fall of dictatorship was predicted…

  21. Ustaz Bidin Avatar
    Ustaz Bidin

    I have read alhadis (What prophet pbuh said) – after dictator ship,democracy will widely practice in this world…the fall of dictatorship was predicted…

  22. zabada Avatar

    Democracy is the best way.Other wise a dictator is worse than ten kings put together.

  23. Ustaz Bidin Avatar
    Ustaz Bidin

    Democracy is the best way.Other wise a dictator is worse than ten kings.

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