Nasrallah vowed to help Syria liberate Golan


nasrallah 051013Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah  made a television appearance via video link on   Thursday  on the occasion of the 25th anniversary  of  Hezbollah’s Al Noor radio station  .

“The radio station is part of the resistance.” He said.

He threatened Israel over the recent airstrikes near Damascus, suggesting that the Syrian government would retaliate by providing Hezbollah  with more advanced weapons.

“The Syrian response to Israel was to insist that Syria will continue supplying the resistance with weapons. This is a critical strategic decision. Syria will give the resistance qualitative weapons, which the resistance has never received before.”

Nasrallah, did not specify the type of arms, Hezbollah will receive from Syria

He added :

“The second strategic response to Israeli airstrikes in Syria was to declare the beginning of a popular resistance campaign in the Golan Heights.

In response to Syria’s strategic decisions he said:

“We, the resistance in Lebanon, announce that we are ready to receive any sort of qualitative weapons even if it is going to disrupt the [regional] balance. We are ready to receive these weapons and we are competent enough to possess them. We will use these weapons to defend our people and our country.”

He added:

“We announce that we stand by the popular resistance in the Golan Heights and we offer both out military, financial and moral support in an effort to liberate the occupied territory.”

He praised the Syrian regime’s reaction to the Israeli airstrikes:

“All the recent events that have taken place illustrate that there is strong leadership guiding Syria in the battle against the enemy with nerves of steel and great wisdom, as well as calmness and courage. This will achieve victory, God willing.”

Israel has not publicly acknowledged responsibility for the recent strikes. But Israeli leaders vowed to take military action to prevent Hezbollah from obtaining “game changing” weapons like chemical arms, which Syria is believed to possess in large quantities, and sophisticated long-range missiles that could hit anywhere in Israel from Hezbollah-controlled areas of southern Lebanon.

President Bashar al-Assad of Syria told recent visitors to Damascus that his government had decided to give Hezbollah “everything,” according to an article in the pro-Hezbollah Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar. He also said that Syria planned to become “a resistance country” and take a more active role in opposing Israel. Syria has long positioned itself as the champion of the Palestinian cause and as Israel’s greatest Arab foe, but since 1973 it has rarely clashed militarily with Israel.

He attacked the Arabs for doing nothing to resolve the Syrian crisis.

“A compromise must be reached in order to resolve the crisis in Syria. It is shameful to see the US work in Syria’s best interest, while the Arabs sit by and permit the destruction of their country.”

The United States has recently been seeking to exert more diplomacy in conjunction with Russia, Syria’s most powerful foreign supporter, aimed at starting negotiations to settle the Syrian conflict.

Lebanon cabinet

Addressing the situation in Lebanon Nasrallah said he wants the cabinet formed as soon as possible and the elections held on time:

“As far as Lebanon is concerned, we [Hezbollah] want to see formation of the cabinet as soon as possible, and we want the elections to be held on time even if a technical delay takes place. ”

He said he can work with PM Designate on forming the cabinet but insisted that Hezbollah wants a national unity goverment

“The opposition party nominated [PM-designate] Tammam Salam, who belongs to their ranks, and we accepted the nomination because [Salam] is a balanced [political] personality with whom we can work. We said we wanted a national unity and partnership cabinet and not a cabinet of defiance.”

He added that ” the participation of the parties in the cabinet should be relative to the number of parliamentary seats they hold”.

He concluded his speech by saying that his party will support in the parliament the Orthodox Gathering electoral law if put to a vote.

Speaker Nabih Berri has decided to hold a parliament session on May 15 to decide on an electoral law that will replace the 1960 law



14 responses to “Nasrallah vowed to help Syria liberate Golan”

  1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Lol if Syria has good weapons then why haven’t they eliminated the FSA and AL much Bull Shit coming from you. And who the hell are you to make decision on behalf of the whole country. just because you’re the majority sect that doesn’t give you shit about fighting Israel. I am afraid the next time around Israel will not even be forgiven as much as last time. We’re talking about a very harsh Israeli defense minister who don’t give a rat about Lebanon. so don’t give him no execuse you little piece of shit..

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      As usual he is all talk no action, israel is saying’its ok to come in now’ into syria, the FSA havnt recieved arms yet because they object against anybody fightin JAN who helped support syria and bring down this dictator ASSad, they have proved the world wrong by proving that not every single one of JAN are not bad blokes that america makes out to be. As for israel its taken the oppertunity to cause a terrific show of fireworks on syrian ground. They know the sunnah will oppose nasrlshayton after all the atrocities and coruption they stand for, so if they did attempt an attack on israel in syria the majority wont be with the hezb hence causing conflict and slaughters of the like of the nasrlsshayton sect. At the same time causing slaughtering of the sunnah sect. This is indirectly a ‘its ok’ by israel to the hezb to start more massacres under the ‘resistance’ theory. While there are some nice guys in the hezb there theology and closed minds is what brings us to where we are today. So the short end of the stick is ofcourse with the unarmed and the one of modest social standing. Now after all the blood on the hezbs hands nastyrallah thinks he can unite the ummah by using the cause of the palestinians? He has something coming for him. He has proved how weak of a leader of a anything he is.


  2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Lol if Syria has good weapons then why haven’t they eliminated the FSA and AL much Bull Shit coming from you. And who the hell are you to make decision on behalf of the whole country. just because you’re the majority sect that doesn’t give you shit about fighting Israel. I am afraid the next time around Israel will not even be forgiven as much as last time. We’re talking about a very harsh Israeli defense minister who don’t give a rat about Lebanon. so don’t give him no execuse you little piece of shit..

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      As usual he is all talk no action, israel is luring them into syria, the FSA havnt recieved arms yet because they object against anybody fightin JAN who helped support syria and bring down this dictator ASSad, they have proved the world wrong by proving that not every single one of JAN are not bad blokes that america makes out to be. As for israel its taken the oppertunity to cause a terrific show of fireworks on syrian ground. They know the sunnah will oppose nasrlshayton after all the atrocities and coruption they stand for, so if they did attempt an attack on israel in syria the majority wont be with the hezb hence causing conflict and slaughters of the like of the nasrlsshayton sect. At the same time causing slaughtering of the sunnah sect. This is indirectly a ‘its ok’ by israel to the hezb to start more massacres . While there are some nice guys in the hezb there theology and closed minds is what brings us to where we are today. So the short end of the stick is ofcourse with the unarmed and the one of modest social standing. Now after all the blood on the hezbs hands nastyrallah thinks he can unite the ummah by using the cause of the palestinians? He has something coming for him. He has proved how weak of a leader of a anything he is.


  3. Constantin7 Avatar

    Exactly ya nasrallah, a good tactic: Tell the people that we are going to Syria to help liberate the Golan then you have the best excuse to be in syria and help the tyrant Assad. Who among the Arabs and the muslims does not want to liberate the Golan ?
    Keep on sending your ignorant followers to Syria so that they return in coffins….Good luck hassan !

  4. Constantin7 Avatar

    Exactly ya nasrallah, a good tactic: Tell the people that we are going to Syria to help liberate the Golan then you have the best excuse to be in syria and help the tyrant Assad. Who among the Arabs and the muslims does not want to liberate the Golan ?
    Keep on sending your ignorant followers to Syria so that they return in coffins….Good luck hassan !

  5. Mark H. Avatar
    Mark H.

    Big tough man that hides in his basement and barks! A man who thinks he REALLY won a war, shows his face and doesn’t hide like a DOG and bark from a distance. You, Mr. Hezballah, are a dog. A cancer that has spread though OUR COUNTRY like a bad virus.. but it seems as if that hole you live in, will soon become your grave.. we hope and pray to OUR ALLAH..

  6. Mark H. Avatar
    Mark H.

    Big tough man that hides in his basement and barks! A man who thinks he REALLY won a war, shows his face and doesn’t hide like a DOG and bark from a distance. You, Mr. Hezballah, are a dog. A cancer that has spread though OUR COUNTRY like a bad virus.. but it seems as if that hole you live in, will soon become your grave.. we hope and pray to OUR ALLAH..

  7. Mark H. Avatar
    Mark H.


  8. Mark H. Avatar
    Mark H.


  9. Fauzia45 Avatar

    People know the real reason!!!!

  10. Fauzia45 Avatar

    People know the real reason!!!!

  11. master09 Avatar

    This is the best thing this hairy face has ever said. I would like to give my time to drive who ever you want across that border for the next 4weeks non stop in a bus 24/7. Please allow me to help you send as many fighters as you want say about 800,000 of them from Lebanon. Hop on to the xpress one way bus please.

  12. master09 Avatar

    This is the best thing this hairy face has ever said. I would like to give my time to drive who ever you want across that border for the next 4weeks non stop in a bus 24/7. Please allow me to help you send as many fighters as you want say about 800,000 of them from Lebanon. Hop on to the xpress one way bus please.

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